Sirine chiheb

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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From Tozeur you can also reach the Sahara easily, by Camel if you wish;. There are a wide number of different tours which may take in a number of Saharan villages nearby as well as the Palmaries. Though not for everyone those with an interest in film will love visiting the scene of much of Star wars:A New Hope’s filming for scenes set of Tatooine which has been used for subsequent Star Wars films as well. For those accompanying Star Wars fans the sites in the dessert are themselves breath-taking and well worth a visit. Another breath-taking site is the dry lake: vast and barren yet picturesque a causeway across the lake is the best place to take photos from.

Tozeur’s zoo features many animals from north and sub Saharan Africa as well as the Sahara itself and may be worth a visit. The Hamman, A North African version of a Turkish Bath, is also worth visiting for a different yet relaxing experience, though you will need to remember your swimsuit and a towel and soap.Food and DrinkCamels as well as being available to ride from Tozeur are also available to eat along with other traditional Tunisian food such as Couscous and lamb kebabs and steaks. Alcohol is only available from a small number of hotel bars but non alcoholic beers are widely available and may be a better option anyway in the heat of the dessert.


The Medina, the old city, of Tozeur is where you will find the most historic and beautiful buildings, some are magnificent in their detail but most are more humble but still stand distinctive and proud: integral parts of the city that have stood for hundreds of years.


One of the first things that you will notice in Hammamet is that the entire town is mixed into a huge garden. Oranges, lemons and other citrus trees grow here, as well as olive groves. There is so much plant life in Hammamet that many people call it the “garden resort”. Hammamet is an incredibly relaxing environment, with its white sandy beaches and quiet atmosphere. There are an estimated 20,000-70,000 people living in Hammamet at any given time.The number obviously fluctuates a lot with the seasons, due to the increased number of tourists visiting in the summer months.One of the main attractions of Hammamet, besides the beautiful gardens, is the amazing sandy beaches. White sand covers the entire coast, meeting up with crystal clear blue water. The water is surprisingly clean, and many tourists travel to Hammamet just to enjoy the beach and the water sports available there. Festivals and small events are often held on the beaches as well, often lasting until late in the evening. There are areas of Hammamet that are more family-oriented and quiet, and there are areas that are much more wild and party-driven. Truly, no matter what kind of vacation you are seeking, you will enjoy a trip to Hammamet.

Before you begin your travels, you should reference a thorough Hammamet travel guide. Knowing what you’re going to do before you get there can save you a lot of time and money. If you just show up and don’t know anything about the Tunisian culture, you’ll be lost in the abyss. Although Hammamet does its best to appeal to tourists, it is not ashamed of its culture, which you will see almost everywhere, in the form of bronze statues, beautiful gardens, archeological sites, pottery, and museums. The Gafsa museum is a must-see, as is the Bardo museum, which specializes in the Islamic faith and culture.All throughout the town of Hammamet, you will smell the enticing aroma of Jasmine. The locals are borderline obsessed with this plant, and it grows almost everywhere. There is a tourist resort called Yasmine Hammamet, and most of its grounds are covered in Jasmine. All throughout the area, souvenirs made of Jasmine can be purchased and brought home, to help capture some of the spirit of Hammamet. Before you leave, be sure to check out The Griba Synagogue, which is estimated to have been built in the 6th century BC



Located just north of Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, is the town of Sidi Bou Said. The entire town is located on top of a steep cliff, which overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. The view from Sidi Bou Said is absolutely phenomenal, and will continue to amaze you throughout your entire trip.The entire town is simply beautiful, with flowers draped from almost every wall and doorway, and beautiful flowing vines hanging throughout the entire area. Sidi Bou Said is so beautiful, in fact, that many artists have taken up residence here.The town is also said to have inspired famous artist Paul Klee, and famous writer Andre Gide.

Sidi Bou Said is an excellent “base of operations” for your trip to Tunisia. Since it is located very close to Tunis, there is plenty of things to do in and around the town. The streets of Sidi Bou Said, most of which are quaint cobbled streets, are lined for the most part with souvenir shops, cafe’s, and art shops. The entire town has an intense feel of artistry and craftsmanship, and the locals are very proud of their town, and don’t hesitate to show it off.Much of the town is quiet, and inhabited mostly by locals going about their daily business. Other areas are aimed more towards tourists. If you want to stay in one of Tunisia’s nicest hotels, be sure to visit Dar Said in Sidi Bou Said. The hotel itself is amazing, rivaling popular Vegas and Hawaii hotels. And surrounding the hotel is an expensive district of quality restaurants and shops. Excellent views exist almost everywhere in Sidi Bou Said, and you’ll find no shortage of activities to try.

During the day, Sidi Bou Said is a thriving metropolis, with tourists everywhere. It is a common stop for tour groups, most of which originate in the capital city of Tunis. At night, the town quiets down a lot, and is very relaxing. There are tons of things to do in and around Sidi Bou Said. Exploring the Roman Ruins of Carthage should be high up on your list of activities, as should visiting the Souk, which is the local market. Vendors of all shapes and sizes gather daily to sell at the Souk, and you can find some truly amazing and unique items here.While you can drive in Sidi Bou Said, much of the streets are crowded both with other cars, and pedestrians. The best way to see the sights, and truly let everything sink in, is to walk around the city. Or, you can find a vendor who rents out bicycles or mopeds, and travel around like that. If you simply drive through the town, you will miss most of the sites that people come to Sidi Bou Said to see.

One of the most interesting cultural activities in Djerba, is the history of pottery, travel out to Guellala and you will find a fascinating history of pottery – a historical village which has been in the pottery business for centuries! Lose yourself in the Houmt Souk – strolling around the little, winding streets is a delight – from silk sellers, to colourful spices, the Souk offers tourists a real insight into Djerba’s day to day life. Of course, the beach is an ever popular activity for tourists, and Djerba will not disappoint!

Your flight to Djerba may have left you a little out of pocket – but never fear! Djerba can offer a range of accommodation options, from hostels to hotels there is something for everyone. The Auberge de Jeunesse offers good quality, but cheap, accommodation as a youth hostel, while the Hasdrubal Thalassa & Spa offers a luxury stay for those who want to enjoy Djerba in style. Make sure you check out the meal options offered – many hotels offer “Western” menus, but do not be afraid to head into some of the cities and villages to check out the local offerings!

Situated off the coast of Tunisia, Djerba is a beautiful

island in the Mediterranean sea. Within easy reach of

almost every country in the world (thanks to its great

transport links!), Djerba has long been the hidden

jewel of the Mediterranean. Jewel is an appropriate

title – its sparkling beaches set the perfect scene for

its dramatic sunsets – a diamond sparkling in the

cool, blue oceans. Read on the find out just what you

can see and do, and why Djerba is the tourist hotspot

for travels from both near and far.