Session : Evolution in Renewable Energy

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© 2011 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Session : Evolution in

Renewable Energy


Sriparn Saurabh

Operation Manager, Energy.

UL India Pvt Ltd

1894 UL founded by William Henry Merrill

following 1893 Chicago World’s Fair

Funded and sponsored by the National

Board of Fire Underwriters

1897 Published list of approved electrical devices

1901 Name of Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.

1903 First UL standard published

1916 First international office opened in London

1958 Fire protection lab built

1980 UL/CCIC agreement for inspections

1988 Korea, Hong Kong & Taiwan offices open,

followed by many international offices



SINCE 1894


Some keyfacts about UL







World’s leading electrical safety testing and

certification company

• 9,000 employees Leading safety brand

• 22 billion UL Marks on products

• 100,000 products tested annually Worldwide presence

• 67,750 customers in 104 countries • 97 labs and certification facilities across the





Advancing Safety Science

• 100 Primary Designated Engineers

• 26 Fundamental Safety Researchers

Developing Safety Expertise

• 250k hours/yearly in Technical Training • Engineers & Inspectors Requalification

Sharing Safety Knowledge

• 1464 Published Standards

• Free* Access to Standards

Public Safety Services

• ‘Safety Smart®’ Youth Safety Education

• Anti-Counterfeiting Program

© 2011 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

Reliability of PV modules

Three prong Path : Reliability on PV modules

To ensure appropriate design, installation, commissioning, and operation of PV systems:

1) qualifying the design for the intended application (climate zone and mounting configuration),

2) quality management systems for PV module manufacturing, and

3) system-level inspections


Applicable Standards

6 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

Standard Scope Description IEC 60904 series 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 ( measurement, ref devices, spectrum)

IEC 61730 Parts 1+2 / UL1703 ( safety)

IEC/UL 61215/ 61646 ci-S/TF IEC 62108 / UL 8703 CPV (performance)

EN 50380 / UL 4730 - Name plate rating and data-sheet

PV Module IEC 61853 Parts 1+2 - Module performance testing and energy rating

IEC 62716 - Ammonia corrosion, IEC 61701 - Salt mist test, IEC-draft 62804 - PID

IEC-draft 62788 - Encapsulants / Back&Frontsheets

EN 50521 / UL 6703 / IEC-draft 62852 - Connectors for photovoltaic systems

EN 50548 / UL 3730 / IEC-draft 62790 - Junction boxes

UL 4703 - Outline for PV wires

Inverter IEC 62109 Parts 1+2 /UL 1741 - Inverter

IEC 61727, 2004 Ed 2, Photovoltaic (PV) systems – Charact. of the utility interface

Local grid code requirements

IEC 60364-7-712, grid connection: Requirements installations or locations

IEEE 1547 Distributed Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems

EN 62305 Part 3 System grounding and lightning protection

PV Installation UL 2703 outline for mounting structures

EN 61439-1 requirements for combiner boxes

UL 4703 outline for PV wires

EN 50521 / UL 6703 / IEC-draft 62852 Connectors for photovoltaic systems

IEC 62124: PV stand alone systems

EN-61724 system surveillance during operation

System Survaillance IEC 62446 Grid connected photovoltaic systems – Minimum requirements for system commissioning tests and


IEC 61829 Onsite measurements of IV characteristics

IEC 62446 Grid connected photovoltaic systems – Minimum requirements for system documentation

PV Modules - Current State

7 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012




(Válquez & Rey-Stolle, 2008)

IEC 61730/





Test Protocols

(PV QA Task Force)

Bankability – build confidence in the

module and its components to satisfy

the lifetime production goals of a


What is Bankability?

8 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

UL formula for creating confidence and trust in PV modules, the

manufacturer and supply chain:

+ Safety testing - IEC 61730/ UL1703

+ Performance testing - IEC/UL 61215/61646

+ Statistical Sampling – representative cross section of


+ Extended Stress testing – configurations based on IEC/UL

61215/61646 (durability)

+ Conditional testing – specialization for operating

environment (durability)

+ Factory Inspection – assess product consistency within a

facility and across production sites (quality/reliability)

+ Company and Product Profile – assess sustainability of

the company, product and module warranty


= Bankable PV Modules

UL Bankability

9 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

1. Independent Performance Testing (extended)

2. Factory Inspection and QA

3. Company/Product Profile

Performance Testing

10 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

Test # Service Description

1 PID Sequence (ULdefinition) Evaluate module for stability under high potential.


Extended Temperature Cycle(TC) Evaluate modules for temperature changes and resistance to thermal

mechanical stressors beyond typical.


