SIS Training Handbook

Post on 05-Apr-2016

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Training in Schlumberger

Schlumberger’s commitment to training and development is recognized throughout the industry and

represents a significant competitive advantage. The company invests substantial time and resources in our

structured training and development programs than any other oilfield services company.

A multitude of intensive training programs provides continuous learning and progression opportunities to

employees throughout their careers. Business Segments and support functions provide dedicated and

structured fixed-step training programs for everyone, including recent recruits. The commitment to career

development continues throughout both technical and managerial career paths with a focus on a

competency management approach.

The success of this effort lies in the company’s learning management tool, iLearn.

Fixed Step Training Fixed-step training programs are designed to develop our employees from new-hire through to the

technical and professional standards required to meet the needs of our business. They provide a structured

program for self-motivated learning that results in a consistent standard throughout the company. The

fixed-step program is easily managed and compatible with the operational requirements of our industry.

When employees complete a particular step, they are considered for promotion to the next step of their

assigned training program. Fixed-step training is a challenging program that allows participants to fulfill their

potential and aims to develop employees who have:

A strong technical background in the multi subjects and operations used in Schlumberger

A professional attitude and ability – the capability to operate equipment and run the operations of a

department with a high level of confidence and proficiency, and to do this anywhere in the world

Knowledge of Schlumberger culture and technique; the ability to produce the best results from

equipment and personnel

The ability to direct and develop personnel within a department

Leadership in the fields of Quality, Health, Safety and Environment, and a full awareness of all

aspects of our operations

iLearn Objectives

iLearn is the learning management system used in Schlumberger to:

Increase Learner’s visibility into their assigned training programs by integrating with the Career


Provide system performance that allows the entrance of other communities into the application

Create corporate synergy by implementing a common, consistent training program model across


Help managers plan team development and track individuals’ proficiencies

Help FSMs and training managers plan resource allocation to affect revenue positively

Allow easy identification of qualified personnel for improved response time to specific customer


iLearn User Access Profiles and Functionality

iLearn is accessible through a variety of user access profiles, which define a unique set of privileges to

provide the user with access to specific functionalities and actions within the system. Users have the ability

to access the system using one, or multiple, access profiles. Users with access to more than one user

profile will need to use a unique route of access (i.e., a different login site) to maintain a clear boundary

between profiles.

Field users are divided into five profiles:




Training Managers (TDS)

Training and Development Managers (TDMs)

For the Learner profile, the iLearn system is accessed via the Learning & Development section of the

Career Center . From the Career Center, Learners will be able to select exactly where they want to go

within iLearn. Based on their selection, the Learner will enter the iLearn system on one of the six main

pages within the Learner profile:

My Training Program

My Training Progress

My Enrolments

My Training History

My Profile

Search Training Catalog

My Certification History

Mentors are assigned to guide learners through their training program. A Mentor will not be one of the

Learner’s managers in LDAP. Once assigned the profile of Mentor, the user can enter the system directly

from the My Mentees section of the Training Management Center . The Mentor will be able to enter the

iLearn system directly onto one of the two main pages available to this profile:

My Mentees

My Action Items

Mentors will be able to mark as complete any of their learner’s training that does not have a monetary cost


The Manager profile is assigned automatically by the system to any person who has direct reports in

LDAP. The iLearn system differentiates between two types of managers – the Direct Manager and the

Functional Manager, providing slightly different user functionality to each. The Direct Manager is

automatically assigned to the first manager listed in a person’s LDAP record (ie, top manager on the list

where a person has multiple managers). All subsequent managers listed in LDAP are assigned the

Functional Manager status. The Manager Profile allows the user to access their entire team as defined by

the organizational structure below them in LDAP.

Whether you are a Direct Manager or a Functional Manager, you log into the Manager profile of iLearn from

the My Direct Reports section of the Training Management Center . Once inside the iLearn system, you

will be able to switch between Direct Manager and Functional Manager status. The Manager will be able to

enter the iLearn system directly onto any one of the eight pages available to this profile:

My Team

My Team Progress

My Action Items

My Reports

Suggest/Enroll/Grant Learning

Add Non-Catalog Item to Training


Assign Mentor

Delegate My Rights

A Functional Manager will only be able to approve learner requests that do not have a monetary value

associated, whereas a Direct Manager will be able to approve any type of learner request.


