Seven Steps for Planting Churches: Partnering Church Edition A presentation by Dr. Tom Cheyney.

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Seven Steps for Planting Seven Steps for Planting Churches: Churches:

Partnering Church EditionPartnering Church Edition

A presentation by A presentation by

Dr. Tom CheyneyDr. Tom Cheyney


Getting Ready to PlantGetting Ready to Plant

Prepare for Birthing a New Prepare for Birthing a New CongregationCongregation

• Do you understand the purpose of Do you understand the purpose of the partnering/sponsoring church?the partnering/sponsoring church?

• Is the new church flowing from God-Is the new church flowing from God-given vision?given vision?

• Is the church ready for the changes Is the church ready for the changes that partnering entails?that partnering entails?

Your Image of ChurchYour Image of Church

• The image of church is changingThe image of church is changing

• Population in urban areas is growing Population in urban areas is growing faster than growth rate of Protestant faster than growth rate of Protestant churcheschurches

• We need to see churches as We need to see churches as “redemption centers” that build “redemption centers” that build bridges to their communitiesbridges to their communities

NAMB’s Goal for Church NAMB’s Goal for Church PlantingPlanting

• Double number of SBC churches by Double number of SBC churches by the year 2020the year 2020

• Southern Baptists need to help start Southern Baptists need to help start 2,400 new churches in 20052,400 new churches in 2005

• This is a God sized GoalThis is a God sized Goal

• We must be willing followers of We must be willing followers of Christ to meet this goal.Christ to meet this goal.

Step 1Step 1

Casting a Vision for MultiplyingCasting a Vision for Multiplying

““Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18, KJV).Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18, KJV).

““Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained” (Prov.29:18, Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained” (Prov.29:18, NASBNASB

The Church Planting VisionThe Church Planting Vision

• Flows from the Great CommissionFlows from the Great Commission• Requires making disciples among Requires making disciples among

every people groupevery people group• Demands that we go into the culturesDemands that we go into the cultures• Most powerful motivation comes from Most powerful motivation comes from

knowing that this is what God wants knowing that this is what God wants us to to do.

Receiving the VisionReceiving the Vision

• The leader whose eyes are open to the The leader whose eyes are open to the needs of his community will be receptive needs of his community will be receptive to reaching people groupsto reaching people groups

• Vision is not dependent upon current Vision is not dependent upon current resources already in placeresources already in place

• Vision for the new work sometimes Vision for the new work sometimes originates with the planter.originates with the planter.

Impediments to VisionImpediments to Vision

• Vision Hijacking- members who join Vision Hijacking- members who join a new church following the launch a new church following the launch impose their ideas upon the church, impose their ideas upon the church, hijacking the original vision.hijacking the original vision.

• Apathy and Neglect- these two sins Apathy and Neglect- these two sins sneak in so slowly they go sneak in so slowly they go unnoticed.unnoticed.

Fear of FailureFear of Failure

• Often the most voiced reason for not Often the most voiced reason for not starting new workstarting new work

• Key to success is planningKey to success is planning• Many failures are related to lack of Many failures are related to lack of

support, lack of planning, and lack of support, lack of planning, and lack of leadershipleadership

• Not everything we dig, or sow will be Not everything we dig, or sow will be successful (Mat. 13:3-8)successful (Mat. 13:3-8)

Cost of PartnershipCost of Partnership

• Accept the reality of the cost issuesAccept the reality of the cost issues

• Focus on God’s provisionFocus on God’s provision

• New work partnership entails New work partnership entails benefits and liabilitiesbenefits and liabilities

Waiting for More GrowthWaiting for More Growth

• How large should a church be before How large should a church be before partnering to start a new church?partnering to start a new church?

• Many established churches share Many established churches share their facilities with immigrants and their facilities with immigrants and ethnic groups in an effort to give a ethnic groups in an effort to give a hand to a new congregationhand to a new congregation

• Partnering churches don’t need to be Partnering churches don’t need to be big- they just need to be willing.big- they just need to be willing.

Casting the VisionCasting the Vision

• Look to those who have recently and Look to those who have recently and successfully parented new churches.successfully parented new churches.

• Effective leaders weave the vision for Effective leaders weave the vision for the new work into their messages the new work into their messages and programs.and programs.

