SGA Senator Candidate Bios · 2020-05-21 · SGA Senator Candidate Bios Arts and...

Post on 27-May-2020

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SGA Senator Candidate Bios Arts and Sciences/Undeclared (10)

Caroline Bass My commitment to doing “small things with great love,” as Mother Teresa called the World to do, makes me an excellent candidate for Senate. I believe that every action I take within (and outside of) SGA has the power to change campus in a positive manner, which is why I’m passionate about Senate and bring that passion to every meeting. I’m a History and Geography major, and currently, I am a senator representing the freshman class. In this position, I was the Chair of the Alabama Bicentennial Committee and helped plan a Bicentennial event. I am also on the Academic Affairs Committee. I love Senate because we support communities on campus by helping fund organizations and advocating for student needs. I am qualified to be a Senator because I do “small things with great love” that impact our campus in a positive way.

Carson Caulfield I am a sophomore Journalism and Mass Communications Major at Samford. This year, I have had the pleasure of serving on the SGA Public Relations Committee and the Student Activities Council. During my time with the SGA Public Relations Committee, we have worked diligently to promote the mission and

events of SGA. We have also implemented new strategies and programs to increase student involvement with SGA. Though my time with the Student Activities Council has just begun, we have worked hard to bring students new and traditional SGA events. My time on SGA has been filled with wonderful initiatives and projects to enhance student life at Samford. As a senator, I plan to continue the work of those before me by seeking to implement new and out-of-the-box ideas, while promoting individual and organizational efforts that will better the student experience.

Madeline Guy I am an upcoming junior and have served on SGA in Freshman Forum and as an Arts and Sciences Senator. I also served on the Campus Services Committee through Senate where I was able to advocate for improvement in the Caf, parking, and other areas of campus. I would love to serve again on Senate to continue to advocate for Caf improvement and ensure that the student body’s opinions are heard.

Cam Hunt I am a Junior from Tupelo, Mississippi. I have previously served as secretary of the sophomore class council, and this past year as the Junior class president. Through both of these, I’ve gotten the chance to plan some fun stuff for you all, and this past year I also was able to represent you guys in senate as a class officer. I’m hoping to continue my involvement there, where I’m able to be a part of making decisions that benefit you guys and work with Samford organizations to get them and keep them up and running. I hope my Juniors have seen me do a good job with communication, and I want to continue to hear your voices so that we can better Samford in the big and little ways.

Max Latterman Hello Samford! I am a sophomore computer science and history major from Germany. I am hoping to be able to represent the Howard College of Arts and Sciences on senate next year. As a student from abroad, I hope to also represent the international student body and to promote new cultural perspectives in conversations, which will allow me to work among others with the Diversity Committee in a critical and enriching way. My freshman year I was a member of the Freshman Forum and this year I am serving as a peer educator on the Multicultural Affairs Committee. I am also working as an International Ambassador, which provides me with great connections to the Global Engagement Office. As a senator I would like to work towards an increased international education in the Arts and Sciences, as in a globally connected world like ours today, understanding different cultures constitutes an essential part of our education.

Cole Powers I am a Freshman here at Samford. I am currently a Senator for Howard College of Arts and Sciences, and I am serving on the Diversity Committee. It has been a great opportunity to be involved with the behind-the-scenes process of the university. In high school, I served as Vice President of my class for all four years. I would love to serve the student body again next semester in the position of Senator. I want to make sure the voices of the students and their organizations are heard throughout the year. Lastly, I hope to help unify groups from all different parts of campus.

Molly Sullivan I am a sophomore Biochemistry major and Dance minor from Huntsville, AL. During my time in SGA, I have served as a member of Freshman Forum, and I currently serve as a Sophomore Advisor for Freshman Forum. Through these positions, I have been able to develop leadership skills needed in order to serve my campus. I have also been exposed to the many opportunities that SGA provides for every student on campus. If I am elected to Senate, I hope to work alongside a group of people who are passionate about changing Samford for the better. As a Senator, I want to work to add more lighting to the campus, as well as emergency lights. I believe that this would benefit Samford by providing extra safety around campus.

