Simulation: An Investigative Tool in the Life Sciences & Engineering.

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Simulation: An Investigative Tool in the Life Sciences &


A Simulation BuffetThere is a tremendous variety of types of simulations used in science, engineering, and education. Here are just a few to illustrate the diversity of simulations, drawn from the life sciences.

Simulating Patient EvaluationManikins are sometimes used by medical schools to train students to recognize safety risks, communicate effectively and work with other health professionals.

University of Missouri, Kansas City. Source:

Simulating the Interaction of SpeciesThis simulation shows the suppression of the red squirrel by the grey squirrel, as happened in large areas of Europe, especially in the United Kingdom.

Matthias Grundmann, Graduate Research Assistant. Georgia Institute of Technology. Source:

Simulating Cell FunctionsScience Daily (Nov. 1, 2005) — Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have set a new world's record by performing the first million-atom computer simulation in biology. They created a molecular simulation of the cell's protein-making structure, the ribosome.

Image by Sanbonmatsu team, LANL. Source:

Simulating Function of an Artificial HeartBiomedical engineers also use simulation when developing new products, such as the JARVIK-7, the first artificial heart. Simulation makes it possible to envision how it will function in the body, and make improvements before trying it in a human. JARVIK-7 artificial heart. NIH Image. Source:

Simulation in Science & Engineering

The new Washington State Science Standards emphasizes that there are many ways to investigate the natural world. Simulation is one of the most powerful, used by scientists in virtually all fields. Likewise, engineers use simulation as a means of testing their designs and exploring new technologies.