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A comprehensive presentation on employee engagement based on Dr. Marciano's book "Carrots and Sticks Don't Work: Building a Culture of Engagement with the Principles of RESPECT." (McGraw-Hill, 2010)


How Leaders Can Build a Sustainable Culture of

Engagement Using the RESPECT™ Model 


November 15, 2011


Dr. Paul Marciano

make a difference that makes a difference for you, your organization, your employees, and your customers

My goal today is to . . .

Increase the return on your human capital investment

by increasing the level of employee engagement







I ask that you

Listen for . . .

Introduce yourself to others at your table:

• Name• Company• Position

• Take away today• Hobby

Introductory Exercise

5-10 minutes

Most people believe that . . .

employee engagement and motivation are the same . . . they are not

Motivated Engaged

External Focus Internal Focus

Opportunistic Committed

Short-term View Long-term View

Self Organization

Narrow Focus Big Picture

Unstable Stable

Employee engagement is a psychological construct

and which is demonstrated behaviorally through high levels of discretionary effort

which refers to an individual’s commitment to one’s organization, work, team, employer, and clients

In other words…

Tao Li

Fully in the Game

How can we achieve this level of performance and productivity with our employees and gain a

competitive advantage?

Not with technology

Everyone has access to the same technology

The competitive advantage is your people

Achieving maximum engagement requires that leaders at every level inspire employees to

behave in ways that further the mission and vision of their organization

Why are leaders and managers not better at inspiring their employees and maximizing their

level of discretionary effort?


10 minutes

What would the impact be if everyone in your organization played full out?

Robust Impact of Engagement

Productivity & Performance




Employee Fraud

Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

Quality Defects

Safety Compliance

Employee Satisfaction

Physical & Psychological Well-Being

Nurse Engagement…

…Patient Satisfaction

How do we get to the land of engagement?

Consider . . .

We have new employees at “Hello”

my story

Why do employees lose their enthusiasm?


10 minutes


Internal Got “it” or


2 3

Environment Potential for


Work Ethic

4 5


How do we create an environment that allows our staff to flourish and give

maximum discretionary effort?

Realizing sustainable increases in employee engagement requires

impacting the culture of the organization



What doesn’t change culture is trying to motivate employees with carrots & sticks

Published in The New Yorker 4/19/2010 by Farley Katz

It’s the only way I can get myself out of bed in the morning.

Theories of Motivation

Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsMcClelland’s Internal Needs Motivation

Self-EfficacyGoal Setting Theory

Herzberg’s Two-Factor TheoryEquity Theory

Job Characteristics ModelExpectancy-Value Theory

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs







Expectancy-Value Theory

Motivation = E x V

Traditional reward & recognition programs

why programs fail

Programs fail…

…because they are programs

People stop trying after winner wins

Goals can limit performance

“I never have a goal that involves number of wins—never. It would just tend to limit our potential.”

-- Mike Krzyzewski

Rewards are not necessarily reinforcing

Inconsistent & unfair administration

Added stress for supervisors

Programs destroy teamwork

Programs focus…

…on the wrong dependent variable

Programs reduce…

creativity and risk taking

Extrinsic reinforcement…

reduces intrinsic motivation

Programs offer a weak reinforcement schedule

Gifts are gifts

not reinforcers

Employees feel manipulated

Programs have no impact on culture

Reward programs…

…reduce overall motivation

How do most top performers get rewarded?


sticks don’t work

Respect out of fear is never genuine

Reverence out of respect is never false

Chinese Proverb


Performance limited to minimum

Requires presence of threat

Fear activates the sympathetic nervous system that releases

hormones that interfere with functioning of the prefrontal cortex which

is responsible for executive functioning.

So, when it comes to increasing the productivity of your workforce . . .

Forget about motivation

The questions is . . .

how do we engage our employees?


What factors contribute to increasing employee engagement?

10 minutes

Factors that Increase Employee Engagement

Trust; feeling that my supervisor has my back

Knowing that what I do matters

Respect for my opinion and trust in my abilities

When I have freedom to determine how I achieve my goals

A supervisor who believes in me and wants me to excel

When I understand how and why the work matters

Having a supervisor who does not look over my shoulder

When I have the tools to do my job properly

Mutual and contagious respect among co-workers


What factors contribute to a decrease in employee engagement?

10 minutes

Factors that Decrease Employee Engagement

When my manager takes credit for my work

Lack of coaching, feedback, and support

Incompetent leaders whom people don’t respect

Lack of basic pleasantries such as “hello” or “thank you”

Seeing managers who are not actively engaged

When your boss never asks you for your input

Lack of appreciation or compliments for a job well done

Having to do work that does not appear to add value

Criticism that isn’t constructive

Low High


Levels of Engagement

Engagement Meter






Actively disengaged




Actively engaged

Engagement Meter






Createsthe mess

Walks past mess without thought

Hopes not to see it, will clean-up if personal benefit

Cleans-up what he/she sees

Helps clean-up, fix & prevent


How would your employees be distributed and what factors account for this distribution?