Jalen Williams I am currently a sophomore law, politics, and society major, and Spanish minor. Although I have not previously held a position in the Student Government Association, I would love to become a part of it. Skills that could assist me in the position of a Howard College senator include organization, the ability to clearly convey ideas, compromising with others in areas of disagreement, addressing topics I disagree with in a rational and respectful manner, dedication to causes I believe in, and serving whole-heartedly in positions I hold. While I will gladly and excitedly serve on any SGA committee, I believe my presence would be best utilized on the student life and diversity committee. I am present in the student community through Res Life and Greek Life, and as an African American student, I know what is needed in reference to areas of diversity. If I am elected as a senator, one thing I would like to implement is a diversity forum. This would allow students who are under-represented on campus to communicate with SGA face-to-face, and pitch ideas that they believe would help make their experience at Samford more comfortable. (2) Appointed by incoming Vice President for Senate

School of the Arts (3)

Mei Lin Dye My freshman year, I participated in Freshman Forum and gained a greater understanding of what it means to serve on SGA at Samford. I heard from several speakers from each branch of government and came to the conclusion that I wanted to serve as a Senator. In this position, I would strive to objectively make decisions that are best for Samford. My goal is to listen to people and solve problems rather offer suggestions and accept the norm. I hope to serve on SGA in some capacity in the future, and I know this position will allow me to gain experience, grow as an individual, and prepare me for the future. (2) Appointed by incoming Vice President for Senate Business (7)

Benjamin Becker Last semester I worked with Mr. Madsen, the director of campus recreation, to try and start an official running club on campus. The running club is in full swing now but we decided it was best to make it unofficial because of the unnecessary burden it put on a bunch of people who just wanted to go out and get active together and be able to advertise around campus. I am very happy with how the club has turned out and we now have more than 50 members, I love running it. Another thing that I have enjoyed being involved in is SGA meetings. I have been a proxy to several senators, and have had fun sitting in and feeling like I am playing a role in what happens on campus. As a senator I want to make it less complicated for the average student to start a club.

Tucker Bryan I am running for Senate representing the Brock School of Business. I am a sophomore from Montgomery, Alabama. My past experience on Senate has been in the same position on the Finance Committee. My past accomplishments have been being on the Finance Committee which has almost completed the full allocation of funds for the Spring semester of 2020. I hope to serve SGA and the student body well through my thoughts and opinions in the Senate chamber. My involvement in assisting two successful statewide judicial campaigns has given me good experience working with constituents towards a common goal. I hope to bring that experience to the chamber for the second year in a row.

Dowen Fife I am running for the position of senator. I am currently a “pre-business” major with plans to major in Entrepreneurship or Marketing. This past school year I have held the position of Senator and served as a member of the community life committee within the senate. As a senator I have learned the innerworkings of Student Government at Samford and feel that I am best equipped to make an immediate impact as a sophomore next year. For me a leadership position is both an opportunity as well as a privilege that only select individuals are offered; therefore, I will make it my duty to serve the students of the Business School to the best of my ability if given the opportunity. My goals for this position are simple: to listen, serve, and represent the students of Samford

Andrew Mintz This year I have had the honor of serving as a Senator for the Brock School of Business and a member of the Finance Committee. As a senator, my priority has been to pass bills and appropriations that benefit Brock School of Business and the Samford student body as a whole. In addition, I served as a committee member on the Student Activities Council (SAC) as well as a member of Freshman Forum. These positions have better prepared me to further serve you in SGA by building my leadership and professional skills while gaining a better understanding of the needs of our student body. If re-elected, I will continue to support bills that positively affect the business school, work directly with business school administration to create opportunities for students to refine their professional business skills, and serve as an avenue through which students can voice their opinions.

Elena Muller I am a freshman business major seeking to impact Samford University’s student government through dedicated service on the senate within the Brock School of Business. Throughout high school, I passionately served in the student government and spiritual life organization and desired to be a light within my given community. I value leadership and strive to set a positive example in the various roles I have served and will hold in the future. As a member of the senate for the business school, I will seek out the needs of students and aim to efficiently convey their voice in an organized and timely manner. I will make it a priority to connect weekly with students and be intentional with developing relationships to whole-heartedly benefit the entirety of the business student body. My goal is to reach students and connect to effectively shape student life at Samford University.

