She Ministry Newsletter - Clover...

Post on 24-Jul-2020

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God uses ordinary people to accomplish His purposes. One way He does this is through prayer. My desire is for people to realize what a vital role their prayers play in God's plan. Why would God ask us to pray if He already planned on doing something? He wants us to come to Him, develop a rela-tionship with Him, find His heart on the matter, then ask for it. We see this all through the Word. Daniel saw in Jeremiah that the 70 years of captivity was up. Did he just sit back and say, "Well if it's God's will, it'll happen?" No, he kept praying until the angel broke through with the answer. Consider Ezekiel and the 3 &1/2 years of drought when he heard "the sound of the abundance of rain." Did he just wait for the rain? No, he went and kept praying until his servant saw a small

cloud..... So it is with us!! God is calling us, wants us, needs us to unite with Him in praying His kingdom come, His will be done. SHE Prays’ purpose is to unite and pray over our leadership, the ministries, our families, community and upcoming

events. “The earnest (heartfelt) prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” James5:16 NLT You don't have to pray eloquent words-, just a heart yielded to Him. Just come, take your place, yield your heart to Him

and see what He will do. Mary Anita Cooper

Disciplers are not perfect people with all the right answers. They are spiritually maturing older women willing to share their heart, their experiences, and to invest in a young woman's life. “These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their chil-dren, to live wisely and be pure, to take care of their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.” Titus 2: 4-5 NLT This ministry is divided into four main areas: refining your life: discipling senior youth and college age girls, refining your role: discipling for women seeking to build greater marriages, refining

your parenting: discipling for women seeking to grow Godly children and refining your purpose: discipling for women seeking to grow spiritually. Wanted: women of all ages!

The women's discipleship ministry wants to invite you to join us in "The Great Commission". God is doing some exciting things in our church and also in the discipleship ministry. If you have stayed away because the idea of one on one discipleship was intimidating or made you nervous, come check us out at the "SHE" table in the foyer! See what's new!

Yolanda Darby SHE Celebrates plans various events during the year in order to CELEBRATE! We laugh, we connect, we find encouragement, we grow together and we fellowship. We also celebrate within the com-munity through various events. If you have the gift of hospitality, decorating, or love to throw a party, we'd love to have you join us. We have four opportunities for service and community outreach through the remainder of 2012. Extraordinary Women's conference – October 19-20 at the Landers Center - Casting

Crowns will be there providing worship music. Speakers include Lysa TerKeurst, Angela Thomas, Kim and Krickitt Carpenter and more. Purchase tickets online at More information is available at the SHE table. Community Outreach Christmas Party - Nov 17 at Southaven Arena – this is our second year to host this Christmas Party for the women of DeSoto County. Watch for more information in the coming weeks and opportunities to volunteer. Christi Johnston will be our speaker at the party. For more information on her, visit her website: Craft Fair - Dec 1 in the GO Center featuring your homemade items – this is for both men and women. Rent a space for $30 – all space rental proceeds go to the SHE Outreach fund and whatever you make from selling your products is yours. “They will celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness."“ Psalm 145:7

Phyllis Williams

Volunteer Opportunity House of Grace, a ministry for abused women and their children, is looking for volunteers. There are volun-

teer positions available for light clerical duty and thrift store help. Do you have a 1/2 day or full day each week to give to a local ministry that provides an amazing service? If so, please call Barbara Chambers at the House of Grace. No experience is required. Our office and thrift store is located in Southaven and open Monday-Friday from 9am-4:30pm. Please call (662) 253-0252 if you are interested.

The Fillin’ Station, located at 4840 Venture Drive in Southaven, is having a chili cook off with proceeds go-ing to the House of Grace. The cook off is Sunday, October 7 from 12pm-6pm. If you love chili or just want to show your support to the House of Grace, please attend this event.

She Ministry Newsletter O C T O B E R , 2 0 1 2

Inside This Issue Page #

Where were you? 1 SHE Ministries 2

SHE Grows 2 SHE Informs 3

SHE Encourages 3

SHE Serves 3

SHE Prays 4

SHE Disciples 4

SHE Celebrates 4

House of Grace 4

Calendar of Events October

Extraordinary Women's Conference – October 19-20 at the Landers Center Purchase tickets online at

November Community Outreach Christmas Party - Nov 17 at Southaven Arena – Watch for more information in the coming weeks and opportunities to volunteer.

December Craft Fair - Dec 1 in the GO Center featuring your homemade items – this is for both men and women. Rent a space for $30 – all space rental proceeds go to the SHE Outreach fund and whatever you make from selling your products is yours.