The My Reports page of iLearn is powered by OFS Reporter and will only function for users who have

existing OFS Reporter access. If the reports are not functioning, you will need to request OFS Reporter

access (or request an update to your existing access) via the SAMBA website. When requesting this

access you will need to select between two options to define the scope of your reporting:

LDAP Driven – this will allow you to generate iLearn reports that are limited to the organisational

structure below you in LDAP.

OFS Reporter Native – this will allow you to generate iLearn reports on a population that is

defined by geographic or organizational subdivisions. The boundaries of this population will need

to be included in the SAMBA request. This type of reporting scope would generally be suitable for

an TDS, Training Manager, or TDM.

The Training Manager profile is used by people who are responsible for the training progress of a group of

learners; normally this would be Personnel Managers or Training, Development and Staffing Managers.

This profile needs to be requested via the SAMBA system, and once implemented it will provide the user

with access to a group of learners defined geographically and/or by organizational sub divisions.

An approved user can log into the Training Manager profile of iLearn from the My Population section of

the Training Management Center . They will have the ability to enter the system directly onto one of the

seven main pages available to this profile

Build My Population

Manage My Population

My Reports

Suggest/Enroll/Grant Learning

Assign Mentors

Delegate My Rights

Add Non Catalog Items to Training History

Once inside iLearn, Training Managers are able to draw upon their pre-defined population to build teams

and generate reports.

The Training & Development Manager (TDM) profile is automatically assigned to those managers that have

the Training & Development Manager title in their LDAP record, and provides the user with access to a

group of learners defined geographically and/or by organizational sub divisions. The functionality of the

TDM profile is the same as the Training Manager profile, except that the TDM profile allows the user to

waive learning requirements from a Fixed Step Training Program. The ability to waive learning

requirements is unique to the TDM profile.

iLearn will also have Support profiles, which will be used to maintain the system and the training programs.

These additional profiles are for system administrators, including instructors, class administrators, content

administrators, catalog administrators, iLearn champions and system administrators.

iLearn Training Program Structure

The structure of the Schlumberger fixed step training program in iLearn is based on a learner’s iLearn

Training Profile.

An iLearn Training Profile is assigned to each learner using a combination of SAP Job Code + Segment +


Note: If you believe the training program displayed in the iLearn My Training Program page is not correct,

please check your iLearn Training Profile – it is almost certain that this is where the problem will be. If your

iLearn profile is wrong, contact your manager, personnel manager or TDS to arrange for the correction in

the SAP system. Once the SAP system has been corrected, the training program displayed in your iLearn

will correct itself.

Each iLearn Training Profile may be assigned up to three required Roles:

Segment Role: Segment defined fixed step training

OFS Common Role: OFS common training, e.g., OFS-1, OFS-2 and OFS-3

QHSE Role: Job related QHSE training and certifications

Each required Role contains a set of required certifications, i.e., Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3.

Each certification defines the set of required training products to be completed, which include certifications,

classes and learning items.

OFS Common Role a fixed-step training and development program designed to move new recruits from Grade 8 through to

Grade 11 within 36 months. The focus of TECHEDGE is on the development of technical and functional

skills that are required to deliver the full breadth and depth of SIS services to clients -with MAXIMUM

business impact.

The OFS Common Role applies to all segments in Schlumberger. The OFS Common Role will include the

three courses currently available – OFS 1, OFS 2, and OFS 3. The standardization of the role will not

change the content or structure of the courses.

OFS-1: Introduction to Schlumberger and E&P Oil Industry

OFS-2: Basic Finance, Time Management and Problem Solving

OFS-3: Managing and Leading Your People

QHSE Role The QHSE Role contains the job related QHSE training and certifications particular to the segment and job.

Learners and managers will be able to follow the progress of these certifications in iLearn.

Segment Role -

Fixed Step Training

The Segment Fixed Step Training Role will contain all the training related to the specific domains and

subsegments within SIS. Learners will progress in their training programs by working through a series of

certification steps.

Each Step certification will contain the two modules:

Training Progress: To track training progress and validate completion of the fixed step. The

module consists of several learning milestones that are achieved in sequence.