• Effective leaders will use appropriate Effective leaders will use appropriate times and methods to cast the vision times and methods to cast the vision for church plantingfor church planting

Starting Points for Casting Starting Points for Casting A Vision for MultiplyingA Vision for Multiplying

• Have I actively sought a vision from Have I actively sought a vision from God for partnering with a new work?God for partnering with a new work?

• What impediments to parenting are What impediments to parenting are keeping the leadership from hearing keeping the leadership from hearing and seeing the opportunities for and seeing the opportunities for involvement as a partner church?involvement as a partner church?

Starting Points for Casting a Starting Points for Casting a Vision for MultiplyingVision for Multiplying

• Have I considered the fears and Have I considered the fears and objections that may arise?objections that may arise?

• Have I talked to others whose Have I talked to others whose churches have successfully churches have successfully partnered a new work?partnered a new work?

• Have I cast the vision for our Have I cast the vision for our involvement in a 30-second, 3-minute involvement in a 30-second, 3-minute and 30-minute presentation?and 30-minute presentation?

Step 2Step 2

Identifying the Ministry Focus GroupIdentifying the Ministry Focus Group

““For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more. To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I so that I may win more. To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I

might win Jews; to those who are under the Law, as under the might win Jews; to those who are under the Law, as under the Law though not being my self under the Law, so that I might win Law though not being my self under the Law, so that I might win those who are under the Law; to those who are without law, as those who are under the Law; to those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under without law, though not being without the law of God but under

the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law. To the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. I do all all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. I do all

things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow things for the sake of the gospel, so that I may become a fellow partaker of it” (1 Cor. 9:19-23, NASB).partaker of it” (1 Cor. 9:19-23, NASB).

Aim of Partnering Church’s Aim of Partnering Church’s InvolvementInvolvement

• The vision for parenting becomes your The vision for parenting becomes your road map.road map.

• Reduce the unchurched population Reduce the unchurched population through making disciples.through making disciples.

• Identify the ministry focus group by Identify the ministry focus group by developing a portrait of people who will developing a portrait of people who will reveal their spiritual aspirations, their reveal their spiritual aspirations, their needs, their values, their worldview, and needs, their values, their worldview, and their lifestyles. their lifestyles.

How Church Partners and How Church Partners and Planters Can Develop the Planters Can Develop the

Community PortraitCommunity Portrait• Build relationships with non-Christians.Build relationships with non-Christians.• Listen to the culture.Listen to the culture.• Read what (community) people are Read what (community) people are

reading.reading.• Collect and interpret demographic and Collect and interpret demographic and

psychographic data.psychographic data.• Develop and implement a community Develop and implement a community


Importance of Community Importance of Community Survey Survey

• Planters should avoid temptation to Planters should avoid temptation to skip the labor-intensive survey.skip the labor-intensive survey.

• Partnering church should play Partnering church should play supportive role by availing people supportive role by availing people and resources to assist planter in and resources to assist planter in survey process.survey process.

• Visit as many people as possible.Visit as many people as possible.

Sample Survey QuestionsSample Survey Questions

• Why do you think many people don’t Why do you think many people don’t attend church these days?attend church these days?

• What do you believe are the greatest What do you believe are the greatest needs in the community?needs in the community?

• What kind of music are you most What kind of music are you most likely to listen to?likely to listen to?

• What kinds of ministries should a What kinds of ministries should a new church offer this community?new church offer this community?

Sample Survey QuestionsSample Survey Questions

• What would you identify as the most What would you identify as the most important, unresolved issue in our world important, unresolved issue in our world today?today?

• If a close friend invited you to church, If a close friend invited you to church, would you consider accepting the would you consider accepting the invitation?invitation?

• Would you be open to receiving Would you be open to receiving information about a new church or home information about a new church or home Bible study in your neighborhood?Bible study in your neighborhood?

Benefits of SurveyingBenefits of Surveying

• Information obtained from survey will Information obtained from survey will help planter and partner church help planter and partner church understand the opportunities and understand the opportunities and challenges the people face. challenges the people face.

• Community members also provide Community members also provide helpful insights into the community.helpful insights into the community.