Where Were You? Where Will You Be? WHERE WERE YOU ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001? Where were you when you first heard the Twin Towers had been purposely demolished in an act of terrorism? I imagine you remember the moment well, just as I do. Honestly, the news struck me to the core. I wondered, “What next?” It seemed too horrific to be true – that right here in the nation that has always seemed immune to attack - an act of war could suddenly bring down the World Trade Center where thousands of Americans were just going about their business as usual. Since that day, there has been no more business as usual. Patriotism swelled. People displayed American flags to show how precious our freedom is to us. Many went back to church after a long absence. For a time, many woke up. Most have fallen back to sleep. Even though terrorism yet rages around the world, we are comfy-cozy at our computers, televi-sions, iPhones, and other gadgets. We worship, work, and shop where we please. We assume that our usual conveniences will always be available. They may not. We have been foolish and spoiled. We have become lethargic, complacent, and even blind. We love our liberty! We would despise the lack of it. Yet, on Election Day, how many of us will stay at home and trust the voting to others? It is expected that 300,000 conservative Christians will choose not to vote. We might as well vote to relinquish our freedom. If it is taken from us, who can we blame? We have the power to vote and make a difference. God promised, “If My people, who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land (II Chronicles 7:14).” WILL YOU VOTE? If not, then why not? Do you assume that your one vote can’t possibly make much of a difference? Have you considered the true story of Queen Esther who saved the nation of Israel from a terrorist plot that would have killed them all? She was one unknown young lady, until God called her to action. Her nation needed her. Now, your nation needs you. Your vote might actually save a nation from Socialism, Marxism, or worse. Do I sound like an alarmist? Then, I’m fine with that. Someone must sound an alarm! (Please see the movies “2016 - Obama’s America” and “Last Ounce of Courage” in theaters.) “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” - Edmund Burke)


Lynn Murley

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SHE MinistriesSHE MinistriesSHE Ministries In this month's newsletter, we are describing the seven ministry areas under the umbrella of our women's ministry, the SHE Ministry. These ministries are: SHE Grows, SHE Informs, SHE Encourages, SHE Celebrates, SHE Prays, SHE Disciples, and SHE Serves. Each of these min-istries fits into our church's mission statement: Attracting outsiders in, building insiders up, and serving inside and out. Please read these articles, and if you are not yet involved in the SHE Ministry, prayerfully consider which area(s) you might like to participate in. Right now is a great time to jump in; there are many wonderful opportunities to serve and to build relation-ships with other ladies in the church. Be sure to check out the calendar of upcoming events in this newsletter. If you would like more information, or to find out how to get involved, please visit our pages on the CHC website, or email Cyndi Wiseman at or any of the ministry leaders listed in this newsletter.

Gail Broadaway

GROW Bible Study (Girls Raised on the Word) has been going strong now for many years at CHC. We’ve covered many wonderful studies and had lots of amazingly qualified, godly ladies as group leaders. Our methods and people are ever-changing, but it’s clear that God is leading this group and continually coordinat-ing it all for His glory. GROW meets every Tuesday morning from 9:00 to 11:15 in The Go Center. For over a year now, in answer to many requests from working ladies, we’ve also been offering a night time GROW Bible Study on Thursday nights 6:30 to 8:00, in

the main building. The two groups always study the same material and coordinate schedules as well. So every lady who would like to participate now has the opportunity! This term, we’re all studying The One-Year Tyndale Chronological Bible, and we’re loving it! However, it’s a chronological study with a twist! We’re reading ahead! No, we aren’t cheating, but we have skipped right over into the October New Testament readings! The first selections we read this term were from Sept. 28 – 30, and now we’re reading on into October. Now, we loved the Old Testament too, but we were hungry for MORE OF JESUS ONLY (MOJO), so we just decided to go for it! We’re reading about Him, worshiping Him together during the opening assemblies, and just enjoying His presence together! We’re discovering what it means to be redeemed and to broadcast it! So far, the presence of the Holy Spirit during the worship times has been indescribable! As we proceed with this quest for just MORE OF JESUS ONLY, we’re finding Him! And He has confirmed to us clearly that we’re on the right track! Childcare is offered for day and night classes, but, during the Tuesday morning class, there is an exciting oppor-tunity for mothers who home school their kids. We offer group classes for those students, while the moms attend GROW! We’re thrilled to say that God has called Heather Myrick, who home schools her own son, Owen, as coordinator for these classes, and she is doing an excellent job! If this study sounds interesting to you and you’d like to know more, e-mail or Lisa Smith, . We would so love to meet you and get to know you! GROW is the best way we’ve found to get to know other ladies at CHC. Please give us a chance to get to know you!

