Sir Bakri(Myself)

Post on 02-Apr-2018

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  • 7/27/2019 Sir Bakri(Myself)




    Diploma in Information Management


    Information And Communication Technology Application




    (About My Life)


    Mastura Binti Rosli


    Prepared for:

    Sir Albakri Bin Mohammad @ Ahmad

  • 7/27/2019 Sir Bakri(Myself)




    Firstly, I would like to thank you to Allah for calm me from the panics to complete this

    assignment about Creative Writing .

    I would like to say thank you to my parents especially my mom who always support and

    helps to complete this assignment. She always called me on the phone to give many ideas topics.

    She did to easily for me to find the materials. She also help to reminds me about my life journey

    that relate to my topics.

    I also never forget my lecturer, Sir Albakri Bin Mohamad @ Ahmad who are give advices and

    helps his students to understanding what to do and how to do it in this the assignment. Thank you

    very much sir !

    Other than that, I would like to say thank you about my classmates and the other classes

    who are support each other to complete this assignment together. I would like to say thank you to

    my friends, Amira ,Ezatul and Ayu Asyrida. Because of them, I got idea to write down about this


    Finally, I feel happy that I can finish this assignment at the time before I pass up to lecturer.

  • 7/27/2019 Sir Bakri(Myself)


    .. ABOUT MY LIFE ..Assalamualaikum. Hye.Now I was in Universiti Teknologi Mara, Segamat Johor.

    Really I was in university?. Am I dreaming? Would you please wake me from this wonderful dream.Okay, when I was in university, I had a great means that I was become a teenager. Oh God, I havea great short-lived. Mom and dad, thank you for everything that you give to me. Without mom anddad , Im not able to enjoy this beautiful life. Thank you also for give a name to me, Mastura bintiRosli where Winehouse Islam means beautiful and smart. Thank God, I'm pretty good life journeythat was arranged by God. I was born in Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor on5.September.1995. I have a loving mother to her children that Misnah Binti Kassim and I'm alsoblessed with a father who is responsible for the children of Rosli bin Awang. Those who raisedme for 18 years. I am also grateful that given by God to give me many brothers and sisters thatwere 7 and I was the son of the 6th.

    In this life, I have been educated and taught to appreciate all the blessings that have been given byGod .. Hence, I am very grateful for since childhood, I was brought up in a modest family and I grew up inKampung Baru Muafakat, Gelang Patah, Johor. During small, I am very excited and loves to get up inthe morning to go to school. Until now, I really like waking up in the morning to go and study.

  • 7/27/2019 Sir Bakri(Myself)


    ... My First School ..

    My Second SchOOL ..

    My first school was the Sekolah Kebangsaan PendasLaut. . My school is located on the sea and every morning I

    would see the greatness of God, namely creation andpublication of the sun from the east to the west sink .. This is

    where I have learned to start a new life for the pursuit ofknowledge to recognize letters, numbers, letters and so on.This is also a place in my school to get to know their friends

    and teachers .. In addition, I also have been active in the sportof handball and netball. During the primary 6, I have been

    selected to represent Johor in the sport of handball and I amvery happy to have won the competition at Johor. I also had

    the opportunity to hold office as assistant head prefect at theschool. After completing primary school, I moved from

    childhood to adolescence. I have extended my education fromprimary schools from the Sekolah Menengah KebangsaanGelang Patah, Johor, armed with my UPSR results of 3A 2B.

    While in SMK Gelang Patah, I have friends

    such as the Malays, Chinese and Indian. They are

    very good and loyal friend .. I really like to makefriends with them. They also always helped me in

    school and my passion to get involved in extra-

    curricular activities. I have been involved in

    marching competitions Muslim Girl at the district

    level and enter the competition zapin Johor.Thank

    God I got the champion and runner-up in the

    competition that I have entered. I also was get

    awarded "Student Active Curriculum" while I was

    in form2. In Form 3, I took (ekonomi rumahtangga) in the Kemahiran Hidup subjects. With

    this, I have learned how to sew, cook and do

    carpentry. One day, my school organized a cooking

    competition. Im has been entrusted by my teacher

    to enter competition. My mother taught me to

    cook "Rice Kerabu" for 3 days, I have won the

    competition and take home the trophy and RM200.

    That's valuable experience for me. My mother

    always said, our mature experience. Very funschool days, until after the end of Form 3, to obtain

    the results of PMR 5A 3B.

  • 7/27/2019 Sir Bakri(Myself)


    My THIRD SchOOL ..

    I've decided to move to Sekolah

    Menengah Vokasional (ERT) Azizah with

    purpose to gain knowledge and seek to live in

    the dorm experience as well as learn to be

    independent and away from family. In SMV

    (ERT) Azizah, a lot of experience and

    knowledge that I have gained. My life changed

    when staying in a hostel. Among them, I have

    to know the meaning of life independently.Hostel life is very different from the lives lived

    in the home. My friends and I love to perform

    circumcision as duha prayers, qiamullail at

    night and others. I also have a group of self-

    study, I and friends help each other to each

    other .. Earnestness, patience living away

    from family. I received result 6A 3B in SPM.

    My parents are very happy with my SPMresults and I am very grateful to be given the

    opportunity by God for my parents happy. I

    have also received an award for "Outstanding

    Student 2012". Give me a lot of school age and

    teaching experience. I miss school days.

  • 7/27/2019 Sir Bakri(Myself)


    by mastura

    Thanks to my efforts from primary to

    secondary school, I have received an offer to study to

    UiTM. Although my ambition from childhood not to

    be to become a teacher, I am grateful to be able to go

    to university and study's organs "Diploma in

    Information Management ". Thank God, this study is

    very interesting and I'm very interested. I am also

    determined to study hard and add my knowledge. So,

    my mission in this first semester is learning with hard

    and want to get the award pointer dean of 3.5 and

    above. God willing, I will be myself spirit by puttingsome words charms of "success is created by ordinary

    people in extraordinary work," "efforts, prayers and

    submission" and the last "not simply by getting a

    degree" .

  • 7/27/2019 Sir Bakri(Myself)