10 minutes

So . . .

How do we move the needle on employee engagement and get our employees

fully in the game?










I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me. All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.

~ Jackie Robinson

How do we understand the critical role of respect in society?

From an evolutionary perspective respect is associated with strength and protection

Being respected keeps you as part of the “in group.” Those members of the tribe who

are respected survive

Disrespected individuals are considered less important and more expendable to

the tribe or clan


As business leaders, why care about respect?


10 minutes

Respect = PowerPower is the ability to influence others




Lose respect Lose power

Lose followers

How do business leaders earn/lose respect?


10 minutes

Respect Employee Productivity

the RESPECT™ model

An actionable philosophy which guides and directs behavior

Respect the Organization













Respect the Supervisor











Respect Team Members











Respect the Work











Feel Respected












You cannot treat your staff with disrespect

and expect them to treat your patients with respect

the RESPECT™ drivers


“A pat on the back is only a few vertebrae removed from a kick in the pants, but is miles ahead in results.”

-- W. Wilcox


Turnkey Solutions & Best Practices Recognition

• Send a handwritten “thank you” note home

• Spread the word; inform higher ups

• Create a wall of great ideas

• Hold work up as an example

• Increase decision making & autonomy

• Create more opportunities

• Document performance in personnel file

Recognition Assessment

• Employees are appropriately recognized and acknowledged for their contributions

• My supervisor lets me know that he appreciates me and my work

• My supervisor regularly gives “pats on the back” to deserving team members

• It doesn’t matter how hard you work, no one seems to notice or care

Are the employees in your organization appropriately recognized and what can be

done to increase the frequency and effectiveness of recognition?

“The most vital task of the leader is to motivate, inspire, empower and encourage the team's primary resource -- the unlimited, creative human potential to find better ways.”

-- Dr. Lewis Losoncy If he works for you, you work for him.- Japanese proverb


Turnkey Solutions & Best Practices Empowerment

• Create powerful on-boarding and new hire training programs; set employees up for success

• Ask employees how you can reduce barriers and help them do their jobs better

• Increase level of cross-training or at least shadowing

• Increase flow of communication, e.g., hold monthly lunches and invite a leader or team member from another department to share updates

• Increase level of autonomy and decision making

• Create learning opportunities through delegation

Empowerment Assessment

• I have the resources I need to be successful in my job

• I have received sufficient training to do my job well

• My supervisor provides me with opportunities to learn and grow

• If I had more training, I could be more effective at my job

Are employees empowered to do their best work

and what can be done to improve this?


“No one enjoys addressing others' deficiencies but failure to do so sends the message that people are on track when they really aren't. And that may be the greatest disservice a leader can do to someone else.”

-- Eric Harvey

Turnkey Solutions & Best Practices Supportive Feedback

• Focus on behavior and impact of behavior not attitude

• Schedule time on the calendar for regular feedback

• Utilize “coaching moments” – quick feedback

• Add role-play to supplement verbal comments

• Keep feedback future focused

• Be selective and focused in your feedback; prioritize

• Serve as a role model and ask employees to provide you with feedback

Supportive Feedback Assessment

• I am given ongoing feedback about my performance

• My supervisor gives me straightforward, honest feedback

• When my supervisor gives me corrective feedback, he/she does so in a constructive and supportive manner

• My supervisor rarely tells me how I am doing

Do your employee receive sufficient supportive feedback and what can be done to increase

the frequency and quality of feedback?


“In the past a leader was the boss. Today’s leaders must be partners with their people”

-- Ken Blanchard

Turnkey Solutions & Best Practices Partnering

• Conduct an internal service assessment

• Develop a mentoring program

• Create an employee council to provide feedback and have input on organizational decisions – especially those relevant to their jobs and benefits

• Increase communication through town hall meetings, weekly newsletters, and a company blog

• Institute a profit sharing or stock option program

• Eliminate differences in benefits and perks, e.g., parking spaces, healthcare, and company cars

Partnering Assessment

• My supervisor treats me more like a partner than a subordinate

• My supervisor really encourages teamwork

• My supervisors jumps in and helps out team members when they need it

• My supervisor encourages team members to compete with one another rather than collaborate with one another

Do people at different locations and in different positions partner with one another

and how can this sense of partnership be increased across the organization?


“Set your expectations high; find men and women whose integrity and values you

respect; get their agreement on a course of action; and give them your ultimate trust.”

-- John Akers

Turnkey Solutions & Best Practices Expectations

• Give job candidates the “real deal”

• Set clear, consistent and challenging goals

• “What gets measured gets done”; track progress

• Document expectations to ensure common understanding and to hold others accountable

• Put checkpoints in place; especially early

• Hold a “compare expectations” exercise

• Consequate behavior early; “Confused & “Concerned”

• Hold people accountable!

Expectations Assessment

• My performance goals and objectives are clearly defined

• I know precisely what is expected of me in my job

• My boss holds me accountable for meeting my performance goals

• Sometimes I wonder what is expected of me

Are expectations clearly set and people held accountable and how do you do a better job of this in your organization?


