Silent Success Stories Don’t Bless Anyone

Post on 21-May-2015

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description Why would someone who had impressive success stories NOT share it with others? I was recently asked this question about my fitness journey.


Silent Success Stories Don’t Bless Anyone

Coach Jimmy Hays Nelson

Do you ever find in life that people are quick to talk about themselves? A simple “How are things with you?” – and they are off and running about everything from their kids latest award to how they were recently recognized at work for a project that exceeded the boss’s expectation. And why wouldn’t they?

When we do something we are proud of, or overcome an obstacle we want to tell others!

Sometimes because the recognition is nice, or someone else’s opinion validates our own feeling of accomplishment, or in many cases, it is to encourage someone else in the midst of their own challenge. To say, ‘I did it and so can you!’

So why would someone who had an impressive accomplishment NOT share it with others?

This is a question I was recently posed concerning my health and fitness journey. A few months back on multiple occasions in conversations (both online and in person)

I casually mentioned that I had lost 100 pounds, and the response was “Whoa- I had no idea you used to be that heavy!

I thought you were just a fitness guy who workouts with Tony Horton on QVC and is in the INSANITY® DVDs with Shaun T.

Why don’t you talk about your transformation more


Great question I thought. Why DON’T I talk more about my entire journey?

It wasn’t that I consciously avoided telling people that I used to be 100 pounds heavier.

If anything you think I would brag about it all the time, to the point people would say, “Jimmy! We GET IT you used to be a chunky monkey! Congrats, now Shut up about it!”

But the more I thought about it I realized that my choice to be a Team Beachbody Coach, and the public forum of having personal relationships with celebrity trainers – I felt some self-imposed pressure to become some kind of fitness icon for others.

Someone who was always disciplined, always made the right choice, eliminated excuses in others by not having any of his own.

I also realized that I still carried a lot of shame around from my previous life.

I hated ‘Fat Jimmy’ so much that I didn’t want any kind of association with him or that part of my life.

But I realized I was doing a HUGE disservice to those I was trying to help by NOT sharing my story.

People needed to know where I started from, so they could say, “You felt that way when you were heavy too? I thought I was the only one.”

Me at 250 pounds in a college theater production.

It wasn’t something I quickly embraced. But more and more I tried to remember how I felt in that body that carried 100 more pounds of fat and a 1000 more pounds of fear, guilt, stress, and isolation.

I needed to let you know about the days I would stare at myself shirtless in the mirror and be disgusted, and feel hopeless like this mountain was too hard to ever climb – so why even get started?

But I had to get over my ego and my shame because YOU needed to hear this. You needed to know that the beginning of any new journey seems daunting and impossible. You need to know that I was scared of failing AGAIN after failing so many times before. And WHY do you need to know these


Because your past DOES NOT define your future!

Because you ARE NOT alone in this journey!

I boldly say to you: That if I, a lifetime fat guy full of fear, guilt, shame, and excuses can pick himself up, find the right plan, with the right support and succeed – SO CAN YOU!!!

If I have learned anything, it is that if someone has done something before you- GOOD NEWS- that means you can do it to!

It’s just a matter of finding out what they did, how they did it, and applying those same steps – one at a time- to your own life.

So for those of you that see me smiling thru those crazy Shaun T squats in the INSANITY® DVDs , know that guy is smiling for a reason!

The journey was filled with lots of ups and downs, but I overcame with the help of others and you can do the same because I am here to share my struggles, lock arms, and take the journey all over again with you!

In this together- Coach Jimmy

Jimmy Hays Nelson Beachbody Coach is a self-proclaimed ‘former fat guy’. In his mid 20’s he was an overweight college dropout, who found himself living back at home with his parents. Knowing something had to change, he took action.

Through his transformation journey he lost 100 pounds, started his own business, was featured in the Shaun T workout series INSANITY, and has been seen multiple times on QVC with his buddy Tony Horton promoting P90X.

He founded NELSONGY FITNESS with his wife Kelly to reach out to give hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally we are here to help you see REAL RESULTS!