SETH ANANDRAM JAIPURIA SCHOOL VASUNDHARA , … · Schedule your time for activities so that there...

Post on 23-Jul-2020

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    SESSION 2019-20


    CLASS – VI

    The advent of summers is the beginning of New session! New hopes! New aspirations! The scintillating

    performance of our students at the national levels reconfirms our vision to empower, enthuse and excel.

    Excellence can only be achieved if the time is utilized wisely. A blissful summer break is here. It is the

    right time for honing skills and talents. We want all Jaipurians to be global citizens, groomed up to be

    effective change agents of the society . With this sight the theme of this years holiday activities is

    Sustainable Development Goals 2030 , proposed by UN. The holiday activities have been designed to

    ignite your thought process and make you aware of the global concerns.

  • Some pointers to remember

    Holiday Homework is a part of subject enrichment and will be assessed on the basis of creativity

    and efforts of the students

    Enhance your speaking skills and vocabulary by conversing in English with your family and


    Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary. Spend your quality time

    reading purposeful books.

    A beautiful handwriting makes a good impression. Practice one page of English and Hindi

    handwriting daily.

    Schedule your time for activities so that there is no piling up for the last moment.

    Practice being a change by contributing to the community by sharing your knowledge.

    Visit an orphanage, old age home or try to impart literacy to at least one person from your


    Holiday homework should be your authentic creative work.

    Holiday Homework is roll number specific.

    Prepare an attractive file folder and arrange your holiday homework in it. Submit the folder to

    your class teacher on July 1,2019


    Compulsory for all :

    Here is a list of proverbs for you. Write their meaning and frame sentences with them. This assignment is to be

    completed in grammar notebook.

    a) A stitch in time saves nine b) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush c) Early bird catches the worm d) Pen is mightier than sword e) A friend in need is a friend indeed f) A burnt child dreads the fire g) Rome was not built in a day h) As you sow, so you reap i) A little axe can cut down a big tree j) You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink

    Roll No. 1-20 Sustainable Goal - Responsible production and Consumption

    How can I help in achieving this goal as a consumer?

    There are two main ways to help:

    1. Reducing your plastic waste .

    2. Being thoughtful about what you buy and choosing a sustainable option whenever possible.

    Reducing our waste can be done in many ways, from ensuring you don’t throw away food ,to reducing your

    consumption of plastic— one of the main pollutants of the ocean. Carrying a reusable bag, refusing to use

    plastic straws, and recycling plastic bottles are good ways to do your part every day. Making sensible

    purchases about what we’re buying also helps.

  • Write a story covering above-mentioned 2 points. The main characters of your story will be Chhutki and

    Tinku, the siblings and their parents. You can add more characters. Your story should revolve around the

    exemplary work of Chhutki and Tinku which made them the true idols to many. Don’t forget that your story

    has a beginning, climax and end.


    As a young responsible citizen of this nation it is our duty that we consume our natural and manmade

    resources wisely. Present your ideas of responsible consumption of resources systematically in the form of a

    TREE, showing its roots , branches, leaves, dry leaves depicting various ways of consumption,

    Present your work on a A3 size sheets.


    Roll No. 1-20 Sustainable Goal - Responsible production and Consumption


    “Energy conserved is life preserved”

    Energy consumption is an imperative part of our lives. Life today is unimaginable without energy resources. For

    our future generations to avail the same benefits, we need to work towards responsible consumption.

    Let’s begin from our homes. Electricity is widely used in every household on daily basis. The amount of energy

    consumed by various electrical appliances is given in the table below :


    1. Tube light 30W

    2. Ceiling fan 30W

    3.Air Conditioner 1500W

    4. Microwave 500W

    5.T.V. 80W

    6. Computer 20W

    The following is to be done by the students during the summer vacation:

    Collect the data for power consumption by the above appliances in your house for 10 days (using the table

    given above). For example, if you are using 3 tube lights for four hours in a day, then power consumed by the

  • tube lights would be 3x4x30W= 360W . Similarly power consumed can be calculated for other appliances for

    one day and hence for ten days. Calculate the total energy consumed by your family in 10 days.

    The following will be done after summer vacation in the class:

    As a group, represent the total energy consumed by each family on a bar graph.

    Discuss among your group members and enlist various measures to be taken to reduce energy consumption.

    Tabulate how much energy we can save by taking these measures. Also mention the advantages of saving


    The study to be submitted in the form of a folder and presented by each group in the class.


    Roll No 1-20

    Sustainable consumption means the appropriate use of natural resources to satisfy the current needs of

    consumption without compromising the future generations. A sustainable food system comprises several social-

    economic aspects - such as production, transportation, storage - and also environmental - in terms of

    biodiversity, water, soil and energy.