Extended Damp Heat(DH) Evaluate PV modules to moisture ingress under high temperature beyond

typical. (i.e high humidity applications).


Dry-Heat Testing Evaluate PV modules ability to withstand high temperature exposures ( i.e.

dessert applications).


Sequential Testing Evaluate PV modules ability to withstand multiple stressors beyond standard


6 Salt Mist Test Evaluate PV modules for marine applications and corrosive environments.

7 Ammonia Test ( or other noxious gases) Evaluate PV modules for use in agriculture applications.

8 Mechanical Load (heavy load testing) Evaluate PV modules for use in heavy snow load applications.


Mechanical Fatigue Testing (wind) Evaluate PV module for use high-wind regions and serves as accelerated test for

mechanical fatigue ( 10,000 cycles).

10 Severe Hail Impact Testing Evaluate PV modules for use in severe hail environment.

11 Sand Impact Test Evaluate PV module for dirt and sand abrasion (ie. dessert applications)

12 Fire Test Evaluate PV module for resistance to spread of flame and burn through

13 Gel Content ( via Soxleth) Evaluation of PV module lamination stack to verify production process

14 Electro-luminescence Verification of cell integrity ( generally applied after stress tests and transport)


Infra-Red Imaging Verification of cell integrity. Typically applied after stress tests or shipping to

installation site.


Flash Test Sequence These services are aimed to check performance (power Pmpp) of the PV



Lot-by-Lot Comparison Aid in identify ng drifts and trends in manufacturing processes between shipped


Potential Induced Degradation

(PID) Description: Evaluate module for stability under high potential. Also able to provide assessment of recovery periods.

Test Features:

•UL Specific Test methodology

•25°C, Aluminum foil on front plate,

Usyst = 1000V

•EL Imaging after each stage

•Stage 1: 168hrs: 1000W/m² +

200W/m²: Pass/Fail: 5% power loss;

40MOhm*m² min. insulation


•Stage 2: 336hrs: 1000W/m² +

200W/m²: Pass/Fail: 10% power

loss, 40MOhm*m² min. insulation


•Samples: 2 for each polarity + 1

spare for each BOM

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2

<< Electroluminescent Imaging

Extended Temperature

Cycle(TC) Description: Evaluate modules for temperature changes and resistance to thermal mechanical stressors beyond typical.

Test Features:

•Per IEC/ UL 61215/61646 (heating

cooling ramp has to be 100°C/h)

•400 cycles (or Test-to-Fail) between

(-40°C) to + 85°C

•c-Si: Impp current

•thin-film: continuity check or Impp

•Samples: 2 + 1 spare for each BOM


•TC-200: 5% power loss,

40MOhm*m² min. insulation


•TC-400 (or beyond): customer

specific power loss, 40MOhm*m² min.

insulation resistance

Extended Damp Heat (DH) Description: Evaluate PV

modules to moisture ingress

under high temperature.

Test Features:

•Per IEC/UL 61215/61646

•2000 hours (or test-to-Fail), +85°C,

85% RH

•Optional: applying a current

•Samples: 2 + 1 spare for each BOM


•DH-1000: 5% power loss,

40MOhm*m² min. insulation


•DH-1500/2000 (or beyond):

customer specific power loss (default:

5% for 1500h, 8% for 2000h),

40MOhm*m² min. insulation


Dry-Heat Testing Description: Evaluate PV modules ability to withstand high temperature exposures ( i.e. desert applications)

Test Features:

•Configured as in IEC/UL


•2000 hours (or test-to-Fail), +100°C,

<15% relative humidity

•Optional: applying a current


•Dry-Heat-1000: 5% power loss,

40MOhm*m² min. insulation

resistance, no discolorations

Sequential Testing Description: Evaluate PV modules ability to withstand multiple stressors for general application use.

