Sex Linked Traits. Karyotype pictures Male and Femals Sex Cells.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Sex Linked Traits

Karyotype pictures

Male and Femals Sex Cells

Karyotypes (video)

Human Genetic Traits (video)

Sex Linked Traits

Genes are found only on the X chromosomes

Disorders (that we will discuss)– Color blind– Hemophilia

XY = MaleXX = Female

Color Blind

Gene represented by a superscript C Only found on the X chromosome Can not distinguish reds and greens. The

colors appear brown. 1:12 males 8% of U.S. population 1:200 females .5% of U.S. population hemophiliaeurope.html

Color blind (video)


Male– XY normal sight

– XCY colorblind

Female– XX normal sight

– XCX or XXC trait carrier

– XCXC colorblind


Colorblind Eye Charts

Statistics for Colorblindness

The color blindness test consists of a set of five charts. Each chart shows a number in one color on a different background color. People with normal color vision will have no problem seeing the numbers on the charts, but people with color blindness will see only random colored dots. Seventy-five percent of color blind people have poor green perception. Of the remaining, 24% have poor red perception, and one percent are affected by a rare tritan type.


Blood does not clot Represented by a H superscript on

the chromosome hemophiliaeurope.html


Male– XY normal blood

– XHY Hemophilia

Female– XX normal blood

– XHX or XXH trait carrier

– XHXH Hemophilia

Royal Family Pedigree

The European Royal Family hemophiliaeurope.html

Hemophilia (video)