• Helps establish the spiritual Helps establish the spiritual condition of the community.condition of the community.

Missional ThinkingMissional Thinking

• In places like the Jerusalem of Acts 2, In places like the Jerusalem of Acts 2, where there is a well-seeded, pre-where there is a well-seeded, pre-evangelized culture, the gospel can be evangelized culture, the gospel can be communicated with relative ease. communicated with relative ease.

• However, in urban centers of America, However, in urban centers of America, Canada, and cultural groups of unseeded, Canada, and cultural groups of unseeded, unevanglized culture, we will most likely unevanglized culture, we will most likely be required to answer the question, “What be required to answer the question, “What is this babbler trying to say” (Acts 17:18)?is this babbler trying to say” (Acts 17:18)?


• A common tool used to identify and A common tool used to identify and understand the ministry focus groupunderstand the ministry focus group

• Can be misleading if used incorrectlyCan be misleading if used incorrectly

The “Fallacy of Average”The “Fallacy of Average”

• Arises when the demographic study Arises when the demographic study covers an area that includes people covers an area that includes people groups outside of the ministry focus groups outside of the ministry focus

• Can be greatly minimized by clarifying the Can be greatly minimized by clarifying the area to be studied. area to be studied.

• Generally, the only way to receive useful Generally, the only way to receive useful information is to have firsthand knowledge information is to have firsthand knowledge of the area for which you are requesting of the area for which you are requesting demographic information.demographic information.

Starting Points for Identifying Ministry Focus

Group• Ensure that the vision for church planting

partnership is focused.• Gather demographic and psychographic

data from your state or Canadian Baptist convention or NAMB.

• Consult and initiate partnership with associational director of missions or (in Canada) area church planting catalyst.

• Enlist workers to help with the community survey and execute survey. Use as an opportunity to promote vision casting.

Starting Points for Identifying Ministry Focus

Group• Assist the church planting team in establishing a budget and

calendar for the survey work.

• Provide clerical help in the gathering and analysis of the survey data.

• Help the planter to use gathered data to create a “portrait” of his community and then now to sue that portrait to develop a ministry strategy that will lead to relevance.

• Give prayerful consideration to sending out members who share the vision and fit the ministry focus group profile to join the new work. This is especially helpful if the partnering church is in close proximity to the new work ministry focus group.

Cooperative Relationships

• State Baptist Convention church planting leaders

• Associational Directors of Missions

• Readiness Team, Church Planting Group, NAMB

• Research Team, NAMB

Step 3

Enlisting Planters and Partners While Clarifying Roles

“ Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to

him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can

one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly

broken” (Eccl. 4:9-12, NKJV).

Successful Partnership

• Essence of successful partnership is synergy- the theory that the outcome of the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts.

• Partnering is the effective leveraging of assets, abilities, and strengths.

• Each participant must be working toward the same vision.

Steps to Developing Partnerships

• As of July 2001, only 5.2 percent of Southern Baptist churches are partnering new works.

• More churches want to be involved but are not familiar with the processes for involvement.

• Partnering church leaders feel unclear about their role.

Multiple Church Planting Partners

• Requesting partnership is biblical.

• Partners can share the load

• For smaller congregations, becoming a copartner or partnering church can be a great entry point into the Great Commission mission work.

Power in Partnership

• Can we share Christ by ourselves?

• Partnership gives us more power for sharing Christ.

• Look at POWER as an acronym


• The strength gained in teaming with other Christians also gives us endurance.

• Alone, our fear or other factors may cause us to give up when things get hard.

• Teaming with other Christians helps us to keep pressing on.


• Other Christians and my church can open my eyes to faith sharing opportunities

• Sometimes on my own I don’t see al the open doors.

Worldwide impact

• Partnerships take me beyond my normal sphere of influence.

• Through prayer, financial support, and by helping to educate others, we can support believers who are ministering in places we’ll never see and impacting people we’ll never meet.


• Partnership energizes and helps build momentum

• Fellowship with other believers gives us strength for our mission.


• Christians partnering together can support each other with money, ideas, communication, materials, and our time.

• We are more effective and productive when we band together.

Enlisting the Right Church Planter

• Where can a mission-minded church discover the right church planter?