Test Features:

•Per IEC/UL 61215/61646 (heating

cooling ramp has to be 100°C/h)

•Sequential test with damp-heat,

thermal cycling and humidity freeze

(cycle: DH:1000h +TC:200 + HF:10)

•Samples: 2 + 1 spare for each BOM


•DH-1000h: 5% power loss,

40MOhm*m² min. insulation


•DH-1000+TC-200+x: power loss

defined by customer (default: DH-

1000+TC-200 5%, DH-1000+TC-

200+HF-10 8%), 40MOhm*m² min.

insulation resistance

•Repeat until target power loss

achieved or until major failure

Salt Mist Test Description: Evaluate PV modules for marine applications and corrosive environments.

Test Features:

•Per IEC 61701 ed 2, Severity 5, 28


•Optional: applying a voltage/current

•Samples: 2 + 1 spare for each BOM


•5% power loss, 40MOhm*m² min.

insulation resistance

Ammonia Test Description: Evaluate PV

modules for use in agriculture


Test Features:

•IEC 62716 ed 1

•Samples: 2 + 1 spare for each BOM


•5% power loss, 40MOhm*m² min.

insulation resistance

Mechanical Load (heavy snow) Description: Evaluate PV

modules for use in heavy

snow load applications.

Test Features:

•Mechanical load test per UL 61215

with applied loads of 5400, 7000 and

8000 Pa

•Per IEC/UL 61215/61646

•Test-definition: Front side loading:

5400+7000+8000Pa for 1hour each

with intermediate measurements after

each loading


•5400Pa load: 5% power loss,

40MOhm*m² min. insulation

resistance, no cracking or bending

marks of/on frame or other parts

Mechanical Fatigue Testing Description: Evaluate PV module for use in high-wind regions and serves as accelerated test for mechanical fatigue ( 10,000 cycles)

Test Features:

•Dynamical load test with 10,000 cyc

and parameters per IEEE/ASTM 1262

•UL method: positive load 1440Pa (30

lb/ft2), negative load 0 Pa for

simulation of wind gusts

•Samples 2 Modules per mounting

situation + 1 reference/spare


•5% power loss, 40MOhm*m² min.

insulation resistance, no breakage, no

constant deformation/cracking of

frame or other parts

Severe Hail Impact Testing Description: Evaluate PV modules for use in severe hail environment. (25mm are already performed by IEC certified modules).

Test Features:

•IEC/UL 61215 10.17, with ice balls of

35, 45, 55, 65 or 75 mm diameter

•Samples: 1 for each glass/Frame

type and each major design change

(e.g. glass/foil to glass/glass

construction) + 1 spare for each BOM


•5% power loss, 40MOhm*m² min.

insulation resistance, no breakages

Sand Impact Test Description: Evaluate PV module for dirt and sand abrasion (ie. dessert applications) which can affect irradiation absorption ability resulting in loss of power output.

Test Features:

•Procedure is based on the following


• NATO-AECTP 300, Methode 313

• IEC 60068-2-68

• IEC/UL 61215/61646/ 61730

•Samples: 2 + 1 spare for each BOM


•5% power loss, 40MOhm*m² min.

insulation resistance

Fire Test Description: Evaluate PV module for resistance to spread of flame and burn through.

Test Features:

•Per UL 1703 31.1,31.2 (UL 790

spread-of-flame, burning brand)

•Samples: up to 6 modules.


• At no time shall the brand burn a

hole through the roof covering or

through any part of the module or


•At no time shall the flame spread

beyond 6 ft for Class A, 8 ft for Class

B, or 13 ft for Class C rating.

Note: the UL1703 fire test

requirements are also proposed to

use in IEC61730-2.

Gel Content Description: Evaluation of PV module lamination stack integrity, a verification of the production process.

Test Features:

•Soxlieth Method ( 24 hrs)

•Differential Scanning Calorimetry

(DSC) mehtod ( ~1hr) - not available

•Extract EVA sample (coupon) out of

the laminate (1 - 5 grams) and

deposit in solvent and measure

weight percentage of non-soluables

•Samples: 2 + 1 spare for each BOM


•For encapsulation of PV the gel

content should be ≥ 80% and below


Electro-luminescence (EL)

Snapshot Description: Verification of cell integrity ( generally applied after stress tests and module transportation)

Test Features:

•EL camera snapshot of charged

module ( DC power applied)

•Service delivered from all UL

laboratories ( not field capable)

•Image characterization reference to

UL catalog of failure attributes.