William Roseman I’m currently a sophomore Finance/Economic major in the business school. I’ve served on the Multicultural Affairs Committee and Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, and have been a representative of the student body and a peer educator in both positions. I’ve been involved in different areas of campus and wanted to serve my peers in Senate by bringing different ideas and experience on campus. I’ve been in athletics, Greek life, and SGA at Samford and feel that I am fortunate enough to experience how different every day at Samford can look for each and every person. I’m passionate about improving everyone’s Samford experience and want to help improve everyday life for every Samford student, from the parking for commuters to the residence halls for those on campus. I would be greatly honored to serve my fellow students and help bring changes to campus that would benefit the whole community.

Benjamin Runyan I’m a student in the Brock Business School, and I plan on graduating with a degree in Business Entrepreneurship. Despite never running as a candidate at Samford, I have gained countless valuable characteristics throughout high school and my first semester at this beautiful University. The first major accomplishment that qualifies me for the position on the senate is my role as vice president in the nonprofit organization Young Men Service League. Young Men Service League is a nonprofit organization that encourages growth between a mother and a son through supporting philanthropies and serving the community. Last year I served as the Vice President of the senior class, leading the chapter meetings and evaluating specific community service hours. I have a strong passion for both Samford and service. I will constantly maintain a spirit of service, and every decision will be based on the desires of the student as a whole.

Joshua Taylor My name is Joshua Taylor, and I am a sophomore business student. I am a pre-law student as well, and I am fond of taking part in positive change and being part of a political forum. I was a part of Freshman Forum my freshman year, and I enjoyed my time in it immensely. If elected, I will stand as a voice of the business school and its students. As a senator, I will bring to light any concerns, problems, or points of interest that are held by students with the intent of causing positive change. One way I plan to use my position is as a platform to encourage students to attend senate and learn about what SGA does, as well as what we are discussing. Additionally, I will help motivate students to join SGA by telling them of my experiences in it.

Brittany Lee I am from Cullman, Alabama. I attended Cullman High School, and I was the National Honor Society President, as well as a Student Ambassador. As the president of NHS, I was given the opportunity to organize service opportunities such as the Animal Shelter Drive, the American Heart Association Marathon, and the Thankful Neighbor Project. I am currently a freshman majoring in accounting and minoring in history. After college, I plan on continuing my education in law school. If I am elected to this position, I promise to do my best to listen to the people. I know how important it is to listen to the majority, rather than the loudest. I believe that most problems in the world can be solved with civil communication. I plan to act as a conduit taking the people’s needs and turning them into actions. Thank you!

Sam Gonas I am running to be a Business Senator. I am currently a Sophomore, and this is my second year being in SGA. I was a part of Freshman Forum last year. I feel that my leadership skills were strengthened during that experience because of the great speakers we were able to listen to. This year I have served as a Business Senator and a member of the finance committee. I enjoyed processing funding requests and presenting bills to the rest of the senate. I would love to be the chair of the finance committee next year, and I believe that my experience would be helpful in that role. I would love to serve as a senator again for next year and help better this campus. Education (3)

Amelia Park I am currently a freshman, and this past year I served as the freshman class treasurer and also served in the Senate. I would love to be a senator for the College of Education in the year of 2020-2021. As a senator, I will listen well to the voice of the people. This is to ensure that ideas are being spread and for people to truly know that they are heard. Everyone deserves to know that their voice and ideas are not worthless. As a Senator, I want to be the voice for students and show that they genuinely are worth caring for. Also, I will make sure to be smart about my decisions in regards to the constituents and continue in contributing to unifying the student body. (2) Appointed by incoming Vice President of Senate

Health Professions (5)

Timothy Cleveland I am a proud member of the school of health professions and freshman class. I have experience in SGA, serving on freshman forum and attending many senate meetings. In freshman forum, speakers from around SGA present ideas and provide insight into elected and appointed positions. I have learned from personal conversations with guest speakers on how I can best serve in SGA. In high school, I led my school’s beta club as the president. I learned how to strategically plan and be critically minded. During this past Christmas break, I went through the entire constitution and code of laws for SGA. I have multiple amendments concerning how much power the SGA president holds. Listening to students is a high concern of mine. I will keep an open-door policy and welcome any ideas that bring positive improvement to SGA.

