Share and Share Alike

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Using System V Shared Memory in MRI Ruby Projects


Share and Share Alike

Using System V shared memory constructs in MRI Ruby projects

● Jeremy Holland

● Senior Lead Developer at CentreSource in beautiful Nashville, TN

● Math and Algorithms nerd

● Scotch drinker

● @awebneck,, freenode: awebneck, etc.

Who Am I?

The Problem


● Huge. Millions of nodes, each node holding ~500 bytes

● e.g. Gigabytes of data

● K-d tree of non-negligible dimension (varied, around 6-10)

● No efficient existing implementation that would serve the purposes needed

Fast search Reasonably fast consistency

How huge?

● Index the tree, persist to disk

Loading umpteen gigs of data from disk takes a spell.

Reload it for each query WAY TOO SLOW

Things we considered...and discarded

● Index once and hold in memory

Issues both with maintaining index consistency and balance

Difficult to share among many processes / threads without duplicating in memory.

Things we considered...and discarded

● DRb

Simulates memory shared by multiple processes, but not really

While the interface to search the tree is available to many different processes, actually searching it takes place in the single, server-based process

Things we considered...and discarded

● Benefits

Shared segment actually accessible by multiple, wholly separate processes

Built-in access control and permissions Built-in per-segment semaphore

● Drawbacks

With great power comes great responsibility Acts like a bytearray – manual serialization

Enter Shared Memory

● Ruby:

Everything goes on the heap Garbage collected - no explicit freeing of

memory● C:

Local vars, functions, etc. on the stack Explicit allocations on the heap (malloc) Explicit freeing of heap – no GC

Ruby-level memory paradigmvs C-level memory paradigm

● Before start of process


● Process starts

● Heap begins to grow


● Process runs

● Heap continues to grow with additional allocations


● Process runs

● GC frees allocated memory no longer needed...


● it can be reallocated for new objects


● Process ends

● Heap freed


● Process starts

● Stack grows to hold functions, local vars


● Process runs

● Memory is explicitly allocated from the heap in the form of arrays, structs, etc.


● Process runs

● A function is called, and goes on the stack


● Process runs

● The function returns, and is popped off the stack


● Process runs

● The item in the heap, no longer needed, is explicitly freed


● Process runs

● A new array is allocated from the heap


● Process ends (untidily)

● The stack and heap are reclaimed by the OS as free


Ruby itself has no concept of shared memory.


C does.


● A running process (as viewed from the C level)

Shared Memory

● A shared segment is created with an explicit size – like allocating an array

Shared Memory

● The segment is ”attached” to the process at a virtual address

Shared Memory

● Yielding to the process a pointer to the beginning of the segment

Shared Memory

● A new process starts, wishing to attach to the same segment.

Shared Memory

● It asks the OS for the identifier of the segment based on an integer key

Shared Memory

Are you there?


● ...and attaches it to itself in fashion similar to the original.

Shared Memory

● Both processes can now - depending on permissions – read and write from the segment simultaneously!

Shared Memory

● The first process finishes with the segment and detaches it.

Shared Memory

● And thereafter, ends.

Shared Memory

● ...leaving only the second process, still attached

Shared Memory

● Now, the second process detaches...

Shared Memory

● ...and subsequently ends

Shared Memory

● Note that the shared segment is still in persisted in memory

● Can be reattached to another process with permission to do so

Shared Memory

● Later, a new process comes along and explicitly destroys the segment, all processes being finished with it.

Shared Memory

● Precisely how much memory can be drafted into service for sharing purposes is controlled by kernel parameters

kernel.shmall – the maximum number of memory pages available for sharing (should be at least ceil(shmmax / PAGE_SIZE))

kernel.shmmax – the maximum size in bytes of a single shared segment

kernel.shmmni – the maximum number of shared segments allowed.

How it's done: Configuration

● To view your current settings:

How it's done: Configuration

● Or...

