Simplifying Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Control with a Visual Interface

Post on 22-Jan-2016

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Simplifying Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Control with a Visual Interface. Katherine M. Tsui and Holly A. Yanco University of Massachusetts Lowell. Outline. Collaborators Research Question Hardware Experiment Current/Future work. Collaborators. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Simplifying Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Control

with a Visual Interface

Simplifying Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Control

with a Visual Interface

Katherine M. Tsui

and Holly A. Yanco

University of Massachusetts Lowell

Katherine M. Tsui

and Holly A. Yanco

University of Massachusetts Lowell


Collaborators Research Question Hardware Experiment Current/Future work

Collaborators Research Question Hardware Experiment Current/Future work


University of Central Florida: Aman Behal

Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center: David Kontack

Exact Dynamics: GertWilem Romer

NSF IIS-0534364

University of Central Florida: Aman Behal

Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center: David Kontack

Exact Dynamics: GertWilem Romer

NSF IIS-0534364

Research QuestionResearch Question

What is the most effective user interface to manipulate a robot arm?

Our target audience is power wheelchair users, specifically: Physically disabled, cognitively aware people. Cognitively impaired people who do not have fine

motor control.

What is the most effective user interface to manipulate a robot arm?

Our target audience is power wheelchair users, specifically: Physically disabled, cognitively aware people. Cognitively impaired people who do not have fine

motor control.


Manus ARM by Exact Dynamics 6 DoF Joint encoders, slip

couplings Cameras

Manual and computer control modes Both are capable of

individual joint movement and Cartesian movement of the wrist.

Manus ARM by Exact Dynamics 6 DoF Joint encoders, slip

couplings Cameras

Manual and computer control modes Both are capable of

individual joint movement and Cartesian movement of the wrist.

Interface DesignInterface Design

Interface is compatible with single switch scanning. Left:

Original image is quartered. Quadrant containing the desired object is selected.

Middle: Selection is repeated a second time.

Right: Desired object is in 1/16th close-up view.

Interface is compatible with single switch scanning. Left:

Original image is quartered. Quadrant containing the desired object is selected.

Middle: Selection is repeated a second time.

Right: Desired object is in 1/16th close-up view.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aH.264 decompressor

are needed to see this picture.


User Testing: HypothesesUser Testing: Hypotheses

H1: Users will prefer a visual interface to a menu based system.

H2: With greater levels of autonomy, less user input is necessary for control.

H3: It should be faster to move to the target in computer control than in manual control.

H1: Users will prefer a visual interface to a menu based system.

H2: With greater levels of autonomy, less user input is necessary for control.

H3: It should be faster to move to the target in computer control than in manual control.

User Testing: ExperimentUser Testing: Experiment

Participants 12 able-bodied participants (10 male, 2 female) Age: [18, 52] 67% technologically capable Computer usage per week (including job related):

67% 20+ hours; 25% 10 to 20 hours; 8% 3 to 10 hours

1/3 had prior robot experience: 1 industry; 2 university course; 1 “toy” robots

Participants 12 able-bodied participants (10 male, 2 female) Age: [18, 52] 67% technologically capable Computer usage per week (including job related):

67% 20+ hours; 25% 10 to 20 hours; 8% 3 to 10 hours

1/3 had prior robot experience: 1 industry; 2 university course; 1 “toy” robots

User Testing: Experiment Methodology

User Testing: Experiment Methodology

Two tested conditions: manual and computer control.

Input device was single switch for both controls.

Each user performed 6 runs (3 manual, 3 computer).

Start control was randomized and alternated. 6 targets were randomly chosen.

Two tested conditions: manual and computer control.

Input device was single switch for both controls.

Each user performed 6 runs (3 manual, 3 computer).

Start control was randomized and alternated. 6 targets were randomly chosen.

User Testing:Experiment Methodology

User Testing:Experiment Methodology

Neither fine control nor depth existed in implementation of computer control during user testing.

In manual control, users were instructed to move the opened gripper “sufficiently close” to the target.

Neither fine control nor depth existed in implementation of computer control during user testing.

In manual control, users were instructed to move the opened gripper “sufficiently close” to the target.

User Testing:Experiment Methodology

User Testing:Experiment Methodology

Manual control procedure, using single switch and single switch menu: Unfold ARM. Using Cartesian

movement, maneuver opened gripper “sufficiently close” to target.

Manual control procedure, using single switch and single switch menu: Unfold ARM. Using Cartesian

movement, maneuver opened gripper “sufficiently close” to target.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

User Testing:Experiment Methodology

User Testing:Experiment Methodology

Computer control procedure: Turn on ARM. Select image using single switch. Select major quadrant using single switch. Select minor quadrant using single switch. Color calibrate using single switch.

Computer control procedure: Turn on ARM. Select image using single switch. Select major quadrant using single switch. Select minor quadrant using single switch. Color calibrate using single switch.

User Testing: ResultsUser Testing: Results

H1: Users will prefer a visual interface to a menu based system.

83% stated preference for manual control in exit interviews.

Likert scale rate of manual and computer control (1 to 5) showed no significant difference in user experience preference.

H1 was not proven. Why? Color calibration

H1: Users will prefer a visual interface to a menu based system.

83% stated preference for manual control in exit interviews.

Likert scale rate of manual and computer control (1 to 5) showed no significant difference in user experience preference.

H1 was not proven. Why? Color calibration

User Testing: ResultsUser Testing: Results

H2: With greater levels of autonomy, less user input is necessary for control.

In manual control, counted the number of clicks executed by users during runs, divide by run time. This yields average clicks per second.

In computer control, the number of clicks is fixed.

H2 was confirmed.

H2: With greater levels of autonomy, less user input is necessary for control.

In manual control, counted the number of clicks executed by users during runs, divide by run time. This yields average clicks per second.

In computer control, the number of clicks is fixed.

H2 was confirmed.

User Testing: ResultsUser Testing: Results

H3: It should be faster to move to the target in computer control than in manual control.

Distance to time ratio: moving distance X takes Y time.

Under computer control, ARM moved farther in less time.

H3 was confirmed.

H3: It should be faster to move to the target in computer control than in manual control.

Distance to time ratio: moving distance X takes Y time.

Under computer control, ARM moved farther in less time.

H3 was confirmed.

Current/Future WorkCurrent/Future Work

Identify specific volunteers User interface User testing:

H1 Baseline evaluation Initial testing at Crotched

Mountain Integration with power wheelchair Depth extraction Occlusion

Identify specific volunteers User interface User testing:

H1 Baseline evaluation Initial testing at Crotched

Mountain Integration with power wheelchair Depth extraction Occlusion