Shifting , Sorting and Swapping:

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Shifting , Sorting and Swapping:. Getting Verde ready to migrate to Alma. Presented by: Evelyn Bruneau B. H. Ecol , M.L.I.S Naomi Maendel University of Manitoba. ELUNA 2014 April 26, 2014 Montreal, Quebec. Where did our Verde Data Go?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Shifting, Sorting and Swapping:Getting Verde ready to migrate to AlmaPresented by: Evelyn Bruneau B. H. Ecol, M.L.I.SNaomi MaendelUniversity of ManitobaELUNA 2014April 26, 2014Montreal, Quebec1Where did our Verde Data Go?Image courtesy of: Http://

OutlineBackgroundPreparation of dataMigration of:Local fieldsPublic and Private NotesLicenses and License TermsAdmin informationAccess InformationVendor Information

3Background information2000-2009 used a home-grown ERM (Microsoft Access Database)2009 purchased VerdeHeavy users of VerdeCreated Local fieldsCustomized drop-down options

4Implementation timelineJune 2013 Alma implementation began July-August 2013 Data Mapping and ConfigurationSeptember 2013Test Load of DataNovember 2013Verde clean-up began September-December 2013Data and Process TestingDecember 30-31, 2013 Alma Go Live

5Verde-public notes


Public notes uresolver7

Alma-Public Notes8


Migration of verde internal and local notes10

Verde Internal Notes11

Alma Private note12



Verde local fields

Verde local fields in alma

Verde-Local fields17

Clean-up of local fields18

Clean-up of local fields19NOTES-IN A NUTSHELL

Naomi Maendel, Electronic Serials Specialist

manage ejournal collections and individual subscriptionstroubleshootingdatabase branding/openURL linkingusage statistics collection- will deviate from theme of our presentation there wasnt much cleanup to do in Verde for ejournals/constituents to prepare them for Alma. My main concern was how all of our info in Verde was going to come over and where it was going to go. - so I will talk mostly about the fields I use the most for my work: notes fields on constituents, the License and Admin attributes in Verde 21Migration Success Stories from SFX

- Concerning SFX: everything migrated perfectly to Alma. This is an example of a journal with a local parse param in SFX. Its for a splash page a little page we put between SFX and the resource. It gives users the login information to authenticate.23Linking in Alma

The linking information tab in Alma contains all the information from SFX: parse params, URL override, internal/public notes. It came over well on all levels: standalones, constituents, packages. - So basic linking functionality was seamless from SFX to Alma.24Notes in Verde

- weve already shown examples of the notes we had on our packages in Verde- heres an example of the notes we had on a lot of our constituents25Notes in Verde

- we wanted all the notes to migrate- had very important information like title changes, core titles in our consortial packages

26Notes in Alma

they migrated like our package notes: garbled but our info was preserved, we just need to gradually clean them up good news is that we can run reports in Alma to load notes. Bad news is that deletion is manual, one note at a time.27Access Info in Verde

we used to fill Access tab faithfully, but we havent found it useful in daily operations, not keen to keep in Alma nutshell: if you have access info on constituents/packages, its all going to get collected and dumped onto the interface in Alma

28Access Info in Alma

- heres the vendor record in Alma for Highwire again, the Notes tab this time.- here Ive filtered these to show just one field from the Access Tab. Three fields came over from the tab, so really were looking at 510 notes - total number of notes: 691the reason: same as for admin/stat info: in Verde, this type of info can go on any level: constituent, standalone, package, etc. In Alma, this info only goes on the interface. So that means all your access info in Verde has only one place to go in Alma, and thats where its pushed.

- I attempted a cleanup project in Verde where I ran a loader to the values in these fields. But I couldnt clean up all our packages- easier to let the mess happen in Alma, then delete the interface and make it again. Its a very easy process.

29Vendor Contacts in Verde

will need to do a cleanup project in Alma after migration: vendor contacts- your vendors will migrate to Alma with all info intact, but Contact People will need a bit of work- example of a vendor where we have multiple people with various job titles, and a main contact30Vendor Contacts in Alma

This is how vendor contacts came over Ive cleaned this one already and selected our primary contact31Vendor Record in Alma

- here Ive opened up one of our contacts- how it came over: full name was in the Last name field, the Job Description was missing- so I did a manual cleanup in Alma: put the name in properly, copied/pasted the Job Title from Verde into Alma, then checked off the person who was our main contact. Only took a couple hours.

32Admin/Stat info in Verde

Another partial success. An example of how much we used the Admin fields in Verde. We wanted all of these to migrate to Alma, and this one did.However, the Usage statistics note does not migrate; Alma doesnt have that field. Ive requested Ex Libris to add it to Alma, request still pending.