•Typically for customer information

only unless they ask for analysis and



•Criteria have to be agreed between

all involved parties in a project.

Infra-Red Imaging (IR) Description: Often used to verify module cell integrity, to verify proper field installation and discover damage that may have occurred during transit and construction.

Test Features:

•Performed in the field the PV

installation should be fully operational

and run at Pmpp


•Observational for customer


Flash Test Sequence Description: These services are aimed to check performance (power Pmpp) of the PV modules and verify the name plate rating.

Test Features:

•Modules stabilized. Per MQT 19 of

IEC 61215-series.


•Averaged measured output power,

Isc and Uoc of all samples after MQT

19 must be within uncertainty

statement of Name plate of


•Typical values are 0.6-1.0% for multi

c-Si modules and between 1-3% for

p-type Mono c-Si modules.

Lot-by-Lot Comparison Description: Aid in identifying

drifts and trends in

manufacturing processes by

examination of sampling of

modules ( staged at factory or

after shipment)

Test Features:

•UL determines sample size with

customer, based on ISO Acceptable

Quality Level (AQL)

•Determine with customer the

evaluation service suite (flash-test,

EL, PID, Gel content).

•Samples pulled and sent to UL lab


•Report defect rate per sample size

and lot size.

Overlay of cell defect per EL imaging.

OK 15 cell


Not OK 79 cell


Ongoing quality control: ISO 2859-1

ISO 2859-1 nicely defines:

• Sampling rates as a function of number of products

• Inspection levels (e.g. non-destructive / destructive)

• Acceptance limits for mass production

• Procedures to adjust sampling “Switching rules”

Switching rules

This scheme can be applied

to test from standards or to

customer specific tests

Inspection levels AQL

Example for sampling rates and tests



Number of

modules for


AQL (% non conforming items)

Test 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.40 0.65 1.0

10.1. Visual inspection G-1

a) 80

b) 200

c) 315


a) 0

b) 0

c) 1

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

a) 0

b) 2

c) 3

a) 1

b) 3

c) 5

a) 2

b) 5

c) 7

10.2. Flash-Test (STC)

Flasher-List verification G-1

a) 80

b) 200

c) 315


a) 0

b) 0

c) 1

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

a) 0

b) 2

c) 3

a) 1

b) 3

c) 5

a) 2

b) 5

c) 7

10.7. Low-light (200W/m²) S-4

a) 32

b) 80

c) 80

0 0 0 0

a) 0

b) 1

c) 1

a) 0

b) 2

c) 2

Power at different irradiance

and temperatures following

IEC 61853


a) 8

b) 13

c) 13

0 0 0 0 0 0

10.3. Insulation + 10.15. wet-L-

Test S-4

a) 32

b) 80

c) 80

0 0 0 0

a) 0

b) 1

c) 1

a) 0

b) 2

c) 2

EVA cross linkage Test

Lamination process/materials S-3

a) 20

b) 32

c) 32

0 0 0 0 0 0


(Destructive test) S-3

a) 20

b) 32

c) 32

0 0 0 0 0 0


Cell breakage/Defects G-1

a) 80

b) 200

c) 315


a) 0

b) 0

c) 1

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

a) 0

b) 2

c) 3

a) 1

b) 3

c) 5

a) 2

b) 5

c) 7 29

Plant build with 240W modules: a) 1MW, b) 10MW and c) 50MW

What can you learn

from that data?

Customer Test Plan

30 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

Climate/Environment Specialized


# Description




( M












( P











1 PID Sequence(ULdefinition) X X X

2 Extended Temperature Cycle(TC) R X

3 Extended Damp Heat(DH) R X

4 Dry-Heat Testing X

5 Sequential Testing R R R

6 Salt Mist Test X

7 Ammonia Test ( or other noxious gases) X

8 Mechanical Load (heavy snow load testing) X

9 Mechanical Fatigue Testing (wind) X X X

10 Severe Hail Impact Testing X

11 Sand Impact Test X

12 Fire Test

13 Gel Content R R R

14 Electro-luminescence X X X

15 Infra-Red Imaging

16 Flash Test Sequence X X X

17 Lot-by-lot comparison R R R

X = UL Required R = Recommended

Test Plan ( climate

specific) • UL1703/IEC61730

• UL/IEC 61215/62446

• Add Climate testing

• Add Specialized testing

• Add Recommended Test Plan ( general

need) • UL1703/IEC61730

• UL/IEC 61215/62446

• PID Sequence

• Extended TC

• Extended DH

• Dry-Heat

• Mechanical Load (heavy)

