ShopMo Shuttle June 2016

Post on 02-Aug-2016

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ShopMo ShuttleISSUE 6 - JUNE 2016


profile 01933 229644


NFSUK 2-4 Meadow Close, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 4BH.Tel: 01933 229644

ContentsTop Ten Fundraising tips ...... 3

Scheme stories ................... 4

Pensions are you ready? ..... 8

BHTA member directory .... 10

Issuu links for the ShopMo Shuttle Don’t forget you can view all the past ShopMo Shuttle issuus on the links below. The links are also available on the members’ area of our website at

Issue 3

Issue 2

Issue 1

Join our Facebook group and start a conversation with your fellow Shopmobility members at:


Welcome to your Spring/Summer issue of the ShopMo Shuttle…I know we have some new readers this issue so welcome to our new members I hope you enjoy your quarterly newsletter.

Since Christmas there has been a lot of changes both within the membership and behind the scenes here at the NFSUK. We have seen the unfortunate closure of Birmingham Shopmobility and the impending closures of three other schemes. This is making many schemes sit up and evaluate how their schemes are run and is something we too are looking at. We have a couple of projects which consider how we can help you with ideas to raise extra revenue for your individual schemes. We are working on these projects at the moment and hopefully we will be able to bring you more on these before the end of the summer. There is a lot to consider as all the schemes are different, but we will be coming back to you for your thoughts and input once we have completed our discussions.

As you know we wrote to all the MPs back in January and many of them contacted us and some have visited their local schemes. We have a story from Stockport Shopmobility on their visit on page 5. We do have a follow up letter that is due out imminently. Do take the opportunity to write to your local MP and introduce yourself so they know who their local scheme is and where you are.

Also in this issue you can read stories from BHTA members who have started to work with their local Shopmobility scheme. You can read them starting on page 4, if you haven’t

yet approached your local BHTA member I urge you to look through the directory at the back of this issue and contact them. You don’t know what you can offer each other until you discuss it and it could be a very lucrative relationship for both of you.

Pensions have been on our mind here at the NFSUK and BHTA as our staff pensions get put in place. If you are an employee yourself or there is an employee at your scheme you may find the information on page 8 and page 9 useful. If you have any queries on pensions and payroll there are contact details at the bottom of both articles.

If you are celebrating anything this summer or are taking part in the local carnivals or fetes do write us a story for the next shuttle and send us a picture, we will need some sunny pictures to make us smile come September.

I wish you all good health and a successful summer

“If you are celebrating anything this summer or are taking part in the local carnivals or fetes do write us a story for the next shuttle”

01933 229644


Top 10 Fundraising has 50 top tips on their site and are available for advice and assistance should you want it. Below are the NFSUK’s top 10 from their list. Implement one or all but make sure what ever you do you do well. One well initiated tip will be more fruitful than 10 hurried tips.

1. Complete a fundraising strategy- where you are, where you want to be in the next year, 2 years, 5 years and how you will get there.

2. Advertise your charity FREE on google. Google allow charities in the UK to advertise for FREE. They offer grants to allow you to run a pay per click campaign where you can ask entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals to donate to your cause.

3. Invite and build relationships with your local councillors and your local MP- they could do wonders to promote your cause.

4. Get in the media- you can attract free publicity by getting your press releases out. Here’s the secret: nominate a spokesperson from your organisation as a specialist in any area- it could be crime, the local neighbourhood, community issues etc. You all have a specialist you can use for that as you are all specialist in accessibility in your towns.

Then – contact the local newspapers and TV channels. Tell them if they ever need a specialist on the following subject or area, you have someone who can be interviewed at short notice. The press and media are always searching for people they can interview at short notice. This is your short cut to attracting thousands, if not millions of pounds of free publicity. Build a relationship with your local paper when you have events invite them down if they don’t show write your own release and take a picture send it to them you have more chance of getting it in when you’ve done the work and they just have to edit. Contact the local radio station by submitting regular pieces of interest. They could visit your scheme or invite you in to the station.

5. Get video marketing – a video conveys a million words in a powerful and compelling way. In short, it is the future. If you haven’t got one on your website – you are missing a serious strategy. Make your video viral. Video is very powerful these days much more than print so my advice is contact you’re local university and ask for recommendations of year two film students, (year one the tutors don’t know them well enough and year three will be focused on their dissertation work) explain you need a promotional video to show Shopmobility is for all and you need it to be fun and interesting you’d like three students to come up with a concept a bid for the voluntary role to make produce direct the film. They should be able to recommend students who will be focused and sensible about the subject matter, they may even be able to use it in there course. Contact them now with the idea of implementing the project in October with the new Second years. Within the video have testimonials from clients; videos should be no more than 3 minutes long to have maximum impact.