Dylan Newton I currently serve Samford as a Senator for Health Professions. I am a Sports Medicine major with a minor in Worship Leadership. In this role I have helped pass many bills that I believe make Samford a better place. In Senate, I do not have the mindset of what will help me. I have the mind set of what will help others. When I say you are at the front of my mind, I truly mean it. I have worked alongside other Senators on bills and resolutions that we believe will better Samford for the student body. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve you as a Senator, and I hope to have that opportunity again for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Jackson Drake I am a sophomore from Cullman, Alabama. I am a Sports Medicine major with a minor in Biology. In the past I have served on the SGA class council which serves as an assistant/advisory board to the members of the SGA officers for each class. The class council assists the SGA officers in planning events for their specific class and ensuring that said events run smoothly. If I had the honor of being elected to this Senate position, I would strive to attain the highest level of excellence that I am capable of. I would earnestly seek to be an honorable servant to both the student body of Samford that I have been elected to represent and also the Samford faculty, staff, alumni, and any other constituents that I may interact with through this position.

Cameron Vidal I am a sophomore sports medicine major with a double minor in chemistry and medical ethics with dreams to attend the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans to one day change the world through medicine. Choosing Samford to further my education at the undergraduate level has been the most important and meaningful decision of my life. I currently serve as a member of SAC. It is a privilege to be able to input my ideas to plan and serve the counsel in any way I can. I also play a role in the Religion and Science club with Dr. Josh Reeves, with desires to run for vice president. I am running to serve as a senator because I am looking for another concrete way that I can utilize my passion for this school as well as embody responsibilities among the student body.

Jenna Powell I am currently a freshman in the 3/3 DPT program. I would be honored to serve as a senator for the School of Health Professions. I have been interested in SGA since coming to Samford yet have not been involved. I decided first semester that it would be best if I got to know my school and its people better before running for a position such as senator or class officer. While I haven’t had any experience being a part of Samford’s SGA, I served as president of SGA for my high school. It was one of the most beneficial experiences to serve as a voice for my fellow classmates, and I hope to serve Samford’s students in the same capacity. If elected, I am excited for the opportunity to interact with more people and exemplify the values of the School of Health Professions. Nursing (5)

Magdalene Fruehwald I am currently a Junior in nursing school. This past year I have had the honor of serving on SGA senate. Serving as a senator for the college of nursing has been one of the biggest blessings and highlights of my time at Samford. I have worked with faculty members, committees, directors, and peers to find ways to reduce wait times at Freshens, opportunities to bring other food options to the College of Health Science, and ways to help reduce issues with transportation and parking. This upcoming year I would love the opportunity to help nursing students find ways to engage in central campus activities put on by SAC, build relationships with the Birmingham community, and to develop stronger bonds between faculty and students. It has been such a joy serving on SGA and I hope to continue to improve your Samford experience.

Rachel Lane I currently serve as an SGA Nursing Senator. I have loved the experience and opportunities that SGA has provided me with. SGA has allowed me to serve my peers and learn more leadership. I am running to be your Nursing Senator for 2020-2021. Being a Nursing Senator this year has prepared me to step into next year with even more ideas and ambition. A few ideas I have for the upcoming year are for a WEPA in the UC and keeping the express CHS shuttle running all day. Another thing I want to improve this coming year is communication between the Nursing Students and myself. If elected for the position, I will send a formal email out through our Nursing Advisors with my contact information allowing my peers to contact me at any time. Thank you for the opportunity to potentially serve you all again!

Kathryn Lashley I am currently a sophomore. I have served as one of the SGA Nursing Senators for the 2019-2020 school year and would love the opportunity to continue being a voice of reason. If elected to be a nursing senator for the 2020-2021 school year, I would like to implement a few changes. I know that Nursing students have short breaks, so I would like to change the Freshens swipe policy and allow all students to be able to get Freshens all day using a swipe. I have also heard of students wanting to drive across campus to park since it can be a long walk with various weather conditions, so I would like to have a section of the CHS parking lot open to a few spots for any students to park in. I would love the opportunity to serve you within SGA!

Gracie Walker I’m running to be part of the Sophomore class Senate. I want to execute my ideas of spreading courage and compassion among the Samford community. I am not a career politician, but I was always actively involved in my high school community and a leader of many teams and organizations. My goal is to make sure that everyone is included in different activities and satisfied with the outcome. I plan to listen to what others have to say, always put a smile on peoples’ faces, and I will get the job done! -“Make a Difference” – Gracie Walker 4 Senate Pre-Pharmacy (1) (1) Appointed by the incoming Vice President for Senate Public Health (1) (1) Appointed by incoming Vice President for Senate