Enlisting the Right Church Planter

• As the church leadership begins to cast a vision of participating in a church planting movement do not be surprised to have laymen step forward.

• After the local church, the local association is a great place to look for church planters.

Enlisting the Right Church Planter

• North American Mission Board: The Church Planting Group coordinates the training or church planting networks throughout North America.

• Southern Baptist Colleges and Seminaries: The state conventions and NAMB have partnered with seven Southern Baptist Convention seminaries in North America and Canada, creating the Nehemiah Project.

Is the Planter a Match?

• Do they fit the community we are attempting to reach?

• The objective is not to have a perfect match.

• The objective is to avoid so many areas of difference that the new church is stillborn.

The MCN: Connecting with Other Churches

• One potential outcome of the MCN is for churches to partner together in planting new churches.

• Presents an enjoyable, easy to follow plan that encourages the natural development of partnerships through relationships that already exist among the churches.

Clarifying the Roles

• Understand the Roles of the Parties Involved.

• First, Build the Relationship.

• Next, spell out the Roles and Expectations.

The Church Planter Needs to Know…

• The length of the partnership

• The faithfulness of the prayer support

• The level of the missions team support

• The amount of financial commitment

The Length of the Partnership

• Needs to be more than one year to enable all of the partners to share the excitement of growth.

• The church planter needs to have the sense of stability multiple year partnerships provide.

• There must be a phasing out of support to help the young church develop into a healthy self-supporting body.

The Faithfulness of the Prayer Support

• Specific and fervent prayer is the most important contribution the partnering church can make.

• The planter must know that his partnership churches are interceding on his behalf.

The Level of Missions Team Support

• The church planter needs to be able to plan his strategy knowing that the partnership church will provide a certain amount of missions team support.

• The plant and partnering church will be blessed by the missions trips.

The Amount of Financial Commitment

• Annie Armstrong Offering

• Cooperative Program Dollars

• NAMB assistance

• State Convention, Local Association

• Prayer expecting great things from God

The Partnering Church Needs to Know

• The church planter is a person of doctrinal integrity.

• The church planter is a person of moral integrity.

Options For Developing the Covenant

• Copy what others have done.

• Fill-in-the-blank form (see Appendix 2)

• Partnering Covenant Template (see Appendix 2)

Advantages of Partnering Covenant Template

• Reflects the actual issues that the partnering covenant needs to address.

• Possible to ascertain the areas of agreement and those of potential conflict.

• Time spent developing the covenant promotes the partnering relationship between the church and mission leaders early on.

Disadvantages of Partnering Covenant Template

• Process takes more time and creative effort than other approaches

• Can manifest differences in philosophy or ideology that might not have otherwise arisen.

Other Types of Covenants

• Correction Fluid Approach

• Fill-in-the-blank form

Appeal of Correction Fluid Approach

• Takes only a few minutes

• Does not require much personal contact between the partnering church and church planter.

Disadvantage of Correction Fluid Approach

• The form usually gets photocopied and corrected so many times, it becomes illegible.

Advantages of the Fill-in-the Blank Approach

• Allows some personalization and contextualization

• Requires someone from both groups to work to develop a working document.

Disadvantages of Fill-in-the-Form Approach

• Looks like a team of lawyers developed them

• Fail to effectively communicate the spirit and heart of the covenant.

Some Starting Points for Enlisting Planters and

Partners While Clarifying Roles

Put together a Missions Partnership Team/Committee.

Survey membership for interested individuals.

Develop the Planter/Partner Covenant

Cooperative Relationships

• Multiplying Church Networks

• State Convention Church Planting Department and local Association Director of Mission

• NAMB, Church Planting Group

• Seminary Nehemiah Project

Step 4

Discover and Commit Resources

“You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the

matter of giving and receiving but you alone…And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ

Jesus” (Phil. 4:15,19, NASB)

Stop the Presses

• The greatest need church planters perceive is the one for resources

• The church at Antioch became a first-century missionary headquarters by becoming a training base for church planters as well as a resource center through prayer support, encouragement, and gifts to churches in need.

Stop the Presses

• The partnering church should not hesitate to request the planter to provide an accounting of the resources received.

• Acts reminds us that it has always taken resources to get the job done.

