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  • 8/9/2019 SetupInstructionsAX2012R2VirtualMachinePackage


    Setup Instructions for Microsoft

    Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Solution Demo


    Version: 3.0

    July, 2013

  • 8/9/2019 SetupInstructionsAX2012R2VirtualMachinePackage


    Table of ContentsSystem Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 2

    Setting up Hyper-V..................................................................................................................................... 3

    Create the Virtual Network Adapter .................................................................................................... 3

    Importing the Virtual Machines ............................................................................................................ 4

    Starting the Virtual Machine ..................................................................................................................... 5

    Contoso User Startup Script ...................................................................................................................... 6

    Windows Licensing Model ........................................................................................................................ 6

    Windows Activation .................................................................................................................................... 6

    Windows Rearm .......................................................................................................................................... 7

    Create a new virtual with the virtual hard disk ....................................................................................... 7

    Hyper-V Best Practices ............................................................................................................................... 8

    Best Practices for Virtual Machine Folders .......................................................................................... 8

    Hyper-V Snapshots ................................................................................................................................. 9

    Create a Snapshot .............................................................................................................................. 9

    Return to a Snapshot ......................................................................................................................... 9

    Branch the Snapshot Tree ................................................................................................................. 9

    Best Practice Guidance and Potential Issues for Using Snapshots............................................ 10

    Use Snapshots to Capture and Quickly Start Demos .................................................................. 11

    System RequirementsSupported Operating Systems:Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server


    Supported Hyper-V version: Hyper-V 3, Hyper-V 2 *

    *You will need to recreate the virtual machine using the existing hard disk.

    Additionally you will need:

    Hyper-Vrole enabled.

    Drive Formatting: NTFS

    Processor: Intel VT or AMD-V capable

    RAM: 30 GB or more recommended
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    Hard disk space required for install: 220 GB

    Internet Access (Required for activating the Virtual Machines)

    Virtual Machine VHD Size RAM Allocated

    Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

    R2 - A

    175 GB 16 GB (16384 MB)

    Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

    R2 - B

    70 GB 6 GB (6144 MB)

    Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

    R2 - C

    25 GB 2 GB (2048 MB)

    Setting up Hyper-V

    Create the Virtual Network Adapter

    Before importing the Virtual Machines you will need to create the Virtual Network Adapter. Itsimportant to have the Virtual Network adapter created before importing to maintain the

    necessary network configuration.

    1. Open Hyper-V Manager

    2. Under Actions, click Virtual Network Manager

    3. ClickNew virtual network, selectInternalclick Add

    4. Enter a name of AX2012R2-v3 and click OK

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    5. To connect the virtual machines to the internet, you will need to create a second Virtual

    Network adapter. Repeat steps 1-4. In step 3, select External instead of Private.In step 4,

    you will need to choose the appropriate network adapter that will bridge this virtual

    network to the physical LAN. Your options will differ than whats shown below.

    Importing the Virtual Machines

    6. In Hyper-V Manger, under Actions, click Import Virtual Machines

    7. Use the Browse button to select the folder where the virtual machine package was


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    8. Click Import and wait for the Import to complete

    9. Select the newly imported virtual machine and click Settings under Actions.

    10.Confirm that the Network Adapter is connected to AX2012R2-v3 from the steps above

    11.Adjust the Memory if necessary. 8GB is the recommended size for this virtual machine


    Close the virtual machine Settings dialog

    13.Repeat the import process for the remaing two virtual machines

    Starting the Virtual Machine1. Return to the Hyper-V Manager

    2. Select the Virtual Machine

    3. Click Start under Actions


    Under Actions, click Connect

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    5. Login to the Virtual Machine using the Virtual Machine Console as the following user:

    6. User: contoso\Administrator

    7. Password: pass@word1

    Contoso User Startup ScriptThis release a log on script was created for ease of user setup. The script does several things such as

    setup the start menu, pin items to the taskbar, set the user IE homepage to the Enterprise Portal role

    center, and copy IE favorites. In order for these items to become fully functional the user will be logged

    off at first log on. The user will then be require to log back into the virtual machine with the same

    credentials to continue using the virtual machine.

    Windows Licensing Model

    The Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Virtual Machines are using the evaluation version ofWindows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012. The evaluation period for Windows Server

    2008 R2 is 180 days, and you are given 10 extra days in the beginning to activate the image.

    During these 10 days you should activate Windows via Internet. (Product key not required) You

    are given 180 days to use the image. You will be able to extend, or rearm, the evaluation

    period twice. The count down for evaluation period will start once you activate Windows. The

    evaluation period for the Windows Server 2012 images is 365 days and you are given one

    additional rearmfor a total of two years.