Qualification Curriculum: Driven by specific products and services, qualifications are designed

by Segments to match business and operational needs.

In order to move to the next Step, a learner must complete all the required training products contained

within both of these modules. Step modules may have one or more elective training products, which allow

the learner to choose appropriate training depending on their domain and location.

Training Progress The Training Progress module defines advancement milestones within each training step, including:

Pre-School Curriculum

Pre-School Manager Review

Technical School

Technical Curriculum

Manager Step Review

The Pre-School Curriculum and Pre-School Manager Review in Step 1 ensures that all learners arriving at

the first Technical School have the same technical foundation, which allows the course learning objectives

to be covered quickly and to be built upon seamlessly.

Qualification Curriculum

The Qualification Curriculum module contains the Qualification(s) that must be completed to finish the

current FST Step Certification. Each Qualification is designed to demonstrate the extent of learner’s

knowledge, and ability to provide or support a specific service, answer product or other essential area of

work related to SIS business and operational needs.

Qualifications will allow Managers to query for employees that are qualified to perform an upcoming

job/service, which will improve response time to meet specific customer needs and increase the level of

contribution from newer employees.

Introduction Welcome to the Schlumberger TECHEDGE Training Program . The training program and associated

performance standards are designed to provide the foundation for a challenging and fulfilling career.

Progress through the program is carefully planned and monitored to ensure that key intermediate goals are

achieved while completing the overall program objectives.

The Schlumberger business model relies on the recruitment of capable candidates and the rigorous

application of focused training programs. This provides employees with a unique opportunity for personal

growth and enables Schlumberger to continue providing clients with high quality products and services.

This is a key factor in maintaining a competitive advantage within the oil and gas industry.

Initial training elements provide candidates with a wide-ranging and general awareness of the technologies

and activities of SIS, the Schlumberger segment to which they have been recruited. Subsequent training

provides detailed explanation of the technologies and processes within which the employee’s early career

will be planned. Further training is scheduled on the basis of business need and the personal aspirations of

the employee. The concept of ongoing or continuous learning is encouraged.

This section introduces the TECHEDGE Training Program and provides guidelines for planning individual

skill progression and career development in the SIS business segment. This in conjunction with the

following three well-established company values underscore the importance of people, technology, and


Our people thrive on the challenge to excel in any environment and their dedication to safety and customer

service worldwide is our greatest strength.

Our commitment to technology and quality is the basis for our competitive advantage.

Our determination to produce superior profits is the cornerstone for our future independence of action and


Quality and HSE Mission

In any Schlumberger activity, Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental (QHSE) considerations are top

priorities for all aspects of planning and job execution and should be understood by all employees, and third

parties, involved in the process. The desire to continuously improve products and services while protecting

personnel and the environment is encouraged as a commitment for all employees. The reduction and

mitigation of risk to Schlumberger personnel, client personnel, contractor personnel and assets, the public

and the environment is an integral part of an organization culture that seeks continuous improvement.

The Schlumberger Code of Ethics further reinforces the requirement to understand and observe the rules

and ethical requirements of the business community in which we serve.

“We must hold ourselves—and those working alongside us—accountable for following the rules: the rules

of Schlumberger, the rules of the customers we serve, and the rules of the countries in which we work and

live. Being accountable means we each must take a proactive approach to ethical, legal, and compliance

concerns by identifying, reporting, and addressing them as necessary.”

Excellence in Execution

The goal of the Excellence in Execution initiative is to deliver flawless execution to our customers. On a

global level, it includes enhancing existing work processes and business systems, as well as putting in

place new systems and organizational structures in areas identified to give maximum incremental Quality

improvement. This will be achieved by implementing two specific components:

The first component is to increase the reliability of our products and services through the newly established

EMS organization. This organization will implement standards, processes and systems across all of

Schlumberger’s engineering and manufacturing centers to improve the efficiency of the product

development lifecycle.

The second component is to make a step change in Schlumberger’s service quality performance through

the formation of the Quality Systems function. This is achieved through the implementation of a segment

focused field Quality organization, the launch of the Quality career path, the establishment of segment

Zero-Tolerance rules, the creation of a world-class Testing Services maintenance organization, and

through enhanced auditing using CAT (Compliance Assessment Tool).

