SFK Newsletter Fall 2015

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Fall 2015

City of Pittsfield Sticks for Kids ProgramPittsfield, MA

Pittsfield Program Makes Impact, and Headlines

When the City of Pittsfield Parks & Recreation Department in Pittsfield, MA was first granted a Sticks For Kids Program in 2010, they had high hopes for a summer camp that would offer children in the community an opportunity to learn the game of golf.

What they didn’t expect was 94 children showing up to participate in the inaugural event.

You might say the Pittsfield Program came out swinging, and the program has remained wildly popular ever since.

With the help of local golf pros, high school golf coaches, current and former high school golfers, and several volunteers with golf experience, the Pittsfield Program has served nearly 100 children each year since 2010.

“Just getting the sticks into the kids’ hands is half the battle,” said Jim Abel, Athletic Director for the Pittsfield Public Schools. “When we decided to do this, our first concern was how much response we’d get. We ended up being pleasantly surprised.”

Pittsfield’s Program typically runs the last week of June (3-5 days, depending on when the school year ends), serving children ages 6-11. Participants gather each day from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. on the field behind Pittsfield High School. Children are split up by age and rotated through several skill stations covering putting, driving, swing, rules, and etiquette.

Participants are treated to a field trip during the middle of the week to Jilly’s Ice Cream and Mini Golf (now closed) or

to the local Burger King for ice cream.

In 2011, participants even had the opportunity to play on a real golf course for one day of the program, thanks to Jay Abair and the General Electric Athletic Association (GEAA) Golf Course, something Abel and Manship hope will happen again in the future.

The best part is, the program is free.

“Parents continue to be impressed with how organized the program is, how many instructors there are, and how the program keeps the children’s interest,” said Becky Manship, Recreation Activities Coordinator for the City of Pittsfield. “Children really commit to the program. Many parents have mentioned how their children often dread going to camps, but they are so excited to attend Sticks For Kids that they can’t even keep them in the car in the morning. Many parents have also told us how they have gone on to purchase clubs because their children have taken to golf and want to continue to play after the program is over.”

Originally granted 10 sets of junior clubs in 2010, the Pittsfield Program recently secured an additional two sets through the Sticks For Kids Maintenance Grant. Many children have also been willing to share clubs, and several community members have stepped up to donate clubs, balls, and tees.

Once the camp is over, the 12 sets of Sticks For Kids clubs are made available for children to sign out so they can continue to play and practice their skills throughout the rest of the summer and fall.

All in all, the Pittsfield Program is a shining example of what Sticks For Kids is all about.

“We continue to be amazed how popular and successful our program is,” said Manship. “We have received an abundant amount of positive press. Sticks For Kids is a very positive program, and we look forward to continuing.”

For more information on the Pittsfield Program, email Becky Manship at bmanship@pittsfieldch.com.

Sticks For Kids Survey Due January 8!Another year is coming to an end and it’s time for us to evaluate this year’s performance and start planning for next year’s

programs. As a Sticks For Kids participant, you are required to complete a year-end survey. Your feedback is essential to gauge the current success of Sticks For Kids and to continue maintaining the program. Failing to offer the Sticks For Kids Program or to complete the survey may result in a request to return the Sticks For Kids equipment for redistribution.

Links to the Sticks For Kids Year-End Survey hit email inboxes December 1, 2015. If you did not see the initial email or the reminders, please contact the GCBAA Foundation Office immediately at 402-476-4444. A link to the survey is also available on our website http://www.sticksforkids.org.

Why do we collect this information?

The GCBAA Foundation utilizes the survey data to analyze the success of the Sticks For Kids Program and to report the findings to donors and grant makers through the GCBAA Foundation Annual Status Report. Without this information, Sticks For Kids funding may no longer be available.

What if data requested was not collected?

Please provide your best estimate of the youth population served. If you do not feel you have collected enough information to make an estimate, please mark “N/A” and indicate a reason for omission in the textbox.

What if my organization did not run a Sticks For Kids Program in 2015?

You must contact the GCBAA Foundation to provide an explanation if the Sticks For Kids Program was not available to your community in 2015. Please contact Lori Romano at (402) 476-4444 or lori_romano@gcbaa.org. Failure to report an explanation may result in a request to return equipment for redistribution.

Please complete the survey no later than Friday, January 8, 2016. Failure to complete the survey could result in your program being suspended and/or being ineligible for future funding.

Thank you for your dedication to the Sticks For Kids Program and for all you do to serve the children and families in your community. 2016 is already shaping up to be a very exciting year and we can’t wait to where the new year will take us. We look forward to working with you again next year!

APPLY NOW Maintenance Grants

Due March 1In 1997, the GCBAA Foundation

launched the Sticks for Kids Program. The goal was to bring the game of golf to children who may otherwise never have the opportunity to play by providing equipment and teaching materials to help them learn the game.

The GCBAA Foundation always intended Sticks For Kids to be a long-standing initiative. Right now, there are more than 300 active Sticks For Kids Programs operating in the United States.

After years of heavy use by active programs, many Sticks For Kids clubs and bags end up needing to be replaced. Many successful programs also find themselves needing more equipment as their enrollment grows.

In 2012, the GCBAA Foundation established the Maintenance Grant which allows existing Sticks For Kids Programs to apply for additional assistance to supplement their thriving programs with new equipment.

To be considered for a Maintenance Grant, programs must be in good standing, maintain an Active status, and complete the annual Sticks For Kids Year-End Survey. All requests are subject to Foundation Board approval.

For more information or to complete a Maintenance Grant application, visit us online at www.sticksforkids.org or contact Lori Romano at lori_romano@gcbaa.org.

