Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter Ki-KySherlock Holmes Actors Letter (Ki-Ky) T = TV, S = Stage, R =...

Post on 20-Oct-2020

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    Sherlock Holmes Actors Letter (Ki-Ky) T = TV, S = Stage, R = Radio, RP = Radio Play, F = Film, I = Internet, O = Other

    Beyond listing the famous, we are retrieving the forgotten. (118)

    Anthony Kiedis

    The Jonathan Ross Show (2011) (T)

    Patrick Kilian

    The Adventure of the Unfortunate Writer (2010) (I)

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    Tom Killam

    Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2016) (S)

    Ron ‘R Truth’ Killings

    WWE Raw (2012) (T)

    William A. Kilmer The Penultimate Problem of Sherlock Holmes (1988) (S)

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    Kaylee Kim

    The Magnificent Moriartys! (2015) (S)

    Myeong Il Kim

    Sherlock Holmes: The Truth Game (2014-17) (S-S.Kor.)

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    Ye Rim Kim

    Blossom Detective Holmes (2017) (I) (Skylar Holmes)

    Kevin Kimsey

    The Game’s Afoot (2014-15) (S)

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    Fumino Kimura (⽊木村 ⽂文乃)

    The Man with God's Tongue (Ranmaru: Kamino shita wo motsu otoko) (2016) (F-Jap.)

    Ethan Kincaid

    How to be Sherlock Holmes (2017) (S-Spa.)

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    Scott Kindschi

    Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Misplaced Dipstick (2015) (S)

    Andrea King

    The Sherlock Project (2018) (S)

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    Charles King

    The Sign of the Four (1907) (S)

    Claude King

    Sherlock Holmes (1908) (S-Jap.) The Speckled Band (1910) (S-U.K.)

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    Frank King

    An Exhibition of Wit and Wisdom (1905) (S)

    Harrison King

    The Sign of the Four (1906) (S)

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    Richard King The Crucifer of Blood (1994) (S)

    Leofric Kingsford-Smith

    Icon Avenue (2010) (T-Au.)

    Edmund Kingsley

    Sherlock Holmes and the Living Dead (2009) (F)

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    Thomas Kingston

    Sherlock Holmes (1909) (S-Au.)

    Miles Kington

    The Death of Tchaikovsky (1996) (S-Scot.)

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    Olivia Kinker

    Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey Lily (2012) (S)

    Robert Kirby

    London Quest (2017) (O)

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    Shelby Kirby

    Hound of the Baskervilles (2014) (S)

    William Kircher

    The Hound of the Baskervilles (2015) (S)

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    Chris Kirk

    What Now - Sherlock Foams (2018) (T-N.Z.)

    Simon Kirk The Hound of the Baskervilles (1987) (S)

    Lukas Kirkby

    Speke Hall - Tudor manor house Liverpool (2017) (O)

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    Darcey Kirkpatrick

    Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2012) (S)

    John Kirkpatrick

    The Reluctant Resurrection of Sherlock Holmes (2002) (S-Can.)

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    Alex Kirstukas

    William Gillette: Senator's Son to Super Sleuth (2016) (S) The Speckled Band (2016) (S)

    Kevin Kirtlan

    Sherlock’s Last Case (2013) (S)

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    James B. Kisicki

    Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four (1981) (S)

    Matthew Kiskunas

    Sherlock Holmes (2002) (S)

    Kirt Kisling Sherlock Holmes (1978) (S)

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    Greg Kissner

    Hound of the Baskervilles (2015) (S)

    Francine Kitts

    Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope (2019) (O)

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    Erin Kiyonaga

    In Front of Reichenbach Falls (2015) (O)

    Markus Klauk

    Die_Hörtheatrale - The Devil’s Foot (Stück Der Teufelsfuß) The Dancing Men (die tanzenden Männchen)

    (2009-2013) (RP-Ger.)

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    Ryan Klawitter

    The Game's Afoot (2018) (S)

    Alan D. Klimpke Sherlock Holmes (1979) (S)

    Les Klinger

    Did Sherlock Holmes pass through Istanbul? (2015) (O)

    John Kluck The Hound of the Baskervilles (1982) (S)

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    Stephen Klum

    Sherlock Holmes: A New Adventure (1976) (S)

    Richard Kneeland

    The Crucifer of Blood (1982) (S)

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    Edmund Knehans

    Jayville Junction (1926) (S) (Doorlock Bones)

    Christopher Knight

    The Brady Bunch - The Great Earring Caper (1973) (T)

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    Tiffany Knight

    Hey Arnold - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (2016) (O)

    Don Knotts

    The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) (T) The Private Eyes (1980) (F)

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    Rebecca Knowles

    The Perplexing Puzzle of the Pedigree Pet and the Policeman (2011) (S-Wales)

    Ryan Knowles

    Hound (2009) (S)

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    Matt Koenig

    Baskerville: A Sherlock Homes Mystery (2017) (S) Sherlock Holmes and the Sign of the Four (2018-19) (S)

    Nick Koesters

    Sherlock Holmes and the Christmas Goose (2012) (S)

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    Tim Koetting

    Sherlock's Veiled Secret (1999) (S-Can.)

    Christian Kohn

    Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2007) (S) Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (2016) (S)

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    Ruriko Kojima

    Privio Web Ad (2016) (T-Jap.)

    Florenz Kolb (aka Florez Ames)

    Telephone Girl (1912) (S) (Padlock Holmes)

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    Alexei Kolgan

    The Murder of Lord Waterbrook (2005) (F-Rus.) Sherlock Holmes and Little Black Men (2012) (F-Rus.)