Training in Schlumberger

A primary objective of Schlumberger training initiatives is that personnel receive the necessary training to

enable them to fulfill the requirements of their current role or position. The structured nature of

Schlumberger training plans also helps ensure that early preparation is made for subsequent roles or

positions and that opportunity is given for personnel to develop to full potential through a combination of

training and experience in a progression of roles.

Structured career development paths are designed to provide a resource of personnel that have been

consistently trained, while allowing individuals the flexibility for specialization and personal development.

This approach enables management and staff to react quickly to fluctuating business conditions or


In a diverse international working environment, the ability to demonstrate an understanding of client

problems and challenges is of great importance in establishing a sustainable working relationship with the

client organization. Schlumberger training programs place significant emphasis on developing

communication and intercultural skills in addition to technical understanding. Similarly, Schlumberger

training programs are designed in a way that technical, operational and management principles are

complemented with a strong awareness of QHSE issues.

Client Focus

In today’s evolving business environment, with ever-increasing demands for efficiency, the relationships

with our clients are of paramount importance. There is significant importance placed on developing

communication and cultural skills to compliment the technical skills required to understand our client’s


Interaction with client personnel at service quality meetings, technical seminars, presentations or other less

formal client related activity is an important part of a collaborative approach to business activities.

Consequently preparation for client contact and relationship building is an important part of Schlumberger

training and development programs.


TECHEDGE is a fixed-step training and development program designed to move new recruits from Grade 8

through to Grade 11 within 36 months. The focus of TECHEDGE is on the development of technical and

functional skills that are required to deliver the full breadth and depth of SIS services to clients -with

MAXIMUM business impact.

As employees develop and enhance their soft skill abilities, demonstrate their technical proficiency, and

complete the certification path for the next grade level, a milestone is reached. That achievement is

awarded with a salary increase.

The TECHEDGE program is a complete, structured training program with a blended approach to learning. It

is comprised of:

Roadmaps, a series of learning paths, which detail the requirements for promotion at each step of


Mandatory instructor-led courses

Mentored on-the-job training

e-learning and self-study modules

Projects in which you utilize a combination of skills to complete a deliverable result with value to

the company.

While TECHEDGE is intended for new recruits, it can also be used as an assessment tool to identify

training needs and development areas for more experienced mid-career hires.

TECHEDGE Objectives

1. To provide a stimulating personal development program, that aligns with the increasing breadth

and depth of SIS business requirements

2. To develop highly qualified and motivated people that demonstrate technical leadership and

excellence in service delivery

3. Provide a strong foundation for a challenging and rewarding career

4. To minimize the amount of time required for participants to independently contribute to the SIS


TECHEDGE guides an individual’s development across their technical disciplines and enhances functional

soft skills. This aids SIS and our customers (capable and innovative workforce) and the employee (more

career opportunities).

The milestones are a reward for the employee. The pace and minimum standards from grade 8 to 11 is

clearly established in the certification paths. The program is designed to fit work/life issues. For instance,

an employee may wish to work part time in order to pursue a masters degree. Here, the employee may be

inactive in TECHEDGE, and may possibly receive merit salary increases, but no promotions.

SIS iLearn Profiles and Role Assignment

Timeline for Field Specialist

The fixed-step training program for Specialists is subdivided into four steps that allow them to progress

between Grades and reach up to G11. Each step, upon successful completion, allows the Specialist to

move to the next step/grade and hold a higher position on the field in his/her department.

Timeline for Field Engineer

Engineers are hired into trainee positions at G08 in different departments. The fixed-step training program

for Engineers is subdivided into three steps that allow them to progress between grades and reach up to

G11. Each step, upon successful completion, allows the Engineer to move to the next Step/Grade and hold

a higher position on the vessel in his/her department.

At the end of the fixed step program for a Field Engineer the minimum qualifications have been met and the

engineer is fully capable of making an impact at his location. The qualifications listed below are for the SIS-

Geologist and SIS-Geophysicist.


