Sermon Notes - Grace Lutheran Church...10:30 AM 6:30 PM Trustee Board Bible Study Sunday School 6:00...

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First Sunday after Christmas December 30, 2018

Sermon Notes:

1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606


Worship Service First Sunday after Christmas

December 30, 2018 Welcome and Announcements ………………......... Victor Kraakmo Call to Worship ……………………………………………. Psalm 111 Hymn: 8 ……............................. “Come, Thou Savior of Our Race” Invocation Old Testament Lesson ………….…………. Exodus 13:1-3a, 11-15 Hymn: 2 ……................................. “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” Gospel Lesson …………………………………………. Luke 2:22-40 Hymn: 31 ……............................... “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne” Offering Offertory Congregational Prayer Hymn: 14 .............................. “Now Jesus at the Door is Knocking” Sermon Text ……………….……........................... Colossians 3:16 “The Light is Back On! (Part 2)” Pastor Dennis Bay Hymn: 171 .................................. “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” Benediction Doxology Postlude

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Thank you for joining us at Grace Lutheran today, May the Lord bless you throughout this coming week.

Please join us for a time of refreshments and fellowship downstairs

following the service.

Announcements: Grace Week | A Ministry and Prayer Calendar

December 31st through January 6th Tuesday: 1st New Year’s Day Sunday: 6th 9:15 AM Sunday School – with Opening 10:30 AM Worship Service Next Sunday’s Scriptures: January 6th Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12; Psalm 72:1-11 (12-15)

Planning Ahead January 2019: 7th, 10:00 AM Women of Grace 8th, 4:00 PM Prayer Shawl Meeting 9th, 5:00 PM Bible Study 6:00 PM Planning Council Meeting 11th, 1:00 PM Church Cleaning 13th, 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service 14th, 6:00 PM Elder Board Meeting 6:30 PM Trustee Board Meeting 7:00 PM Combined Board Meeting 16th, 5:00 PM Bible Study 20th, 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service 22nd, 4:00 PM Prayer Shawl Meeting 23rd, 5:00 PM Bible Study 25th, 1:00 PM Church Cleaning 26th, 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 27th, 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship Service

For Prayer and Praise Concerns and Requests: Email to:

Call the church office: 425.640.3692

For Prayer and Praise Concerns and Requests: Email to:

Call the church office: 425.640.3692

Prayer Notes: Prayer Notes:

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

Thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for all that you've allowed into our lives this past year, the good along with the hard things, which have reminded us how much we need you and rely on your presence filling us every single day.

Thank you that Goldie Foss has transitioned well into her new home in Connecticut.

We ask for comfort and your presence to be with the family of Mardelle Lida. We pray that God would draw the Severson, Davey, and Myer families to a greater understanding of who You are.

We pray for Barney Nysater, for complete recovery from the surgery he had on Christmas Eve. We pray for quick healing.

Encourage Helga Boge who continues to recover from knee surgery and who is dealing with pain.

Be with Robyn King who experiences daily pain and fatigue. Give her peace and strength.

Show your grace and mercy to Chuck Adams who is struggling with his health.

Continue to give Asher complete strength and healing from his paralyzed right arm.

Touch Rider Hinkle and give him full recovery from his light headedness and nausea.

We continue to ask for prayer for the salvation of Bill.

Bring people into Vicki Drew’s son’s, Dana Drew, life who will help him to draw near to you.

We pray for those who are hurting for many reasons, and we ask You to help them through this season of sadness.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

Thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for all that you've allowed into our lives this past year, the good along with the hard things, which have reminded us how much we need you and rely on your presence filling us every single day.

Thank you that Goldie Foss has transitioned well into her new home in Connecticut.

We ask for comfort and your presence to be with the family of Mardelle Lida. We pray that God would draw the Severson, Davey, and Myer families to a greater understanding of who You are.

We pray for Barney Nysater, for complete recovery from the surgery he had on Christmas Eve. We pray for quick healing.

Encourage Helga Boge who continues to recover from knee surgery and who is dealing with pain.

Be with Robyn King who experiences daily pain and fatigue. Give her peace and strength.

Show your grace and mercy to Chuck Adams who is struggling with his health.

Continue to give Asher complete strength and healing from his paralyzed right arm.

Touch Rider Hinkle and give him full recovery from his light headedness and nausea.

We continue to ask for prayer for the salvation of Bill.

Bring people into Dana Drew, Vicki Drew's sons life, who will help him to draw near to you.

We pray for those who are hurting for many reasons, and we ask You to help them through this season of sadness.

1 2 3 4 5

6 9:15 AM 7 10:00 AM 8 9 10 11 12

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Worship Service

5:00 PMBible Study

Sunday School 5:00 PM10:30 AM Bible Study


Worship Service

7:00 AM10:30 AM Prayer Shawl Meeting Bible Study Church Cleaning Men's

Sunday School 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM

Worship Service 7:00 PM Combined Boards

10:30 AM 6:30 PM Trustee Board Bible StudySunday School 6:00 PM Elder Board 5:00 PM

Epiphany Sunday Worship Service Planning council

10:30 AM 6:00 PM Winter Rally Day Prayer Shawl Meeting Bible Study Church CleaningAll SS Opening Women of Grace 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 1:00 PM

New Year's Day

January 2019Grace Lutheran Church

1212 9th Ave N Edmonds WA 98020-2606Phone: 425.640.3692

Website: ~ Facebook:


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

5th Randi Hendrix, 23rd Vickie Drew, 31st Michelle Bishop

January Birthdays