6. Together we’re stronger. Think about linking up with another charity to submit a larger funding bid. In the current climate of doom and gloom, funders are increasingly giving preference to partnership and consortium bids for grant funding

7. Keep your existing funders sweet- remember it is always easier to ask for money from an existing funder than a new one as the trust is already there. Keep current funders happy and informed on a regular basis

8. Build a partnership with a local business and ask them to become your fundraising buddy – it will look good for their business to support a local charity. Possibly a good co marketing idea for you and your local BHTA member.

9. Get a good comprehensive business plan – this is not only important for your organisation’s growth strategy, many larger funders will insist upon it.

10. Use Gift Aid to accelerate your donations. A simple one but often forgotten and worth quite a bit of money to you.

For more tips and ideas go to 01933 229644


Charity TrusteeIndemnity InsuranceTrustee DutiesOnce you become a trustee, you will have certain duties and be required to follow relevant legislation for your country. The following are general duties all trustees across the UK have:

• Duty of care

• Duty of prudence

• Duty to comply

Personal LiabilityIf a trustee acts imprudently or is in breach of the law or governing document, he or she may be held personally responsible for any liabilities the charity incurs as a result. Because trustees act collectively, they could be collectively responsible for meeting this liability.

Trustees can help reduce their personal liability risk by taking actions such as the following:

• Familiarising themselves with the governing document

• Establishing effective induction procedures for new trustees

• Seeking professional advice when needed, when unsure about duties or when required by statute

• Implementing effective internal management and financial controls

• Knowing what areas of law might affect the charity’s activities, such as employment, health and safety, human rights and data protection

• Ensuring that the charity has the resources to meet its requirements under any contract it signs, and understanding the consequences if there is a breach of contract

Trustee Indemnity InsuranceTrustee indemnity insurance (TII) covers trustees from having to personally pay legal claims made against them, either by the charity or a third party, for negligence or for a breach of trust or duty. TII can be purchased by the charity as a benefit for the trustee or by the trustee individually. However, there are limits on what the cover will apply to—specifically, costs related to a criminal fine or penalty, and costs from the trustee being convicted of fraud, dishonesty or reckless conduct.

Not only can trustees be held liable for a breach of duties, but the charity itself can also be held liable. TII can include protection for the charity against corporate liabilities arising from claims due to a breach of duties by a trustee or senior management. This can include legal and defence costs, awards and settlements.

If you would like further information regarding how Trustee Indemnity Insurance can be used effectively in your business please contact David Widdick at

The information in this article is for information only and must not be considered as financial advice. We always recommend that you seek independent financial advice before making any financial decisions.

Active MobilityTracy of Active Mobility says, ‘Our relationship with Stratford Upon Avon pre dates 2008, and we had a working relationship them for small items, and it has just progressed on from there. Maggie then approached us for a quote for servicing and we have been looking after Maggie and shop mobility in this way since 2009.

Since we have relocated everything into Stratford upon Avon, our working relationship has become even stronger. Maggie and Marie recommend clients to us who wish to purchase mobility equipment and when anyone approaches us to hire equipment we send them to Maggie. We feel this partnership allows both business flourish.

We also have their shopmobility leaflets in our store and we have a poster displayed at their shop this promotes both of us to our target audiences.

We would definitely recommend other BHTA members and shopmobilities to work together we’ve found it works very well. We have also helped out Leamington Shopmobility recently, although he tries to do most of the work himself.’

Maggie from Stratford upon Avon says, ‘As the local Shopmobility, we need to use a supplier who is both cost effective but most importantly reliable. With Active Mobility

we are assured of excellent service, lovely helpful staff and a guarantee that if we have a problem they are just up the road and will sort it very quickly.

This works perfectly for us it also gives people who may be considering purchasing equipment the chance to try it out first.’

Mike, Active Mobility with Maggie,Stratford Upon Avon Shopmobility

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The Disability Action Group (North Dorset) The Disability Action Group (North Dorset) differs from the majority of Shopmobility outlets in providing for the most part long-term hire to its disabled members, many of whom have been hiring for several years, and operating in a small market town over a wide area with no big shopping centres to service.

Four years ago, after operating successfully with grant funding for over ten years, loaning scooters and power-chairs free of charge to a small number, it was in danger of folding.

It had a turnover of around £5000 pa, with only a handful of committee members and volunteers, no premises from which to operate or maintain equipment, increasing demand for our service, but reduced availability (both then and forecast for the future) of grant funding to meet the core costs.

Recognising that the operation was not sustainable, our then chairman persuaded us that the only way forward was to find premises from where we could expand the operation with the aim of becoming self-supporting by introducing a modest hire charge to cover replacement batteries, maintenance and our overheads.

We encountered virtually no resistance to the hire charges, discovering that the majority of our members preferred not to receive what they saw as ‘charity’ and preferred to make a contribution towards the cost of their increased independence.

And having our own premises and higher profile made it easier to attract volunteers, in particular our shop manager and mechanic who each put in around 20 hours a week or more.

Our biggest problem now is recruiting people who can be trained up to succeed them should they ever want to leave!