Your training & development does not end after successful completion of TECHEDGE at Grade 11. If you

wish to continue to along the technical career ladder, there will be advanced training available to broaden

your skills, both within and outside of your domain. Several roadmaps have a suggested training path for

Grade 11 to facilitate this growth. You will find examples of Grade 11 recommendations in the CDPH



For those of you who wish to continue in a technical career, the Schlumberger Eureka Technical Career

ladder provides a strong framework for development and progression. TECHEDGE provides career

development for the “member” community. SETC details can be found at the following website.

Grade 11 Review

With a promotion to Grade 11, SIS employees participate in an event called a Grade 11 Review. This

provides the employee with the opportunity to present their project to GeoMarkets management. At the

same time, the employee meets management from other product lines. Oftentimes, the Grade 11 review is

coordinate with a COR (career orientation review). It is expected that each region will host a grade 11

review session once per quarter.


Once all the skills have been obtained at the required proficiency, the certification path for that grade is

marked complete. At that time you can request a promotion from your manager. Your manager will then

review the skills, your job performance and make a recommendation to Personnel, for promotion, where


Grade 11 Project Guidelines The promotion of the Fixed Step Engineers, Geoscientist & Specialists to Grade 11 marks the completion

of the SIS fixed step training program. Effective completion of G11 control is the checkpoint that will

determine both the effectiveness of our training program and ability of the employees to learn, develop and


The GeoMarket/Regions are empowered to fully own the execution of G11 Control process. For information

on the G11 control Process visit G11 Control Portal

The project topic selection is a critical component of the G11 process, Project content and approval is

owned fully by each Segment.

This document provides the guideline for all SIS G11 Project.

The SIS Grade 11 project is intended to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to manage a project through

conception, analytical evaluation, in-depth investigation, and organizational skills. The candidate will

complete the process by demonstrating confidence and professionalism in his/her ability to present the

project findings / solutions to a management team.

G11 control is mandatory for all SIS Engineers/Geoscientist in Operations and optional for the

Specialists. All Specialists who seek promotion to G11 must go through the G11 process.

Project Content G11 projects should provide sufficient content and depth to support the final conclusions or provide

substantial detail for User’ Guides, Training Material, and process work flows etc. Business related projects

must contain substantial detail to accurately support the current situation in the location the Grade 11

candidate is presenting.

G11 Projects must demonstrate meaningful personal contribution but, projects are no longer required to

have ‘significant impact’ on SLB business. The project should measure the value (financial or non financial)

for Schlumberger and Client (Internal or External). It must demonstrate the ability of the candidate to

thoroughly evaluate and resolve an issue, manage a project and present a comprehensive and professional


Examples of g11 Project are:

Development and implementation of a new process, work flow, or new service benefiting the

location, GeoMarket or Segment.

Development and presentation of a case study and/or best practice.

Guest testing a new technology or significant upgrade to existing technology whereby the Grade 11

candidate acts as the bridge between the Tech Center and field location

Solution to managerial problem (personnel, finance, sales, marketing etc…) with detailed business

analysis or analysis of a significant SQ issue with improvement implemented in the Grade 11

candidate’s locations

If not technical, the project must bring a clear improvement to process (QHSE, Personnel,

Sales/Marketing, finance etc)

Detailed SQ review of the location or of a major client in the location

Development of new User’s Guides, Training Material design and development, tasksheets and/or

Roadmap definition

Projects based on market intelligence, competitors’ products and services as well as researching

technical documentation, identifying gaps/outdated documentation and updating to industry

standards are encouraged.

Major updates to outdated InTouch contents

Analysis or assessment of a client problem or challenging issue with a professionally implemented

solution where the G11 candidate acts as the Lead.

The project can be part of normal day to day activities (onsite support or project) but must show

additional value from the normal day to day activity

Project Selection Guidelines The most basic guide to selecting a project is the recommended identification of the following key elements:

Does this project bring value to the location, function, Geomarket, Area or Segment?

Will the project be evaluated positively when measured by Client impact (internal or external),

Schlumberger impact and personal contribution?

Is the project of sufficient depth to ensure the G11 Candidate is able to fully demonstrate the ability

to identify and thoroughly evaluate and resolve an opportunity, manage a project and present a

comprehensive, professional solution?

Will there be sufficient resources available to the candidate to complete the project according to a

mutually agreed set of deliverables?

