Shape Poems Amy Conway Click the arrow to continue.

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Shape Poems Amy Conway

Click the arrow to continue

Introduction• Your challenge is to think and express

yourself through poetry in a CREATIVE way.

• Today you will define what a shape poem is and you will learn how to create one.

• You will click on the arrow at the bottom right corner to continue each slide.

What is a Shape Poem

Before you click the arrow WRITE down on the paper provided a prediction to the question above.

What is a shape poem?

• takes the shape of the subject of the poem• exp. if the poem is about a tree, it would be shaped

like a tree

• uses simple objects for the shapes• exp. hearts, houses, animals, etc.

Do not click the arrow until you do this first – was your prediction correct why or why not? Explain? Use the paper provided.

Examples of Shape Poems

More Examples

How do you write a shape poem?

• Think of a poem topic

• Try to pick a topic that can be supported by a shape (abstract ideas might be harder to use)

• Draw an outline of the shape (you can keep the outline there or delete it later)

• Arrange your words within the shape (they can be just within the shape or outline it)

• Work with the look of the words until you find a look you like

• Write out a final copy to turn in

How to draw a shape poem

Draw your shape ↑



Pitter. Patter. The rain falls gently on my steel roof top. Slowly at first, but the tempo

picks up. Soon it will be a thrashing of

rain.Add words→

Try putting words in different orders→

What to do next?

• Brainstorm ideas of what you could write about with your shoulder partner.

• If you have any questions, ask!

Evaluation- What You Will Be Graded On

5 4 3 2 1

Shape Is Creative

Poem is related to shape

Words Spelled Correctly

Neatly done – Presentation, anyone can read the poem

Conclusion • You have learned how to create a shape poem. You saw how to

create and draw a shape poem. Here is your chance to demonstrate what you have learned by creating a shape poem. It can not be like any of the poems you already saw as examples.

• Here are the requirements:• Hint: Your poem must be about the shape you draw or create. 1. You may use whatever materials you wish 2. Follow the rubric – the shape must relate to the poem.

3. Once you have created your object, you will present it to the class, Most important of all, have fun!