With the help of the Dorset Partnership for Older People (POPP) from whom we successfully applied for start-up funding in the first year, we drew up a business plan demonstrating that we could become self-supporting in five years.

We successfully applied for reducing amounts from the Dorset Community Foundation and Foyle Foundation in subsequent years as we gradually built up both our membership, number of hirers, volunteers and fleet, all of which have roughly quadrupled over the past four years.

We now have around 50 items of equipment out on hire 24/7, and other scooters, power-chairs and wheelchairs available for short term hire or for sale, all proceeds being ploughed back to rejuvenate stock and meet expenditure of around £20,000 per annum.

Stockport Shopmobility has a visit for their local MPOne of our local MP’s Willam Wragg member for Hazel Grove, visited us on Saturday 14th of May. After meeting staff, William had a meeting with the board that lasted over an hour. During that time the discussion ranged over benefits for disabled people, the difficulty local charities (as opposed to national ones) have attracting funding and the plans for our café and shop to replace lost grant funding from the council. It was felt by all to have been a very productive meeting. William has promised to come back to take his scooter driving test and experience the town centre from a disabled person’s point of view. He did not have time on Saturday

The National federation is pleased to see younger MPs taking an interest in Schemes, it’s important to raise awareness that Shopmobility is for all. MPs can really help to raise your profile at a local level we encourage you to request a visit from your local MP.

Chair Darren Dalby-Oldham left, William Wragg MP middle; vice-chair Stephanie Ormerod right 01933 229644


Wings Mobility – No shopmobility no problemMobility schemes in town centres and large shopping malls are a vital service for many people and allow for much for flexibility and freedom. We are in an age now where it is finally being recognised that having a disability should, quite rightly, not exclude people from doing things or going places which are taken for granted by able bodied persons.

Wings Mobility opened their brand new store in the heart of Crawley town centre last year. After a few short weeks it became apparent that there increasing enquiries relating to scooter or wheelchair hire. Why? It turned out that there is no Shopmobility scheme in Crawley. Despite being a large shopping venue with quite a large Mall there was no facility.

Wings Mobility owners Ajmer & Karen Phull decided that they could help and have started their own mobility scheme in Crawley where shoppers can rent a scooter or wheelchair, at a low cost. Run on the same principle as Shopmobility schemes hirers can join the scheme on an annual basis and then pre-book a scooter or wheelchair for use in the town centre.

Ajmer says “For us, this is a non revenue scheme; our reward is that it provides a much needed service for visitors to Crawley. We believe that all businesses should make an effort to support their local town and community.”

Scheme member Stacey (pictured above) is delighted, she says “If it wasn’t for Wings Mobility I would have to access to Crawley at all, this has given me a new lease of life!”

It is good to see BHTA members supporting their communities where a shopmobility scheme doesn’t exist if you are having funding issues perhaps your local BHTA member could work with you. It is after all easier and cheaper to continue to run something than it is to watch a perfectly good service close and then try to open up a new one.

Wenman Healthcare and Shopmobility:A mutually beneficial relationshipWarwick based assistive technologies provider, Wenman Healthcare, has worked successfully with its local Shopmobility in Leamington Spa for a number of years, and have found it be a mutually beneficial relationship.

Managing Director of Wenman Healthcare, Ian Wenman, explains in more detail:

“Wenman Healthcare has established an excellent working relationship with our local Leamington Spa shopmobility, which has resulted a number of mutual benefits. Whilst helping them to raise awareness of the local service by informing their members and our customers of what is available, and assisting in any mobility issues – the Wenman team also source scooters, parts, and other mobility equipment at a reasonable cost, and then provide additional support in completing complex repairs as and when necessary.

In return, Shopmobility support Wenman Healthcare in helping us increase awareness of our services amongst the local community, with a promotional focus on the fact that we are local, reliable and experienced professionals there to help and adhere to their members’ needs.

To maintain a good relationship, we also attend trustees meetings so that we can keep them informed of the latest developments, and in return learn how we can further assist them. A member of the Wenman Healthcare team also regularly drops in to the Leamington Spa Shopmobility site

to see if they can be of any assistance either then or at an agreed time later that day or during the week.

As a result of the supportive relationship between Wenman Healthcare and Leamington Spa Shopmobility, we are now in discussion of putting on and hosting a joint event that will aid both businesses, and the local community moving forwards.”

WM Rob and Safraz Wenman

01933 229644


Mobility Roadshow The NFSUK attended the Mobility Roadshow on the 26th, 27th and 28th of May at the Silverstone Race Circuit. We were over-whelmed with the amount of visitors that came up in praise of their local shopmobility. Our stand was great for meeting with the public and hearing their positive experiences with our members. One visitor to the stand Sheila Payne came along and sung the praises of our award winners Aylesbury Shopmobility. And I also had the chance to meet with those running Northampton Shopmobility, Leamington Spa Shopmobility and Stevenage Shopmobility.

