Session 1 How does my child learn Japanese/Spanish/English in immersion classroom?

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presented during Immersion Parent Partnership meeting. The presentation explains how immersion students learn their L2 in foreign/dual language immersion classrooms.


Immersion Parent Partner Meeting Session 1

September 28, 2011

How does my child learn Japanese/Spanish/English

in the immersion classroom?

How does my child learn Japanese/Spanish/English

in the immersion classroom?


A little about myselfA little about myself


Mike YamakawaBorn in Tokyo, JapanCame to the U.S. in 11th

gradeMasters in Linguistics with

TESOLTaught in immersion

classroom for 15 years from 2nd to 6th grade

Started working at El Marino in 2000

FLAP curriculum development support since last year

Pair Share!

What motivated you to choose language immersion education for your child?


Bilingual Education“A gift to your child”Bilingual Education

“A gift to your child”


Today’s OverviewToday’s Overview


Language Immersion: What is it?Immersion Lesson DemonstrationHow immersion students develop

their second language Parent Partner Groups

Language Immersion: What is it?Language Immersion: What is it?Students receive academic instruction (e.g.,

math, science, social studies) in a second language.

English-speaking students develop a second language (Spanish/Japanese) over time. This does not delay future English development.

Native-speakers of the minority language (Spanish/Japanese) maintain their first language and also develop English proficiency.

90:10 model; 70:30 model; 50:50 model (target language instruction ratio)

One-way immersion vs. two-way immersion (30-50% native Japanese/Spanish speaker population in classroom)


How does my child learn a second language in the immersion classroom?

How does my child learn a second language in the immersion classroom?


How does my child learn a second language in the immersion classroom?

How does my child learn a second language in the immersion classroom?


1. By “figuring out” (comprehension)2. By “speaking out” (production)3. By using language “as a tool”4. By interacting with peers5. By transferring concepts across






Immersion Lesson Demonstration

Immersion Lesson Demonstration


1. By “figuring out” (comprehension) Students are being “immersed” in a

language-rich context

However, just being “in the water” does not make a good swimmer.

How immersion students develop

their second language

How immersion students develop

their second language


Students need a handle to “pick up” the language.

Handle = Comprehensibility

Immersion teachers make Spanish/ Japanese/English instruction comprehensible in many ways!

How immersion students develop

their second language…

How immersion students develop

their second language…

“How do immersion teachers make their Spanish/Japanese/English instruction comprehensible?”

Visually (pictures, posters, graphic organizers)

Audibly (choral responses, speech frames, teacher-talk)

Physically (gesture, body movement, facial expressions)

Through academic subjects (science, social studies, theme study)

Communicatively (teacher-guided activity, group/pair work)

Making Second Language ComprehensibleMaking Second Language Comprehensible



sanagi chou

Immersion Lesson Demonstration (TPR)

Immersion Lesson Demonstration (TPR)

What’s Missing?

How immersion students develop

their second language

How immersion students develop

their second language


2. By speaking out (production) Research shows that there is a gap

between “understanding” a language and “producing” it.

Immersion students process language mainly by meaning and not structure.

Non-punitive, facilitated interactions in Spanish, Japanese, and English are effective in developing accuracy.

Oral language is a base for writing. Students are encouraged to speak a lot

in the immersion classroom!

Immersion Lesson Demonstration

Immersion Lesson Demonstration

1(ichi), tamago

2(ni), imo-mushi

3(san), sanagi

4(yon), chou





How immersion students develop

their second language

How immersion students develop

their second language


3. By using language as “a tool” Spanish/Japanese/English is not the

immediate object of study (except for reading/writing skills)

A tool to access and meaningfully explore the academic content

A tool to communicate and collaborate with classmates

Similar process for acquiring the first language (How many of us needed grammar lessons when we learned to speak our first language?)

How immersion students develop

their second language

How immersion students develop

their second language


4. By interacting with peers “Peer language”: a true advantage in

Two-way or dual language immersion model

Facilitates “informal” language Prevents “grammatically awkward”

speech patterns from becoming a norm Develops a classroom environment in

which English-speaking students speak Japanese/Spanish to non-English speakers (and non-English speakers speak English)

How immersion students develop

their second language

How immersion students develop

their second language


5. By transferring concepts across languages

“Two-Balloon Theory”-Learning in child’s first

language limits his/her exposure to the second language and inhibits its acquisition.

-Argument against bilingual education

What I learned in first language

What I learned in second language

How immersion students develop

their second language

How immersion students develop

their second language


5. By transferring concepts across languages

“One-Balloon Theory”-The knowledge of

content and some language skills learned in one language can be transferred to a second language.

-Bilingual education benefits non-English speakers and enriches English speakers .

What I learned in first language

What I learned in second language

How immersion students develop

their second language

How immersion students develop

their second language


5. By transferring concepts across languages

Immersion teachers intertwine the target language (Spanish/Japanese) and English lessons to facilitate transfer of content and skills across languages.

Strong reason for English learners to extend their education in the minority language

Parents can support their children in the home language.

Parent Partner Group“Find Someone Who”Parent Partner Group“Find Someone Who”


We would like to provide the opportunity to get to know other immersion parents in the room!

As you participate in the activity, “Find Someone Who,” please

introduce yourself and the grade level of your child. THANK YOU!

04/12/23 2-Way CABE Summerl Conference 2009

Activity: “Find Someone Who”…

Find Someone Who…Name ______________


___ can share why he/she wants his/her child to become bilingual.

___ can share one thing he/she found interesting from today’s session.

___ discovered an effective way to encourage the child to do well in the immersion classroom.




Thank you for participating!Thank you for participating!


We will look forward to seeing you at the next Immersion Parent Partner session!Session 2: “Myth and Reality about Immersion Education”

Wednesday, October 19Realistic picture of bilingual education

What immersion parents should/should not expect from immersion education