    Gil Kolirin

    Sherlock Holmes' Christmas Turkey or the Case of the Nebulous Nun (2005) (S)

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    Aleš Kolodrubec

    President of the Czech company Sherlock Holmes (presidentem České společnosti Sherlocka Holmese) (2014) (O)

    Katsuyuki Konishi

    Kabukicho Sherlock (2019) (T)

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    Jon Koons

    Sherlock Holmes’ Misadventures with Abbott & Costello (2014) (R)

    Zachary Korff

    Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2015) (S) Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four (2017) (S)

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    Sylvia Korman

    The Red-Headed League of Jersey (2009) (O-right)

    A. G. Koromyslova

    Sherlock Holmes mystery of the Twentieth Century Circus (1918) (S-Rus.)

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    David Kortemeier

    Sherlock's Last Case (2006) (S)

    Evgeniy Koshevoy (Евгений Кошевой)

    Evening Kiev (Вечерний Киев) (The name of the series Sherloch is a play on words because loch (лох) means dummy or easy

    game in Russian slang) (2015-16) (T-Uke.)

    Adam Kosto The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Audience

    Participation Play (1981) (S)

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    Gleb Kotelnikov (Глеб Котельников)

    Sherlock Holmes (Шерлока Холмса) (1922) (S-Rus.)

    Misiek Koterski

    The Misiek Koterski Show (2008) (T-Pol.)

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    Glen Kotyk

    The Hound of the Baskervilles (1987) (S-TapDance-Can.)

    Ernie Kovacs

    The United States Steel Hour - Private Eye, Private Eye (1961) (T)

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    Kenneth Kove

    Blue Roses (1931) (S)

    Chuck Kovacic

    221b Baker Street Sitting Room /Los Angeles (2018) (O)

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    Mike Kowalski

    Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of the Four (2003) (S)

    Brad Kozak

    The Game's Afoot (2014) (S)

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    Michael Krahel

    Sherlock Holmes (2017) (S)

    Eddie Lou Kramer

    The Ham Tree (1915) (S) (Sherlock Raffles)

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    Glenn 'Kraz' Krasny

    The Game’s Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays (2014) (S)

    Karl Krause

    The Crucifer Of Blood (1980) (S) Sherlock's Last Case (1988) (S)

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    Peter & Kalle Krause

    Ostriches (1998) (S,O)

    Zak Krebs

    Sherlock Holmes: The Final Adventure (2015) (S)

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    Dan Kremer

    Good Night, Mr. Sherlock Holmes (1979) (S)

    Søren Bøgvad Kretzschmer

    The Copenhagen Speckled Gang (2009) (O-Den.)

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    Sebastian Kreuzer

    Baskerville - Sherlock Holmes' First Case (2018) (S-Ger.)

    Mark Kricheff The Hound of the Baskervilles (1983) (S)

    Sarah Rachel Kriger

    Pieces cross-Ottawa treasure hunt (2008) (O-Canada)

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    Phil Krinsky

    Sherlock Holmes and the Curse of the Sign of Four (1977) (S)

    Szénási Kristóf

    Sherlock Holmes Nevében (2012) (F-Hun.)

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    Dawn Krosnowski

    And To Think That I Saw It At 221B Baker's Street (2016) (S)

    Manuel Krstanovic

    Sherlock Holmes und die Schnecken von Eastwick (2017) (S-Ger.)

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    Kevin Kruchkywich

    The Hound of the Baskervilles (2016) (S)

    Klaus Krückemeyer

    Der Hund der Baskervilles (2013,16) (RP-Ger.)

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    Rob Kruger

    Hound of the Baskervilles (2004) (S)

    Dmitry Kruglov (Дмитрий КРУГЛОВ)

    Sherlock Holmes (Шерлок Холмс) (2012) (S-Rus.-Ballet)

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    Kenneth Krugman

    The Red-Headed League (1989) (S)

    Ali Rıza Kubilay

    Sherlock Hamid (2017-18) (S-Turkey)

    Marc Kudisch The Game's Afoot (2010) (S)

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    Mark Kuechle

    Sherlock Holmes (1975) (S)

    Tom Kuhlman Sherlock Holmes and the Affair of the Amorous Regent

    (1974) (S)

    Friedrich Kühne

    Der Hund von Baskerville (1914) (F-Ger.)

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    Luke Benjamen Kuhns

    Author (2015) (O)

    Jamie Kuilman

    Pirate Sherlock (2016) (I,O-Netherlands)

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    Joseph Kulbeth

    Sherlock Holmes - A Play in Two Acts (2015) (S)

    Vladimir Kuleshov

    Russian TV English Course (1987) (T-Rus.)

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    Vladislav Kulev (Владислав Кулев)

    Sherlock Got Married! (2018) (S-Ukraine)

    Akhil Kumar

    Legends of Sherlock Bakshy (2019) (I-India)

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    Stephen Kunken

    Sherlock Holmes (2003) (S)

    Sylwester Kuper

    Sherlock Holmes albo Tajemnica panny Tulli (Sherlock Holmes or Miss Tulli's Secret) (2018) (S-Pol.)

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    Takeshi Kusaka

    The Crucifer of Blood (1987) (S-Jap.)

    Cayla Kushner

    Math Video Challenge: Sherlock: A Study in Pi (2018) (I,O)

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    Bill Kux

    Sherlock Holmes (2011) (S)

    Jason Kuykendall

    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (2007) (S) The Hound of the Baskervilles (2014) (S)

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    Svetlana Kuznetsova

    Charlotte and Quixon (2015) (F-Rus.) 2015

    Maria Kvasnevskaja

    A Game of Children (2014) (O-Ukraine-Dance)

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    Jamie Kwasnik

    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (2018) (S)

    Lee Kyung-kyu

    SNL Korea - Sherlock Mourning Eyes (2015) (T-Kor.)

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