• Churches need to step forward and commit resources

Understand Why People Give

• Givers don’t like to pay bills (such as facility operations)

• Givers don’t respond well to guilt or negativism.

• Givers don’t respond well to needs.

• Givers respond to dynamic visions.

Steps to Discovering Resources

• Partner churches need to play a key role in providing resources for their new congregations.

• Resources include more than just financial assistance.

• Prayer and the Holy Spirit are keys to securing the resources needed and the courage to take required steps of faith.

Resources for the Church Plant and the Partnering


• Multiplying Church Network

• Calling out the Called

• Discovery Tools

• Mentor Training

• Church Planter Resources

Missions Development Council

• The partnering church should focus and coordinate its efforts through its On Mission Team, New Work Team, or Missions Development Council.

• Three components are (1) determine the specific resources needed (2) discover the resources available (3) commit and manage the resources.

Determining the Resources Needed

• Develop a Church Planting Proposal with the help of the church planter ( for more help visit

• Produce a video showing the community, the focus group, and the potential for the new church.

• Prepare a budget for the first 12-18 months of the project. (See Appendix 6)

Discover the Resources Available

• The Promises of God• The Core Group• Partner Church(es)• Denominational Support• Bivocational Planting/Mission Service

CorpOther Resources: Financial resources may

be available from special mission foundations.

Commit and Manage Resources and Starting

Points for This Step

• From the beginning the new church should use wise financial management policies and teach Christian stewardship

• Partnership Covenant Agreements• Resource Management Team• For additional materials go to

Step 5

Mobilize Sponsoring Congregations

“And thus I aspired to preach the gospel, not where Christ was already named, so that I would not build on another man’s foundation; but as it is written, “They who had no news of him shall see, who had no news of Him shall

see, And they who have not heard shall understand.’

“For the reason I have often been prevented from coming to you; but now, with no further place for me in the regions, and since I have had for many years a longing to come to you whenever I go to Spain-for I hope to see

you in passing, and to be helped on my way there by you, when I have first enjoyed your company for a while” (Rom. 15:20-24, NASB).

Meaning of Mobilization

• Mobilization-whether it be money, terms, or resources – is about people.

• The process of fulfilling the parent/sponsoring commitment.

Action amnesia

• Occurs when churches or individuals renege on previous commitments.

• Mobilization is where the rubber meets the road.

• Prevent action amnesia by communicating with church planter, membership, Missions Committee, and others involved.

Multiplying Church Networks

• Tool developed by NAMB to assist in the mobilization of sponsoring congregations

• Brings together church and associational leaders in small groups to help them effectively achieve the Great commission task

Who Can Be a Part of the MCN?

• Associational Missionaries

• Sponsoring church pastors

• Ministers of missions

• Lay mission leaders

• Church planting missionaries

• Anyone with a heart for church multiplication

Why Be a Part of the MCN?

• Nice to know you’re not alone

• Allows for cross-pollination of ideas

• Sharing of resources

• Accountability

Kingdom Values

• Praying

• Evangelistic Church Planting

• “Koinonia” Sharing

• Sharpening

• Interdependence

• Celebrating

• Harvest and Deploy Resources


• Acts 1:14, 1 Thess.5:17, Jas. 5:16

• Prayer = Power

• Prayer for multiplication takes place at every level of the process.

• Action Point: Has prayer (and fasting) been mobilized?

Evangelistic Church Planting

• Acts 14:21-26

• The objective is planting churches that value the reduction of the unchurched population.

• Action Point: Is our partnership mobilized in such a way as to win souls for Jesus?

“Koinonia” Sharing

• Prov. 11:14; 15:22; Rom. 12:15• One of the strongest elements in spiritual

community is fellowship.• Fellowship helps us to be intentional and

creative in our relationships.• Sharing allows communication• Action Point: Is regular and heartfelt

sharing and communication taking place?


• Proverbs 27:17• Learning is a lifelong endeavor.• We will seek to sharpen our sins and

understanding through assigned topics, sharing, and prayer

• Action Point: Has the congregation been adequately educated as it relates to our parenting role?


• Eph. 4:11-12• “Doing together what we cannot do by

ourselves” is at the heart of our convictions.

Action Point: Have all of the available resources been mobilized? Are there other persons, congregations, or groups that can be involved?