“People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

-- John Maxwell

Turnkey Solutions & Best Practices Consideration

• Know your employees, e.g., hobbies, interest, family

• Be on time & follow-up promptly

• Celebrate accomplishments & special days

• Regularly ask employees for their opinions & ideas

• Create flexibility in schedule

• Keep people in the information loop; ask if they would like to be copied on emails or join meetings

• Give people your full attention during meetings

Consideration Assessment

• My supervisor really cares about me as a person

• My supervisor is understanding when employees have personal difficulties

• My supervisor is a considerate person

• My supervisor cares only about himself/herself

Do people show sufficient consideration toward one another and how do you

foster this in your organization?


“Leadership without mutual trust is a contradiction in terms.”

-- Warren Bennis

Turnkey Solutions & Best Practices Trust

• Avoid micro-managing

• Keep your promises

• Own up to mistakes

• Talk to people not about them

• Be honest and direct

• Give credit where credit is due

• Increase autonomy

• “Walk the talk”; don’t say one thing and do another

Trust Assessment

• My supervisor is honest and trustworthy

• My supervisor trusts me to make good decisions

• I trust my supervisor to do right by me

• I feel like my supervisor is always looking over my shoulder and doesn’t trust me to do a good job

Is there a high level of trust in your organization and what has

to happen to increase this level of trust?

How do we measure employee


Symptom vs. Cause

Typical Engagement Questions

• I know what is expected of me at work

• I have the resources I need to do my work right

• My supervisor cares about me as a person

• I was recently told that I was doing a good job

• My opinions and ideas seem to count

• My co-workers are committed to doing quality work

• I am satisfied with my job

• I have a friend at work

• Time passes quickly at work

• I spend time outside of work thinking about how I could do my job better

• Sometimes I get so into my work that I lose track of time

• I work just as hard for this organization as I would work for myself

• I am energized by the work that I do

• My mind wanders to things unrelated to my job (R)

• I do just enough to get by in my job (R)

• If I wanted, I could put more effort into my job (R)

Assessing the Symptoms of Engagement

a new virtual world

with a new workforce

and new technology

Number of Mobile Workers by 2012

1 Billion

Work has shifted from a place you go to something you do

Case Example: Best Buy

ROWE: Results-Only Work Environment

Why are implications and challenges of fostering engagement in the younger generation?


10 minutes

Benefits of Mobile Workforce

• Recruit best talent worldwide• 24/7 Operation – virtual work relay• Reduced overhead & travel costs for organization• Reduced absenteeism• Reduced costs for employee• More TIME!• Increased flexibility• Increased productivity & efficiency• Increased employee satisfaction• Better customer service – locate near customers• Improved work/life balance

Challenges/Potential Costs of Virtual Teams• Increased demands on manager• Cultural differences• Time zones• Decreased opportunity to build personal relationships • Investment in technology & skills training• Potential decrease in communication & increase in

miscommunication (loss of visual cues)• Increased potential for conflict• Takes longer to build trust• Less knowledge of what others are doing• Decreased accountability especially on cross-functional teams• Us vs. Them (cliques, especially with home office)• Distractions

Effective Virtual Team Leaders• Communicate, Communicate, Communicate• Establish a sense of purpose for team• Build, merge & manage culture• Build relationships; foster collaboration & connectedness• Establish roles & responsibilities • Set clear goals & expectations; prioritize• Monitor progress & share with team• Hold people accountable• Provide ongoing recognition• Respond quickly to needs of team members• Deal effectively with conflict situations• Focus on outcomes/objectives not process• 24/7 (Requiring little sleep helps!)

Effective Virtual Team Members

• Expert communicator• Virtual social skills to foster collaboration & connectedness• Self-directed & self–motivated• Structured & organized• Tolerance for ambiguity• Flexible/Adaptable• Culturally sensitive• Adept/Penchant for technology & social media• Qualities of introvert & extrovert• Straight shooter• Highly responsive• Focused on delivering results & meeting objectives

Virtual Team Technologies

1. Need technology that facilitates social interaction and decreases the psychological distance between employee and manager, and among team members

2. The less training, the more intuitive the better

3. People want technology that fits the way they think and how they live

Virtual Team Technologies

• Email & Instant Messaging (SMS)• Cisco’s Telepresence & HP’s Halo• Web based bulletin board; virtual Whiteboard• Web-ex; Go-to-meeting• Social Media – Twitter, Facebook• Google Docs• Wiki’s• Ning• Second Life• Kudos

Changing the World, One Thank-You at a Time

What Is Kudos?

Kudos is the simple & cost effective corporate social network with a recognition engine at its core. Kudos creates employee engagement by enhancing communication, building connections and supporting collaboration through recognition.


What can you do today to foster RESPECT in your organization and

increase the ROI of your human capital?

Be the change you want to see in the world.

-- Mahatma Gandhi

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