Session 2

Post on 13-Dec-2014

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SESSION 2 : Introduction to Source control/Git hub and


By : Gayathiry

1. A very brief introduction to source control    ◦ What is source control◦ Why we need it◦ How to manage (commands can be used/ things

needs to be considered before commit)

2.◦ “Hello Jaffna” Compile it and run using command line◦ Development tools and build tools◦ Create project structure with specified archtype◦ Simple maven targets◦ Build and run using maven

Road map

3.◦ create account and repository on github◦ Install and setup github◦ fork and clone project◦ pull/push request

4.◦ Fork and clone yshool◦ Pull yschool to local repo◦ Clean and deploy using maven◦ Make some change push it back

Road map ctd…

tracks and provides control over changes to source code

Examples :• Github• SVN(Subversion)• CVS• etc

What is source/revision/version control ?

Why we need it ? track files Periodically commit history will help to collaborate with other

developers merge between other developers compare and revert with previous version of

project/individual files

Getting and Creating Projects Basic Snapshotting Branching and Merging Sharing and Updating Projects Inspection and Comparison


Make sure that you are working on the latest version of a file.

Check out only what you need. Check in promptly. Write good check-in comments.

Best Practices

public class AppTest{

public static void main(String [] args){System.out.println("Hello Jaffna!");


Compile using command line• Javac• Java AppTest


Build process is repetitive process where programmer builds the project again and again to test the changes in the project code

Build tools automate the repetitive process and allows the programmer to concentrate on the project development

Building in a single click

What is build process & Why we need build tools ?

Dependency management Versioning Compile Java code, build jars Execute tests and report results, fail build

on failed tests Run quality-check tools (PMD, Findbugs,

Checkstyles) File generation (XmlBeans, Xsl, Velocity,

AspectJ) Property expansion / token substitution

Desired features

software project management and comprehension tool

Based on the concept of a project object model (POM),

Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.

What is maven ?

In Maven, an archetype is a template of a project which is combined with some user input to produce a working Maven project

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DgroupId=package-name -DartifactId=project-name

Create your first project in maven

Project – Top level modelVersion  - what version of the object

model this POM groupId  -  unique identifier of the organization artifactId  - unique base name of the primary

artifact/context packaging - package type version  name  -  display name url  - where the project's site can be found description  - basic description of your project

POM ctd…

Sample POM

mvn compile mvn test mvn install mvn package mvn clean

MVN targets

git is a distributed version control system Is a place where we store our publicly

available source code for client libraries. 

Github source control

Getting and Creating Projects• Init• clone

Basic Snapshotting• add• status• diff• commit• reset• rm, mv

Git reference

Branching and Merging• branch• checkout• merge• log• tag

Sharing and Updating Projects• fetch, pull• push• remote

Inspection and Comparison• log• diff

Git reference ctd

Created a maven project Setup git Push that to your account Fork and clone and existing project Send fetch & pull requests