    Make a SWAY presentation on the topic given below

    Topic --Responsible Consumption & Production

    Following parameters are required to be covered in the presentation

    Technology or tools used to increase crop production in India

    Food storage and supply chain (Food Management)

    Ways to avoid food loss and food waste.

    NGOs/ organizations working for reducing food loss or waste


    1. Roll no. 1-20: Sustainable Development Goal 12- Responsible Consumption and Production

    Our planet is under massive strain. Each year, an estimated one-third of all food produced – equivalent to

    1.3 billion tonnes worth around USD 1 trillion – ends up rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers, or

    spoiling due to poor transportation and harvesting practices.

    Make an advertisement to socially aware the people about the adverse effect of food waste on A3 size

    paper with a catchy slogan/end line/strap line/tagline to create a permanent effect on the viewers.

    What do you do with that left over food of party/ wedding or function ?


    अनुक्रम ांक १ से २०

    जलीय जीव ां के सांरक्षण हेतु आठ से दस पांक्तिय ां में एक सुांदर कववत वलक्तिए। (A -4 पृष्ठ पर )


    बढ़ते जल प्रदूषण के क रण जलीय जीव ां क जीवन सांकट में पड़ रह है। अतः ववलुप्त ह ते जलीय जीव ां क बच ने हेतु चल

    रहे अविय न ां में वकन्ही द क सांवक्षप्त वववरण दें। (A -3 पृष्ठ पर )


    Roll No. 21-40 Sustainable Goal – Life Below Water

    Given below is a link to the UNICEF comic The Ocean Adventures of Sasha the Shark and Pipi the Pilot

    Fish. The story is about Sasha, the friendliest shark with a kind heart and Pipi, the most creative pilot fish.

    Together they struggle for a more sustainable world.



    Prepare a comic strip based on the above story adding new characters,and a different end to the story .

    You can paste relevant pictures from the newspapers, magazines or the Internet. Present your work creatively

    on A4 size sheets.


    Roll No. 21-40 Sustainable Goal – Life Below Water

    The underwater world is an amazing place full of mysterious creatures. From a big whale to a small fish

    everything is amazing. No where on the planet can you enjoy the diversity of marine life as you can underwater.

    The world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make

    the Earth habitable for humankind

    However, today pollution, global warming, unsustainable fishing and degradation of natural habitats are

    threatening marine and coastal biodiversity.

    1. To experience marine life,

    Make a list of 10 longest living marine animals and write their life span.

    Round off their life span to nearest 100.

    Compare their life span with the help of Bar Graph.

    How can the marine life be protected?

    Make a beautiful collage of marine life.

    (Compile all the information in a folder.)


  • 2. To experience marine life,

    Explore marine animals or plants having any mathematical shape or pattern.


    Eye of a Puffer fish is a perfect circle.

    Star fish

    Fabonacci sequence in sea shell

    Paste pictures of the animals/ plants on a A3 size sheet and write 2-3 lines about related shape or pattern.


    Roll No 21 –till last

    The Andaman, Langkawi

    The Andaman is an amazing resort with the Andaman Sea on one side and a 10 million years old rainforest on

    the other. The Andaman Reef in front of the hotel is approximately 8,000 years old and 50 meters thick. This

    coral reef protected the bay during massive 2004 tsunami which claimed thousands of lives in the countries that

    were hit as it absorbed most of the impact from the tsunami. However , while protecting the human population

    the tsunami did kill thousands of coral – colonies and made it difficult for living coral and of course the fish and

    sea creatures to survive.

    Following the tsunami, the hotel began clearing the dead coral from the bay and began efforts to regrow the

    corals. The dead corals are recycled in the nursery to speed the growth of new corals. There are large concrete

    blocks with holes in them to allow fish to lay eggs and be protected from the predators.

    The Andaman is doing great job preserving and protecting our oceans. Even the swimwear for guests are being

    produced by recycling discarded fish nets from our oceans.

    Considering the above case, make a sway presentation on similar innovative initiatives taken to protect and

    preserve LIFE UNDER WATER


    2. Roll no. 21-40: Sustainable Development Goal 14- Life Below Water

    The Ganges River dolphin or Susu, lives in one of the most densely populated regions of the world. One

    of the main threats to the species is loss of habitat due in large part to the creation of dams and irrigation

    projects. This blind dolphin is now one of the most critically endangered animals of India.

    Keeping this in mind, prepare a comic strip on A4 size sheet of about 5-6 pages on ‘ SUSU- the blind

    dolphin’- which talks about their habitat, threat with a special emphasis on WWF, India’s attempt to

    increase their numbers and ensure to leave a message at the end for their conservation.


