SHELLS, Summer Edition 2012

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Tau Beta Sigma, Southeast District Publication.


Greetings Southeast District,

Hi, my name is Lee Commander, I am a recent graduate of The Florida State University, and I am currently serving as your District President! I am exceedingly honored to have this privilege bestowed upon me. There are so many exciting things I hope for our district to accomplish in order to show that

the SED truly is the best district!

The first thing I want to encourage for our district is to increase involvement among our members. It is not up to the Council alone to make the SED more productive, because without YOU, the active membership, we (the council) have no ground to

stand on. If you are reading this article right now- CONGRATULATIONS!! You have begun the process of supporting our district and getting involved. Thank


That being said lets get to real reason for this article. If you have been on your social media outlets

lately, you might have seen a new hash tag being posted by council members- operation 100% (#operation100%). If you are currently wondering

what that is, well, let me tell you! Operation 100% is a

SED campaign to have 100% percent of paperwork successfully completed, as well as being the 100% best sisters we can be on every level. This should help push us forward to have 100% of chapters in attendance at DLC and SED Convention, 100% of delegates being on time for convention seating, and 100% of chapters

following all National and District guidelines. I strongly encourage you to join the council in implementing this hash tag on your own personal level and the chapter level. Together, as the Southeast District

we can strive for this high level of excellence.

Again, I am honored and proud to serve the SED

in this capacity. I want to do my part to help the district, however I can. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or con-cerns. I look forward to watching our district

grow even stronger.

Always remember--- SED. Strength, Excellence,

Diversity! MLITB,

Lee Commander

SED President


Summer Dates:

Memphis Rocks with

ITB: July 13-15th

ITB Stone Mountain Day:

July 27th

DCI Atlanta: July 28th

Need help? Contact a

district officer!

Southeast District of

Tau Beta Sigma


Inside this issue:


VPSP 2-3

Secretary 3

Treasurer 3

Treasurer’s Chest 4

Dear Shells 5

Featured Article 6

June 2012 Summer Edition

Hey Southeast District! I hope your summer is

kicking off to an excellent start. I am

home in Chicago for mine, and I can honestly

say I really hate to be far away from all

of you. But even though Tau Beta Sigma - SED

may be rather out of sight for me this

summer, it is certainly not out of mind. This

summer, I hope to get started on some

exciting things for the coming school year. My

primary goal is to provide you with

as many resources as possible to ensure that

our chapters can be the best they can


This past convention, part of the Committee on

Membership meetings was spent

discussing the creation of a Membership

Education database. While I am still

investigating the origins of this database, my

current vision has a lot to do with

posting resources on membership education

and continuing education. Through

the database, I hope to give insight on various

topics that you all may want to hear

about. But more importantly, I hope to see

contributions from chapters

as well. It could be anything from a docu-

ment to a diagram, or a PowerPoint

presentation. Ideally, this will be another

way for our district to come together,

combine our knowledge, and demonstrate

our strengths to one another.

Additionally, I intend to create a blog where I

will periodically reflect on or

respond to something that you will

(hopefully) find informative and helpful, and

provide opportunities for you to ask me

(and each other) questions. The more

we communicate, the more we can unify and

solidify our identity as the Southeast

District, and that is something worth

striving for. Just like in any ensemble, we

are best when we are together.

Membership education plans is the final

main area I hope to help our district in.

After hearing from many of you this past

convention, it is obvious that MEPs still

need a lot of definition, and I will do my best

to guide and assist the way we write

out our membership plans through

examples and feedback. I know membership

is important to all of us because of the way

we have talked about it in the Committee

on Membership meetings; we all realize at

some level that membership education

ensures our future as an organization of

high ideals, and the success of bands

around the country, to name a couple. If you

ever have any feedback, ideas, or

suggestions, never hesitate to contact me! I

love hearing what you have to say. I

can’t wait to work with you to keep the fu-

ture of our district and our sorority bright,

and I hope you feel the same. May we be-

come the best!

MOTS of love,

Kevin Brenner

SED Vice President of Membership

Bachelor's of Music Education. I

enjoy playing any instrument in the percussion family, and of course, I love Tau Beta Sigma with all of my


After SED2K12, we sat down as a council and discussed the many

ways we can benefit our district. With our different talents and expertise, we made a game plan and began to focus our separate actions on our first goal of office. My first

Hello Sisters of the SED!

I hope this letter has found you tan and at the beach for the summer, but if not, whether stuck in classes or at various places of employment, I greet you as an excited member of your district

council! My name is Belinda Baker and I represent you as Vice Presi-dent of Special Projects for this term. I attend Auburn University, hoping to soon complete my

goal, decided at convention, was to

create a new district project. After the decision to put the Young Composer's Competition on hold, our district showed interest in a performance competition, specifically a concerto contest.