It was good to get out of the office and the venue was great, the windows outside our stand area over looked the track, the weather was kind to us after a drizzle to the start of day one and there was live entertainment in the form of a singing duo who where playing Latin music. That gave this salsa dancer itchy feet and I couldn’t resist a little basic stepping on my stand. We have created a new leaflet to tell the public what shopmobility is all about and tell other non member schemes the benefits of membership you can see those below with some images from the day.

Jane from Leamington Spa Shopmobility

Nigel and Robin from Northampton Shopmobility

Aylesbury client Sheila Payne

MRS stand 01933 229644


Automatic Enrolment:The myths and misconceptionsAutomatic Enrolment is now well under way for small businesses. However, despite the changes having now been in place since 2012, it appears that there’s still a lot of confusion and lack of understanding amongst businesses about their obligations as employers and the real day-to-day work that Automatic Enrolment calls for. With staging dates approaching for small companies, now is the time to for us to help you to dispel confusing myths and misconceptions. Check out the common assumptions that employers make about Auto Enrolment and find out how to avoid the common mistakes:

Myth 1: “I outsource my payroll, so I don’t have to worry about it do I?”Even if you don’t directly handle your payroll, as an employer, you will be legally responsible for making sure that you’re prepared for the changes and will be compliant with new Automatic Enrolment legislation. The Pensions Regulator recommends allowing 12-18 months for preparation and implementation. If you don’t already know your staging date we can help you find it out.

Myth 2: “If we ask our payroll team to work a few more hours our systems won’t need to change, will they?”The new pension arrangements do have to be integrated into existing or new payroll processes and compliance will bring with it the administrative burden of additional record-keeping and routine data submissions to The Pensions Regulator. You may find that this added pressure is a lot for your current payroll team to deal with and therefore you may need to introduce payroll software that can handle Auto Enrolment legislation to help your team save time, and of course, money!

Myth 3: “I’ve been told that because lots of peo-ple will opt out I don’t really have to have every-thing sorted by my staging date, do I?”Eligible workers (those between 22 and state pension age, earning over £10000 per annum and working in the UK) are required by law to be automatically enrolled. Research from Scottish Widows has discovered that the number of workers opting out of their workplace pension is only 8% which is substantially lower than the initially predicted 30%. Don’t forget that you may also be faced with employees who, although they don’t meet these criteria, are able to opt in. As you can see, assessing your employees can be a time consuming and confusing task!

Myth 4: “I already have a pension scheme in place so don’t need to worry as I can offer this to my employees...”Automatic Enrolment is a key part of the Workplace Pension Reform and you will have new legal duties and conditions that your existing pension scheme may not meet. You’ll need to make sure you assess all of your employees not just ones in an existing scheme and you’ll also need to check that your existing scheme is a qualifying scheme.

We can help you find out to see if you have a qualifying scheme. Put simply, if you’re an employer in the UK then you will, by law, be required to address your Automatic Enrolment obligations and make the necessary changes.

Myth 5: “I don’t need to start Auto Enrolment too early as I can use postponement to give me 12 weeks extra time...”Auto Enrolment, although manageable once you get to grips with it, will take time to plan and prepare for. Postponing won’t necessarily make things easier for you as there are certain rules to be abided by and these could cause problems and more work – such as having to write to all of your employees to tell them you are postponing and you’ll then have to reassess them again, once you do stage.

What next?Don’t be duped by Auto Enrolment rumours that you’ve ‘heard on the grapevine’. Putting off your responsibilities now will only mean more hassle in the long–run. But don’t panic - we have lots of resources to help you prepare for Automatic Enrolment.

Please call our head office 0333 321 4640 or visit their website to discuss your requirements, or to arrange an appointment for a free pension health check from one of our fully qualified advisors

01933 229644


Hints and tips on Pension Auto Enrolment from a Shopmobility operator and Payroll Bureau AVOW (Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham) run the Shopmobility service in Wrexham and also run a payroll bureau for a number of voluntary and community organisations. AVOW Payroll Bureau have first-hand experience of the Auto Enrolment process and can help your organisation be compliant with The Pensions Regulator.

Automatic Enrolment: 5 Payroll hints and tipsWith Automatic Enrolment being heavily reliant upon your payroll information and your payroll software, we have come up with 5 handy hints to help you on your Automatic Enrolment process:

1. Payroll Information It is vital that you keep all your payroll information up to date e.g Employee’s names, addresses, NI Numbers and hours worked.

2. Payroll Capabilities Does your payroll software/payroll outsourcing have the necessary Automatic Enrolment capabilities? If not, you may need to think about upgrading your software or changing payroll provider.

3. Communications The legislation states that you need to keep your staff up to date with the Automatic Enrolment process. Again most payroll software has the ability to produce the necessary letters based upon employee’s assessments. There are however sample letters available on The Pensions Regulator’s website if you wish to use them.