    अनुक्रम ांक २१ से ४०

    ग़ विय ब द नगर वनगम द्व र कचर समस्य सम ध न पर अनेक क यय वकये ज रहे हैं। अपने के्षत्र में इस वदश में ह रहे

    क यो की ज नक री एकत्र करने हेतु एक सवे करें और एक सांवक्षप्त ररप टय तैय र करें । (A -4 पृष्ठ पर )


    हम रे देश में शुद्ध पेय जल सांकट लग त र बढ़ रह है। इसक क रण प नी क असम न ववतरण एवां उपि ग है। आप पेय

    जल के सांरक्षण में घर और ववद्य लय में वकस प्रक र सहय ग करें गे ? अपने सुझ व ां की सवचत्र सूची बन एँ। (A -3 पृष्ठ पर )

  • Math Assignment ( compulsory for all)


    1. Do all question on ruledA4 size sheet. 2. Draw figures of geometry with sharp pencil and required tool.

    1. Find the smallest 3 - digit number which is exactly divisible by 7.

    2. Write the following numbers in numeral:

    a) One million four hundred eight thousand, nine hundred and fifty-seven b) Seventy lakh, eighty three

    thousand seven hundred and nine.

    3. Rearrange the numbers and evaluate:

    No. Question Rearrangement Answer Property

    1. 947 x 17 + 947 x 3 947 (17+3) = 947 x 20

    2. 965 x 7 + 965 x 13

    3. 379 x 28 – 379 x 18

    4. 1570 ÷ 27 – 1570 ÷ 17

    5. 8 x 95 x 125

    6. 4 x 125 x 250 x 8

    4. In a stadium 94538 spectators were there to watch a cricket match. Estimate this number to the nearest

    a) tens b) hundreds c) thousands

    5. The population of a village is 11025. If 1 out of 15 persons is illiterate, find the number of literate persons in

    the village.

    6. Form the smallest 7- digit number using the digits 1, 4, 0, 3 and 5 and divide it by 171.

    7. A number when divided by 50 gives quotient 31 and remainder 11. What is that number?

    8. Aakash sold 144 refrigerators at Rs. 9725 each. From the money he bought 150 T.V. sets. Find the cost of

    each T.V.set.

    9. Find the greatest 4 – digit number which is exactly divisible by 16.

    10. Write the greatest and the smallest 5 – digit numbers using any 5 different digits with

    a) 9 at the ten’s place b) 8 at the hundred’s place c) 3 at the unit’s place

    11. Express each of the following numbers in both system of numeration in figures and words-

    a) 459083217 b) 9877500008

  • 12. Estimate the difference to nearest hundred 7756 – 442.

    13. Find the least number which should be subtracted from 27583 so that the difference is exactly divisible by


    14. A vendor supplies 132 litres of milk to a hotel in the morning and 68 litres of milk in the evening. If the

    milk costs Rs. 28 per litre, using distributive law, find the daily expenditure of milk.

    15. In a school, there are 1285 students. During the prayer, 28 students stand in one row. Find the minimum

    number of rows formed at the prayer ground.

    16. Write Roman numeral for each of the following:

    a) 955 b) 2260 c) 492 d) 62

    17. From figure 1 name

    a) Lines intersecting at P b) All pairs of parallel lines c) Line passing through both the points M and R d) Lines passing through point Q

    18. In figure 2, a circle with centre O is given.

    a) Name any three chords ( other than diameters) b) Name any two diameters c) Name any three radii d) Name any two arcs.

  • Topic: Top 5 new Technologies and inventions Create a striking visual presentation in Microsoft Sway on the topic given above.

    Briefly explain your point of view on the Topic.

    Make it presentable with beautiful themes.

    Apply all the formatting effects to make your sway interactive.

    Share your sway on Microsoft Teams on/before 15/June/ 2019.

    Your Assignment carries 5 marks hence, submission is mandatory.

  • Microsoft Teams is the hub for team collaboration in Office 365 that integrates the students, content, and tools your team needs to be more engaged and effective.

    Steps to submit the Holiday homework:

    Open the URL Login with your Microsoft IDs and Passwords. Open Sway from the Apps given in the list.

    Chat/instant messaging

    Contact search by name or email address

    Emoji's, GIFs, stickers

    Group chat

    In-line animated GIFs

    Team chats & private discussion

  • Sway is used to create interactive presentations and content that don’t need a presenter. With Sway, you can create interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, and more. You provide the content, such as text, images, videos, and embedded items. Sway is a web-app, so it can only be used when you have an internet connection, even if you are using the desktop or iOS app.

    Steps to create presentation in Microsoft Sway : Open the URL Login with your Microsoft IDs and Passwords. Follow the steps given below.

    Select Create new option

  • Add the content and new cards to make your sway more interactive.

    Select the option ‘specific person or groups’ and in the ‘Enter name or email’ box, write ID of your IT teacher that you will get through Snap homework.