New Program Applications Due March 1Looking for a way to serve the youth in your community?

How about launching a Sticks For Kids Program? The GCBAA Foundation will consider granting support to any program that may

help achieve the overriding vision of growing participation in the game. Recipients of Sticks for Kids program materials and funding will be selected based on how the resources will be used to achieve objectives and make the biggest impact.

Any golf course, company, or youth organization is encouraged to complete and submit the Sticks for Kids Application. Recipients may be eligible to receive:

• Up to ten (10) sets of US Kids junior golf clubs and bags

• Sticks for Kids teaching and marketing materials

If you have the time and the skills to lead the program, the GCBAA Foundationcan help by providing equipment and teaching materials to get your program up and running. Applying is easy, just log onto www.sticksforkids.org to download a copy of the New Program Application. Tell us a little about yourself and how you plan to implement the program.

What makes Sticks For Kids unique is the program’s adaptability. Each program can be designed and implemented in a way that works best for everyone involved. Whether you’re a small summer camp in the heart of Kansas or busy after-school program near downtown L.A., Sticks For Kids can help you introduce the game of golf and all the life lessons that go with it to the children and families in your community.

All we ask is that you take good care of the equipment and report back to us every now and then so we can see how your program is impacting the lives of the children you serve.

For more information on how you can get started, contact Lori Romano in the GCBAA Executive Office at 402-476-4444 or Lori_Romano@gcbaa.org.

Foundation Scores March Madness ContributionThe GCBAA Foundation would like to send a special thanks to Terry Gwinn of Fairmount Santrol for his $500 contribution to the GCBAA Foundation’s Sticks for Kids Program. Terry participated in Fairmount’s March Madness Charity Challenge and walked away the grand prize winner. Congratulations, Terry! And thank you for your continued support!

2015 Memorial FundsIn January 2015, Dawn Edwards

contacted the GCBAA Foundation to inquire about making donations to the Sticks For Kids Program in memory of her late brother, Chuck Edwards.

Chuck passed away unexpectedly on January 8, 2015. To honor his memory, and his love of the game, Chuck’s family has set up the Chuck Edwards Memorial Fund to help children learn the game that he loved so much. A total of $830 was donated in Chuck’s honor, and the GCBAA Foundation would like to thank the following donors for their generous gifts to the Sticks For Kids Program:

Rexanne Domico

Dawn Edwards

Jean Edwards

Steve Edwards

Diana Halstead

Jim & Elaine Normile

Catherine Quinn

Jane Wyatt

In September, the GCBAA Foundation also received a $50 contribution from Mr. & Mrs. Matt Sendker in memory of Mr. Frank Crisafulli.

The GCBAA Foundation would like to thank the Edwards and Sendker families for their generous donations. All memorial funds directed benefit the Sticks for Kids Program.

For more information on the Chuck Edwards or Frank Crisafulli Memorial Funds, or to find out how you can set up a fund to honor your loved ones, contact the GCBAA Foundation at 402-476-4444.

Each year, the GCBAA Foundation receives generous donations from several member companies to support both the Sticks For Kids and the Scholarship Programs. Please help us thank the following GCBAA Members for their ongoing support:

John and Catherine Holmes of Atlas Turf International reached out to the GCBAA Foundation in December to give a very unique gift. They donated a total of $600 to the GCBAA Foundation and Sticks for Kids Program in honor of the following international clients:

Martin Moore, FlagstickChris May, IMG

Danny Potter, Centaur Asia PacificRob Glucksman, Witgang Far East

Babiker Khateeb, PolycleanHiromi Yanagisawa, Inaji Landscaping & Construction

Thank You For Your Support!In 2015, the GCBAA Foundation received nearly $2,700

in charitable donations to benefit Stick For Kids

Support the GCBAA Foundation While You Shop

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Sticks For Kids Receives Grant Contribution From the Paul N. Waite Family Fund

In April 2015, the GCBAA Foundation received a check for $3,000 from The Pittsburgh Foundation, a community foundation established in 1945 that helps local individuals, businesses, and organizations give back to their community through endowment funds. Paula Waite Sandherr, wife of GCBAA Member James Sandherr of MAT, Inc., chose Sticks For Kids as the recipient of the grant provided through the Paul N. Waite Family Fund.

Survey results are still pouring in, but data already shows that more than 48,000 children and disabled adults were served across the United States in 2015. Funds received from the Pittsburgh Foundation helped provide replacement equipment for 20 active programs through the Sticks for Kids Maintenance Grant and launch 10 new Sticks For Kids Programs, including a partner-ship with the Middle Atlantic Blind Golf Association, a non-profit organization that provides blind and visually-impaired adults and children the opportunity to enjoy all the challenges and rewards that golf has to offer. Currently serving communities in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and southern New Jersey, the MABGA is currently exploring opportunities to expand to northern New Jersey, Georgia, and Colorado.

And donations like this are what help make it all possible.

The GCBAA Foundation would like to thank Paula Sandherr and the Pittsburgh Foundation for their support.

The holiday gift-buying crunch might be over, but you can still support the GCBAA Foundation and Sticks for Kids Program while you shop. AmazonSmile is a division of Amazon.com that donates a small portion of the money you spend back to your fa-vorite charitable organization. All you have to do is log onto AmazonSmile using your same Amazon.com username and password and the folks at AmazonSmile will take care of the rest. It doesn’t cost you any extra, and it’s a really easy way to give back. For more information, contact the GCBAA Executive Office at 402-476-4444, or log onto smile.amazon.com today to get started.

GCBAA Foundation | 6040 S. 58th St., Suite D | Lincoln, NE 68516

Tel: 402-476-4444 Fax: 402-476-4489