    Windows Activation1. When you run the virtual machine for the first time or first time after the rearm, you

    should activate Windows within 10 days.

    2. Click Start, right click Computer, and select Properties

    3. Under Windows activation click Activate Windows now


    Follow the wizard to complete the activation. You will need internet access to activateWindows. Refer to the section Setting up Hyper-V to enable internet access.

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    Windows RearmOnce you have activated Windows you are given 180 days of evaluation period. After 180 days

    are over, you can extend the evaluation period for the same number of days maximum two

    times. The section below shows how to rearm Windows and provides the command to track

    the remaining number of days and rearms.

    Command to rearm windows:

    From a Command Prompt type slmgr /rearm

    Commands to track remaining number of days and rearms:

    From a Command Prompt type slmgr /dlv

    Create a new virtual with the virtual hard diskFollow these steps to recreate the virtual machine files based off the virtual hard disk (VHD). NOTE: Ifyou are running these virtual machines on Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system you should install

    this patch


    Open Hyper-V management console


    From Actions pane select New -> Virtual Machine


    Before You Begin page click, Next


    Specify Name and Location page


    Name field enter a name for the virtual machine


    Select store the virtual machine in a different location and browse to the location where

    the virtual machine will be stored


    Assign Memory page allocate the startup memory to what is specified in the chart above.


    Configure Networking page select the internal network adapter, AX2012


    Connect Virtual Hard Disk page select Use an existing virtual hard disk


    Select browse and browse to the location of the downloaded VHD


    Select Finish


    Select the virtual machine in the Hyper-V management console and select Settings


    Select Add Hardware and select Network Adapter


    Select the new network adapter and select the virtual switch that is used for external network



    Select Processor and increase the number of virtual processors to 4


    Start the virtual machine


    After the virtual machine starts log in and open the Network and Sharing console


    Go to Change adapter settings


    Open a command prompt and enter ipconfig to view which IP is the internal network adapter. It

    is usually the one starting with a 169 address.
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    Locate the NIC in the adapters page and enter the IPs as listed below. Subnet mask is and DNS is





    Restart the virtual machine.

    Hyper-V Best Practices

    Best Practices for Virtual Machine Folders

    Following are some best practices to use when setting up your virtual machine folders:

    Create or identify a directory for your virtual machine(s). To simplify file management,consider using this folder exclusively for virtual machines, and set up folder-level exclusion in

    your local antivirus software settings.

    Ensure that the virtual machine folder is not compressed. Hyper-V does not support the use

    of NTFS compression; using compression may cause corruption of your virtual machine files

    under certain circumstances.

    Ensure that the virtual machine folder exists on a local storage volumethis means local

    (internal or external) drives or a logical unit number (LUN) from a storage area network (SAN)

    or iSCSI target mounted as local disk. Files used by Hyper-V cannot be stored on drives

    using Windows Network Sharing, network file system (NFS), or other network-attachedstorage (NAS) technologies.

    If possible, locate the virtual machine folder on a separate physical drive from the host

    operating system.

    If multiple physical drives are available and if you plan to run multiple virtual machines

    simultaneously, consider setting up multiple folders to separate the virtual machines and to

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    use as many physical drives as possible. Alternately, consider using hardware RAID level 0 or


    Hyper-V Snapshots

    Hyper-V includes the ability to capture a snapshot, a hierarchy of multiple persistent saves of

    the complete state of a virtual machine at a given point in time. Snapshots are very useful for

    demo purposes, even though they are discouraged in production environments. You can use

    snapshot branching (see the sectionBranch the Snapshot Tree)to create different demo images

    for multiple customer engagements. However, using too many snapshots can have a negative

    impact on performance.

    Snapshots can be taken when the virtual machine is running (an online snapshot) or shutdown

    (an offline snapshot). Snapshots use Saved States and differencing disks behind the scenes to

    capture the state of RAM and disk respectively.

    Create a SnapshotCreating a snapshot is as easy as putting the virtual machine into the state you wish to capture

    and then clicking Snapshot. This can be done from either the Hyper-V Manager or the Virtual

    Machine Connection window. By default, a snapshot is given the name of the virtual machine

    and the current local date and time. You should generally rename the snapshot with a more

    descriptive name for tracking purposes.