Lynn Murley Homeschoolers

So many people have asked me what we do with our homeschoolers on Tuesdays, I thought I'd fill y'all in on what our Tuesday mornings look like. As the ladies are worshiping at GROW, we're getting ready to head to our classes. All of the kids, except the high schoolers, first meet in the Attic (formerly the Edge room), and we talk about our day, say the pledge of allegiance, and pray for our classes. We then let the kids go to their first class. The high schoolers meet first thing in class with Jennifer Lee, who is teaching an ACT prep class this semester. The younger ones (kindergarten through third grade) are being taught anatomy this semester by Beverly Riley with The Body Book, as well as going through "What's in the Bible?" DVDs with me. They are sharing that class with the older ones (fourth through eighth grade), whose second class is Presidents and Elections. Kristen Cox, who teaches that class, and I felt like this was a very timely class for these older kids with the election approaching. We divide the kids into two sections per grade level, and one group of each goes to their first class. After the first hour, the groups swap with the other group in their grade level. I'm so excited to see what God wants to do with this ministry in the future. I have so many class ideas from artist and composer studies, to drivers' ed, to sign language. Praying the Lord leads me to lead your homeschooled children!

New BeginningsNew BeginningsNew Beginnings Though this semester is taken care of, I will need help for the spring semester! If you are an active member of CHC you are eligible to teach, and non-members are eligible to assist, per ap-proval of our staff. Even if you don't home school your kids, or your kids are grown and out of the house, we can still use your talents and skills! I'd love to talk to you if you have an idea of classes for next semester or next year!

Heather Myrick

SHE Informs is how the SHE Ministry keeps women informed and connected. This ministry gets the opportunity to work with all the other six ministries in one way or another. SHE Informs is the public relations arm of the Ministry. We work with each ministry to inform the ladies at CHC what is going on and how to better get involved. One of the primary ways we spread information is through this very newsletter. The newsletter is put out each month (hopefully at the first of the month). Each month we try to cover topics of interest to women or news about the happenings at our church. We hope these

articles inspire you and make your walk with Jesus more special. SHE Informs is also responsible for all the women’s flyers you see around the church, photography at special events and keeping a scrap book of all events that the SHE Ministry hosts. SHE Informs is a perfect place for women that want to be behind the scenes serving the Kingdom. If you are interested in volunteering with SHE Informs, contact Kimberly Crafton at

Kimberly Crafton Encouragement is such a gift! Those who serve Him are answering His call to MOVE!! As we serve the church body and our community we will probably never know the extent of our gift, but God knows. This is God’s ministry of encouragement. God first gave this ministry to us seven years ago, and He has provided all our needs since. SHE Encourages reaches many through the loving hands of all those involved. Our largest ministry is the Sew in Love Ministry where we crochet a decorative edge around a fleece throw, and give it to nursing homes, West Clinic cancer patients, children’s homes, abused women shelters,

our ICC waiting room ministry, special needs babies, CHC newborns and our members who are patients at Baptist DeSoto Hos-pital. Our classes meet on Monday night 6-7:30 pm, room 103, and Tuesday morning 9-11 am, room 125. There is no expense involved. We provide all materials, and will be happy to teach you to crochet. Can’t attend a class, and would like to do this at home? Great! We have several ladies who do this at home. Heart Hugs – a ministry done from your home. Heart Hugs provides a loving touch through encouragement cards. Cards are written to members for the birth of a baby, sympathy, encouragement, or a hospital stay. This is done on a rotating basis for a two week period every six to eight weeks. The church provides you with the stamps and cards. You will need to have a computer to receive the daily hospital list from the church office. Encouraging Comforters – A group of ladies visits our CHC members in Baptist DeSoto Hospital to give them a blan-ket, have prayer, and give encouragement. This group also visits patients in nursing homes who otherwise would not have a visi-tor. Manna Meals – We provide lunch each Sunday for the DeSoto Sunrise Emergency Shelter for girls. These girls have been removed from their homes to provide a safe haven. The girls range in ages newborn to 15 years old. They are not there permanently, but only until they can return home or are placed in a stable home. Each participant in Manna Meals provides A PORTION of a meal on one Sunday of each month. When it is your turn, you will have a choice to provide one of the follow-ing: drinks, a vegetable, fruit, salad, main dish, bread, or a dessert. You will bring the food to the church on Sunday morning, and it is picked up by the caretakers of the shelter. Our ministry goes year round. We don’t have a starting date. It is always the right time to serve in our ministries. If you are interested, or just need more information, call Judy James at 662-342-0554, 901-378-2157, or e-mail God is waiting to hear from you.

Judy James SHE Serves is a ministry that is not just a women's ministry. It is also a place to encourage families to engage in community service together. We realize that global missions are an important part of CHC, but we also must not forget that the local mission field must not be neglected. For more information on this ministry please contact Cyndi Wiseman at