Shikha Disseration

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Students Declaration

This is to certify that Thesis/Report entitled The study of recruitment and selection policy in real estate which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree B.BA. ( 6THSEM ) to Mangalayatan university, Aligarh comprises only my original work and due acknowledgment has been made in the text to all other material used.


Supervisors certificate

This is to certify that the thesis/report entitled A study of recruitment & selection policy in real estate which is submitted by SHIKHA SINGH in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree B.BA. to Mangalayatan university, Aligarh is a record of the candidates own work carried out by him/her under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.



Behind every study there stands myriad of people whose help and contribution make it successful.It has been a remarkable experience of satisfaction and pleasure for me to work out my project under the guidance of JITENDAR SIKARWAR. I am really thankful to him for her valuable guidance & co-operation during the project work.I have been benefited from discussions and would also take the opportunity to thank my friends whose support helped me a lot. A cordial and encouraging environment made it very easier for me to complete the dissertation.So this acknowledgement is a humble attempt to earnestly thank her and all those who were directly or indirectly involved in preparation of this dissertation.



Title page 1Students declaration 2Supervisors certificate 3Acknowledgement 4Index 5

CONTENTSPage No:Chapter-16Introduction 7 -11Problem Identification 12Need and Significance of the study13-15Review of literature 16-18 Objective of the study 19Hypothesis 20Research methodology 21-22Chapterization 23Limitations 24-25Chapter-226A conceptual framework about the theme of topic 27-39Chapter-340Data analysis and Interpretation 41-56Chapter-457Finding and conclusion 58Chapter-559Suggestions and Recommendations along with future implication of work 60-61Chapter-662Bibliography 63



A wide range of policies and procedures relate to the recruitment and selection process. Although these will obviously vary by company, many policies and procedures are driven by laws and regulations affecting hiring practices. Organizations and their HR departments need to make sure that all hiring managers are well aware of and follow the policies they have in place.Every dynamic organization undergoes transitions that require finding, hiring and initiating new employees. Recruitment, selection and induction is the complete cycle of hiring efficient and effective new employees. When management of an entity follows predetermined policies and procedures of recruiting, they make the process transparent, meaning that they comply with affirmative action, are non-discriminatory and provide equal opportunities to recruits. The processes should be professional and timely. They should comply to certain policies.Real estate can be a very rewarding career choice for just about anyone. Those entering the field have quite varied backgrounds and skill sets. You don't need to be a "salesman". This is primarily a service business, and serving your clients well will contribute to your success.Any given day, you may bump into a real estate agent who's a recent high school graduate or a semi-retired business executive in her second career. Many have found it to be a natural transition from another sales career and more fulfilling to boot! After all, you're helping people in what is usually the largest financial transaction of their lives. That's not to mention the emotional impact of changing homes that may be in completely different areas of the country, or even the world.If you question a group of brand new agents, you'll find very diverse reasons for choosing a real estate career. Many love the "helping people" aspect, while others want to exercise their independent nature and be their own boss. As most real estate agents and brokers are independent contractors, they're able to set their own work schedules and build their businesses in the ways that they want. We'll talk about this and more in "The Benefits of a Real Estate Career".There are also those who may perceive a real estate career as quite lucrative, yielding excellent compensation for working when and how they want. In "The Challenges of a Real Estate Career" in this category, we look at compensation and statistics for new agent income, as well as why many don't make it in the business.If you don't take anything else away from this site discussion, keep top-level in your thinking that your real estate career is a business. It takes commitment and investment of effort, time and money to build a successful real estate business. That's whether you remain a "one person show" or if you start a brokerage with agents later.Too many would-be real estate agents obsess over the licensing test, then fail in their first two years because they didn't develop a plan and follow it for success in becoming a real estate agent. They passed the test, but failed to understand the business, to develop a budget and a business plan, or to learn the ropes that aren't taught or covered in the test.

These are not just tips, but tools to help you to go into the business with a plan in place to be successful. Learning about the pace of the business, the costs of doing business, and getting to the right prospects is critical.1.Basic Checklist for Becoming a Real Estate Agent

This article prepares you for the others to follow. Here you'll learn the major points to consider in becoming a real estate agent and starting your business in the right way. Keeping these tips in mind will help you to use the others that follow to set up a plan that you can follow, but even more important, believe in. A realistic start and plan will give you the confidence to go out and make it happen.

2. Reasons for Failure After Becoming a Real Estate AgentKnowing why others have failed, and a large percentage do, will be an important factor in keeping your new real estate business plan on track. Most successful people in any business will tell you that they are successful not only because they studied ways to be successful, but that they also studied the failure of others in order to avoid the same mistakes.

3. It's a Business - Know Your Expenses Before Becoming a Real Estate AgentHow much are your personal expenses? You need to know, as they go on while you're trying to kick off your new real estate career. Becoming a real estate agent doesn't stop the rent, food, clothing and other expenses. Here's some help in making sure you have a handle on those expenses and a plan to make sure that they're paid while still allowing you to devote time and budget to your new business. There's even a spreadsheet at the link that you can download to estimate your personal and business expenses.

4. Planning Income With a "Sales Funnel" ApproachBecoming a real estate agent requires that you know your present and future expenses, both personal and business. However, that's just half the puzzle. What about your income? Sure, it's sales, and who knows how well you'll do at first, or how many deals you can get done in your first couple of years? You can develop an income budget just like an expense budget, and you'll get a spreadsheet and a step by step process to come up with a realistic estimate of what you can expect for income the first year or so.

5. Develop a Marketing Budget When Becoming a Real Estate AgentNow that you've gone through the steps for estimating expenses and income, you can develop a budget for your marketing efforts. You probably thought about this in the income funnel approach, as the number of leads you'll get from direct mail will be based on the number of mailers. So, you know how many you want to mail, and can determine that expense budget item as well as others in this article.

6. Choosing a Broker When Becoming a Real Estate AgentChoosing your first broker to carry your license could be the difference in success and failure when becoming a real estate agent. Making the right choice requires an understanding of your needs, both income and training related. While one broker may seem to be offering more leads with floor time, are you going to get the training you need to do a good job with those leads? Learn in this article how to work toward a decision, including considering both anticipated income and expenses.

7. Income Splits & How The Money Is Divided - Broker ChoiceWhile "splits" can weigh heavily in your first broker selection, they shouldn't be the only criteria. Learn here how the money is divided up between all of the parties involved, including franchises. In estimating your income in the spreadsheet provided, you can change the numbers for split percentages to compare results and the impact on your income. Keep in mind that the initial split can get better once you show your broker that you're going to be a deal generator. So, don't make your broker decision based only on splits.

8. Fast Track Your Prospect List When Becoming a Real Estate AgentIn this article you'll learn proven ways to get a jump on building your "sphere of influence" or prospect database. Many are the old "tried and true" ways others have used to get started. They're here because they work. Take this step in your business plan seriously, and you will see income sooner, and may be able to go into your income funnel spreadsheet and make positive adjustments.

9. Basic Checklist for Using Technology and the InternetYou just learned about some "tried and true" methods for getting a fast start on building prospects for your new real estate business. But, the new reality of marketing in this business is the Internet and technology. Starting early in planning and building an effective Internet presence will make a huge difference in the long run. Becoming a real estate agent who is highly successful will require the Web.

10. Choosing a Marketing Niche for Your Real Estate BusinessWhile it isn't something you need to do right away, and you may never do it, consider studying your market area in order to specialize in a niche market in the future. Learn in this article some of the most successful niches chosen by others. Congratulations on your decision, and good luck and success in becoming a real estate agent.

Recruitment selection refers to organization's hiring processes -- the recruitment of applicants and selection from viable candidates for jobs within your company. Recruitment and selection can be looked at separately, but looking at the entire process of hiring employees is effective in gauging the success of a recruitment selection process. Recruitment and selection is the human resources function of identifying, attracting, screening and hiring the most qualified candidate for a job opening. For small businesses in particular, this process is critical. The ability to effectively assemble the best team members available can make the difference between a companys success and failure. When initiating the recruitment and selection process, an entrepreneur must consider many things

Recruiting is the lifeblood of any growing and thriving real estate practice and each business needs a mix of inexperienced, new to the industry, as well as, experienced sales agents.There are two things that set real estate apart from other industries when it comes to hiring practices. The first is the lack of conventional recruiting. The second is the focus on personality fit when hiring. Real estate companies typically don't approach campuses or job fairs to recruit undergraduates, nor do they post openings on job boards. Real estate is a tight-knit community that searches for individuals with similar personality types: open, gregarious individuals with a knack for sales and a flair for conversation.

Theselection process should be carried out in a desirable criterion, following the essential and established policy of merit, i.e. equal employment opportunity. Applicants' skills, knowledge and behaviors should be assessed and matched with the relevant requirements. All applicants for a vacancy should be treated equally with a fair chance of consideration. The selection should be without discrimination or bias. This will ensure good legislation as well as promote diverse personnel.Any opportunity or vacant position in an entity that requires new recruits should be publicized in a manner sufficient enough to enable candidates who are suitably qualified to apply for the position. Advertising also ensures many candidates get the information and apply for the opportunity. This will eventually lead to selection of the best personnel for the vacant position through a competitive and open process. The advertisement should comply with organizational policies and requirements relating to advertising.


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Nowadays the recruitment and selection policies of companies is more often than not highly negligible, though it is an important research area that provides valuable insights into how the labour market functions and the social reproduction of organizations. It is an ongoing perception that some companies in Cameroon have influence in the labor market in the allocation of resources. By so doing, the Cameroon labor market is being transformed into the buyers market where companies preferences become dominant in a manner that, discrimination in employment relation practices is interpreted as an outcome of rational decision making of formal organizations rather than the idiosyncrasies of individuals. This is assumed to have been inspired by the several ethnic groups in the country. The ethnic succession strategy has become a cultural practice. It is more often employed as a power-sharing instrument . Appointments to government and other important political positions are made strictly across ethnic lines. This has the tendency to have infested prestigious companies as well resulting to marginalization of some categories of the employable individuals irrespective of their contingencies in human capital. In the mean time, there is a persistent media caption on the top official.


Recruiters play an important role in the success of an organization. They essentially act as a filter that when used properly only selects the best candidates. In a constantly changing business world, companies need to hire people who are adaptable, loyal, knowledgeable, dependable and confident, thereby creating a foundation for success.Employing the right person for business might be the most important part of your venture. An effective recruitment and selection process reduces turnover. These processes match up the right person with the right job skills. Interviews and background checks ensure that you employ a candidate who is reliable and carries out the objectives you planned for providing quality services and goods to customers.

RECRUITMENT It is important to list the skills your new hire will need to fulfill his duties. You get much better results in your recruitment process if you advertise specific criteria that are relevant to the job. Include all necessary skills, and include a list of desired skills that are not necessary but that would enhance the candidate's chances. If you fail to do this, you might end up with a low-quality pool of candidates and wind up with limited choices to fill the open position.


Your screening process provides a vital opportunity for you to focus on what candidates can offer your company. It is important that you screen heavily, either by using your own judgment or by enlisting the help of managers you trust. The interviewer must know what the job is and what will be required for a new hire to perform well. The interview process also allows you the opportunity to express your companys vision, goals and needs. It is vital that the interview elicits responses from applicants that can be measured against your expectations for the position. If you dont use the interview to effectively eliminate applicants who dont fit into your company culture, you might find yourself dealing with turnover, confusion and disgruntled employees.

SELECTIONWhen you choose a candidate based upon the qualifications demonstrated in the resume, the interview, employment history and background check, you will land the best fit for the position. Base your decisions about a specific candidate upon specific evidence rather than any gut instincts. If you hire people who can do the job instead of people you merely like, you will have higher productivity and quality in your products or services.


Your goal in hiring responsible and reliable employees should be to make your small business profitable and efficient on a long-term basis. The recruitment and selection process is the time you not only identify a candidate who has the experience and aptitude to do the job that you are looking to fill, but also to find someone who shares and endorses your companys core values. The candidate will need to fit in well within your companys culture. Your selection and recruitment process should provide you with an employee who adapts and works well with others in your small business. Failure to recruit and select for the long term can result in high turnover.


When you effectively recruit and select the right employee, there is a domino effect. Your new hire will do her job well. Employees will see that you make wise decisions. You will gain respect from your workforce, and you will get higher productivity as a result of that respect. This positive attitude will affect the quality of your products or services, and ultimately, your customers' perceptions of your company.

COSTCost is a major reason why effective recruitment and selection is important. There are many ways in which poor recruitment practices can result in financial losses. For example, if a candidate's competency is not accurately assessed, he may make mistakes that can hinder productivity. If he needs to be retrained or replaced, this takes up more company time that could otherwise be invested toward remaining competitive.

RETENTIONImproper recruitment and selection practices can often result in high turnover or involuntary separations. If a recruiter is not careful when analyzing resumes and conducting interviews, she may hire an employee with a weak work ethic or a tendency to move quickly from one job to the next -- "job hopping." Recruiters should pay close attention to the lengths of time at each previous job and carefully check references. Another so-called "red flag" is a gradual decrease in responsibility. For example, if the candidate starts out working as a senior manager and slowly shows progression to a less complex role, this could indicate that he is not as competent as he claims.

LOYALTY & PRODUCTIVITYLoyalty and productivity are linked. Employees who feel dedicated to the organization will work hard to help it succeed. With this in mind, recruiters must ask questions that provide information about a candidate's strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, interviewers should inquire about a candidate's greatest achievements throughout her career. Generally, loyal employees will have a track record of striving for excellence, resulting in a more competitive, innovative and profitable business.

LEGAL ISSUESDiscrimination is a serious concern among recruiters. If discriminatory hiring practices can be proven, this could result in serious harm, both financially and in terms of reputation. The United States Department of Labor forbids discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, political affiliation, religion or age. Steps can be taken to avoid such complications. First, advertise only the essential requirements for the position. Provide an accurate job description, listing only the position name and the specific duties involved. Things such as language proficiency or physical capabilities should not be listed unless they are absolutely essential for the role. When conducting interviews, ensure that the location is accessible by people with disabilities and refrain from holding interviews on religious or cultural holidays. Use the same questions for every candidate and try to have more than one recruiter present during the interview. Careful notes must be taken so that recruiters canjustify hiring or not hiring the particular candidate.

Review of literature

Author:Syamala Devi Bhoganadam*, Dr. Dasaraju Srinivasa RaoTopic: A STUDY ON RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS OF SAI GLOBAL YARNTEX Year of Publication: October 2014Summary:To study and analyze the Recruitment and Selection process followed at Sai Global Yarntex Private Ltd. To analyze the satisfactory level of the employees about Recruitment and Selection procedure of an organization.The study was conducted among the workers of The Sai Global Yarntex Private Ltd, vellampalli covering 50 respondents. The data was collected by means of questionnaire and the data was classified and analyzed carefully by all means. From the analysis, it has been found that the most of the employees in the company were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing scenario of recruitment process that has a great impact on working of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company. Selection process is alsogood and the companys recruitment department is doing well in placing the candidates and filling the job vacancies for all levels of positions. Some of the suggestions were mentioned to enhance the organizational policies, strategies, procedures and process.

Author: Ghazala IshratTopic: A comparative study of Recruitment & Selection, Training and Development policies in Indian MNCs and Foreign MNCsYear of Publication: Jan. - Feb. 2013Summary: This presents the summary of the study and survey done in relation to the Recruitment & Selection and Training & Development in Indian and Foreign MNCs. The conclusion is drawn from the study and survey of the company regarding the Recruitment & Selection and Training & Development process carried out there. The recruitment process to some extent is not done objectively and therefore lot of bias hampers the future of the employees. That is why the search or headhunt of people should be of those whose skill fits into the companys values. Most of the employees were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing scenario as recruitment process has a great impact on the working of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company. Selection process is good but it should also be modified according to the requirements and job profile so. That main objective of selecting the candidate could be achieved. The training and development activities are needed in the organisation because mostly employees are. Interested to take training and development for future growth. Thus, it is clear that training and development activities are needed for employees performance and organizational development. From the questionnaire found that mostly employees are young. Conclusion is that company should try to. Utilize workforce through training and development .As its a good factor that work force was young. It clearly indicates that employees are interested in training. & development activities; they feel that such types of activities are necessary for improving their performance and creating awareness among the employees.

Author: Dr. Sneha MankikarTopic: A Critical Study on Recruitment and Selection With Reference to HR Consulting FirmsYear of Publication: March 2014Summary: To Ascertain the Impact of Size of the Firm on Recruitment on Recruitment Policies . To Study on Impact of Labor Market on Recruitment and Selection in an HR Consulting Firm. Recruitment and selection process getting very much importance these days in the organization. It is very critical thing to evaluate the human resource. It is a systematic procedure that involves many activities. The process includes the step like HR planning attaining applicant and screening them. It is very important activity as it provides right place at right time. It is not easy not an easy task as organization future is depend on this activity, if suitable employees are selected which are beneficial to the organization it is at safe side but if decision goes wrong it can be dangerous to the organization . So it is an activity for which human resource departments gets very much importance. Recruitment and selection procedure and its important also gets changed as the organization changed.

Objective of the study

1. To know the prospect of recruitment and selection procedure.2. To critically analyze the functioning of recruitment and selection procedures.3. To identify the probable area of improvement to make recruitment and selectionprocedures and more effective.4. To know the managerial satisfaction level about recruitment and selection procedure.

The objective of my study is to understand and critically analyze the recruitment andselection policy in real estate.


1- Although internal candidates typically stay in positions and are more successful than external candidates, organizations fill positions with external candidates, on average, 13 percent more often than internal candidates.2- The Internet allows organizations to reach a large number of candidates easily and efficiently. Although the World Wide Web is becoming the hot new recruiting tool, traditional methods, such as newspaper advertising, are not yet obsolete. Local newspapers are the preferred advertising medium for non-management positions (90 percent), and national newspapers are widely used to recruit managerial/professional candidates (63 percent).


Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The Advanced learners Dictionary of current English lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation on inquiry especially thorough search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Research methodology is simple framework or plan for the study that is an guide in collection and analyzing the data. It is the blueprint that is followed in completes the study. Thus, good research methodology ensures the completion of project efficiency and affectivity. Since there are many aspects of research methodology, the line of action has to be chosen from the variety of alternatives, to choose the suitable method through the assessment from various alternatives.Research methodology gives the researcher an opportunity to put forward his argument for having opted for certain alternatives and also at the same time he can justify his ruling out some other possibility likes. Why research study has been undertaken,how the research problem formulated, what data has been collected, what particular technique if analyzing the data has been used and lot of similar type questions are usually answeredwhen we talk of research problem in study. It is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understand as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.

TYPE OF RESEARCH Analytical Research: In this type of research, researcher has to use or information already available & analyze these to make a critical evaluation of the material. Fundamental Research: It is mainly concerned with generalizations &with the formulation of the theory. Qualitative Research: It is concerned with qualitative phenomenon i.e. phenomena relating to or involving quality or kind.

THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS1.Define the problem and research objectives- the first and main step of any research is to define the relevant problems or objectives for which the researcher wants to do research.2.Develop the research plan- to makes the plan for overall research as how,when ware and from whom researcher will collect data.3.Collect the information- the information can be collected by primary data or secondary data or by both methods.

Methods of data collection:-Primary dataMarket surveyPersonal interviewSecondary dataMagazinesInternetBusiness journals4.Analyse the information- after collecting the data,the next step is to analyse the information.5.Present the findings- to make a summary on the basis of analyzing the collect data and find out the situation.6.Make the decision- take the decision on the basis of findingsthat what action should be regarding the findings.

Instruments to be usedInternetMagazinesJournalsNewspapers


Chapter-1 Introduction Problem Identification Need and Significance of the study Objective of the study Review of literature Hypothesis Research methodology Chapterization Limitations Chapter-2 A conceptual framework about the theme of topic Chapter-3Data analysis and Interpretation Chapter-4Findings and Conclusion Chapter-5Suggestions and Recommendations future implication of work Chapter -6Bibliography


A human resources department is in charge of the perpetual recruiting of new employees, and has a significant hand in the candidate selection process. But there are several challenges that can be encountered while going through the process of finding new corporate candidates. All business professionals need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of selection and recruitment in order to contribute to an effective employment candidate search.

1 A constant disadvantage to the process of selection and recruiting is trying to keep up with the enticements being offered by industry competitors. Elements such as higher pay, more comprehensive health benefits and a strong retirement package become expensive. But if your company wants to be able to attract the best new talent, then it is necessary to keep up with the competition and try to exceed candidate's expectations.

2 Location can be a disadvantage to a company in several ways. If the company chose its current location because of the availability of a reliable workforce under the old business model, then that workforce may no longer be relevant under a new business model. A blue collar workforce will not help a company fulfill white collar jobs such as computer engineering or customer service associates for an insurance company. Location can be a liability when the available workforce dries up due to a change in the local economy and the workforce moves to other areas to find work. These factors and more combine to make a company's location a liability when recruiting and selecting employment candidates.

3 External recruitment is expensive in the sense that it requires an extra cost for vacancy announcement, arrangement for employment office, etc.

4 Recruitment follows a long process. Various activities such as vacancy announcement, application collection, review of application forms, selection process etc. need to be performed before the placement of the candidate.

5 As the selected employees are new for the organization, they may face adaptability problem in the organizational environment. More time will be needed for them to be familiar with organizational arrangements.

6 The existing employees think the new comers as their competitive. As a result of which, organization faces a great loss of productivity and quality.


A conceptual framework of the work

This focuses on recruiting and selecting individuals for employment in an organization.Recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates from within andoutside an organization to begin evaluating them for future employment. Once candidates are identified, an organization can begin the selection process. This includes collecting, measuring, and evaluatinginformation about candidates qualifications for specified positions. Organizations use these processes to increase the likelihood of hiring individuals who possess the right skills and abilities to be successful at their jobs.Organizations use a variety of practices to select potential employees. The respondents to estimate how often they use several practices to evaluate candidates in their selection process.

In Recruitment once the responsibilities, requirements and the salary range of a job is determined, a small business can begin the task of recruiting qualified talent. This step can be carried out in a variety of ways. A hiring manager may network with those in his industries in hopes that a successful candidate will be found through word of mouth. Alternatively, she may post want ads on online job search sites, such as and or in traditional publications, such as the Houston Chronicle or the Houston Business Journal. She may also utilize the services of a staffing agency that maintains a pool of qualified, pre-screened candidates.In screening & selection when resumes begin to pour in, a hiring manager must meticulously screen each one. His goal is to weed out those lacking the proper educational or professional background. Once he has identified the most appropriate resumes, he interviews those applicants. Interviews may take place over the telephone or in person.During the interview, the hiring manager asks the candidate questions specific to their background and how it relates to the job at hand. When an ideal candidate has been identified, the hiring manager extends a formal offer of employmentHere, the explanation of two wide terms of human resource management, recruitment & selection in terms of real estate along with the policy & procedure ofrecruitment & selection adopted in hiring the best candidate for real estate :-

JOB DESCRIPTION :- The most important step for a small business to take when performing the recruitment and selection process is a clear understanding of the job for which they are hiring. It is not uncommon for organizations to actively recruit candidates before properly identifying their hiring needs. This can lead to inefficient time management, as the job description will most likely change during the process. This will result in the hiring manager interviewing unqualified candidates.Before meeting with job applicant, the hiring manager must decide upon the responsibilities of the position. He must also be clear about the educational background, professional experience and qualitative manners he seeks in the ideal candidate. In addition he must identify a salary that is in line with the organizations budget. That number must also realistically align with the compensation realities of the market. For example, if a small business needs to hire an experience attorney but budgetary constraints only allows a salary of $30,000; it is unrealistic to think that a suitable candidate will be found.


Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for a job in an organization. In the words of Yoder, Recruitment is the process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection on an efficient working force. Recruitment is a process which fulfills the requirement of employees in any organization by the selection either internal or external, is a deliberate effort of the organization in order to select fixed number of personnel from a large number of appointment.Recruitment is the phase which immediately precedes selection. Its purpose is to pave the way for selection procedures by producing ideally the smallest number of candidates who offer to be capable either of performing the required tasks of the job from the outset of developing the ability to do so within a period of time acceptable to the employing organization .A primary task of the recruitment phase is to help would be applicants to decide whether they are likely to be suitable to fill the job vacancy. This is clearly in the interest of both, the employing organization and the applicant.Recruitment is the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources. It involves the creation of a tool of available labour upon whom the organization can Draw when it need additional employees.

RECRUITMENT PROCESS :-The recruitment process consists of the following steps:Recruitment process generally beings when the personnel department receives requisitions fro recruitment from any department of the company. The personnel requisitions contain details about the position to be filled, number of persons to be recruited, the duties to be performed, qualifications required from the candidate, terms and conditions of employment and the time by which the person should be available for appointment etc.

Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees.

Identifying the prospective employees with required characteristics.

Communicating the information about the organization, the job and the terms and conditions of service.

Encouraging the identified candidates to apply for jobs in the organization.

Evaluating the effectiveness of recruitments process.


PRESENT EMPLOYEES permanent, temporary & casual employees already on the pay of the organization are god source. Vacancies may be filled from such employees through promotions, transfer, and upgrading and even demotion. Transfer implies shifting of an employee from one job to another without any major change in the status and responsibilities of an employee. On the other hand, promotion refers to shifting of an employee to a higher position carrying higher status, responsibilities and pay.EMPLOYEES CONTACT WITH THE PUBLICThe employees of the organization are told about the existence of particular vacancies and they bring this to the notice of their relatives, friends and acquaintances. MANNED EXHIBITSThe organizations send recruiters to conventions and seminars, setting up exhibits and fairs and using mobile offices to go to the desired centers.WAITING LISTS Many firms lean heavily on their own application files. These records list individuals who have indicated their interest in jobs, either after visiting the organizations employment office or making enquiries by mail or phone. Such records prove a very useful source if they are kept up- to-date. INDIRECT METHODS Cover advertising in newspapers, on the radio, in trade and professional journals, technical journals and brochures.When qualified and experienced persons are not available through other sources, advertising in newspapers and professional and technical journals is made. Whereas all types of advertisements can be made in newspapers and magazines, only particular type of posts should be advertised in the professional and technical journals, for example, only engineering jobs should be inserted in journals of engineering.A well thought-out and planned advertisement for an appointment reduces the possibility of unqualified people applying. If the advertisement is clear and to the point, candidates can assess their abilities and suitability for the position and only those who possess the requisite qualifications will apply.

SOURCING :- In a full life-cycle recruiting scenario, sourcing applicants or candidates means the recruiter has to determine the best resources for identifying suitably qualified applicants. Sources for applicants could range from online resume banks to university campuses to technical school guidance offices. Sourcing candidates depends on the type of job, position or title, as well as academic credentials or certifications. For example, sourcing candidates for hourly, food service positions will be quite different from the sourcing for legal professionals, such as paralegals and secretaries. Advertisements for hourly food service positions might be most effective at the place of employment, as in a "Help Wanted" sign posted in the window for a casual diner, while sourcing for legal professionals might be more effective on association websites, such as the American Bar Association's career pages.SCREENING :- Screening applicants involves comparing employment applications and resumes to the job description and job postings to determine which applicants meet the requisite qualifications. However, applicants whose materials don't contain the references to specific job qualifications shouldn't be immediately discarded. There might be an omission on the applicant's resume that the recruiter needs to clarify before screening them out before the preliminary interview. For example, if an applicant's resume indicates she anticipates receiving her college degree in May 2012 and the recruiter screens resumes in June 2012, it would be prudent for the recruiter to first confirm whether the applicant has her degree before screening out, because it could be that the applicant has already received her degree and thereby qualified for the job where a basic requirement is a college degree.

SELECTION :- Selection is a process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. (Thomas H. Stone)

Selection is the process of securing relevant information about an applicant to evaluate his qualifications, experience and other qualities with a view to matching these with the requirements of a job.It is essentially a process of picking out the man or men best suited for the organizations requirement.Selection can be conceptualized in terms of either choosing the fit candidates or rejecting the unfit candidates, or a combination of both. Selection involves both because it picks up the fits and rejects the unfits. In fact in Indian context, there are more candidates who are rejected than those who are selected in most of the selection processes. Therefore sometimes it is called a negative process in contrast to positive program of recruitment.

SELECTION PROCESS :- The selection process involves rejection of unsuitable or less suitable applicants .This may be done at any of the successive hurdles which an applicant must cross. These hurdles act as screens designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point in the process. This technique is known as the successive hurdles technique. Yoder calls these hurdles go,no-goguages. Those who qualify a hurdle go to the next one; those who do not qualify are dropped out .Not all selection processes, however include these hurdles. The complexity of the process usually increases with the level and responsibility of the position to be filled. These hurdles are actually the various levels of selection process. Moreover, these hurdles need not necessarily be placed in the same order. Their arrangement may differ from organization to organization.

INTERVIEWS :-Many employers conduct a series of interviews before selecting a final candidate. The first interview might be a preliminary phone interview where the recruiter spends 20 to 30 minutes talking to the applicant about the basic job requirements and verifying his work history. Assuming the applicant passes the first step in the interview process, he's likely to become a candidate and is invited for a second-round interview. Second-round interviews typically are face-to-face meetings with the recruiter, a hiring manager or a panel of interviewers. Employers who conduct third-round or final stage interviews may have candidates meet with the company's highest level of leadership, especially for management positions. Alternatively, some employers engage staff in determining whom they feel is best suited for the organization's culture. It's not unusual for a candidate to meet with employees who will be colleagues or direct reports.

MEANING AND PURPOSE :- An interview is a conversation with a purpose between one person on one side and another person or persons on the other. An employment interview should serve three purposes:Obtaining information,Giving information, andMotivationIt should provide an appraisal of personality by obtaining relevant information about the prospective employees background, training work history, education and interests. The candidate should be given information about the company, the specific job, and the personnel policies. It should also help in establishing a friendly relationship between the employer and the applicant and motivate the satisfactory applicant to work for the company or organization.

TYPES OF INTERVIEWS :- INFORMAL INTERVIEW This may take place anywhere. The employer or a manager in the personnel department, may ask a few questions, like name, place of birth, previous experience, etc. it is not planned and is used widely when the labour market is tight and workers are needed very badly. A friend or a relative of the employer may take a candidate to the house of the employer or manager where this type of interview may be conducted. FORMAL INTERVIEWS This is held in a more formal atmosphere in the employment office by the employment officer with the help of well-structured questions. The time and place of the interview are stipulated by the employment office. PLANNED INTERVIEW This is a formal interview carefully planned. The interviewer has a plan of action worked out in relation to time to be devoted to each candidate, type of information to be sought, information to be given, the modality of interview and so on. He may use the plan with some amount of flexibility. PATTERNED INTERVIEW This is also a planned interview but planned to a higher degree of accuracy, precision, and exactitude. A list of questions and areas is carefully prepared. The interviewer goes down the list of questions, asking them one after another. NON-DIRECTIVE INTERVIEW This is designed to let the interviewee speak his mind freely. The interviewer is a careful and patient listener, prodding whenever the candidate is silent. The idea is to give the candidate complete freedom to sell himself without encumbrances of the interviewers questions. DEPTH INTERVIEW This is designed to intensively examine the candidates background and thinking and to go into considerable detail on a particular subject of special interest to the candidate. The theory it is that if the candidate found good in his area of special interest ,the chances are high that if given a job he would take serious interest in it. STRESS INTERVIEW This is designed to test the candidate and his conduct and behaviour by putting him under conditions of stress and strain. This is very useful to test the behaviour of individuals under disagreeable and trying situations. GROUP INTERVIEW This is designed to see how the candidates react to and against each other. All the candidates may be brought together in the office and they may be interviewed. The candidates may , alternatively be given a topic for discussion and be observed as to who will lead the discussion, how they will participate in the discussion, how each will make his presentation, and how they will react to each others views and presentation. PANEL INTERVIEW This is done by members of the interview board or a selection committee .This is done usually for supervisory and managerial positions. It pools the collective judgement and wisdom of members of the panel. The candidate may be asked to meet the panel individually for a fairly lengthy interview.

INTERVIEW RATING :-Important aspects of personality can be categorized under the following seven main headings:Physical makeup: Health, physique, age, appearance, bearing, speech.Attainments: Education, occupational training, and experience.Intelligence: Basic and effective.Special Attitudes: Written and oral fluency of expression, innumeracy, organizational ability, administrative skill.Interests: Intellectual, practical, physically active, social, Artistic.Disposition: Self reliance nature, motivation, acceptability.Circumstances: Domestic, social background and experience, future prospects.This is called The seven point plan .The importance of each of these points will vary from organization to organization and from job to job. Hence these should be assigned weight age according to their degree of importance for the job.On the basis of information gathered through an interview, each candidate should be rated in respect of each point given above as :- outstanding good above average below average unsatisfactoryNot all selection processes, however include these hurdles. The complexity of the process usually increases with the level and responsibility of the position to be filled. These hurdles are actually the various levels of selection process. Moreover, these hurdles need not necessarily be placed in the same order. Their arrangement may differ from organization to organization.

REFERENCE :- The hiring supervisor and search committee (if applicable) will select the top candidate and then conduct reference verifications. The candidate will be notified by the hiring supervisor that references will be conducted. The hiring supervisor and search committee (if applicable) will conduct reference verifications (see Reference Checks Best Practices & Guidelines and Reference Check Questions in this manual) and document responses. Reference checks must be completed and submitted to the Employment Administrator prior to any offer of employment being presented.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:- Applications who get over one or more preliminary hurdles are sent for a physical examination either to the organizations physician or to a medical officer approved for the purpose. Purposes: A physical examination serves the following purposes: It gives the indication regarding fitness of a candidate for the job concerned. It discovers existing disabilities and obtains a record thereof, which may be helpful later in deciding the companys responsibility in the event of a workmans compensation claim. It helps in preventing employment of those suffering from some type of contagious diseases. It helps in placing those who are otherwise employable but whose physical handicaps may necessitate assignment only to specified jobs.

CONTENTS OF PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:- The applicants medical history. His physical measurementsheight, weight, etc. General examination skin, musculature and joints. Special sensesvisual and auditory activity. Clinical examination eyes, ears, nose, throat and teeth. Examination of chest and lungs. Check of blood pressure and heart. Pathological tests of urine, blood etc. X-ray examination of chest and other parts of the body. Neuro-psychiatric examination, particularly when medical history or a psychiatric examination, particularly when medical history or a physicians observations indicate an adjustment problem.

REFERENCE CHECK :-The applicant is asked to mention in his application the names and addresses of, usually three such persons who know him well. These may be his previous employers, friends, or professional colleagues. They are approached by mail or telephone and requested to furnish their frank opinion, without incurring any liability, about the candidate either on specified points or in general. They are assured that all information supplied would be kept confidential. Yet, often either no response is received or it is generally a favourable response.

FINAL STEPS/FINAL DECISION:- Once a job offer is extended to the candidate, the next and last steps in recruitment and selection are process-intensive activities. The burden shifts back to the recruiter in organizations that have dedicated HR staff. Recruiters are responsible for verifying the candidate's previous employment, conducting a background check, calling references for information that previous employers can't provide, scheduling drug testing and obtaining documentation from the candidate that substantiates he's eligible to work for a United States employer. In the event the first-choice candidate doesn't pass the final steps, the hiring manager has usually identified a second-choice candidate so that they don't have to begin the recruitment and selection process from the initial phase.

PURPOSE OF RECRUITMENT & SELECTION To determine the present and future human resource requirements of the organization in conjunction with human resource planning activities and job analysis activities.

To increase the pool of potential personnel and the organization has a number of options to choose from

To increase the success rate of the selection process by filtering the number of under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

To meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding composition of its workforce.


Strategic management involves employing selective and specific processes across all aspects of the business, including the recruitment and selection process, to help the business achieve optimal profit and success. For a small business, the recruitment and selection of the right employee for each position can lead to reduced costs, thus leading to an improved bottom line.

Identifying NeedsStrategic management begins with identifying the needs of your organization as they relate to current and future labor demands. Accomplishing this task requires the ability to identify the various jobs and roles needed within your organization to meet current and future goals related to production and growth. Once identified, clear and concise job descriptions and duties can help ensure that recruitment remains streamlined and aimed at efficient recruitment and hiring.

Recruitment ActivitiesHiring managers should focus on recruiting activities aimed at attracting the right candidates for the job. Recruiting activities can include internal efforts, college hiring fairs, technical and vocational events, and traditional newspaper advertisements. Based on the needs of current openings and forecasts for future needs, a hiring manager will need to direct efforts toward the best option for recruiting the right candidates. For instance, focusing on college hiring fairs and traditional newspaper advertisements is appropriate for entry-level positions with your company.

Selection ProcessSelecting the right candidate requires identifying the specific skills, knowledge and qualities you seek and desire in an employee. This can pertain to the necessary skills and knowledge for the position itself, such as a specific degree or certification, and the desired personal qualities, such as a preference to hire employees with good moral and ethical standards. Other important parts of the selection process include conducting any necessary aptitude tests and conducting a thorough background check to ensure the employee meets the basic qualifications of both the position and the company.

ConsiderationsStrategic management also takes into account various ways to reduce costs while ensuring enough staff is in place to complete all necessary job duties and responsibilities. For instance, you can eliminate the duplication of job duties and reduce costs by consolidating job duties and restructuring your internal workforce. Other concerns include those related to replacing an aging workforce. This requires the need to plan ahead for the loss of essential employees to retirement.

VISION OF REAL ESTATE COMPANIESTo make Company the absolute leader in Real Estate by establishing new levels of quality,expertise , professionalism,commitment and reliability.

MISSION OF REAL ESTATE COMPANIES To bring the value pricing, along with a product of a reputed builder to the customer by using the expertise, professionalism, quality of service and latest marketing techniques.

To provide unmatched investment opportunities to our customers with the help of our motivated and well-trained real estate professionals who continually strive to provide top quality service to individual clients and customers.

To become a creative, innovative and people-orientedorganization providing individual opportunity, personal satisfaction and rewarding challenges to all employees of the company.



The data for the survey will be conducted from both Primary sources, & Secondary sources.

Primary Data:-

Using personal interview technique the survey the data will collect by using questionnaire. The primary data collection for his purpose is supposed to be done by judgment sampling conversation sampling. Questionnaire has been formatted with both open and close structure questions.

Secondary data:-

By going through various records of company.

By going through the magazine of the company.


A questionnaire was prepared for the purpose of getting feedback from the employees and manager regarding. Recruitment & Selection Procedure of Real estatecompanies. 30 employees are selected from different department and were distributed the questionnaire from the purpose of the study.


The analysis of the data is done as per the survey finding. The data is represented graphically in percentage.

1. Specify the time period(s) for which the manpower planning is done?


1.0-2 years3030%

2.2-3 years2020%

3.3-4 years3030%

4.4 & above2020%

20% people said that the company specifies 0-2 year for making estimation of forecasting.30% people said that the company specifies 2-3 years for making estimation.30% people said that the company specifies 3-4 years for making the estimation of forecasting.20% people said that the company specifies 4 & above time period for making forecasting.2. Does organization plan the recruitment policy? S.NO OPINION NO. OF RESPONDENTPERCENTAGE



100% people said that the plan the requirement policy.3. What do you suggest should be the basis of forecasting?



1.Total cost of project2020%

2.Past experience4040%

3.Different phases of the project3030%

4..All of the above1010%

20% people said that their company forecast on the bases of Total cost of the project.40% people said that the company forecast on the bases of past experiences.30% people said that the company forecast on the bases of the Different phases of theproject.10% people said that the company forecast on the bases on of the above.4. Do you think the recruitment policy is helpful in achieving the goals of the companies?


1.Yes 5050%


3.To some extent3030%

NO. OF RESPONDENT1 Yes 2 No3 To some extent

50% people said that the companys recruitment policy is helpful in achieving the goals.20% people said that the companys recruitment policy is not helpful in achieving the goals.30% people said that the companys recruitment policy is helpful to some extent in achieving the goals.

5. Through which source organizations recruit employees more?





20% people said that the company recruits the employee from the internal sources.60% people said that the company recruits the employee from the external sources.20% people said that the company recruits the employee from the both sources.

6. Which of the following external sources you choose for the recruitment of the employees?


1.Employee exchange consultant2020%

2.Private Employee Agencies2020%



5.Any other1010%

20% people said that the company uses the employee exchange consultants.20% people said that the company uses private employment agencies.10% people said that the company uses the advertisement method.40% people said that the company uses the Internet method.10% people said that the company uses the any other way.

1. Does organizations recruit employees through latest method of recruitment through Internet?




100% people said that the company uses the latest method of recruitment.

8. Is companies used own web site for recruitment?


1.Yes 9090%


90% people said that the company uses his own web site for recruitment.10% people said that the company not uses his own web site.

. Is there any provision for recruitment of summer trainees?




100% people said that there is no provision to recruiting summer/in-plant trainees.

10. Is Internet recruitment is effective in your opinion?


1.Yes 8080%


80% people said that the Internet recruitment is effective sources of recruiting the employee.20% people are not in favor of recruiting the employee through Internet.

11 Does the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees enables to giveright person at the right job?




3.To some extent2020%

70% people said that the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees enable to place the right person for the right job.10% people said that the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees does not enable to place the right person for at the right job.20% people said that the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employeesenable to some extent to place the right person for at the right job.

12 . Which type of technique is best for interview?





60% people said that the companies uses the structure technique for selection.10% people said that the companies use the unstructured technique for selection.30% people said that the companies uses both the techniques for selection.

13. Is there any provision for evaluation and control of recruitment and selection process used in real estate companies?




80% people said that the company has the provision for evaluation and control ofrecruitment and selection.20% people said that the company does not have the provision for evaluation and control of recruitment and selection.


Findings & Conclusions

Findings:1- External recruitment is expensive in the sense that it requires an extra cost for vacancy announcement, arrangement for employment office, etc.

2- Recruitment follows a long process. Various activities such as vacancy announcement, application collection, review of application forms, selection process etc. need to be performed before the placement of the candidate.

3- As the selected employees are new for the organization, they may face adaptability problem in the organizational environment. More time will be needed for them to be familiar with organizational arrangements.

4- The existing employees think the new comers as their competitive. As a result of which, organization faces a great loss of productivity and quality.

Conclusion:Based on the analysis through the questionnaire responses the following is the conclusion of the study.

The organization follows the rules and regulation involved in their Recruitment andSelection Procedure of the organization. However, there is some scope for improvement with regard to the following:

1. The managers are fully satisfied with the existing Recruitment and Selection procedure.2. The recruitment and Selection procedure should not be lengthy.3. To some extent a clear picture of required candidates should be made in order to search for appropriate candidates.4. The Recruitment and Selection procedure should be impartial.



It is very sad that sometime people at the helm dont understand professionalism. It is the top management which should support all strategic plans of its CEO. Nobody appoints a CEO without understanding his professional status, credentials and the work he has done in the past. What we need is more transparency while recruiting top people. There is a need to decentralise power.The hike is well-deserved and expected considering the boom in the healthcare industry. Most hospitals dont pay heed to rewarding their own employees. They fail to understand that the ranking they have is not only because of their technology or medical practitioners, but also due to hard work put in by the employees working in para-medical, nursing and administrative areas. Salary in healthcare has never been competitive, be it for marketing, finance, HR, administration or technicians. I want people to feel cheerful while coming for work and not have Monday morning blues. Rectifying salary is the one of the steps towards achieving that goal.HR is not seen as a lucrative career option in hospitals as students opting for professional healthcare courses believe that they only go for administration in a hospital. There are only a few institutes, like TISS, Mumbai, ASCI and IIHMR which have HR courses related to healthcare. While we need more such institutes, keeping in synch with times, most of these institutes need to modify their syllabus.We have to attract the right talent, because there is a dearth of trained personnel. The parameters of judging talent are different for various roles; soft skills have assumed immense significance today. People are in a sensitive state of mind when they visit a hospital and one small mistake or slip in service can be blown out of proportion. Even doctors cannot afford to be rude with patients. Additionally, we have to increase the level of transparency and trust in employees and make the hospital people-centric.

The following are the suggestions received from the respondents of the questionnaire. These suggestions are based on their awareness regarding the Recruitment and Selection Policy in real estate.

During the selection process not only the experienced candidates but also the fresh candidate should be selected so as to avail the innovation and enthusiasm of new candidates.

In the organization where summer training facility prevailing then such kind of practices must be adopted so that the student can learn and again from their practical views.

Candidates should be kept on the job for some time period; if suitable they should be recruited. During the selection process, the candidates should be made relaxed and at ease.

Company should follow all the steps of recruitment and selection for the selection of the candidatures.

Selection process should be less time consuming.

The interview should not be boring, monotonous. It should be made interesting. There must be proper communication between the Interviewer and the Interviewee any the time of interview.

Evaluation and control of recruitment and selection should be done fair judgment.

Methods used for selection of candidates should be done carefully and systematically.

The attainment of goals and objective of any organization depend on the type and quality of its manpower. To have right type of men at right job and at right time, the recruitment and selection procedure should be fair and impartial.

This is indeed an important suggestion and authorities concerned should immediately look into it and try to implement it.



Aswathappa K, 2010, Human Resource management, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi. Internet Company magazine Google Websites of top 10 real estate companies of India