4. Know the cost of Auto Enrolment The introduction of Auto Enrolment not only means that you as an employer will have to contribute to your employees’ pension, but there will be additional charges from elsewhere such as:

• upgrading your payroll software

• the cost of payroll outsourcing

• additional staff hours from within your finance department

• pension monthly charges

5. All of these additional costs will need to be factored into your future budgets and funding bids.

Declaration of Compliance Once you have chosen your pension scheme and have automatically enrolled your employees you will need to complete your Declaration of Compliance. The Pensions Regulator has noted that lots of companies are omitting this step and is starting to issue fines. Ensure you complete this within the 6 month window to avoid being fined.

Please call Katherine Prince at AVOW on 01978 312556 or email if you would like any further information or are interested in payroll outsourcing. 01933 229644

Directory of BHTA mobility retailersEnglandBEDFORDSHIREMolten Rock Equipment LimitedUnit 2, Rook Tree Farm, Hulcote,Milton Keynes MK17 8BW01908 585 648

Smart Mobility32 - 34 Market Hall, The MallLuton LU1 2TA01582 413718

BERKSHIREAction Mobility45 Market Place,Chalfont St Peter SL9 9HE01753 890616

F. Donald Forbes & Co Ltd7 Wells Place, Gatton Park Business CentreRedhill RH1 3DR01737 647784

Wings Mobility LtdNo. 4, The Pavement,Crawley RH10 1EF01293 322843

BRISTOLMarks Mobility Services & Repairs Limited52 Satchfield Crescent, HenburyBristol BS10 7BG0117 915 5253

Elite Mobility Limited19 Broad Street, Staple HillBristol BS16 5LN0117 956 9955

Access Able Limited72 St Johns Lane, BedminsterBristol BS3 5AF0117 980 1820 Gel Ovations Europe Ltd2 Stover Road, YateBristol BS37 5JN01454 285071

Pearce Bros Mobility2 Stover Road, Yate,Bristol BS37 5JN01454 323147

Care Plus Mobility LimitedUnit 41, Old Mills Trading Estate, Paulton, Bristol BS39 7SU01761 417355

CAMBRIDGESHIRECambridge MobilityUnit 11, South Cambs Business Park, Babraham RoadSwaston CB22 3JH01223 830084

Bartram Associates LtdUnit 50, Lancaster Way Business Park, Ely CB6 3NW01353 653753

The Mobility Aids Centre88 South Street, Stanground,Peterborough PE2 8EZ01733 342242 Orchard Mobility Limited5 Rookery PlaceFenstanton PE28 9LZ01480 465533

Draft Wheelchairs5-6 Roman WayGodmanchester PE29 2LN01480 451247 King’s Lynn Mobility Centre Limited30-38 Blackfriars Street,Kings Lynn PE30 1NN01553 768751

CHESHIRERKS Occupational Therapy ServicesUnit 4, Cheshire Oaks Trade Park, Stanney Mill Road, Little StanneyChester CH2 4JZ0151 356 7007

Ross Care CentresUnits 9-13, Westfield Road,Wallasey CH44 7HX0151 653 6000 Bell Mobility Limited74 King Street, WallaseyWirral CH44 8AN0151 6389818

Complete Mobility SolutionsUnit 26 Central Precinct, Brunswick RoadBuckley CH7 2EF01244 547040

The Helpful Hand6 Chester RoadMacclesfield SK11 8DG01625 424438

CLEVELANDO’Brien Mobility1 Stonehouse Street, LinthorpeMiddlesbrough, TeessideTS5 6HR01642 812778

DEVONPLUSSMerriott House, Office 1-4, Hennock Road Central, Marsh Barton, Exeter EX2 8NP01392 224440

Cavendish Healthcare LimitedUnit 1, Babbacombe Business Park, Babbacombe RoadTorquay TQ1 3UP01803 220378 Ugo Limited28 Newton RoadKingskerswell TQ12 5AA01803 872020

HSC Mobility LimitedMobility House, Unit 16, Marsh Lane Industrial Park, Hayle TR27 5JR01736 755927 Tremorvah IndustriesUnit 8, Threemilestone Indusrtrial Estate, Truro TR4 9LD01872 324340

DORSETBatricar Mobility Centre LimitedUnit 10A, Gore Road Industrial Estate, New Milton BH25 6SA01425 621211

Active Mobility Vehicles Limited117 Radipole Lane, Southill,Weymouth DT4 9SS01305 774 422

DURHAMTonik Mobility80 Medomsley RoadConsett DH8 5HS01207 500224 Carefree Mobility Services LtdUnit H4, Morton Park WayDarlington DL1 4PH01325 464500

EAST SUSSEXAJ Mobility Ltd T/A AJM Healthcare17 North Crescent, Diplocks WayHailsham BN27 3JF01323 847250

ESSEXCareCo (UK) LimitedHubert Road, Brentwood CM14 4JE01277 237 020

1st Call Mobility LtdBaros House, Elizabeth Way,Harlow CM19 5AR01279 425648 Maple Mobility (D.G.T) LtdUnit 7, Buckingham Court, Dairy Road, Dukes Park Industrial EstateChelmsford CM2 6XW01245 468834