33Admin/Stat info in Alma

- before I show you the Admin in Alma, here is what a vendor record looks like in Alma - the interface is attached to it at the bottom- in Alma, when you create a vendor and you check the Access Provider box, the interface area pops up and you have to make one. In Alma, interfaces only exist on vendor records. - so when I click on the Highwire Press interface, the record opens up . . . .

34Admin/Stat info in Alma

this is the Admin tab in Alma. For Highwire, our info in Verde all transferred to the correct fields. Alma has separate tabs for Admin and Stat info. 35Admin/Stat info in Alma

here is the Statistics tab NOTE: there is no Statistics Note in Alma. If you use this field in Verde you will need to back it up, or request an Admin extract from Ex Libris.

36Problems (or, Very Mixed Success)

Makemymood.com37Admin in Verde:

Admin info migration was a partial success; some, like the Highwire example, migrated perfectly. Many did not. This is an example; theres no admin info in Alma for the Chicago Manual of Style so why did some transfer, and others not? figuring out this problem is how I learned the most about Alma and how its structured, its very different from Verde nutshell: whether or not the admin info transferred depended on the Organization record in Verde in Verde, admin/stat information can go on any eproduct: standalone, constituent, package, interface. Every eproduct has an Admin section and you just slot the info in. in Alma, admin/stat info only goes on an interface, and interfaces only exist when theyre connected to a vendor record, where the vendor is an access provider. thats why I showed the vendor record earlier, so you could see where the interfaces are38Vendor in Verde

- so in migration, Alma is looking for Organization records in Verde, especially interface providers. Then it will pull your admin/stat info along with the vendor from Verde and put it in the right place in Alma.Highwire had this vendor record in Verde, marked as an interface provider. Thats why its admin migrated properly

39Vendor in Verde

- the Chicago Manual of Style, which failed, was in the Miscellaneous eBooks package and interface- you can see here theres no vendor record for Miscellaneous eBooks. - also no interface for the Miscellaneous eJournals package, and thats where all our missing admin records were: we had 14 admin records on Misc eJournals and none of them migrated- Bottom line: in Alma, admin/stat info must be paired with a vendor (interface provider). No vendor in Verde, no migration of admin data.NOTE: lets say you have a Highwire vendor record in Verde and admin/stat information for it. But maybe you put that information on a Highwire package instead of the Highwire interface. That info will still migrate to Alma, but it wont go into the proper fields. Alma will dump it into the Notes tab on the interface. A few of our admins ended up like that:

40Admin in Alma

- So for Edinburgh University Press, I had admin on the package in Verde, not the interface. We had a vendor record too, so the information migrated, but into the Notes tab. More cleanup.- cleanup suggestion for Verde: find where you have stat/admin info, especially the Miscellaneous packages in VerdeMake sure that information has a corresponding Organization in Verde (interface provider)if your admin info is on a package and it really applies to the interface, move it there

41Licenses in Verde

- we had put a lot of licenses into Verde, with notes, attachments- we had these linked to a lot of eproducts in Verde: packages, standalones, constituents- good news: the licenses all migrated to Alma, along with their attached files42License Linking

- more good news: license linking came over. ie. had a lot of constituents linked to licenses, when the license came over to Alma, the links to the constituents/portfolios came intact43Licenses in Alma

- bad news: the license terms should have migrated to this tab in Alma, but they didnt

44Licenses in Alma

Some of the license fields from Verde ended up in the Notes tabSome very important ones did not migrate at all: ILL terms, digital/print copy permissions, scholarly sharing, course reserve and coursepack this was really just a partial success and requires another cleanup project recommended: back up your licenses

45ConclusionNotes for e-products that existed in SFX and Verde will migrate, but will require cleanup in Alma

Notes for locally created Standalones and Packages , that do not have a corresponding SFX entry, will not migrate; notes will have be added manually to Alma Access info will all migrate to the interface in Alma, in the Notes Tab. Easily cleaned by deleting the interface and remaking it.

Vendor Contacts will require some cleanup in Alma after migration

Admin info will migrate if it has a vendor record in Verde. Highly recommended that you request an admin extract from Ex Libris.

License info will migrate with their attachments and links, but the License terms will require cleanup and filling out. Backup before migration essential.

Thank YouEvelyn Bruneau B. H. Ecol, M.L.I.SElectronic Resources Specialistevelyn.bruneau@umanitoba.ca204.474.6780

Naomi MaendelElectronic Serials Specialistnaomi.maendel@umanitoba.ca204.480.1410