Seven secrets to communicating change

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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A presentation made by Mark Hill to the APM South Wales & West of England branch membership on 5th March in Bristol.


Seven Secrets of Communicating Change

Mark Hill FIIC


It’s a changing world

• Last year almost 117,000 couples got divorced

• Each year over 6,000,000 people move home

• One in three UK citizens are planning to change

jobs this year

Our models focus on the wrong things

What Kotter says

The seven secrets

• Over the last 20 years the types and styles of communication that I have found personally effective boil down to seven things.

• I am going to tell you what they are – reference to examples from my own career

1. Communicate The Big Picture

2. Simplify the complexity

• People hate unnecessary complexity.

• They want to know the detail of how they are effected – but not how everyone is affected

• So firstly communicate the big picture and then carefully target audiences with the appropriate level of detail.

3. Honesty and Clarity

4. Authenticity

5. Face to Face

6. Give audiences a voice

• Use line managers

• Understand how audiences are reacting

• Look for the golden moment

7. Measure progress

The Seven Secrets

1. Communicate the big picture

2. Simplify Complexity

3. Honesty and Clarity

4. Strive for authenticity

5. Face to face

6. Give audiences a voice

7. Measure Progress