• Luke 15:23; 2 Cor. 13:11

• We celebrate learning.

• We celebrate God’s presence.

• We celebrate sharing and fellowship

• Action Point: Have we celebrated the joy of giving and sending?

Harvest and Deploy Resources

• Matt. 9:38; Phil. 4:19

• The resources are in the harvest.

• When churches act on faith, God provides.

Starting Points for Mobilizing Sponsoring

Congregations• Analyze needs and then discuss them• Implement the spiritual resources for the

harvest• Host a “Calling out the Called” event• Ensure that the partnering covenant

covers insures concerning resources• Following prayer and fasting, determine

other resources that may still need to be mobilized.

Step 6

Support Birthing Process and Ongoing Evaluation

“And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even

now you are not yet able, for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, are you not

walking like mere men” (1 Cor. 3:1-3, NASB)?

Developmental Phases of Church Planting

• Churches are not birthed fully mature. • We need to be prepared to support each

phase of the birthing and development process of a new congregation.

• As in human development, there are steps that be taken during incubation and early stages of the new church’s life to help ensure church health throughout the congregation’s lifecycle.


• Two types of conception-

• Planned

• Unplanned

Conception Phase: Planned

• Clarify the vision• Identify your ministry

focus group• Identify the church

planting team members.

• Initiate frequent contact with partnering church.

• Work with sponsors in developing a covenant.

• Continue to recruit additional team members.

• Use the Discovery Tools to help planting team understand the roles.

Conception Phase: Unplanned

(Church Planting Team)• Seek counsel from

associational or state leaders.

• Identify who the new church will be able to effectively reach.

• Confess and repent of actions that might have contributed to the split.

• Seek God’s help in the building of the new church

• Consider enlisting partnering churches to help

• Use the Discovery Tools to help the planting team members understand their roles.

Conception Phase: Unplanned (Roles for Partnering Church)

• Learn as much as possible about the ministry focus group.

• Identify possible fears or objections that will be raised that might thwart the vision.

• Begin developing the partnering covenant with the church planting team.

• Identify and remove reproductive barriers.

• Seek to create a positive environment for reproduction among membership.

• Identify potential members who feel called to work with the church planting team.

• Initiate contact with associational or state church planting leaders.

Prenatal Phase(Church Planting Team)

• During this phase, the partnering church assumes the role of a pediatrician

Prenatal Phase (Church Planting Team)

• Set up bank accountSet up bank account• Develop core group Develop core group

through small group through small group bible studies and bible studies and relationship building relationship building activitiesactivities

• Identify core group Identify core group members’ gifts and members’ gifts and roles in the new workroles in the new work

• Conduct preview Conduct preview serviceservice

• Organize publicity for Organize publicity for the first pubic service.the first pubic service.

• Begin financial Begin financial support of the new support of the new work through core work through core group tithes and group tithes and offerings.offerings.

• Begin cooperative Begin cooperative mission giving.mission giving.

Prenatal Phase:Partnering Church Action


• Work with the church planter in finding a strategic location.

• Budget preparation and securing resources.

• Meet al least monthly with the church planter.

• Join or develop a Multiplying Church Network.

• Attend Mentor Training• Deploy members who feel

called • Promote prayer for the

new work.• Help with administrative

and logistical questions.• Host a baby shower for the

new work.• Offer to help with and

evaluate preview services.

Birth Phase

• Time of the first public service and the period immediately following

• Focus should be on celebration and worship.

Birth Phase: Church Planting Team

• Conduct one last preview service.

• First public worship.• Consider hosting a

prayer retreat or vigil just before the first service.

• Begin modeling stewardship

Immediate follow-up begins.

Send prayer partners birth announcements

Complete the first monthly report

Birth: Partnering Church Action Points

• Celebrate with the mission church following the first public worship.

• Encourage concentrated prayer for the birth.

• Provide encouragement and assistance with immediate follow-up.

• Host a dedication service for the new church.

• Begin monthly review of reports with the church planter.

• Contact the denominational leadership with an update.


• Shift from anticipation and expectation to implementation and growth.

• Time of either rapid growth or fragile dependence for the new work.