TGA Electric Leisure LtdWoodhall Business Park,Sudbury CO10 1WH01787 882244

ReliMobility LimitedSuite 2, The CausewayGreat Horkesley CO6 4EJ0800 112 0074

The Scooter Club (UK) Ltd45-49 Market SquareBasildon SS14 1DE01268 520233

GLOUCESTERSHIREMobility Corner10 Market Street,Wotton under Edge GL12 7AE01453 845295

01933 229644


Premiere Healthcare LtdUnit 19, Highfield Business Park, Tewkesbury RoadDeerhurst GL19 4BP01684 297818 Assured MobilityUnit 13.6, Gloucester Business Park, North Road, HucclecoteGloucester GL3 4AA01452 613009

Disabled Care & Mobility LimitedUnit 14, 15, 16, Neptune Business Centre, Tewkesbury Road,Cheltenham GL51 9FB01242 524963

HAMPSHIREEquipment For The Physically Challenged (EPC)43 Alexandra RoadFarnborough GU14 6BS01252 547939

Shepherds (Hospital Equipment) Limited107 High StreetLee on the Solent PO13 9BU02392 556 564

All Mobility Limited25 Wellington WayWaterlooville PO7 7ED02392 230001

Southern Mobility Services LimitedE4, Grafton Way, West Ham Industrial Estate,Basingstoke RG22 6HY01256 335 900 MG Retail Consulting LtdUnit 9A Basepoint Business Centre, Stroudley RoadBasingstoke RG24 8UP01256 213020

Sun MobilityUnit 20, Asda Mall, Chalfont Way, Lower EarleyReading RG6 5TT0118 931 4999

Pennington Mobility10 South Street,

Pennington SO41 8ED01590 672900

Simplyhealth Independent LivingAlan Child House, Borden Gates,Andover SP10 2RT01264 353211

HEREFORDSHIRETPG Disableaids LtdPlough Lane,Hereford HR4 0ED01432 351666

HERTFORDSHIREHertfordshire Action on DisabilityThe Woodside Centre, The Commons, Welwyn Garden CityAL7 4DD01707 324 581

Gerald Simonds Healthcare Limited9 March Place, Gatehouse WayAylesbury HP19 8UA01296 380200 Better Mobility Limited12 Henry Wells Square, GrovehillHemel HempsteadHP2 6BJ01442 768782

Auto Mobility Concepts LimitedUnit 2, Maxted Corner, Eaton Road, Maylands Ind. EstateHemel Hempstead HP2 7RA01442 270202

Hertfordshire MobilityStevenage Indoor Market, St Georges Way,Stevenage SG1 1EP01438 315423 Comfort Mattress LimitedUnit 5b, St. Francis WayShefford SG17 5DZ01462 811211

Techmed Services Limited1, Bury Grange Farm, ArdeleyStevenage SG2 7AE01438 861732

Adaptive Services Limited4, Greengage Rise, MelbournRoyston SG8 6DSO1763661334

RB Mobility Services LimitedUnit 4A Green End Business Park, 93A Church LaneSarrat WD3 6HH01923 710055

ISE OF WIGHTIsland Mobility32 Dodnor LaneNewport PO30 5XA01983 530000 KENTSafe Hands Mobility LtdCompass House, 347-349 Cheriton Road,Folkestone CT19 4BP01303 274574 Cinque Ports Mobility LimitedGolden Valley Shopping Centre, 121 Enbrook ValleyFolkestone CT20 3NE01303 850760

Euro Medical Products LimitedUnit 6, Gladepoint, Gleaming Wood Drive, Lordswood,Chatham ME5 8RF01634 669759

Kent Mobility LimitedUnit One, Bridge Farm, Upper Haysden Lane,Tonbridge TN11 8AA01732 770251 Tunbridge Wells Mobility94 London RoadTunbridge Wells TN4 0PP01892 518777

LANCASHIREChoice Mobility Limited104 King Street, Blackburn BB2 2DT01254 680808

Ability SuperstoreLomeshaye Business Park, Turner Road, Nelson BB9 7DR0161 8500 884

Betterlife Healthcare LtdUnit D Matrix Park, Western Avenue, Buckshaw Village,Chorley PR7 7NB01772 459 944 MB’s Discount Wheelchairs & Scooters Ltd.163 Eastbank Street,Southport PR8 6TH01744 637809

LEICESTERSHIRECandor Care LimitedCastle House, South Street,Ashby de la Zouch LE65 1BR01530 560960

Mobile Mobility LimitedB4 Winchester Ave Industrial Estate, BlabyLeicester LE8 4GZ0116 278 4422 Besure Mobility4 Waterloo Crescent, CountesthorpeLeicester LE8 5SU0116 3408240