    Return to a Snapshot

    You can return to a snapshot at any time by selecting the snapshot and clicking Apply. If the

    current state of the virtual machine has not already been saved, you are prompted whether to

    capture the state or not. If you choose to save the current state, a snapshot of the current stateis created before the previous snapshot is applied. When applying an online snapshot, the

    running state of the virtual machine before the snapshot is applied determines whether the

    snapshot resumes as Saved (if the virtual machine was off) or Running (if the virtual machine

    was running).

    Branch the Snapshot Tree

    When multiple snapshots are captured, the snapshots are arranged in a hierarchy (or tree) in the

    Hyper-V Manager that reflects the order in which the snapshots were created. By applying

    earlier snapshots and making changes, you can branch your snapshot tree from common

    points in time. This is most useful for testing or capturing alternate configurations of the same

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    virtual machine.

    Snapshots may be deleted either individually or by subtree (the selected snapshot and all of its


    What happens when you delete snapshots depends on the current context of the virtual


    When deleting snapshots or snapshot subtrees in which the snapshots being deleted are

    parents of the currently running state:

    The snapshot(s) are removed from the tree immediately.

    When the virtual machine is next powered off, the differencing disk changes

    corresponding to the deleted snapshot(s) are merged into the most immediate

    child snapshots differencing disk. A status message indicating the progress of the

    merge appears in the Hyper-V Manager. The disk space used for the deleted

    snapshot(s) is not free until the merge is complete.

    When deleting snapshots or snapshot subtrees in which the snapshots being deleted are

    children of the currently running state or in an unrelated snapshot branch:

    The snapshot(s) are removed from the tree immediately.

    The saved state and differencing disk information associated with the snapshots is

    discarded immediately.

    Best Practice Guidance and Potential Issues for Using Snapshots

    Following is best practice guidance and potential issues for using snapshots.

    Snapshots should not be used in production environments.

    Closely monitor your disk usage when employing snapshots. Snapshots are based on Saved

    State and Differencing Disks; therefore, snapshots can consume large amounts of disk space.

    Each snapshot contains the full contents of the virtual machines RAM and all of the changes

    to the virtual hard drive since the last snapshot.

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    Keep your computers in synch if using snapshots. Snapshots of domain controllers and/or

    member computers of a domain can cause a variety of issues if the snapshots states

    between different computers are not kept in synch. One common issue occurs because

    member computers periodically change their credentials for the computers domain account.

    If the domain controller or the member computer uses snapshots to roll back to a pointwhere these credentials are no longer in synch, this can cause the member computer to no

    longer be seen as valid on the domain.

    Take the performance penalty into account. Since snapshots use differencing disks behind

    the scenes, there is a modest performance penalty associated with the use of snapshots. See

    the section on Differencing Disks for more details.

    Use Snapshots to Capture and Quickly Start Demos

    One challenge with virtual machine demos is that they can take a very long time to boot.

    Through use of the Saved State and Snapshot functionality in Hyper-V, you can create multiple

    point-in-time captures of the virtual machine state that can be returned to at any time andrestored in a few seconds.

    Use the following steps to create and use a snapshot for demo purposes:

    Capture Snapshots

    Use the following steps to capture snapshots of the virtual machines you plan to use.

    1.Configure your host machine for Hyper-V and import or create your virtual machine(s).

    2.Start the virtual machine(s), and wait for all the virtual machines to reach the login prompt.

    3.Select the first virtual machine, and then click Connectto open the Virtual Machine

    Connection window.

    4.Log in and prepare to begin your demo (get applications up and running, sign in to any

    servers, cache pages in the browser if desired, and so on) so that you are ready for the first

    demo click.

    5.Close the Virtual Machine Connection window without logging off.

    6.Repeat steps 35 for each virtual machine you wish to capture until all the virtual machines are


    7.Select the first virtual machine, and then click Snapshot. Repeat for all other virtual machines

    you wish to capture.


    (Optional) Select each virtual machine, and rename the snapshot you just captured. Use adescriptive name, and give the corresponding snapshot in each virtual machine the same


    9.Select the first virtual machine, and then click Turn Off. Repeat for all other virtual machines

    you captured.

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    Launch the Demo

    Use the following steps to quickly start a demo from a snapshot.

    1. Select the first virtual machine.

    2. Select the snapshot for your demo, and then click Apply.


    Wait for the snapshot restore to complete, and then click Start.4. Repeat steps 14 for all other virtual machines in the original capture phase.

    5. Wait for all the virtual machines to reach the Running state.

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