Infancy Phase: Church Planting Team

• Rapid growth should be taking place

• Time of teething pains

• Maintain weekly contact with your prayer team.

• Revisit the strategy plan frequently.

• Ensure leadership reproduction is taking place.

• Enjoy discovering your unique identity.

Infancy Phase: Partnering Church Action Points

• Providing positive reinforcement and modeling for the new work.

• Continue to have regular contact with the church planter and its leadership.

• Provide weekly photos of the new work to the congregation.

• Pray for healthy development of the new work and for it’s immerging leaders.

• Provide leadership development opportunities for the new work.

Childhood Phase

• The new work will likely make some dumb mistakes during this phase

• Important for partnering church to remember that “children” rebound quickly from dumb mistakes whereas the members of the partnering church may be tempted to remember the mistake.

Childhood: Church Planting Team

• Easily distracted from goals and objectives set during the prenatal period.

• Avoid the tendency to mindlessly copy what other new churches are doing

• Have fun• Observe and celebrate


• Evaluate the role of prayer during this phase.

• Lead out in short-term missions projects.

• Conduct a planning retreat with the leadership team.

• Don’t forget to have contact with the partnering church.

Childhood: Partnering Church Action Points

• Revisit the goals and objectives of the new work with the church planter each time you meet.

• Encourage grace when the new work makes a mistake

• Ask questions rather than give answers

• Begin praying about partnering with another new work.

• Support and encourage the new church’s early attempts at independence.

• Consider a special celebration service with the new work to observe a completed milestone.

Adolescence Phase

• Can be approached with anticipation or dread.

• Adequate preparation in the earlier phases can ensure a smooth transition into and out of adolescence.

Adolescence: Church Planting Team

• A time of self-awareness.

• Recognize a tendency towards rebellion against established churches and traditions.

• Prepare for self-support.

• Meet with associational leadership regarding membership and constituting.

• Seek to communicate to the congregation the value of interdependence over independence.

• Schedule a constituting service.

Adolescence: Partnering Church Action Points

• Provide increased autonomy and prepare to let go.

• Decrease support and encourage new ideas.

• Don’t avoid contact with the church planter

• Revisit the partnering covenant with the new church planter.

• Provide information regarding constituting and incorporating.


• Final phase when partnering church will let go of the new work as a partnering church and assume the role as a sister church.

• Following this phase, both congregations should be involved in reproduction.

Maturity: Church Planting Team

• Conduct the constituting service.

• Evaluate the church planting process just completed.

• Develop and engage in a process for reproduction.

• Become a partnering church for another new work.

Maturity: Partnering Church Action Points

• Help plan and participate in the constituting service celebration.

• Evaluate the partnering process just completed.

• Plan for additional partnering opportunities.

• Celebrate

Step Seven

Celebrate and Communicate Church Multiplication

“Now after this the lord appointed seventy others, and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was

going to come. And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. “Go; behold, I

send you out as lambs in the midst of wives. Cary no money belt, no bag, no shoes; and greet no one on the way. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house.’ If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you.”

(Luke 10, NASB).


• People love to celebrate the birth of a child.

• A parent loves to celebrate the birth, as well as the child’s first steps, first words, first date, and birthdays.

• Some partnering churches forget that church reproduction is filled with opportunities to celebrate mileposts in the life of the church plant.


• Church reproduction is a cause to rejoice.

• Reproduction in a healthy church will take place at many levels.

• Each level and phase of reproduction is an opportunity for celebration and communication.

What does it mean to Celebrate?

• To observe ( a day or an event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing

• To perform (a religious ceremony)

• To extol or praise

• To make widely known

Ten Ways the Partnering Church Should Celebrate

• Celebrate every new birth in the life of the church

• Observe each anniversary during the partnering period.

• Remember the church planter’s birthday

• Plan a church fellowship meal or banquet when a goal has been reached

• Celebrate the season

• Ask for time at an associational meeting to share a “partnering testimony”

• Baptisms are always a great time to celebrate

• Have a joint Lord’s Supper celebration

• Mark the completion of the partnering commitment with a festivity.

• Host a Missions Celebration Conference in your church.

