Share God’s Good Journeys for Jesus News … and don’t let ...€¦ · 3. When you find one,...

Post on 24-Jun-2020

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Say With Me Ages 2-3

1. Say Together: Share God’s Good News!

2. Say Together: Don’t stop sharing Jesus!

Q&A Ages 4–Kindergarten

1. Did Paul let anything stop him from sharing Jesus? No!

2. What is God’s Good News? When you follow Jesus, you’re God’s friend!

Journeys for JesusPaul’s journey and trials

Week One

Blinky’s FamilyChallenge

Don’t Stop Obstacle CoursePaul didn’t let anything stop him from sharing Jesus with everyone. Don’t let anything stop you, either!

Review Time!

Tell your family all about Jesus!


Obstacle List

1. Set up an obstacle course indoors or outdoors with objects you have around your home. Use the Obstacle List for ideas.

2. Place the doll at the end of the obstacle course.

3. Challenge your kid to complete the obstacles and share God’s Good News with the doll at the end.

• Crawl through a web of streamers or belts

• Jump through hula hoops

• Hop through a ladder flat on the ground

• Zig Zag through upside down cups

• Crawl through a cardboard box tunnel

• Jump over a bowl of water

• Balance on a rolled-up rug log

• Hop on cushions lying on the ground

• Crash through pillow towers

• Crawl through a blanket tent

• Squeeze between pieces of furniture

You’ll Need


Lead your family through the Bible Plan Journeys for Jesus on the YouVersion Bible App.

Interact with God’s Word through the Bible App for Kids, activities, videos, coloring sheets, parent resources, and more!

Follow LifeKids to sing along with this month’s song, Time to Go!

• Various items for obstacle course

• A doll

Share God’s Good News … and don’t let

anything stop you!

Paul shared Jesus. Everywhere he went, he told everyone God’s Good News!Put eyes on each person.

Say the Bible verse with me!


Guy the Bible Guy



16:15 NLT

to everyone.”

... “Go

and preach theGood News

into all

the world

Answer: Say it with me! Share Jesus

with everyone!

Question:Hey friends!

Who should I share Jesus with?

Week Two

Blinky’s FamilyChallenge

Tell your family the Bible verse about God’s

Good News!

Guy the Bible Guy

Journeys for JesusPaul’s journey and trials

Say With Me Ages 2-3

1. Say Together: Share God’s Good News!

2. Say Together: Jesus is Good News!

Q&A Ages 4–Kindergarten

1. Who is God’s Good News always about? Jesus

2. Is God’s Good News for everyone? Yes!

Is It God’s Good News?God wants us to share His Good News about Jesus with everyone. But what is God’s Good News? Jesus is! He died on the cross for our sins, and God’s our friend when we follow Jesus!

Review Time!

Directions1. Set the two containers on opposite

ends of the room you’re in. One is the Yes! container, and one is the No! container.

2. Set the bowl of small objects in the middle of the room.

3. Say something from the God’s Good News? list.

4. If it’s God’s Good News, your kid takes a small object and runs it to the Yes! container.

5. If it’s not God’s Good News, your kid takes a small object and runs it to the No! container.

You’ll Need

God’s Good News?

• Two containers

• A bowl of small objects (rice, beans, marbles, etc.)

Interact with God’s Word through the Bible App for Kids, activities, videos, coloring sheets, parent resources, and more!

Follow LifeKids to sing along with this month’s song, Time to Go!

Share God’s Good News … about Jesus!

Lead your family through the Bible Plan Journeys for Jesus on the YouVersion Bible App.

No! Yes!

Cows have four legs.

Jesus loves everyone.

Ice cream is cold. Jesus died on the cross.

Cats say, “Meow!” Jesus is alive again!

People have ten fingers!

Jesus makes you friends with God.

Birthdays are fun! Jesus heals your heart.


16:15 NLT

to everyone.”

... “Go

and preach theGood News

into all

the world

GO! GO! GO! Share God’s Good News with everyone around you. Put a sticker above each part of the Bible verse when you say it.


Guy the Bible Guy

Shine Help Blinky find his Bible.

The Bible is God’s book for you!You can trust it’s right and true!

Answer: Say it with me! Share Jesus

with everyone!

Question:Hey friends!

Who should I share Jesus with?

Say With Me Ages 2-3

1. Say Together: Share God’s Good News!

2. Say Together: Jesus loves everyone!

Q&A Ages 4–Kindergarten

1. When you meet someone new, what can you do? Tell them God’s Good News

2. Should you be nice or mean when when you’re sharing God’s Good News? Nice

Week Three

Blinky’s FamilyChallenge

Search and ShareWhen you’re with your family and you meet someone new, be their friend. Share God’s Good News with them!

Review Time!

Sing our song to your family! Tell them all the

places you can GO! GO! GO! to share Jesus!


You’ll Need

1. Set the toys up all over the house.

2. Look for each toy.

3. When you find one, pretend you’re meeting a new friend. Say, “I’m happy to meet you! Jesus loves you!”

• Toys (Dolls, stuffed animals, army men, etc.)

Mr. Music

Journeys for JesusPaul’s journey and trials

Interact with God’s Word through the Bible App for Kids, activities, videos, coloring sheets, parent resources, and more!

Follow LifeKids to sing along with this month’s song, Time to Go!

Share God’s Good News ... with

everyone you meet!

Lead your family through the Bible Plan Journeys for Jesus on the YouVersion Bible App.

GO! GO! GO! Share God’s Good News with everyone around you. Give Blinky and Shine stickers to play with.

Say the Bible verse with me!


Guy the Bible Guy



16:15 NLT

to everyone.”

... “Go

and preach theGood News

into all

the world

Answer: Say it with me! Share Jesus

with everyone!

Question:Hey friends!

Who should I share Jesus with?

Say With Me Ages 2-3

1. Say Together: Share God’s Good News!

2. Say Together: GO! GO! GO!

Q&A Ages 4–Kindergarten

1. What is your favorite place to visit? Answers will vary.

2. Who can you share Jesus with when you go there? Answers will vary.

Week Four

Blinky’s FamilyChallenge

GO! GO! GO!God’s Good News is for the whole world. But you don’t have to go far away to share Jesus. Start sharing Jesus everywhere you GO! GO! GO! with everyone you KNOW! KNOW! KNOW!

Review Time!

Tell your family what’s in my Adventure Bag!


Journeys for JesusPaul’s journey and trials

Interact with God’s Word through the Bible App for Kids, activities, videos, coloring sheets, parent resources, and more!

Follow LifeKids to sing along with this month’s song, Time to Go!

Share God’s Good News ... everywhere

you GO! GO! GO!


1. Talk about different places you go in your neighborhood and community.

2. Draw a small picture of each place on the piece of paper. You can label each place if you want to.

3. Connect all the places with roads, sidewalks, or train tracks to make a map.

4. Draw a cross at each place to remember to share God’s Good News when you’re there!

You’ll Need• Paper

• Something to draw with

Lead your family through the Bible Plan Journeys for Jesus on the YouVersion Bible App.

The map, park, and green light help me remember to tell God’s Good News to everyone!Put a sticker on each Picture Pass.

Say the Bible verse with me!


Guy the Bible Guy



16:15 NLT

to everyone.”

... “Go

and preach theGood News

into all

the world

Answer: Say it with me! Share Jesus

with everyone!

Question:Hey friends!

Who should I share Jesus with?