Session 9 - Integrated Marketing Communication to Build Brand Equity

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8/13/2019 Session 9 - Integrated Marketing Communication to Build Brand Equity 1/32

Prof. Anup Raj


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Current BrandKnowledge




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Exposure◦  Right consumer, right message, right place & right time

Attention◦ The creative strategy

Comprehension◦ The ad reflects the understanding

Positive Attitude◦ Point of difference, point of parity

Intention◦ The ad motivates the consumer

Behaviour◦ purchase

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Event Marketing & sponsorship

Public Relation and Publicity

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Advertising is any paid form of non-personalpresentation and promotion of ideas, goodsor services by an identified sponsor

Power of advertising

◦ Increased sales◦ Advertising vs Money off

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Communicate with Consumer Persuasion

Contribution to Economic Growth◦ Expand market

◦ Develop new market segment

Non- profit objective◦ Preventive aspect of public health

Dissuade drunken driving Catalyst for Change

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Information Brand Image Building


New Product Launch Growth of media

Long term and Indirect benefit

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Advertising increases the cost of goods  

Small section of the audience covered by

media used may relate with the product

May encourage unsound or false values

Big advertiser can monopolize the market

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Medium◦ TV

◦ Radio

◦ Magazines

◦ Newspaper◦ Direct Response

◦ Interactive

◦ Outdoor

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Corporate Business Goal

Marketing Objective

Advertising Objective

Advertising Strategy

Advertising Planning

Formulation of Advertising Programs

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Defining the proper positioning to maximizebrand equity

Identifying the best creative strategy tocommunicate or convey the desiredpositioning◦ Break clutter to attract attention

Still deliver the intended message

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Define Positioning to establish brand equity◦ Competitive frame of reference

Nature of competition

Target Market

◦ Point of Parity attributes Necessary


◦ Point of difference attributes

Desirable Deliverable

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Identify Creative Strategy to communicate Positioningconcept◦ Informational(benefit elaboration)

Problem-solution Demonstration Product comparison Testimonial(celebrity)

◦ Transformational (imagery portrayal) Aspirational usage situation Brand personality and value

◦ Motivational Humor Warmth Music Special effects

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Six broad information processing factors

Consumer targeting

The ad creative

Consumer understanding

Brand positioning

Consumer motivation

And ad memorability

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Low cost per exposure

Demonstrating product attributes

Portrays usage imagery, brand personalityand other brand intangibles

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Advantage Disadvantage

Mass Coverage & High

Reach Low cost per exposure

Attention getting

Low selectivity High cost of

production andplacement


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 The aggregate total (the sum) of the ratings is called Gross Rating Pointsor GRPs. The sum of the ratings of a specific demographic segment maybe called Target Audience GRPs or more simply TRPs. The term GRPs isgeneric and may refer to household GRPs or to specific target segmentGRPs.

 each is the number or percent of different homes or persons exposed

at least once to an advertising schedule over a specific period of time.Reach, then, excludes duplication.

 requency is the number of timesthat the average household or person

is exposed to the schedule among those persons reached in the specificperiod of time.


GRPs, reach, and frequency are mathematically related in the followingways:

GRPs = Reach X Frequency Reach = GRPs / Frequency Frequency = GRPs / Reach

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Advantage Disadvantage

Local coverage

Low Cost

Low Production Cost

Reinforcing medium

High Frequency


Audio Only

Low attention gettingcapabilities


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Advantage Disadvantage

High Informationcontent


Segmentation potential

Long Lead time for adplacement

Visual only Lack of flexibility

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Advantage Disadvantage

High coverage

Low cost Short lead time


Short Life

Clutter Low attention-gettingcapabilities

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Magazines can be highly engaging

Passive Medium

Detailed Product Information

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Sales Promotions – for trial◦ For Trade

◦ For Consumer

Consumer Promotion – To change choice,quantity or timing or purchase ( sampling)-samples, demonstrations, price offs

Trade Promotion- financial incentive to retailer,

distributor, display, PoP display, contests, dealerincentives, training programs, trade shows,cooperative advertising,

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Advantage Disadvantage

Product secure

distribution Price discrimination

Actual productexperience

Trade maintain fullstock

Decreased brand

loyalty Decreased quality

perception Increased price

sensitivity Forward buying and


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Event Marketing –events related to sports, art,entertainment, social cause etc

Why to sponsor ?◦ To identify with a particular target market/lifestyle◦ To increase awareness/reinforce/enhance image


Sponsorship◦ Selection- event must meet the marketing objective◦

Designing – marketing program with sponsorship◦ Measuring- supply side-media coverage, time,

space/demand side- tracking, customer survey

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PR and Publicity are designed to promote orprotect a company’s image or its individualproduct.

Publicity is non personal communicationssuch as press release, media interview, pressconference, newsletters etc

Public relation may also include annual

reports, fund raising and membership drive,lobbying etc

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Public relations includes ongoing activities toensure the overall company has a strongpublic image. Public relations activitiesinclude helping the public to understand the

company and its products. Often, publicrelations are conducted through the media,that is, newspapers, television, magazines,etc. As noted above, public relations is often

considered as one of the primary activitiesincluded in promotions.

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Public relations is the opposite of advertising.In advertising, you pay to have your messageplaced in a newspaper, TV or radio spot. Inpublic relations, the article that features your

company is not paid for. The reporter,whether broadcast or print, writes about orfilms your company as a result of informationhe or she received and researched.

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Publicity is more effective than advertising,for several reasons. First, publicity is far morecost-effective than advertising. Even if it isnot free, your only expenses are generally

phone calls and mailings to the media.Second, publicity has greater longevity thanadvertising. An article about your businesswill be remembered far longer than an ad.

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Coverage Contribution


Complementary◦ Promotion and advertising

Versatility◦ For different group of consumer

Multiple information provision◦ Broad information provision


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IM riteria TV Print SalesPromotion









Contribution +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

Commonality +++ ++ ++ + +++


+++ +++ +++ +++ +++

Versatility + ++ + + +++

Cost +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

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