How Can Laypeople Most Effectively Help You and

Your Efforts?Six Southern Baptist Church Planting

Missionaries Answer:• Linda Bergquist: Prayer is the most

important. People could come here and be part of the teams that start churches of all kind.

• Frank Cornelius: Have laypeople who are experienced in church leadership to come and stay one to six months and help train leaders in new congregations.

How Can Lay People Most Effectively Help You and

Your Efforts?• Kathryn Durocher: Laypeople can pray

that more church planters will be sent. We need more laborers.

• Robert Goete: Pray for the challenges of the second generation of immigrants.

• Dennis E. Hampton: Prayer. Legitimate intercession.

• Frank Miller: Pray specifically for our ministry. Volunteer yourself to go where needed.

Where Do We Go From Here?

• Consider partnering another congregation before the existing commitment undergoes closure. Make church planting an ongoing activity of your church.

• Consider jointly partnering with your new work in a third-generation church plant.

Starting Points to Celebrate and Communicate Church

Multiplication• Identify opportunities to celebrate

your church’s missional role.

• Evaluate how well reproduction is occurring at every level in your church.

• Develop plans for starting additional churches.

Appendix 2: Suggested Covenant Guidelines

• Establish mutually acceptable guidelines to which all participating entities will adopt.

• Commit to working relationships relative to ministry, support of missions, and accountability.

• Participate in monthly (or quarterly) meetings of prayer, encouragement, and evaluation.

Appendix 2: Responsibilities of Partners

During the Covenant Agreement

• Enlist a prayer team• Assist in developing a strategic plan

to plant the church• Enlist and deploy volunteers to

regularly assist with the church plant• Assist in providing and/or securing

and maintaining meeting facilities/location for the church plant

Appendix 2: Responsibilities of Association/State

Convention• Mobilize prayer support for the

church planting effort

• Assist with financial support

• Provide personal and event evangelism training for planter and leaders.

Appendix 2: Responsibilities of Church

Planter• Cooperate with the sponsor church

leadership in developing a strategic plan for the church plant.

• Commit to enthusiastically fulfilling all the functions of the new church

• Participate in the training provided by the sponsor church/association, and /or state convention.

Appendix 4: Church Appendix 4: Church Planting RationalPlanting Rational

• Important to remember God is the Important to remember God is the one who builds his church. one who builds his church.

• The Holy Spirit does not always The Holy Spirit does not always follow the same pattern or process in follow the same pattern or process in beginning a congregation.beginning a congregation.

• People discover God’s direction People discover God’s direction through prayer.through prayer.

Appendix 4: Five Reasons Appendix 4: Five Reasons for Plantingfor Planting

• Planting churches is biblical.Planting churches is biblical.

• Planting churches is typical Baptist Planting churches is typical Baptist action.action.

• Planting churches is practical.Planting churches is practical.

• Planting churches is rewarding.Planting churches is rewarding.

• New churches usually stimulate the New churches usually stimulate the growth of existing churches.growth of existing churches.

The Need for New The Need for New CongregationsCongregations

• More than 230 million people in North More than 230 million people in North America are unchurched. America are unchurched.

• Planting churches is the most effective Planting churches is the most effective way to reach unchurched people.way to reach unchurched people.

• New congregations grow faster than New congregations grow faster than established congregations.established congregations.

• New congregations are the best New congregations are the best stewardship of our mission dollars.stewardship of our mission dollars.

• Planting congregations opens new doors Planting congregations opens new doors for people to enter the church. for people to enter the church.

Appendix 5: Six Church Appendix 5: Six Church Planting ApproachesPlanting Approaches

• Program-based church plantingProgram-based church planting• Purpose-based church plantingPurpose-based church planting• Seeker-based church plantingSeeker-based church planting• Ministry-based church plantingMinistry-based church planting• Relational-based church plantingRelational-based church planting• Affinity-based church plantingAffinity-based church planting

* For more examples, visit * For more examples, visit

Appendix 7: MCN Appendix 7: MCN Scheduling OptionsScheduling Options

• Monthly MCN Meeting 2- 2 ½ hoursMonthly MCN Meeting 2- 2 ½ hours

• Biweekly 1-1/2 – 2 hoursBiweekly 1-1/2 – 2 hours

• Weekly 1 – 1- ½ Weekly 1 – 1- ½