Determining the value and where the value will be realized is a task to be completed jointly with the

candidate’s supervisor and/or the project sponsor. It is acceptable for this to be of value only to the location,

however due consideration should be given to how the project could be of more benefit to SIS worldwide or


To ensure that the project is of sufficient depth these guidelines may help:

The deliverables should be clearly defined in the project abstract from the outset.

The project must be submitted and approved before promotion to G10

Projects should, where relevant demonstrate networking skills within their domain and cross discipline. For

example, the need to research the project beyond the confines of the location business line or segment in

order to gather information from the experts as well as leverage segment knowledge.

A visit to the Career Development Project Hub (CDPH) is advisable in order to look for posted project

opportunities but also to get an idea and understanding as to what type of projects have been completed in

past years. Useful Guides on how to best to use CDPH

Project Acceptance Criteria The Project abstract must be approved by the GM OPM prior to Grade 10 promotion and should include the

following 6 points:

1. Title and clear definition of the project

2. Abstract stating the project objectives

3. Clearly stated deliverables

4. Resource requirements

5. Project sponsor (if any)

6. Detailed timeline

Project Deliverables A Grade 11 Project will have a complete documentation package consisting of a Grade 11 Project Paper

(SPE Format and Technical writing style), any supporting information necessary for the presentation and

the Grade 11 Project Presentation, (Schlumberger Internal Format). A copy of the presentation and paper

will be required for the presentation to management team.

The Project presentation should last no more than 20 minutes with 10 to 15 minutes added for

question and answer session at the end.

Projects must demonstrate significant personal contribution that should be evident in the


Minimum deliverables are: G11 Project Paper (SPE Format), G11 Project Presentation (ppt,

Schlumberger Format), any supporting information necessary for the presentation.

The presentation should include:

o A brief introduction of the G11 candidate

o InTouch Submission references where required

o Project Objective

o Scope of Work

o Results

o Value Matrix: Client Impact, Schlumberger Impact

o Personal Contribution

o Recommendation/Way Forward

o The total number of slides should not exceed twenty (20).

o The Candidate should be aware of their audience, and not get stuck in too much technical


o The candidate should communicate their enthusiasm for the project.

Evaluation Criteria

Presentation: Audibility & Speech, Visual Presentation, Hand-outs, Question and Answer

responses, confidence, presentation delivery with effective communication of issue and solution.

Project: Identification of the problem, concise review of the data gathering and potential solution,

solution quality, project technical understanding, creativity and innovation in the solution.

Personal Contribution: Role in project, depth of solution knowledge or in depth understanding of

information presented, methodology of solution, implementation, leadership, creativity, level of

interaction with customer and or technology center / segment.

Projects are no longer required to demonstrate significant business impact, however if the project selected

offers such value to the client or Schlumberger it is expected that this be identified and presented.


G11 Candidate

Responsible for ensuring that Project is identified, selected and approved by relevant authorities

and for executing the project within proposed scope and time-frame

Upload the project in the CDPH

Establish a project plan

Report progress to sponsor, TSM/CSM, and management involved

Communicate resources required for successful project execution


Help candidate define project scope and deliverables

Provide continuous guidance on project progress to candidate

Communicate with management if any critical issues arise

Operations Management

Ensure candidates select projects in a timely manner.

Identifies sufficient project proposal uploads to CDPH.

Assigns and approves project to candidate

Accountable for quality of projects

Provide candidate with the resources required for project completion (as appropriate).

Review final output prior to GeoMarket review.


Monitors overall process

Monitors sufficient number of projects posted on CDPH, and encourages the submission of new


Verifies posted projects are in compliance with segment guidelines.

Provides coaching to Operations Managers & Line Managers

Coaches candidates during project preparation

Ensure candidates select projects in a timely manner.

Track project progress and communicate issues to management.

Coordinate Area presentations and recognition.

Objective and Scope This section provides the information on the training programs for the employees in the SIS Technology

Centers. It details the applicability and requirements of each program, to make sure our employees gaining

the competencies for their current job and career development in Schlumberger.

