Serverless Azure

Post on 22-Mar-2017

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Serverless Azure

Mark Allan (@MarkXA)

Server evolution VMs PaaS Containers Functions

“Serverless” computing Servers abstracted away Still your code and data Elastic scale Elastic price Minimal admin

Serverless on Azure Code: Azure Functions Data: Azure Storage, DocumentDB Workflow: Logic Apps APIs: Cognitive Services


Document databases NoSQL Keyed and partitioned documents Schema-free – JSON (or XML) Scalable No need for ORMs See also: AWS DynamoDB, Apache

CouchDB, MongoDB (PostgreSQL), etc

DocumentDB Developed cloud-first by SQL Server team Database As A Service Fully managed “Web scale” storage and throughput SSD storage SQL query syntax Emulator available for dev/test

DEMOCreating a database

Resource hierarchy


Partitioning Single partition collection• Keyed on ID• Max 10GB (hard)• 400 - 10,000 RU/s (hard)

Partitioned collection• Keyed on ID and partition key• Max 250GB (soft)• 2,500 - 250,000 RU/s (soft)

Querying SQL-based query syntax Extensions such as IS_DEFINED,


SPs, UDFs and triggers in JS Transactions LINQ-style filter(), map(), flatten(),


DEMOQuery Playground

Consistency levels Strong Bounded staleness Session (default) EventualSet at collection level, can be relaxed

Indexing Everything indexable by default Intelligent indexing based on usage Opt in/out for paths and documents Hash, range, spatial indexes (with precision) GeoJSON points, polygons etc Consistent and lazy policies (and none) Indexes do add to cost

Security Full access via master keys (or read-

only) Users restricted to specified

resources User-level access via 1-5hr resource


APIs RESTful HTTP .NET (traditional, Core, Xamarin) Java, Python, Node, C++ APIs wrap HTTP, add e.g. retry logic


Integration HDInsight Azure Search Azure Data Factory (backups) Data Migration Tool Power BI Change feed

Pricing Storage – by usage Throughput – reserved capacity 1 RU = GET by ID of 1KB doc Capacity planner + pricing calculator

Useful resources Homepage:

Query Playground:

Capacity Planner:

Pricing Calculator:

.NET API samples:

Azure Functions

Azure Functions “Functions as a Service” Async functions triggered by events Evolution of App Service webjobs New: Consumption plans See also: AWS Lambda, Google Cloud

Functions, Apache OpenWhisk

A function





More functions

Poll feed

Create thumbnails

API request

Triggers Schedule HTTP (API or webhooks) Storage Queue Storage Blob Service Bus Queue / Topic Event Hub

Inputs Storage Table Storage Blob Mobile Apps Table DocumentDB

Outputs HTTP response (for HTTP trigger) Storage Queue / Blob / Table Service Bus: Queue / Topic Mobile Apps Table DocumentDB Event Hub Notification Hub Twilio

Integrations Flow PowerApps

Languages First-class: NodeJS, C#, F# “Experimental”: Python, PHP, Bash,

Powershell, Batch (!) Future: Java

DEMOCreating functions

Tooling Azure Functions CLI Visual Studio .funproj Serverless Framework Soon: full VS - proper unit testing etc

Challenges Latency Stateless – caching etc Non-scalable components (e.g. SQL) Bugs can be expensive Vendor lock-in

Thank you!

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