Simone Observations

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Anecdotal Record Observation Date: October 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone approached the easel and picked up a paint brush. She stood between her friends, sharing material and painting at the easel for several minutes.

Developmental Description: Social: parallel play

Anecdotal Record Observation Date :October 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: We cut open a pumpkin in our sensory table. Simone touched the outside of the pumpkin. After we cut it open, she decided to explore the inside. She wasn’t sure at first, but then decided to explore.

Developmental Description: Cognitive: exploring inside of pumpkin

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: October 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone has displayed much growth in the area of language. She is using many words to communicate her wants and needs and she is also singing and making lots of animal sounds!

Developmental Description: Language: developing vocabulary

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: October 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: We added dress-up clothes to the dramatic play area. Simone put on the yellow had and wore it for a very long time! Next, she found a vest. Simone held it out to me so I could help put it on her. She wore the vest until it was time to take it off for lunch! Simone enjoys wearing the dress-up clothes!

Developmental Description: Cognitive: participates in pretend play—dressing up

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: November 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone seems to be adjusting well to her new brother, Mason. She has taken him in stride and is beginning to seem very interested when we ask her about him.

Developmental Description: Emotional: coping with a change in her life

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: December 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: We painted with mini-plungers. Simone dipped the plunger in the paint and made several circles on the paper.

Developmental Description: Cognitive: new way of using familiar object

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: August 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: We took the lid off of the sensory table. Simone walked over to the table and picked up some rice. After exploring the rice for a minute, she picked up a cement truck. Simone scooped up rice with her hand and filled the cement truck. Next, she dumped it. Simone did this several times as she explored at the sensory table.

Developmental Description: Cognitive: new use of familiar object Fine motor: scooping and dumping, eye-hand coordination

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: September 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone was on the playground when she heard Whitney singing songs. She walked over and joined the group. They were singing “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. As Simone approached they sang, “If you’re happy and you know it touch your nose.” Simone immediately smiled and touched her nose!

Developmental Description: Cognitive: knows body parts, interest in music

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: September 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone approached the water table to play with the cups and water wheels. First she scooped water with her cup and poured it back in the table. Next, she decided to use the water wheel. Simone filled the cup and poured in the water wheel several times.

Developmental Description: Cognitive-science: exploring pouring water Fine motor: eye-hand coordination

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: September 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: During the first couple of weeks of school, Simone needed her pacifier to fall asleep. After trying a few days without it, Simone happily falls asleep on her own, without a pacifier!

Developmental Description: Emotional: developing a sense of independence Self-help skills: napping without a pacifier and falling asleep on her own

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: September 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone walked over to the sensory table. She picked up a towel and squeezed it as the water dripped out of it. Simone placed the towel and the baby and moved it back and forth. She was washing the baby!

Developmental Description: Cognitive: imitating real life activities Self-help skills: learning to wash a baby

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: September 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone picked up the roller brush and dipped it in the paint. She rolled the brush quickly on the paper.

Developmental Description: Cognitive: New use of familiar material, enjoys messy activities, creativity

Anecdotal Record Observation Date: September 2009 Child/Children’s Names: Simone Observed by: Stacy Description/Photograph: Simone walked over to the table and sat down to paint. She dipped her brush I the paint and painted on her paper. Simone painted for several minutes.

Developmental Description: Fine Motor: Eye-hand coordination, hand and finger strength and dexterity Cognitive: creativity