• Mechanical Fatigue


• Severe Hail

• Add Specialized testing

• Add Recommended

Factory Inspection and QA

31 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

Realities of a production environment ...

• 24/7 production runs impact machine tolerances

• Variations in the supply chain ( purchasing decisions)

• Human error… from shift to shift, from night to day.

… drive need for Quality

Systems (QS) …

• Incoming goods inspection

• Process control and


• Outgoing product


• Training of personnel

… and periodic audits.

Factory Inspection and QA

32 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

UL has expertise in c-Si production processes …

Factory Inspection and QA

33 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

… and thin-film module fabrication.

Factory Inspection and QA

34 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

Item #

Name Description

1 General Information manufacturer registration, factory location, inspectors credentials, inspection type 2 Verification of

Components/Materials incoming inspection, certifications, non-conforming procedures/handling, records of goods.

3 Production Control, Inspection and Routine Tests

personnel qualifications, document control, process control, data recording maintenance and storage.

4 Functional Check of Test/Measurement Equipment

verification of equipment operation, assurance procedures, corrective action procedures, records maintenance.

5 Products Seen in Production tests include bonding, insulation resistance, dielectric strength, leakage current, wet leakage, power control, lamination cross link, pull test.

6 Calibration of Test/Measurement Equipment

verification of equipment and reference sources, traceability, records maintenance.

7 Handling and Storage components and materials storage and finished product storage compliance to standards.

8 Product Verification Tests/ Periodic Tests

in accordance to procedures, complaint to requirements, recorded and maintained.

9 Inspectors Findings summary of findings 10 Quality Management System certifications 11 Manufacturers Self

Assessment review and assessment

12 Customer Complaints review and assessment 13 Changes to Certified Products records review 14 Selection and Shipping of

Samples for Re-examination Identify sample for

15 Inspectors Evaluation findings and summary report

Company/Product Profile

35 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

The size, reputation, financial foundation, history

and product portfolio are key features that influence

the credibility of PV module manufacturers.

Product Portfolio

Company/Product Profile

36 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012

Item #

Name Description

1 Company Profile - Overview of company structure, market and product offerings.

1.1 Company Structure The structure of the company including inter and intra company relationships.

1.2 Management Structure Included here is the management structure from C suite to vice president level.

1.3 Employees This section is a summary of the historic number of employees for the company or business unit under question.

1.4 Company Timeline This section is a summary of the company timeline and major events

1.5 Project portfolio This section is an aggregation of key projects the company under investigation has been a supplier for over the company history.

1.6 Research and Development Roadmap for efficiency improvements, Previous success in R&D, Trend of R&D expenditures over the years

1.7 Company Sustainability Company future plans

2 Product Portfolio - Included in this section is the list of products the client currently manufacturers.

2.1 Module Production Capacity (kW), Volume (# of modules) , Production sites, Number of employees, …

2.2 Product Specifics Product manual, Product photos, Product drawings, Certifications, BOMS,

2.3 Distribution This is an overview of the distribution network for the product under investigation. We are interested only in outgoing goods.

2.4 Warranty, Claims and Insurance As part of this section we will summarize the warranty for the specific product under investigation. Along with this we will also indicate the claim rates for the particular module and the current liabilities.

2.5 Module Performance This section is a summary of the module performance at from operating projects. The source of the data, environmental and commissioning dates will also be noted in this section.

2.6 Module Power Degradation This section will summarize the module degradation of the specific module under investigation. The sources of the data may vary and this will be noted in the report.

2.7 Module Efficiency This section includes a summary of the module efficiency over time. This is to be represented by a simple graph.

2.8 Module Cost per Watt This is a summary of the module cost per watt, which is too represented by a simple graph


Power Plant Services as Technical Partner

Thank you!!


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