SHEPHERDS SERMON NOTES · Devotional (Knopp #1) 3:30 PM PM Assembly 5:00 PM Wednesday Ladies Bible...

Post on 22-May-2020

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SHEPHERDS Dan Hartmann Zach Kirkland Jerry Taylor

Dale Geistweidt Michael Hartman Charlie Worrell

SERVANTS Duery Menzies Fellowship

Steve Phillips Worship Scott Shepard Youth Leamons/Hutcherson Building Scott Polk Share & Care


Sunday Bible Class 9:30 AM AM Assembly 10:30 AM Devotional (Knopp #1) 3:30 PM PM Assembly 5:00 PM Wednesday Ladies Bible Class 10:00 AM Evening Class 7:00 PM


AM Bible Class 74 PM Assembly 50 AM Assembly 139 Wednesday 57


Need $5900 Contribution $4715 Average $5991


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Tele: 997-4632 Fax: 990-4149

Email: Wi-Fi Auditorium = brothers

507 N. Llano St. Fredericksburg, TX 78624

Order of Worship December 3, 2017

Hosanna! 167

Announcements Dale Geistweidt

Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 390 Great Are You, Lord Screen

Prayer Duery Menzies

Worthy, You Are Worthy 390 In Memory of the Savior’s Love 335

Communion Prayers Zach Kirkland

We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes 634

Sermon—Tommy LeFan Time According to Solomon

Jesus Calls Us 399 Yes, Lord, Yes Screen

Closing Prayer Charlie Worrell _____________________________

PM Sermon—Weak is the New Strong


We offer our condolence to Lee Seelig and family on the death of Lee’s mother, Leona Seelig. Her service was yesterday in Haskell.

We extend our condolences to Janice Lofland on the death of her sister, Jewel Cole, from Keller.

We also extend our sympathy & prayers to Jay Seal & family on the death of Jay’s son, Houston.

Everyone please stay and enjoy lunch following this morning’s service.

We welcome Beth Bobo to our church family. She needs transportation to and from services on Sunday & Wednesday evenings, as well as Ladies’ Bible Class. If you are able to help contact Beth or the church office.

EDP Meeting tomorrow night at 7PM.

The Ladies’ Christmas Dinner is Thursday night at 6PM. Bring a tea cup & saucer if you would like to participate in the tea cup & saucer exchange.

Good Works This Christmas Instead of purchasing a large number of Christ-mas Food Boxes and donating them to the Food Pantry, this year we will be delivering boxes to individuals we know personally. If you know of someone who could benefit from receiving a box of food, please let the office know.

We will be helping Medina Home for Children with buying gifts for 15 of their resident children. There is a flyer of each child with a list of wish items on the bulletin board if you would like to “adopt” one for Christmas. If you take a flyer, sign your name next to the child’s name on the list so the office can keep up with each one. If you would like to help by donating money to buy gifts, you may place the money in the locked blue box. We were slow on receiving the list of children which makes our turn around very quick. All gifts need to be returned wrapped and with the child’s name on them by this Wednesday.

Shepherd on Call – Michael Hartman If you would like to receive private prayer this morning after the worship service, feel free to go to the foyer during the singing of the invitation song. Michael and Velva will meet you there, and they will be honored to pray for you.

Medina Home for Children has requested cans of chili for their Grocery Run. They will pick-up the week of February 5th. You may place items in the food cabinet in the foyer.


The Crucial Ingredient in Leadership

It is often assumed that leadership should be tough as nails. Business leaders threaten worker’s security until they work like machines. The mantra is, “Work faster and better, or we will find someone who can.” But the apostle Paul said, “If I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing” (1 Cor. 13:2b). Herein lies the most powerful component of a leader who moves people: leaders must love those whom they lead. Often times we become so overcome by our priorities and responsibilities that we forget to show compassion to others. We become so focused on the end goal that we damage relationships. 1 Cor. 13:4-8 provides a great definition of love: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” A love-driven leader must mirror these characteristics. Quoteworthy • “Never let fear make your decisions for you; you make

them.” —Author Unknown • “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.”

—Wayne Gretzky • “The risk of riskless living is the greatest risk of all.”

—Author Unknown

Upcoming Events * Training Session with HCDB—January 18 * Followers Making Followers Seminar—January 27-28

Rest Home Residents: Janice Lofland, Donnie McBrayer, Bette Caraway, Verna Engle, Randy Tidwell, Nancy Steinbach, Nan Allison, Joan Moore, Jan Harris, Raynell Whiteker

Military Members and Relatives: BJ Wilson, Toby Tabor, Bryce Klein, Deacon Peterson, Nick Matthews, Joe Neel, Gary Locklar, Codie Dodson

Those Struggling With Health Problems: • Tabby Durr, Jerry & Laura’s daughter-in-

law, was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a masectomy last week. She is doing well.

• Randy Johnson continues to need prayers as he battles cancer.

• Lori Akins continues to need prayers as she heals from surgery and the on going treatment for cancer.

• Continue to pray for the Whitworth family.

• Gilbert & Betty Esensee • Rinkie Giesecke • Billie Moore • Pat & Wanda Brown • Pauline and Michael Cusack • Joy Stack • Janis Rutland • Celia Dodd • Randy Johnson • Richard & Susie Grimm • Beth Tucker • Robert Heinen • Jim Mahaffy