National Mobility Hire LimitedUnit 7, Swannington Road, Cottage Lane Industrial EstateBroughton Astley LE9 6TU01455 284100

LONDONRight Choice Mobility391 Larkshall RoadLondon E4 9EF0208 527 7487

Independent Living Mobility Limited11 Hale Lane, Mill HillLondon NW7 3NU0208 931 6000

1st Step Mobility Ltd54-56 Victoria RoadRomford RM1 2JH01708 746644 01933 229644


Wheelfreedom LimitedUnit 5, 271 Merton Road,London SW18 5JS0845 2581461

MANCHESTERMobility Choices LimitedUnit 5, Windmill Trading Estate, Windmill Lane, DentonManchester M34 3JN0161 220 9946

The Wheelchair Centre229 Droylsden Road, AudenshawManchester M34 5ZT0161 370 2661

Greater Manchester Endynamics LimitedBolton Enterprise Centre, Y7.1, Washington StreetBolton BL3 5EY0333 444 1034

UKS Mobility328 Manchester Road, West TimperleyAltrincham WA14 5NH0161 969 4000 Enable Mobility (Rowlands Pharmacy)Rivington Road, Whitehouse Industrial Estate, Preston BrookRuncorn WA7 3DJ01928 754 100

Halton Stairlifts LimitedUnit 2 St Michaels Close, St Michaels Industrial EstateWidnes WA8 8TL0151 422 0922

Local Mobility UKUnit 2-3, Commonwealth CloseLeigh WN7 3BD0800 012 4257 LLG Wheelchairs LimitedParsonage Garage, Kirkhall Lane,Leigh WN7 5RP01942 606668

Brighter Future Workshop Limited20 Greenhey Place,Skelmersdale WN8 9SA01695 724361

MERSEYSIDEAides To Living Ltd99 Warrington Road,Prescot L34 5ST0151 426 1239

MIDDLESEXFortuna Mobility3-4 Northgate Business CentreEnfield EN1 1TG020 8344 4820

NORFOLKCollins Care Ltd2 Sprowston RoadNorwich NR3 4QN01603 483883 NORTHAMPTONSHIREMT Mobility LimitedK7 Weston Favell Shopping Centre, Northampton NN3 8JZ0800 046 3949

Shire Mobility LtdUnit 304 & 305, K2 Business Centre, Heathfield Way, DallingtonNorthampton NN5 7QP01604 750632

NOTTINGHAMSHIREB&B Mobility Specialists24/26 Station Road, SandiacreNottingham NG10 5BG0115 939 3993

OXFORDSHIRETrue Mobility Limited2 Market PlaceDidcot OX11 7LE01235 519777 Ability Matters Group LtdSuite A, Windrush Court, Blacklands Way, Abingdon Business ParkAbingdon OX14 1SY01235 552828

Spring Chicken Direct LimitedPrama House, 267 Banbury RoadOxford OX2 7HT01865 339366 Recare Limited13 Bankside (off Lodge Road), Hanborough Business Park,Long Hanborough OX29 8LJ01993 811 891

PLYMOUTHLaunceston Mobility Centre LimitedUnit 2a, Scarne Industrial Estate, Hurdon Road,Launceston PL15 9HS01566 774030

SOMERSETMobility Works LimitedUnits 13-15, The Brunel Centre,Cory Way, West Wilts Trading Estate, Westbury BA13 4QT01373 825 282

Mendip Mobility146 High StreetStreet BA16 0ER01458 448355

C N Unwin LimitedUnwin House, The Horseshoe, Coat RoadMartock TA12 6EY01935 827 740 A2B Mobility1+2 Great Western RoadMartock TA12 6HB01935 826789

Regency Care and Mobility10 Falklands SquareCrewkerne TA18 7JS01460 271172 Independent Living SW Limited8-10 Park StreetMinehead TA24 5NQ01643 709000

STAFFORDSHIREBurton Premier MobilityUnit 2, Russell StreetBurton-on-Trent DE14 1EN01283 547726

Easy Living Retail (Kidderminster) LimitedLower Farm, Whitgreave Lane, Whitgreave, Stafford ST18 9SP0800 644 0237

SUFFOLKVeronica Downing Associates LimitedBridge Farm, Haleworth Road, ChedistonHalesworth IP19 0AE01986 875435

Technical Mobility Support LimitedBury St Edmunds Garden Centre, Rougham RoadBury St Edmunds IP33 2RN01284 700 768

Ashdown Mobility Suffolk Ltd23 Risbygate Street,Bury St Edmonds IP33 3AA01284 717169

SURREYKudos Mobility Group LtdPod Business Centre House, Harris Way,Sunbury on Thames TW16 7EW0203 3265 841

Additional Aids Mobility Ltd80 High StreetWitton, near TwickenhamTW2 7LS020 8755 0022 Mobility for You Ltd194 Thorpe Lea Road,Egham TW20 8HA01784 451258

TYNE AND WEARAltonaids Mobility Limited15 Hadrian Court, Queensway South, Team Valley Trading Estate,Gateshead NE11 0XW0191 491 5840