Well, I am thrilled to announce that this year, the Southeast District will host a Concerto Competition for the (Continued on the next page)


From Your Vice President of Special Projects

A Word From Your Vice President of Membership

(continued from previous page)

first time! There will be details and exact dates sent out as we approach the Fall semester; over the list serve, to each school in the SED, and personally to as many sisters as possible so as to spread the word

to any and every collegiate musician located in the Southeast District. The Concerto Competition will be open to all collegiate musicians, affiliation with KKY and TBS is not a necessity nor will it give you a

better chance of being chosen. The competition winner will perform at the opening concert of convention next spring

and will receive a check for at least $150. I

have been hard at work with the rest of council and all the other related parties to put together this competition, but we are not finished yet--- We need your help. Start spreading the word now! Tell your friends that exact dates will be sent out in

August, but they can begin the process now. Help recruit performers for the SED! Remind them they do not have to be affili-ated with KKY or TBS to enter. This is a wonderful opportunity for all musicians to build a resume, gain experience, and have

some fun!

Thank you, sisters for this opportunity to

serve you! My phone, email, and social

media can always be used as an open line of communication for you to reach me

with any questions or concerns!

MOTS O' Love and MLITB,

Belinda Baker Southeast District Vice-President of

Special Projects

my life forever. I became a sister of

Tau Beta Sigma at the Zeta Psi chapter in December 2008, and I have held several positions at ZΨ

(Corresponding Secretary, Social

Chair, Treasurer) as well as originating the SED Historian position in 2009. I come to you fresh out of my term as Zeta Psi’s Treasurer, and

I am excited to continue on in that area. I just gave ZΨ its most

bountiful year, regarding funds, and I

Greetings SED! My name is Salvatore

“Sal” Parillo, and I am your current SED Treasurer. I am very excited for this upcoming term, and I look forward to helping everyone out in any way possible. I am currently pursuing my

undergraduate degree in Music Performance at the University of Central Florida. I have been playing the flue for 13 years, and look forward to continuing that part of

wish to help as many of you achieve

that as well! So, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time, and I will respond at my earliest convenience. Much Love in the Bond,

Salvatore Parillo SED Treasurer

Promotions department here at UF.

Some things I would like to accomplish during my term as SED Secretary includes increasing the readership of SHELLS, completing the SED Chapter Directory, and providing

clear lines of communication to all chapters, including visiting chapters when possible. I’d also like to have every chapter’s secretary in our Facebook group as a way to quickly disperse information.

With that being said if you are your chapter’s secretary (recording, corresponding, or alumni) and not in the group please be sure to join it! For those that are not your chapter

secretary please pass along the

word to the secretary so they can join. ( Furthermore, if you are a member of the following chapters please have your president e-mail me with

their name, phone number, e-mail address and preferred contact method so that I may update the Chapter Directory. Chapters in-clude: Gamma Eta, Epsilon Chi, Zeta Beta, Eta Omicron, Theta Nu, Theta

Upsilon, Iota Delta, and Iota Rho. MLITB, Rebecca Snead SED Secretary

Greetings SED! First off some

information about me... I crossed into the Beta Xi chapter at the University of Florida in Fall 2009 and I am also serving as my chapter’s secretary. I am going into my fourth and final year at the University of Florida where I will

be graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management and a minor in Business Administration. In the last three years I have been in the marching band, basketball pep band and concert band while playing the

Mellophone and French Horn. I also am a student volunteer with the University Athletic Association Marketing and

Page 3 Summer Edition

Greet ings From Your Treasurer

Secretar y News

Greetings SED! I am so happy to

greet you for the first time in SHELLS as your SED Treasurer. I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, and for those of you who came to Florida Day, I hope you thoroughly

enjoyed the experience.

As many may know, the summer is down time from your studies, band, and TBΣ. However,

that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop participating in TBΣ. I know my home

chapter remains somewhat active in the summer: hosting Florida Day, organizing social events, and, of course, fundraising! If you like the idea of fundraising over the summer, here are some helpful tips on how

to get going. Find out if any sisters live near

your chapter’s home town OR find out if there

are handfuls of sisters who live near each other over the summer. If there is a good-sized group somewhere from your chapter, that is a great foundation for starting a fundraiser. Reach out to those sisters, and pitch them the idea (maybe a bake sale, or a car wash). The summer holds a

lot of great opportunities in the Southeast to

host fundraisers.

If you have tried to have fundraisers over the summer in the past, but it never materializes, let’s try some other ways of going about it. I know many are in the mentality that it’s the

summer, and time for a break. I honestly, love to do fundraisers over the summer. It keeps me

close to TBΣ, and

reminds me where my

heart lies. If you need a little motivation to get participants, try talking to your chapter president (or executive board) about an incentive system for those who participate in fundraisers over the summer. Perhaps offer a

discount on dues for those who participate. I hope this was helpful, and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time; I will gladly respond at my earliest


Much Love in the Bond,

Salvatore Parillo

SED Treasurer

Stephen Richards is currently a

graduate student studying civil engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, having just received his Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering this past spring. His concentration is in structural

engineering, with a focus on bridge and high-rise structure design. Stephen plays the tuba and is very involved in the Georgia Tech School of Music, having been a part of the Georgia Tech Marching Band, Pep

Band, Concert Band and Symphonic Band. Stephen was initiated into the Epsilon Theta chapter of Tau Beta Sigma in the fall of 2009. Since then, he has served as the chapter’s Corresponding Secretary,

President, and currently, as Ritual and Regalia Committee Chair. Beyond just chapter involvement, Stephen has been active on the district and national level, attending 3 DLCs, 3 SED Conventions, and the

2011 National Convention. He is very excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve as the 2012-

2013 District Parliamentarian and

cannot wait to continue to try and give back as much as Tau Beta Sigma has given him. Congratulations to both Lindsay and Stephen in being

selected to serve our district in these positions. We look forward to seeing what incredible work both of you are able to produce this next year!