The training programs in this guideline are for the technical staff working on software product development

in SIS Tech. Centers, including Software Developer and Commercialization Engineer. Support functions

such as Personnel, Finance, or administration are not considered technical staff. Support Engineer,

InTouch Engineer, Product Analyst, Product Champion, Technical Sales, Technical Consultant who is

based in SIS Tech. Center is under the SIS Services organization. This group is also outside the scope of

this guideline.

Here is a list of the current Technology Centers in SIS:

Abingdon Tech. Center (AbTC)

Brazil Research & Geoengineering Center (BRGC)

Montpellier Tech. Center (MpTC)

SIS Houston Tech. Center (HTC)

SIS Norway Tech. Center (SNTC) and SIS Aachen Tech. Center (AaTC)

Training Program Overview The figure (on next page) shows an overview of the training programs within SIS.

These programs strengthen the ‘Foundation’ of our Fixed Step Training Programs (usually for employees

below G11) and continue with high performing ‘Mastery’ training programs (usually for employees at or

above G11). Training programs in the ‘Foundation’ phase consist the BUILD IT Program (Business Impact

Through Local Development and Integrated Training), which is designed for new fresh-out hires in the SIS

field operations; ADVANCE Program and Commercialization Engineer Training Program, which are for new

fresh-out hires in the SIS Technology Centers. To continue arming the experienced employees’ (post-G11)

knowledge, the ‘Mastery’ phase focuses on sales, management, technical and cross domain knowledge

enhancement. Management training is also provided in this phase. In the SIS Tech. Centers, an

experienced employee continuously develops technical skills through Schlumberger Competency

Management Initiative (SCMi). Depending on the employee’s practicing profession and career aspirations,

SCMi supports competency management for Petro-Technical Expert domains (PTE) and for over 15

Métiers. Majority of the software development population in SIS Technology Centers participate in PTE or

Software Métier.

This guideline illustrates the training programs related to the SIS Tech. Centers, which are framed by the

‘orange dash line’ in the figure. Please note that ‘Management’, ‘SCMi’ and ‘Onboarding Program’ are not

exclusive for the Tech. Center employees, they are also applied to the SIS field operations.

Training Programs are targeting various groups of employees. The matrix on the following page shows

‘Which program is designed for whom’ in the SIS Tech. Centers:

Note: Commercialization Engineer positions with required specialties in Petroleum or Geoscience

Engineering are ideally for experienced PTEs at G11 or above. Currently in each SIS Tech. Center, there

are a few fresh-out CMZ Engineers in the fixed-step training. New hires into this population are to be

reduced through other staffing (internal transfers or mid-career recruiting) efforts. The ‘SIS CMZ Training

Program’ is for the existing G09, G10 or G11 CMZ Engineers in the fixed-step training phases and it is for

short term use.


Job Code is assigned in SAP when an employee is hired by the company. An employee can see it in their

LDAP record.

Fresh-out graduate, as defined by ‘REMS ADVANCE Guideline’: Fresh-out graduates are defined as those

with university degrees at BSc level or higher and less than three years working experience in the specific

field or discipline for which Schlumberger has hired them.

Experienced Professional is defined as those with university degrees at BSc level or higher and more than

three years working experience in the specific field or discipline for which Schlumberger has hired them.

Petroleum or Geoscience includes Petroleum Engineering, Production engineering, Reservoir engineering,

Geophysics, Geology, Geomechanics, Petrophysics, etc.

Petro-Technical Expert (PTE): someone who spends more than 50% of their time as a practicing

professional in a petrotechnical domain, such as the domains listed under above (point 4).

Foundation Phase - Fixed Step Training Program

There are two Fixed Step Training Programs in SIS Tech. Centers: SIS ADVANCE Program and SIS CMZ

Program (for Commercialization Engineers specialize in Petroleum or Geoscience Engineering).

Both of these programs are three-year and self-paced. Learning is achieved through formal classroom

training, training project, and on the job training. Each program is divided into three ‘Steps’, with

approximately 12 months in each ‘Step’. Each ‘Step’ contains learning on Schlumberger, Technical Skills

and Functional Skills.

Training and Reward The Fixed Step Training participants are eligible for pay raise or promotion according to the schedule below

and will not participate in the annual merit raise process until completion of the program.