How it's done: Configuration

● Setting the values temporarily can be accomplished with sysctl...

How it's done: Configuration

● ...or more permanently by editing /etc/sysctl.conf

How it's done: Configuration

● int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflag)

key_t key: integer key identifying the segment or IPC_PRIVATE

size_t size: integer size of segment in bytes (will be rounded up to next multiple of PAGE_SIZE)

int shmflag: mode flag consisting of standard o-g-w and IPC_CREAT (to create or attach to existing) and optionally IPC_EXCL (to throw an error if it already exists)

How it's done: Creating New and Acquiring Existing Segments

● int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflag)

Returns: valid segment identifier integer on success, or -1 on error

How it's done: Creating New and Acquiring Existing Segments

● void * shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflag)

shmid: integer identifier returned by a call to shmget

shmaddr: Pointer to the address at which to attach the memory. Almost always want to leave this NULL, so that the system will address the segment wherever there's room for it.

How it's done: Attaching segments

● void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflag)

shmflag: several flags for controlling the attachment – most importantly, SHM_RDONLY (what it looks like)

returns: a void pointer to the start of the attached segment, or (void *)-1 on error

How it's done: Attaching segments

● int shmdt(const void *shmaddr)

shmaddr: Pointer returned by the call to shmat returns: 0 or -1 on error

How it's done: Detaching segments

● int shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf)

shmaddr: The identifier returned by shmget cmd: The command to execute – for this

purpose, IPC_STAT Buf: A shmid_ds struct

How it's done: Getting segment information

struct shmid_ds {

  struct   ipc_perm;    permissions/ownership

  size_t   shm_segsz;   size of segment in bytes

  time_t   shm_atime;   last attachment time

  time_t   shm_dtime;   last detachment time

  time_t   shm_ctime;   last change time

  pid_t    shm_cpid;    pid of creator

  pid_t    shm_lpid;    pid of last attached

  shmatt_t shm_nattch;  # of attached processes


How it's done: Getting segment information

● int shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf)

shmaddr: The identifier returned by shmget cmd: IPC_RMID Buf: A shmid_ds struct (you can ignore it

afterwards, but it'll throw a fit if you don't provide it)

How it's done: Destroying segments



● Addressing Segments are attached wherever there is room

for them in the attaching process' address space

Challenges and Caveats

● Maybe here in one process...

Challenges and Caveats


● ...maybe here in another

Challenges and Caveats


● So if you store an absolute pointer in the segment that points somewhere else in the segment...

Challenges and Caveats


● It's not terribly likely to point where you think it should when referenced in a separate process

Challenges and Caveats


● Addressing Segments are attached wherever there is room

for them in the attaching process' address space

Absolute pointers are effectively useless Relative pointers – i.e. Offsets BSTs as heaps (the data structure). Serialization.

Challenges and Caveats

● Duplication and copying Ruby primitivesques (numerics, strings, etc) are

all allocated on the heap Shared data must be effectively copied Diminishes the usefulness of the tool for certain

applications (large data sharing) Not everything is a nail

Challenges and Caveats

● Duplication and copying But... fantastic for certain applications Search

Search the shared structure at c level Copy and coerce results to ruby objects |results| << |data to be searched|

Semaphore, interprocess messaging Built-in to the IPC/SHM lib!

Challenges and Caveats

● Tracking resource allocation Effectively an integer checked when a process

allocates some resource If nonzero, decrement If zero, the resource isn't available

● Simple, but slightly weird API.


● Push bytearray/string messages into the queue, shift 'em off

● Simple, slightly less bizarre API

Message Queues

● Quite exciting, this computer magic● Don't just use it because it's there

Have a NEED

● Don't be afraid to drop to C Don't know C?

Learn it – a pretty simple language, when all's said and done

Building ruby C extensions is actually pretty painless

In closing...

In which I probably get trolled

Questions / Comments

Enjoy the rest of the conference!

Thanks for listening!