MLITB, Lee Commander SED President

The Southeast District Council is proud

to announce two new additions for the Southeast District Council. Lindsay Meyers will be serving as our district Historian and Stephen Richards will be serving as our district Parliamentarian.

Lindsay is an active member of the Zeta Psi Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at The University of Central Florida where she crossed in Spring 2011. While at UCF Lindsay has studied history where she

will be going into her senior year. Her

favorite subject of history is British History. She also spends her time in the Fall marching with the UCF Marching Band where she is in the color guard. Lindsay has been serving her chapter at UCF by serving as her

Chapter’s Historian. Not only does she enjoy history, she also loves glitter, Disney, and reading. Lindsay’s love of history, archives and Tau Beta Sigma will most certainly be able to help preserve the integrity of our district.


Call for Congratulat ions !!!

Treasurer’s Chest


to both Lindsay

and Stephen in

being selected to

serve our


As many of you know there will be a “Dear Shells” section in

each of the SHELLS articles. Here are the first set of ques-tions. In the future if you have any questions that you would like answered submit them to at any time! You can choose to identify yourself and chapter or

remain anonymous!

Hi Shells,

I really want to be on the list serve but not sure what to do, can

you help me?

- Anonymous

Hi Anonymous, What are great question! There are actually TWO different list serves that our district uses. The first one is for presidents only. All that your chapter

president needs to do it send an email from the address that you wish to use to Once admitted to the group emails can be sent by sending to Remember that it would be better to use a chapter email address, this way when your chapter gets a new presidents they will already have access to the list serve.

The second list serve is open to all members of the district and is THE BEST WAY to receive information, therefore all are encouraged to use it. To join any member must send an email from the address they want to receive emails to Then like the Presidents List Serve once you are admitted to the list serve you can send an email to the group by

composing your email to This group is open to all alumni, active, and conditional members! If you aren't already on it then please hurry! If you have any questions pertaining to the listserv, please contact Sarah Lowery (List Moderator) at

LITB, Shells

Dear Shells,

How do I update my chapter’s information for the Chapter



Greetings Anonymous, To update the National Listserv go to, Chapters & Districts, Chapter Directory and search your chapter, click View and

from there you can click “Change Form” to update your officer roster, sponsor, director of bands and address. Make sure you do this each time your chapter holds elections! Also! To update the SED Chapter Directory e-mail the Secretary the President’s name, phone number, e-mail address and preferred contact

method. Please do this even if your President has been re-elected! MOTS of Love, Shells Dear Shells,

Where can I go find copy of national forms and TBS letter-



Hey there Anonymous! What a great question! If you go over to the national website at and then scroll over “Forms and Resources” and then

click on “National Forms” everything you should need can be found there including letterhead! When you have some free time check out all the TBS resources as there is a lot of information there!

MLITB, Shells

Page 5

Dear Shells

Summer Edition

2012-2013 Southeast District Council


Lee Commander, Alpha Omega

Vice President of Membership: Kevin Brenner, Eta Phi

Vice President of Special Projects:

Belinda Baker, Theta Lambda


Rebecca Snead, Beta Xi


Salvatore Parillo, Zeta Psi


Stephen Richards, Epsilon Theta


Lindsay Myers, Zeta Psi

write about anything. I request that articles be no

less than 500 words with a maximum of 2,000. I also encourage you to submit photographs (with captions) along with your article to help better illustrate your article. All submissions should be submitted to and include your name, chapter, and when you crossed. If your submission

is not selected for publication for the article you first submit for it will automatically be considered for the next issue.

To allow you, our wonderful Sisters of the Southeast, to

contribute more and to voice your thoughts and views on your time as a Sister the issues of SHELLS that will be published twice in the Fall and twice in the Spring will contain a featured article. The idea for these featured articles is for it to not be simply a chapter progress report or an update on where your chapter

is, but to be more of a story or opinion piece. Examples could be your growth as a Sister or things you have observed since you first heard of Tau Beta Sigma. This is really a chance for the floor to be yours and to

Deadlines for Submissions Fall Issue 1: September 1st Fall Issue 2: November 1st Spring Issue 1: January 1st

Spring Issue 2: March 1st

Please also direct any questions, comments or concerns (regarding the SHELLS publication) to!

Call for Featured Art ic les

Southeast District of

Tau Beta Sigma

Tau Beta Sigma SED

Strength. Excellence. Diversity.


E-Mail Addresses


VP of Membership:

VP of Special Projects:




