Shire of Cunderdin · purpose of Long-Term Financial Planning is to ensure financial...

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Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 P a g e | 1

Shire of Cunderdin

Corporate Business Plan


Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 P a g e | 2

Table of Contents Message from the CEO ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction to the Plan .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Review schedule............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Informing Strategies .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Workforce Planning ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Asset Management Planning ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Long Term Financial Planning ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Risk Management Planning ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Other Documents and Strategies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Vision .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Our Vision ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Our Aspirations are: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Key Challenges ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12

Functional Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Our Services ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Statement of Objectives .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Service Levels .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Alignment to the Strategic Community Plan 2018-2022 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 15

How the Delivery Plan works ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

Key Result Area 1 - Social/Community ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Key Result Area 2 – Environment .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Key Result Area 3 – Economic Development .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Key Result Area 4 – Infrastructure and Transport ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 P a g e | 3

Key Result Area 5 – Civic Leadership ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25

Services and Facilities – Linkages to the Corporate Business Plan .................................................................................................................................................................... 28

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Message from the CEO

I am pleased to present the Shire of Cunderdin’s Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022.

The plan provides clarity on the initiatives and services the Shire has planned over the next four years with the emphasis on the

delivery of strategic priorities set by the Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027 and should be read in conjunction with that


The Corporate Business Plan sees a continued commitment to projects currently underway.

With the completion of the Age Appropriate Accommodation Project, the Shire is now able to focus its attention to the

completion of the Water Harvesting Project, exploring for the effective utilisation of the old hospital site and the installation of an

appropriate train station in the Cunderdin townsite.

An emphasis on financial sustainability and increasing economic development is a focus of the plan, together with making the

most of new opportunities as they arise.

Apart from delivering key initiatives, the Shire is committed to enhancing customer service, and the continuous improvement of

service delivery to our community.

Neville Hale

Chief Executive Officer

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About Cunderdin

The Shire of Cunderdin is located 158 kilometres east of Perth, and approximately 52 kilometres east of the regional centre of Northam. The Shire covers an area of 1,872

square kilometres and consists of two localities being Cunderdin and Meckering. The Shire adjoins the local governments of Goomalling, Dowerin and Wyalkatchem to the

north, Tammin to the east, Northam to the west and, York and Quairading to the south.

Cunderdin townsite contains the majority of the population with 800 residents and Meckering townsite 100. The total population of the Shire is approximately 1,457, which

is estimated to remain fairly constant over the next ten years.

The local economy is reliant on agriculture, with wheat, canola and lupins being the main crops, and sheep production being prominent. Although the local industries and

services are based around the agricultural sector, Cunderdin is also home to institutional furniture manufacturing, farm machinery and equipment manufacturing, rural

merchandise suppliers, fabrication industries and machinery dealerships. Cunderdin also has only one of six campuses of the Western Australian College of Agriculture in

the State.

The local environment is valued, with a focus on maintaining the local biodiversity. Climate change is a major issue and represents risks, not only to resource management,

but also on the reliance of farming and cars.

Facilities and Services

Cunderdin Museum

Early Learning Centre

District High School catering from Kindergarten to Year 10

WA College of Agriculture

Incorporated Clubs in both Towns

Aquatic Centre including Olympic-sized swimming pool

Numerous sporting clubs

Age Appropriate Accommodation

Cunderdin Community Resource Centre

Police, Fire and St John Ambulance services

Parks & recreational spaces

Five active Houses of Worship

Service Clubs

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Introduction to the Plan The Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 (the Plan) is the result of the Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027. The Strategic Community Plan is a community driven document

that sets out the community’s vision and aspirations for the next 10 years.

The Plan provides information on the actions the Shire will undertake to deliver the community identified aspirations.

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework All local governments are required to plan for the future of their district under the Local Government Act 1995 (WA). The Local Government (Administration) Regulations

1996 outline the minimum requirements to achieve this.

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Integrated Strategic Planning and Reporting Framework (the Framework) provides the basis for

improving the practice of strategic planning in local government.

The Plan does not stand alone within the Framework. It is part of a suite of planning and reporting documents.

The Framework comprises five key elements:

1. Strategic Community Plan (10 years) – outlines the strategic priorities to address the community’s long-term vision. The priorities and goals of the Strategic

Community Plan are driven by community engagement and take a “whole of Shire” approach.

2. Corporate Business Plan (4 years) – defines the actions that the Shire will undertake to achieve the community goals and aspirations as outlined in the Strategic

Community Plan. It provides direction and priorities for the annual budget and is reviewed annually.

3. Informing strategies - assists the local government in delivering the Corporate Business Plan and in supporting the goals of the Strategic Community Plan. Key

informing Framework documents include the Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plans and Strategy and Workforce Plan. The Shire also develops and

implements a range of other strategic plans to guide its actions and priorities within important service areas.

4. Annual Budget – provides the finer detail of the resources the Shire will be committing to its Corporate Business Plan in any given year.

5. Annual Report – provides feedback to the community on the Shire’s progress against the Corporate Business Plan and provides a snapshot of how the community is

progressing towards its goals and aspirations as contained in the Strategic Community Plan.

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Elements of Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

(Sourced from Department of Local Government and Communities)

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Review schedule The Corporate Business Plan is a medium-term plan but is not a static document. As the community changes, the plan will need to change. A major review including long

term visioning will be conducted with the community every four years.

The Corporate Business Plan will also be subject to an interim review (desktop) every year between major reviews. The purpose of the desktop review is to check

compliance with state legislative requirements, acknowledge any changes to regional and/or state policy, adapt the Plan to address any significant or new information that

has come to light since the last review and, importantly to review the financial implications of the Plan in the context of the Annual Budget and Long Term Financial Plan.

Review Schedule Completion

Next desktop review December 2020

Next major review December 2022

Informing Strategies The Shire has developed and will continually update informing plan strategies. These plans provide details of the resourcing required to implement and support Corporate

Business Plan initiatives.

Workforce Planning The purpose of the Workforce Plan is to assist the Shire to ensure that it has the appropriate staff resources in place to deliver the Corporate Business Plan.

The process assesses the Shire’s current workforce capacity and evaluates needs in meeting the short, medium and long-term objectives.

The Workforce Plan is a four-year document that is reviewed annually.

Document Date Status Responsible Officer

October 2018 Current Chief Executive Officer

Asset Management Planning The Shire has developed a strategic approach to asset management and prepared asset management plans based on the total life cycle of assets. The Asset Management

Plans’ will assist the Shire in predicting infrastructure consumption and asset renewal needs and identifies the cost required to renew or preserve the asset (renewal gap).

The continued allocation of funding towards the renewal of assets and funding for maintenance and upgrades will result in a positive investment for the community in

future. Asset acquisitions and capital works are funded from rate revenue, specific cash reserves, government grants or borrowings.

Major assets and management plans for which the Shire of Cunderdin is responsible include:

Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 P a g e | 9

Transport - Roads, Footpaths and Drainage;

Property – Land and Building Assets;

Recreation - facilities such as Parks and Reserves, Bowling and Tennis Clubs;

These assets are critical to the community and represent a significant value in the Shire budget. Asset Management is seen as a crucial piece of long term planning for the

Shire of Cunderdin.

Informing Strategy/Plan Document Date Status Responsible Officer

Asset Management Strategy June 2018 Current Chief Executive Officer

Long Term Financial Planning The Shire’s Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) will detail, from a financial perspective, what the Shire proposes to deliver to the community over the next ten years. The

purpose of Long-Term Financial Planning is to ensure financial sustainability. The Long-Term Financial Plan must align with the Strategic Community Plan and Corporate

Business Plan.

The LTFP is a dynamic tool which analyses financial trends over a ten-year period on a range of assumptions and provides the Shire with information to assess resourcing

requirements to achieve its strategic objectives.

There is generally a high level of accuracy and detail in the first three years of the LTFP, but this must be underpinned by several assumptions. The remaining seven years of

the LTFP are shown as an overview only, with reasonable estimates. The Shire reviews the Strategic Community Plan every two years, including a major review every four

years. The LTFP will receive major reviews in conjunction with the Strategic Community Plan.

Informing Strategy Document Date Status Responsible Officer

Long Term Financial Plan October 2018 Current Chief Executive Officer

Risk Management Planning The Shire’s Risk Management Framework outlines the principles of risk management, and the processes for identifying, assessing, treating and monitoring risks. A Risk

Register will be developed to identify, and record potential risks and hazards associated with the ownership, management, operations and maintenance of Shire assets and


The purpose of the Risk Management Framework is to consider and manage the risks associated with carrying out the Shire’s day to day activities. It will achieve this by

reviewing the corporate risks associated with the Shire, evaluating the level of each risk, and outlining actions aimed at reducing the highest risk areas.

Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 P a g e | 10

The methodology used is in line with the processes outlined in the Australian and New Zealand Risk Management Standard AS/NZS 31000:2009 Risk Management –

Principles and Guidelines.

The overall objectives of the Risk Management Framework and Register are to:

Outline the process by which Council will manage risk, such that all risks are identified and evaluated in a consistent manner across the organisation;

Identify all operational and organisational risks at the enterprise level;

Allocated responsibility for managing risks to specific staff to improve accountability;

Prioritise risks to identify the highest risks that should be addressed in the short to medium term; and

Identify actions required to effectively minimise exposure to risk.

The Shire’s Risk Management & Governance Framework was developed 2016, reviewed in October 2018 and will be reviewed annually thereafter.

Informing Strategy Document Date Status Responsible Officer

Risk Management & Governance Framework

October 2018 Current Chief Executive Officer

Other Documents and Strategies

A number of other documents are used as informing strategies, and others will be developed according to need throughout the duration of this plan, including;

1. Shire of Cunderdin Strategic Community Plan 2012-2022

2. Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2014-2017

3. Shire of Cunderdin Annual Financial Reports

4. Shire of Cunderdin Community Consultation for the four-year review of the Strategic Community Plan Outcomes Report

5. Cunderdin-Tammin Age Friendly Communities Plan

6. Shire of Tammin, Tammin Town centre Visioning Plan, November 2017

7. Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

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Our Vision

A Place for People, A Place for Community

Our Aspirations are:

A community that cares, and a place where community matters

A great place to live and visit because we take pride in our local area

A vibrant and active community, inclusive and welcoming for young and old.

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Key Challenges

Like many regional local governments, the Shire of Cunderdin faces many challenges as it develops over the next 10 years.

The challenges include:

Financial planning in the context of uncertainty with future funding from state and federal agencies;

Cost Shifting from other levels of government

Attracting and retaining new residents and commercial activity into our community;

Protecting our natural environments;

Planning for and adapting to climate change, including reduced availability of water;

Managing the impacts of natural disasters, such as bushfires and floods;

Renewing ageing infrastructure;

Managing community expectations;

Social and economic issues;

Ageing population and service requirements to meet that need;

Improving transport infrastructure including roads and footpaths;

Maintaining the level of core services in Health and Education;

Educational options for our community;


Financial Sustainability.

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Functional Responsibilities Our Services

The Shire delivers a wide range of services and facilities to the community. The revenues and expenditure of the Shire are required to be classified in accordance with legislation. The Local Government (Financial

Management) Regulations 1996 (Schedule 1 Part 1) specify the minimum program classifications to be disclosed.

Statement of Objectives

The Shire of Cunderdin is dedicated to providing high quality services to the community through the various service orientated programs which it has established. These programs are summarised as follows:


Administration and operation of facilities and services to members of the Council. Other costs that relate to the tasks of assisting elected members and rate payers on matters which do not concern specific

shire services.


Rates, general purpose government grants and interest revenue.


Supervision of various local laws, fire prevention, emergency services and animal control.


Food quality, pest control and other related matters.


Home and community care assistance, operation of senior citizens' centre and playgroup centre. Family and community support service.


Maintenance of staff and rental housing. Administration and maintenance of community housing.


Rubbish collection services, operation of tips, effluent service, noise control, administration, town-planning scheme, maintenance of cemeteries, rest centres and storm water drainage maintenance.


Maintenance of halls, aquatic centre, recreation centres and various reserves. Operation of library.


Construction and maintenance of streets, roads, drainage and footpaths. Cleaning and lighting of streets, traffic signs, depot maintenance and airstrip maintenance.


The regulation and provision of tourism facilities, area promotion, building controls, saleyards, noxious weeds, vermin control and standpipes.


Private work operations, plant repairs and operation costs.

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Service Levels

It is proposed that existing service levels will be maintained for all operational areas in formulating this plan.

The following Forecast Statement of Funding (operations) is extracted from the Shire’s Long Term Financial

Plan to provide an indication of the net funding available from operational activities. The forecast statement

should be read in conjunction with the full Long Term Financial Plan and its underlying assumptions and


FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22

$ $ $ $

Funding from Operational Activities


Rates 2,072,795 2,175,803 2,283,956 2,397,511 Operating grants, subsidies and

contributions 1,122,984 1,822,101 1,849,722 1,877,764 Fees and charges 490,184 499,988 509,987 520,187 Interest earnings 55,000 56,100 57,222 58,366 Other revenue 5,500 5,610 5,722 5,837

3,746,463 4,559,602 4,706,610 4,859,665


Employee costs (1,682,764) (1,724,833) (1,767,954) (1,812,153) Materials and contracts (1,363,757) (1,404,670) (1,446,810) (1,475,746) Utility charges (229,400) (238,576) (248,119) (258,044) Depreciation on non-current asset (4,005,100) (4,097,037) (4,144,317) (4,199,458) Interest expense (74,295) (76,581) (66,202) (60,931) Insurance expense (161,868) (165,105) (168,407) (171,776) Other expenditure (82,450) (84,099) (85,781) (87,497) New Initiatives 0 (5,400) (9,950) (13,950)

(7,599,634) (7,796,302) (7,937,540) (8,079,554)

(3,853,172) (3,236,699) (3,230,930) (3,219,889)

Funding Position Adjustments

Depreciation on non-current assets 4,005,100 4,097,037 4,144,317 4,199,458 Net Funding from Operational

Activities 4,005,100 4,097,037 4,144,317 4,199,458

151,928 860,338 913,387 979,569

Funding from Capital Activities


Proceeds on disposal 130,000 58,000 115,000 95,000 Non-operating grants, subsidies

and contributions 505,906 600,924 521,143 531,565 Outflows

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (911,394) (777,000) (315,000) (743,000)

Purchase of infrastructure (1,435,744) (839,927) (1,172,050) (719,601)

Net Funding from Capital Activities (1,711,232) (958,003) (850,908) (836,036)

Funding from Financing Activities


Transfer from reserves 0 258,498 120,000 20,000 Outflows

Transfers to reserves (30,000) (26,803) (89,311) (65,094) Repayment of past borrowings (74,131) (101,557) (93,169) (98,439)

Net Funding from Financing Activities (104,131) 130,138 (62,480) (143,533)

Estimated Surplus/Deficit June 30 C/Fwd (32,472) 0 (0) (0)

Funding Available / (to be soured)1 (1,663,435) 32,473 (0) 0

1 - Funding Available / (to be sourced) represents the true operational funding position before any addition of the prior years closing position.

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Alignment to the Strategic Community Plan 2018-2022

The Shire of Cunderdin will deliver services to the Community in accordance with the vision and aspirations of our Strategic Community Plan 2018-2022.

The Shire of Cunderdin Strategic Community Plan 2018-2022 outlines the strategic priorities to address the community’s long-term vision. The community aspirations,

identified through consultation, have been categorised into five (5) strategic result areas:

1. Social/Community

2. Environment

3. Economic Development

4. Infrastructure and Transport

5. Civic Leadership

Each of the community aspirations has a number of actions that relate to it. The Corporate Business Plan Action Plan details how the Shire will deliver the communities


The table below summarises the five (5) key result areas and associated aspirations.

Key Result Area Aspiration

Social/Community We are a connected, friendly, industrious and diverse community that fosters inclusion, resilience and self-sufficiency, where people feel safe, capable and supported in their endeavours.

Environment We value, and work to nurture and enhance our natural environment and prioritise the protection of our natural resources in all endeavours, managing resource consumption and reducing waste, preserving and protecting buildings and places of heritage and indigenous significance.

Economic Development Our local economy will continue to thrive and prosper as we support and foster industry, initiative and innovation in seeking new opportunities to enhance our Shire’s economic health.

Infrastructure and Transport We work together for the provision of essential services and assets to support our growing community.

Civic Leadership Our Councillors and community leaders have vision, are accessible, act with transparency and integrity, and act in good faith on behalf of their constituents.

How the Delivery Plan works

Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 P a g e | 16

Strategies have been adopted for delivery of each objective outlined under the respective Key Result area. Further, this Plan identifies numerous actions designed to

accomplish the intended strategies. The timing for implementation of the actions is provided by reference to the financial year in the tables below.

Key Result Area 1 - Social/Community

Key Result Area 1 Social/Community

We are a connected, friendly, industrious and diverse community that fosters inclusion, resilience and self-sufficiency, where people feel safe, capable and supported in their endeavours.

S1-Objective 1 Continue to develop and support a healthy inclusive and accessible community providing facilities and services for all ages, abilities, visitors and tourists.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

S1.1.1 Build community capacity by developing and hosting events and community-based activities. PARTY

1. Encourage Community Participation 2. Annual Calendar of Events 3. Provide a range of community, cultural and civic events including - • Carols in the Park • Australia Day breakfast • ANZAC Day Service • Thank a Volunteer Day • Cunderdin K9s in the Park • Halloween / Easter Event

a) Calendar Available and Issued with Rates Notice b) No. of events held c) No. of participants d) Survey of participants e) Social media reach

1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3

S1.1.2 Assist community groups implement promotional strategies and grant applications for events and community activities.

1. Liaise with community groups to develop and host social activities and cultural programs and events. 2. Seek feedback on events held.

a) No of groups involved b) No. of programs developed c) No. of events held

1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2

Shire of Cunderdin Corporate Business Plan 2018-2022 P a g e | 17

S1.1.3 Upgrade facilities in line with the DAIP plan. 1. Modify access to the Meckering Sporting Club to accommodate people with disability (wheelchairs, gophers, walkers, etc). 2. Install a disabled toilet facility at the Club. 3. Source quotes for proposed works .

a) DAIP action in progress b) DAIP action completed

0 3 0 0 1,2

S1.1.4 Develop and implement programs suitable for the youth and aged.

1. Assist in the development and implementation of programs suitable for the Active Ageing target market, as required. 2. Research and initiate activities and programs for the youth.

a) No. of Consultations with Target markets b) No. of programs initiated

1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2

S1-Objective 2 Assist the facilitation of regional health services

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

S1.2.1 Assist the facilitation of regional health services 1. Bi-annual reporting by PUG on the status of facility.

a) Construction finalised

1 0 0 0 0

S1-Objective 3 Assist the facilitation of regional aged care services

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

S1.3.1 Develop an age appropriate accommodation strategy 1. Encourage further development of ageing in place accommodation. 2. Actively seek funding.

a) Construction finalised b) Development of an aged accommodation strategy document

1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2

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S1- Objective 4 Continue to work on developing and coordinating a strong volunteer base.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

S1.4.1 Facilitate volunteering within the Shire. 1. Recognise the value of volunteering 2. Create opportunities for volunteers to participate in local projects & advertise these opportunities. 3. Support CRC and voluntary groups as required

a) Annual Thankyou event held b) No. of volunteers

1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3

S1-Objective 5 Develop and implement an Aboriginal Engagement Strategy.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

S1.5.1 Develop and implement an Aboriginal Engagement Strategy.

1. Seek funding 2. Engage consultant (WDC) 3. Implement Strategy

a) Strategy completed b) Strategies developed and implemented 1 1,2 3 3 3

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Key Result Area 2 – Environment

Key Result Area 2 Environment

We value, and work to nurture and enhance our natural environment and prioritise the protection of our natural resources in all endeavours, managing resource consumption and reducing waste, preserving and protecting buildings and places of heritage and indigenous significance.

E2-Objective 1 Foster and promote sustainable water, waste management and energy management practices including continued participation in the Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP) and SEAVROC Regional Waste Management Strategic Plan.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

E2.1.1 Implementation of the Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP).

1. Review the WEMP (expired on 15.4.2016), cost initiatives and include costings in the LTFP. 2. Review the WEMP annually and report progress to the Water Corporation. 3. Review discussions with CBH regarding stormwater harvesting from CBH site to the oval. 4. Cunderdin Town Dam Project 5. Develop a business plan for community use of the Reserve Dam.

a) Initial Review Completed b) Initiatives included LTFP c) WEMP reviewed annually by the 31 July d) Town Dam project completed e) Negotiations in progress

1,2,3,5 2,4,5 2 2 2

E2-Objective 2 Demonstrate leadership in the area of sustainability through investment in renewable energy

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

E2.2.1 Promote sustainability initiatives within the Shire 1. Installation of Photovoltaic Cells on Administration Building 2. Explore and implement energy saving initiatives for all Shire properties. 3. Ensure sustainability is considered as a factor in all capital projects.

a) Seek quotes and appoint installer b) Budget provided in LTFP and Annual budget c) Solar Panels installed d) no. of Iniatives e) $$ amount of savings

2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 2,3

Key Result Area 2 Environment

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We value, and work to nurture and enhance our natural environment and prioritise the protection of our natural resources in all endeavours, managing resource consumption and reducing waste, preserving and protecting buildings and places of heritage and indigenous significance.

E2-Objective 1 Foster and promote sustainable water, waste management and energy management practices including continued participation in the Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP) and SEAVROC Regional Waste Management Strategic Plan.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

E2.1.1 Implementation of the Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP).

1. Review the WEMP (expired on 15.4.2016), cost initiatives and include costings in the LTFP. 2. Review the WEMP annually and report progress to the Water Corporation. 3. Review discussions with CBH regarding stormwater harvesting from CBH site to the oval. 4. Cunderdin Town Dam Project 5. Develop a business plan for community use of the Reserve Dam.

a) Initial Review Completed b) Initiatives included LTFP c) WEMP reviewed annually by the 31 July d) Town Dam project completed e) Negotiations in progress

1,2,3,5 2,4,5 2 2 2

E2-Objective 3 Preserve and protect buildings and places of heritage and indigenous significance, burial sites and the natural environment.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

E2.3.1 Preserve and protect buildings in line with the Municipal Heritage Inventory

1. Review the Municipal Heritage Inventory

a) MHI reviewed 0 0 0 1

E2.3.2 Liaise with the stakeholders of Cunderdin Hill and Bulgin Rock with regard to the preservation & promotion of these sites.

1. Provide access to sites 2. Maintain infrastructure & services at the sites 3. Promote sites as key tourist attractions

a) Budgets allocated annually

1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3

E2- Objective 4 Enhance Town aesthetics through beautification of town entry corridors

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

E2.4.1 Develop a Beautification Plan for main traffic routes throughout the Shire.

1. Prepare an Action Plan on priority weed control and vegetation management works 2. Develop a Beautification Plan in liaison with Main Roads 3. Implement Plan

a) Costs identified b) Funding allocated

0 1,2 3 3 3

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Key Result Area 3 – Economic Development

Key Result Area 3 Economic Development

Our local economy will continue to thrive and prosper as we support and foster industry, initiative and innovation in seeking new opportunities to enhance our Shire’s economic health.

ED3-Objective 1 Encourage new businesses through information incentives and land use provision.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

HF3.1.1 Encourage new businesses through information incentives and land use provision.

1. Develop policy position to attract new business to the district.

a) Policy adopted

0 1 0 0 0

HF3.1.2 Provide land use for commercial and industrial growth, light commercial and the airfield.

1. Review Shire owned land holdings for possible sale or development. 2. Develop plan to realease land identified in action 1.

a) Review complete

0 1 2 2 2

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HF3.1.3 Review land use strategy to provide for diverse housing needs, considering affordability, lifestyle and Independent Living Units (ILU’s) for the aged.

1. Partner with aged care providers to develop ageing in place accommodation. 2. Review Land Use Strategy (TPS) 3. Liaise with Landcorp / Regional Development for the release of additional blocks of land in Cunderdin and Meckering.

a) Adopt TPS b) Development of an aged accommodation strategy document

1 1,2,3 3 3 2,3

ED3-Objective 2 Explore diverse income streams, including grants

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

HF3.2.1 Explore diverse income streams, including grants 1. Monitor grant funding opportunities for capital projects and programs. 2. In conjunction with the LTFP, review business operations with a view of identifying additional revenue streams. 3. Ensure sound long term financial management and deliver value for money. 4. Identify Services and review with a cost benefit analysis

a) No. of funding applications b) No. of successful applications c) Services and associated costs identified

1 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,2,3,4

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ED3-Objective 3 Facilitate the development of the airport and surrounds.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

HF3.3.1 Facilitate the development of the airport and surrounds. 1. Continue to negotiate with stakeholders to develop a commercial enterprise at Cunderdin Airfield. 2. Partner with the Agricultural College to create a skills based training centre, and apprenticeships at the Airfield.

a) Training Centre commenced b) No. of apprenticeships available c) Continued development of the airfield

1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2

ED3-Objective 4 Explore and develop tourism opportunities within the Shire

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

HF3.4.1 Develop Visitors Centre / Café 1. Explore development of a Visitors Centre


0 1,2 1,2 0 0

HF3.4.2 Rebranding of the Shire 1. Hold workshop to explore rebrand options

a) Workshop held b) Implementation of workshop outcomes

1 1 0 0 0

Key Result Area 4 – Infrastructure and Transport

Key Result Area 4 Infrastructure and Transport

We work together for the provision of essential services and assets to support our growing community.

IT4-Objective 1 Lobby and advocate for improved services, infrastructure and transport, taking advantage of our strategic transport position.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

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ED4.1.1 Develop a Regional Economic Plan. 1. Liaise with the Wheatbelt Development Commission on the status of their regional plans. 2. Hold workshop with stakeholders to discuss opportunities 3. Plan, develop and implement opportunities

a) No. of opportunities available b) No of Successful funding arrangements c) Workshop held. 1 1,2 3 3 3

ED4.1.2 Lobby and advocate for improved services. 1. Ensure lobbying at appropriate times

a) No. of opportunities 1 1 1 1 1

IT4-Objective 2 Develop plans for the improvement and renewal of infrastructure assets.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

ED4.2.1 Infrastructure Asset Management and Renewal 1. Refine, implement and monitor Asset Management Plans for all infrastructure program areas.

a) Plans implemented

1 1 1 1 1

ED4.2.2 Maintain and enhance the local environment, improve major distributor roads.

1. Review Road Asset Management Plan 2. Undertake a collection of road inventory and condition data on the Shire road network 3. Update the RAMM database and recalculate the Asset financial model.

a) Plan updated b) RAMM updated

1,2,3 3 3 3 1,3

ED4.2.3 Develop Asset Management Plans for community facilities and assets.

1. Review existing Building and Structures Asset Management Plan by undertaking collection of more specific data relating to component works required for financial modelling purposes utilising the Buildings Plus Program. 2. Hold workshops to review current assets.

a) Plans updated b) Workshops held

1 1,2 1 1 1

IT4-Objective 3 Ensure roads infrastructure is clear of safety breaches.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

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ED4.3.1 Review roads infrastructure for safety breaches. 1. Collect footpath inventory and condition data and update RAMM database for footpath network and prepare asset management plan. 2. Undertake condition audit of roads, kerbs and footpaths from a safety and access point of view, specifically for gophers and wheelchairs. 3. Consult with community on priority gopher and wheelchair routes in town. 4. Prepare Plan on priority improvement works including gopher routes, cost improvement works required and include costings in LTFP to improve access and safety.

a) Updated RAMM database b) Community workshop held c) No of Attendees d) Plan Prepared and Implemented

3 1,2,3,4 0 0 1,2

IT4-Objective 4 Upgrade the town centres and main street.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

ED4.4.1 Maintain the Town Halls frontages. 1. Allocate appropriate funding levels in each year of the LTFP to ensure the maintenance of Cunderdin and Meckering Town Halls, including frontages

a) Funding allocated

1 1 1 1 1

Key Result Area 5 – Civic Leadership

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Key Result Area 5 Civic Leadership

Our Councillors and community leaders have vision, are accessible, act with transparency and integrity, and act in good faith on behalf of their constituents.

CL5-Objective 1 Deliver sustainable governance through transparent and robust policy and processes.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

IT5.1.1 Governance Framework - Provide a fully integrated robust governance framework with annual reviews of the Shire’s governance framework, policies, management practices, delegations, risk management framework and periodic reviews of the Code of Conduct and Local Laws.

1. Review Governance Framework. 2. Review Council Policies on a biennial basis. 3. Develop a Community Engagement Plan.

a) Policies reviewed b) No. of information sessions c) No. of attendees 0 1 0 1 1

IT5.1.2 Develop and Implement Service Plans and IT Plans. 1. Prepare Business Continuity Plan and Business Continuity Management Framework. 2.Prepare Information Technology Replacement Plan. 3. Prepare IT Disaster Recovery Plan. 4. Review Plans biennially

a) Plans developed b) Plans implemented

0 1,2,3 1,2,3 0 4

CL5-Objective 2 Undertake the civic duties of Council with the highest degree of ethics.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

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IT5.2.1 Elected Member Leadership 1. Biennially coordinate ordinary local government elections, aiming to attract a diverse range of elected members that reflect the views of the Shire of Cunderdin community. 2. Deliver Inductions and education programs for Elected Members following each Election. 3. Develop and implement strategies to maintain and/or increase candidacy numbers at Local Government elections.

a) No. of Councillors trained b) No. of Training programs attended c) Strategies developed d) No. of candidates

0 1,2,3 0 1,2,3 1,2,3

IT5.2.2 Financial Sustainability and capacity 1. Complete all statutory financial reporting in accordance with statutory requirements.

a) Budget Adopted by 31 August b) Annual Financial Report to Auditor by 30 September

1 1 1 1 1

CL5-Objective 3 Provide community leadership and lobby Federal and State Government to strengthen service provision within the Shire.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

IT5.3.1 Lobby and advocate for improved services, infrastructure and transport.

1. Continue to lobby for the retention and improvement to a range of State and Commonwealth services, and infrastructure.

a) No. of opportunities

1 1 1 1 1

CL5-Objective 4 Ensure sound long term financial management and deliver value for money.

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Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

IT5.4.1 Ensure sound long term financial management and deliver value for money.

1. Develop sustainable long term financial plan. 2. Develop program to Review current services and cost. 3. Review LTFP with Annual Budget

a) LTFP complete b) Annual review of LTFP complete c) Services identified d) Timeline developed for service review e) All services reviewed

1 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3

CL5-Objective 5 Improve organisational planning, processes and systems.

Strategy Reference Strategy Action Measure 18/19 19/20 20/21 21/22 Ongoing

IT5.5.1 Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework 1. Review IPRF documentation. a) Biennial revise of SCP b) Review of CBP c) Review Informing Strategies

1 1 1 1 1

IT5.5.2 Review and update Council Policy manual 1. Review Council Policy manual. a) Review complete every 2 years 1 1 0 2 2

IT5.5.3 Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 1. Review and update the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

a) Review Plan annually

0 1 0 1 1

IT5.5.4 Risk Management 1. Review Corporate Risk Management Plan

a) Undertake a half yearly review of priority risk treatments b) Annually review Corporate Risk Management Plan.

1 1 1 1 1

Services and Facilities – Linkages to the Corporate Business Plan

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The Services and Facilities provided by the Shire are linked to the Key Result areas set out in the Corporate Business Plan above. Investment in the delivery of Services and Facilities within each of the Key Result areas as part of the Shire’s normal operations is outlined in the table below.

Services & Facilities Key Result Area Total Funding from

Operations FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22

$ $ $ $ $

Members Of Council Civic Leadership $627,794 169,831 148,863 153,009 156,091

Fire Prevention Environment $294,112 71,430 72,375 74,374 75,933

Animal Control Environment $56,504 13,551 13,947 14,354 14,652

Other Law, Order & Public Safety Environment $63,290 32,700 9,945 10,196 10,448

Health - Admin Costs Environment $77,188 18,582 19,053 19,536 20,017

Doctors Costs Social / Community $196,022 74,776 39,361 40,477 41,409

Early Learning Centre Social / Community $728,551 181,662 177,733 182,321 186,836

Other Education Social / Community $12,508 10,600 618 637 654

Aged & Disabled Housing & Facilities $204,416 49,115 50,456 51,835 53,010

Staff Housing Housing & Facilities $385,328 119,098 86,284 88,846 91,100

Other Housing Housing & Facilities $68,084 19,525 15,762 16,212 16,585

Household Refuse Housing & Facilities $629,840 151,158 155,464 159,893 163,325

Waste Transfer Stations Environment $970,322 236,657 238,394 244,800 250,472

Sewerage Environment $2,087 500 515 530 541

Protection Of Environment Environment $83,460 20,000 20,600 21,218 21,642

Town Planning & Development Environment $380,373 91,260 93,887 96,589 98,638

Other Community Amenities Environment $363,516 97,552 86,361 88,734 90,869

Public Halls Environment $438,507 195,377 78,974 81,130 83,026

Swimming Pool Social / Community $861,258 349,866 165,755 170,796 174,841

Other Recreation & Sport Social / Community $2,453,669 801,321 536,276 551,039 565,032

Other Culture Social / Community $81,265 19,474 20,058 20,660 21,073

Libraries Social / Community $66,768 16,000 16,480 16,974 17,314

Museum Social / Community $832,680 215,517 200,391 205,916 210,856

Streets, Roads, Bridges & Depot Maintenance Infrastructure & Transport $6,205,974 3,548,109 862,959 886,760 908,146

Aerodromes Infrastructure & Transport $585,914 352,955 75,545 77,696 79,717

Rural Services Infrastructure & Transport $96,358 22,700 23,603 24,542 25,513

Tourism & Area Promotion Economic Development $29,211 7,000 7,210 7,426 7,575

Building Control Economic Development $79,279 19,082 19,569 20,069 20,560

Other Economic Services Economic Development $149,384 35,884 36,873 37,889 38,739

Private Works Economic Development $707,711 169,969 174,685 179,532 183,526

Public Works Overheads Civic Leadership -$19,511 (5,000) (4,691) (4,358) (5,461)

Plant Operation Costs Civic Leadership -$1,019,899 (59,000) (311,669) (321,643) (327,587)

Administration Civic Leadership $1,561,513 378,988 384,017 394,851 403,657

Total 18,253,476 7,426,239 3,515,650 3,612,839 3,698,751

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Additional investment in the form of capital expenditure is forecast to be undertaken during the life of this Plan in pursuit of the delivery of the Plan’s strategies and

ultimately the Plan’s Key Result areas.

The strategies for which this investment is being undertaken are summarised below along with an indication of the forecast capital expenditure and timing, extracted from

the Shire’s Long Term Financial Plan.

Ref. Strategy Total Capital Investment FY18/19 FY19/20 FY20/21 FY21/22

$ $ $ $ $

S1.2 Assist the facilitation of regional health services and develop aged care services $287,219 287,219 0 0 0

CL6.4 Improve organisational planning, processes and systems. $47,175 32,175 5,000 5,000 5,000

IT5 Infrastructure & Transport $4,535,111 1,453,532 1,041,927 1,007,050 1,032,601

IT5.3.1 Review roads, kerbs and footpaths for safety breaches. $80,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000

E2.1 Implementation of the Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP). $820,628 335,628 135,000 350,000 0

S1.1.4 Develop and implement programs suitable for the youth and aged. $70,000 70,000 0 0 0

S1.1.3 Improve meeting places for all ages, including aged and youth by providing multi-purpose facility. $248,584 148,584 0 100,000 0

E2.3.1 Develop Asset Management Plans for community facilities and assets. $15,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000

HF3.3 Upgrade the town centres and main street. $10,000 0 10,000 0 0

S1.1.2 Assist community groups implement promotional strategies and grant applications for events and community activities.

$0 0 0 0 0

HF3 Housing $800,000 0 400,000 0 400,000

$6,913,717 2,347,138 1,616,927 1,487,050 1,462,601

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