Shaping the future of CPD: Supporting & Developing NQTs

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Supporting & Developing NQTs

Germaine MckinnonChristopher Brown

Braunstone Frith Primary School, Leicester


Summer 2014

Recruitment process for NQTs

Orientation days for NQTs

So what ?

Lesson Study and IRIS

NQT Professional Development

What happened next?

Coaching is a key part of the CPD planner

OfSTED said…

• “The excellent, innovative methods used by leaders and managers to check and improve the quality of teaching are having a strong, positive impact”

June 2015

CHALLENGE PARTNERS: Quality Assurance Review Written Report, January 2016

• A range of highly effective strategies, including the innovative personalised coaching, has strongly improved the quality of teaching since the last review. The quality of work in pupils’ books provides testament to the progress that has been made. The consistency of improvement demonstrates the commitment and dedication of staff.

• Personal CPD planners are updated half-termly and show the progress the teachers are making towards their chosen targets. Teachers are much clearer on expectations of their practice and can see how it impacts on learning. The recent Ofsted report (June 2015) stated that: ‘The immediate improvement this [video coaching] has brought about is evident in the consistently good teaching by both newly qualified teachers and established staff.’ As a result of reflecting on individual teaching through video coaching, teaching can be tweaked so pupil response, engagement, participation and overall attitude to learning is improved.

Future plans

Any questions for Germaine or Chris?

Questions for discussion

What are the key areas to identify and get right to ensure staff want to stay in teaching and continue teaching in your establishment?

How would you know you were getting it right?

In case you haven’t seen it…
