Short Haircuts Style 2013 - 2014

Post on 08-May-2015

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Short Haircuts Styles and trends 2013 - 2014, new designs for oval faces, fashion interviews and photos !



How often should I wash her hair the boy / girl? 1. In general, it is recommended not to wash your hair more than every

7-10 days. the Frequent washing tend to dry. However, the hair washing child varies according to hair texture. For example, a child with hair

very Frequently thin washes need a medium-haired child to thick. For thick hair, sometimes it is necessary to rinse and saturate the hair before shampooing. This will rinse any accumulated products such as gels, hair gel, mousse and conditioners not rinsed.

1. Wash your child's hair , making him kneel on a chair , with his head under

Key sink or bathtub . You may prefer to have the child

lie on your back on the kitchen counter , his head below the

key. Thus, water will not enter the eyes. If possible , provide

much the process use a removable hand shower attached to the sink or

shower head .

2 . Put a little shampoo ( about 1 tablespoon) in the palm of the

hand and gently massage the shampoo through the hair of the child.

3. With the tips of your fingers (do not use nails - if you scratch the scalp,

can irritate ) , gently massage the scalp with moves towards

inside and out, moving her fingers through the hair , starting with the

hairline and neck , to the center of the scalp.

4 . If your child has very curly hair , be sure NOT to amass all

hair on the top of the head, as this can cause tangling


5. If the hair is thick , you may need to apply and rinse the shampoo two or

three times , including rinses of one to two minutes. Possibly , the caregiver

prefer to wash your hair in sections where it divided the comb . this

can facilitate washing .

1. Evaluate the characteristics / hair type needs to be elected by the

shampoo. You may have to try several before finding the shampoo

adequate. In general, you should look for a gentle, moisturizing shampoo with a value

pH balanced . PH balance refers to the alkalinity and acidity of a

particular product. Supposedly , a pH of 5 is the nearest approach to

the normal hair and scalp . A balanced pH will help

maintain the natural acidity of the hair, leaving it shiny and manageable.

2 . There is an ingredient that would have to be careful to avoid in shampoo : the

lauryl sulfate [ lauryl (or laureth ) sulfate , in English ] . Shampoos with this

ingredient were designed to remove natural oils and hair

were created for very curly hair .

3 . The use of a " clarifying shampoo " every 4-6 weeks eliminates build

residues of the various products used in the hair (eg . , shampoos

protein , oils, gels , etc.). .

4 . The following are suggested and shampoos and conditioners special

black children who are less strong and irritating products for

adults: "Just for Me" ProLine " Beautiful Beginnings " Dark and Lovely ,

Crème of Nature shampoo , "Dream Kids" African Pride . these products

can make thick hair more manageable .

1. The "instant conditioner" covers the hair and gives body and shine. the

Instant conditioners cuticles flatten elevated leave the hair

soft and manageable, and help protect the inner structure of the strand

hair against damage by acting as a barrier. This type of conditioner

should be used whenever you wash your hair. When choosing a conditioner

instant, look for one that contains any combination of ingredients as

lanolin, cholesterol, sulfonated oil, vegetable oil, proteins and polymers.

2. Instant conditioners are rinsed off and others are left

hair. Any of these is acceptable, and may try to define what

is best for the child's hair needs. Using a conditioner

that is left in the hair after washing can facilitate combing and drying

an accessory. It can also help protect the hair against heat


3 . The only care to be taken with a conditioner that is left in the

hair is that it can be a film or residue on hair curly more

silky or thin , if the air conditioner is left in the hair is too

heavy for the type of texture . In this case, it is recommended to rinse hair .

You can use then a mild conditioner spray, which is left in the

hair before brushing / combing hair.

4. The " penetrating conditioner " is a deep conditioner that is

absorbed by the hair and improves its appearance. Contains animal proteins and

keratin. This type of conditioner should be used in each wash , if the hair

the child is damaged ( eg . , the tips are divided , growth is not

uniform , the hair was exposed to chlorine or is tinted , etc . ), or if the leather

seems to be very dry scalp . If your child's hair is not damaged , it is good

use this type of conditioner once a month . Usually beneficial leave

penetrating conditioner on the hair for at least 15 minutes before

rinsing. Another technique to make the most of this type of

is to apply conditioner and then wrap your hair with a damp towel or

use a plastic shower cap for at least 15 minutes. then

rinse hair thoroughly until the water runs clear .

1. After washing your hair and rinse it, gently squeeze the hair

to remove all excess water. Divide the hair, and place

about a handful of conditioner into the palm of the hand.

Massage the hair conditioner to penetrate. A comb with teeth

wide is an excellent tool to extend the conditioner throughout the

hair. You can also use the tips of your fingers to do this.

Two. Pay special attention to making penetrating conditioner on the ends of

hair, as they tend to be the driest part of the hair and the most prone to

entangled and form knots.

Three. Rinse hair (or, if you use a conditioner that is left in the hair, not

rinse it), and then comb and twist hair into 6-15 sections,

depending on its thickness and length.

Many hair products used commercially available potentially damaging ingredients. For the sake of health, the following list contains ten ingredients that are commonly found on products and should be avoided. Check the list of ingredients of hair products. The higher is in the list of ingredients in the flask, the greater the amount of that ingredient specific to the product.

Why is it done:

It is recommended to divide the hair into manageable sections to detangle, and

this facilitates the process. The idea is to pass detangle comb

more easily and prevent it hurts the child.

When to do it:

1. Always untangle the hair after washing and condition.

Two. Untangle your hair when you are preparing to change the hairstyle

1. The following items are used for the process of unraveling: tail comb rat, wide-tooth comb, clips or elastic covered in fabric, oil Light and boar bristle brush. Only use the rat tail comb for coarse hair into sections. The rat tail comb has teeth thin and thick hair may start if you comb.

2. It is a good decision to use natural bristles, eg boar. the Boar bristle brushes are similar to hair keratin and absorb dirt and oil just like your hair. Furthermore, the tips of the brush Boar bristles are rounded and gently massage the scalp. This brush does not damage the hair.

3. The paddle brushes are flat and wide. Help in brushing and combing long hair. Brushing hair with a paddle brush massage also slight scalp. These brushes are used to style in layers because they do not increase the volume of the layers.

1. With a rat tail brush, divide hair into 4-8 sections, depending its thickness. The tighter curls, more sections will be needed. The looser curls, less sections will be needed.

2. Using a rat tail comb to divide the hair into sections manageable, be careful not to bury the comb on the scalp. If the seems to be entangled comb, separate the hair strands lightly with fingers.

3. After separating each strand, secure with an elastic band covered in fabric or twist the section and attach securely with a clip.

4. Once all of the hair, drop a section of hair.

5. Hold the hair firmly at the root, and with a wide tooth comb,

begin to comb the hair and follow the tips to the roots. the

movement must be fast, but it should not hurt the child. Do not comb your hair

thick and wet with rat tail comb to prevent hair loss.

6. Once all the hair is combed, apply a small amount of

oil on the scalp (do not saturate) and massage a little oil around

hair. Use oil that contains sage, olive, rosemary and almond or

lavender, as these are the best oils for hair and scalp

hair. Avoid using heavy substances such as lanolin, petroleum and oils

minerals, as they attract dust and dirt can clog the pores. whether

pores can not breathe, can slow the growth process


7 . According to the texture / thickness of hair, take bristle brush

boar and brush the hair so that the oil into it, then

each strand twist and secure with a clip to avoid tangling when working in the

next wick.