Session 5.1 Coffee and climate change: The importance of systems thinking

Post on 10-May-2015

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A systems approach for adapting to climate change in the East African highlands

Coffee and climate change: the importance of systems thinking


www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Why systems research?

Goal: translate innovations into improved livelihoods

1. Systems framework as analysis – nested scales

2. Biophysical, socio-economic and institutional constraints

3. Agro-ecosystem or region as unit of analysis

4. Engaging with partners from the beginning

Develop a theory of change

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium


21 IPCC models

19 bioclimatic variables

Rains become more intense

More erratic dry spells


Outlook if coffee systems stay the way the are

Arabica moves up the slope

Robusta moves towards the equator

Suitability changes for Arabica and Robusta with climate change


www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Constraints for coffee production

Low soil fertility

Pests and diseases

Poor management practices

Poor market information

Gender imbalances

Poor access to markets

Poor extension services

Institutional challenges

Post-harvest handling

Climate change

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Shade as an adaptation strategy


Uganda Tanzania

Temperature under shade can be up to 5°C less than in full sun

Shade protects flowers and berries during heavy storms

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Impact of adaptation strategy on constraints

In East Uganda, there is 50% less incidence of coffee leaf rust in coffee x banana systems

In Central Uganda, there is more incidence of twig borer under shade

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Perception of farmers about the adaptation strategy

Benefits Constraints

Shade is good for coffee Competition

Fruits for eating Falling branches damaging coffee

Nutrient cycling Hosting pests

Fruits for selling Compacts soils

Trees for fire wood


Wind breakers

Wood for timber

Better quality


Short-term benefits are important

Need to manage competition between shade crop/tree and coffee

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Managing competition in shaded coffee systems

Soil critical values

Foliar critical values

Compositional nutrient diagnosis

Micronutrient analysis is lacking

Fertilizer recommendations based on most limiting nutrients

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

From crop to system: vulnerability of farmers to climate change in Rakai

Results from 20 gender disagreggated focus group discussions

Past- Access to communal grazing land- Access to wetlands

Present- Communal grazing + wetlands are fenced off- Land-use changes: Eucalyptus trees are planted

Vulnerability of smallholder farmer increases- When hit by a crises (ex. drought), farmer has no access to ‘buffer’ strategies- Farmer has to walk 4 km to access water because of wetland drainage

With climate change incidence of crises will increase if no adaptation

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Need to develop more resilient agricultural practices

- Shaded coffee systems- Integrated soil fertility management- Water harvesting technologies- Crop diversification / shifts

Climate change adaptation at policy level

Need to study gaps and conflicts at policy level

- climate change plan vs land policy vs wetland policy- National level vs. Local level- Inform and train implementors at local level

Adaptation from plant to plot to household to policy to landscape

www.iita.orgA member of the CGIAR consortium

Thank you!

Team: Edidah Ampaire, Herbert Ainembabazi, Ibrahim Wanyama, David Mukasa, Ghislaine Bongers, Piet van Asten, Laurence Jassogne, Perez Muchunguzi, Anna Sole Amatsupported by COREC-NACCRI, Kyagalanyi, NUCAFE, NKG Alliance, the local MAAIF extension, aBi-Trust, ACA, UCDA, CIAT, CCAFS, WITS, Goettingen uni, USAID and others