Bewick Mobility LimitedUnit 1 Chainbridge Road, Blaydon,Tyne & Wear NE21 5AB0191 4140 240

WARWICKSHIREMobility & Lifestyle7-9 New Century WayNuneaton CV11 5NEO2476371032 WHATcare Solutions Ltd10 Regent Place,Rugby CV21 2PN0208 498 7950

Wenman Healthcare LtdDebden Farm, Barford HillBarfordNr Warwick CV35 8DA01926 624432

01933 229644


Active Mobility LimitedMidland House, Avon Retail Park, Wharf Road,Stratford upon Avon CV37 0AD01789 298 182

WEST MIDLANDSMobility Assistance215 Streetly Road, Erdington,Birmingham B23 7AH0121 605 1041

Realcare270 Church RoadSheldonBirmingham B26 3YH0121 742 4566 Ideas In Action (Midlands) LimitedUnit 4, Leviss Trading Estate, Old Station Road, StechfordBirmingham B33 9AE0121 783 6363

Healthcare (Midlands) LtdUnit 21 Stirchley House, Reddicap Trading EstateSutton ColdfieldB75 7BU0121 3697860

Capitol Mobility Services LimitedUnit 1, Meadwood Industrial Estate, Bath Street,BilstonWV14 0ST01902 409929

WILTSHIRERaise Lift Services Limited2, Warwick CrescentMelkshamSN12 6AA01225 344347

WORCESTERSHIRECountrywide Mobility Services LtdUnit 5, Lowesmoor Wharf, Lowesmoor,WorcesterWR1 2RS01905 29950

Indy LimitedStewart House, Unit 7F, Enterprise Way, Vale ParkEveshamWR11 1GS01386 443857

YORKSHIREEast RidingCyclone Technologies LimitedOrchard House, Sunk Island Road, OttringhamHullHU12 0DX0800 1804850

SOUTH YORKSHIREMobility Services (Doncaster) Limited24 Cadeby Road, SprotbroughDoncasterDN5 7SD01302 311119Clark & Partners Limited1 Orgreave Way, HandsworthSheffieldS13 9LS0114 229 3399

Wicker Mobility Shop55 - 67 Wicker,SheffieldS3 8HT0114 272 3729

The Mobility One Stop Shop Limited261 Derby Road,ChesterfieldS40 2EU01246 230030

West YorkshireHowden Hall MobilityProspect House, South Street,KeighleyBD21 1AH01535 611 776

Click Care Solutions LtdHealthcare House, Snaygill Industrial Estate, Keighley Road,SkiptonBD23 2QR01756 706 022 Monarch Mobility LimitedBoothtown RoadHalifaxHX3 6UB01422 323888

ScotlandAYRSHIREMobility Aid Services65 Main StreetAyrKA8 8BU01292 288224

DUNDEEHere To Help Mobility Company Limited8 Tircarra Place, Broughty FerryDundeeDD5 2QE0800 694 0340

EDINBURGHFast Aid Products Limited24/3 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, LoanheadMidlothianEH20 9HX0131 440 3929

Med-Ecosse LimitedUnits 13-16, 32 Dryden Road, Bilston Glen Industrial Estate, LoanheadEdinburghEH20 9LZ0131 440 4225

GLASGOWMobility Solutions Glasgow75, Hawthorn Street,GlasgowG22 6HY0141 336 1111 Queenspark Mobility594 Pollockshaws RoadGlasgowG41 2PF0141 423 1318

Mobility Scotland LimitedUnit 1, Old Mill Park, Kirkintilloch,GlasgowG66 1SL0141 775 0396

WalesCAERNARVONSHIREAbergele MobilityRhuddlan Road, AbergeleConwyLL22 7HF01745 827990

Mobility Products 4U9 Lloyd StreetLlandudnoLL30 2UU01492 548102 Byw Bywyd (Living Life) CyfDinas,CaernarfonLL54 7YN01286 830101

CARDIFF Bush Healthcare LimitedMobility House, Aberaman Park Ind. Estate, AberamanAberdareCF44 6DA01685 884226

Cymru Healthcare SuppliesUnit 6, Triangle Business Park,Merthyr TydfilCF48 4TQ01685 350802 Direct Healthcare Services LtdUnit 8 Withey CourtWestern Industrial EstateCaerphillyCF83 1BQ0845 459 9831

United Mobility TrainingBritannia House, Van RoadCaerphillyCF83 3GGO781159177

CARDIGANSHIRECantre MobilityY Bont, South Road, Aberaeron,CeredigionSA46 0DY01545 571390

CLACKMANNANSHIREAlbion Mobility LimitedUnit 3, Block 1, Cooperage WayCooperage Way Business VillageAlloaClackmannanshireFK10 3LP01259 272167

Northern IrelandDisability Needs Limited1 York RoadBelfastBT15 3GW02890 745 333