Similarities between nautilus and a survival entrepeneur

Post on 08-May-2015

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We can learn from nature how to survive as entrepeneurs. Nautilus comes from an authentic lineage of survivors.


The chambered nautilus, Nautilus pompilius, is a mollusk that has survived unchanged for 500 million years. They are the only living member of their species.

An entrepeneur is the most ancient way of making business, since the origin of humankind. Still living.Still unchanged.

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Similarities between the nautilus and a survival entrepeneur.

By David Navarro

What are the key factors that have ensured their survival?

As the animal grows, the last chamber, which is where the organism lives, seems small and has to form a new one.

“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations...” || Anaïs Nin ||

Its proportions obey Fibonacci golden rule, by suming the preceding two to obtain the next one.

When intending to grow, use your immediate previous stages only. You no longer live in them, they are too small, and will limit your creativity.

The partitions in the center bearing a short tube that connects all cameras, where the animal extends a cord of tissue whose function is to secrete gas into the empty chambers causing the shell afloat and allow swimming.

When sailing, use your previous experiences to resist high pressures, and to go deeper if there are problems in the surface. Avoid them being a burden that stops you from moving.

Nautilus eyes are like a pinhole camera. No lens, light-proof, difficult to detect, sharp but limited scope.

Keep your eye simple, no filters.Avoid being bedazzled.Watch with attentionyour immediate surroundings. Forget what is beyond your reach.

Unfortunately for Nautiluses, their shells are attractive to humans and many are killed each year.

In aquaria they may live for a long time but they have buoyancy problems (they tend to float at the top) and problems producing new shell (the new shell is discolored, black and malformed).

The qualities of self-reliance and autonomy that conform an entrepreneur “shell”, are very attractive for recruiters when filling high level positions in a company.

Its skills and experience can have many different usages in a company.

Be careful.Companies are often interested in the shell,not in the animal that lives within.

If you're a born entrepreneur, the same qualities that make you attractive can ruin your beautyOr kill you

Chambered nautiluses have a pair of rhinophores, which detect chemicals, and use olfaction and chemotaxis to find their food.

When looking for opportunities, use olfating and chemotaxis, which is, to swim toward the highest concentration of food molecules, and to flee from poisons.Pay more attention to your nosethan to your eyes.

Interact with others like you. Swim freely with them.The ocean is very big, and there are enough fishes for all. At the end, you do not need so much to survive and be happy.

If we could ask to a Nautilus, I am sure it would say:

-You can hunt me, I have no defenses-I might be awful-current depending-have an expendable taste-although I live 20 years, (800 years compared to humans), I need almost the half of my life to achieve my maturity-I have never changed considerably

So what?

-I am here since 500 million years-I have survived even the dinosaurs-Everybody would love to have me at home

And most important

When everyone will be gone, I'll still be here

About: David NavarroThe experience and training acquired in different multinational companies, pioneers and leaders in their respective sectors, enable me focus on continuous improvement of industrial processes with a simple, modern and innovative approach. There is only one way to go: to work with the greatest enthusiasm and dedication believing in what you do. Enthusiasm, dedication and efficient work are my leitmotif. Specialties: Electro-Mechanical industrial machines, mechanisms, engineering, continuous improvement, process managing, quality, environment, occupational risk prevention, security, social psychology, ergonomics, industrial hygiene, organization, research, innovation and business development.

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