Terms & Conditions:

Pay raise or promotion is not automatic upon completion of a training step. The participant

becomes eligible for pay raise or promotion upon completion of a training step, but requires the

nomination of the participant’s direct manager. The Manager needs to take into account the

participant’s job performance - ‘Meeting Expectations’ or above.

Pay raise or promotion should not happen within less than 9 months of the last salary increase or

promotion (or hire date). This means a step shall last 9 months or more.

A promotion to G12 for PhD does not indicate a promotion to SETC Senior.

Completion of the Fixed Step Training program is a pre-requisite for SETC Senior application

See details in section 5 ‘Linking Training and Reward’ in REMS ADVANCE Training Program Guidelines.

Please note: the participants of the SIS Commercialization Engineering Training Program will need to

follow the same matrix for pay raise or promotion.

Training Delay Calculation Because each training Step is expected to last 365 days. Training delay is calculated as follows:

If [Today’s Date] – [Date of last pay raise or promotion] < 365,

then Delay = 0

If [Today’s Date] – [Date of last pay raise or promotion] > 365, then

Delay = Number of days over 365

Any individual delay greater than three months should be investigated by Personnel and a development

plan jointly created by Personnel and the Manager.

Training Completion - Review and Control At the end of the Fixed Step Training Program, an employee will need to go through a review by a senior

management panel to prove that he/she is ready to graduate from the program and ready for higher levels

of responsibility and further challenges.

Participants of the ADVANCE Program need to take SIS ADVANCE Review. See SIS ADVANCE

Review Guideline.

Participants of the SIS CMZ Program need to take G11 Control. See the information on G11

Control Portal.

This also applies to an MSc or PhD hire who might be already at G11 before the Control. In such a

case, the ‘G11 Control’ result supports a decision on a pay raise (for MSc holder) or a promotion to

G12 (for PhD holder).

Comparisons of the SIS ADVANCE Review and G11 Control process, and the review preparation

materials are available at: ADVANCE Review & G11 Control TeamSpace

Mastery Phase - Management Training Program: Management Training Program is designed for those who have chosen a management path after

completing the fixed-step training. The courses in this program are useful for Team Lead, Project Lead,

Project Manager, Product Line Manager, etc.

Management Essentials I (MEI, 2 days) is for front line managers from Grade 12 to 13. Participants are

taught how to practically implement intangible people skills through effective communication. See details

online at: Management Essentials I

Management Essentials II (MEII, 4.5 days) is for Managers of Managers from Grade 14 to Band 6.

Participants learn how to handle higher levels of internal and customer interactions and higher levels of

expectation. Topics covered are team maturity, diversity, coaching and feedback, employee motivation and

polarity management. See details online at: Management Essentials II

SIS Front Line Manager Seminar (5 days) is a SIS specific seminar complements MEI and is for first-level

managers at grade 12 and above, with 5 -10 years experience. Generally, the participants have people

management and financial responsibilities. In the seminar, participants receive an introduction to

management with an orientation towards SIS. Topics covered are SIS vision and strategy, sales and

marketing, finance, legal and human resource management. See details online at: Front Line Manager

Training. Participation in this seminar is by invitation only. An employee should discuss with his/her

Manager if wants to attend.

SCMi (Schlumberger Competency Management Initiative)

SCMi is a key competency management tool for experienced employees’ training and career development.

It provides a systematic approach to develop employees’ competencies. Using this tool, employees can

create self-awareness of job competency requirements and get customized training and development

plans. These will also support their promotion along the Schlumberger Eureka Technical Career (SETC)


SCMi includes:

A competency matrix for each employee that lists their detailed technical competencies and

proficiencies levels

List of jobs and careers supported by each discipline

Job competency profiles, providing the level of technical proficiency in specific competencies

required to efficiently perform each job

A competency assessment methodology for assessing each employee’s technical competency

Custom made training and development plans for employees to build their competencies

Competency reporting and search capabilities with controlled access

A range of disciplines is supported by SCMi. The main ones for employees in the SIS Tech. Centers are

PTE (Petro-Technical Expert), Software Métier and Modeling & Simulation Métier. Information on how

SCMi supports these disciplines is available from the links below:

PTE Guide

Métier Competency Management (Software Metier, Modeling & Simulation Métier)

SCMi process starts from the selection of discipline and registration into the system. PTE and Métier

registrations are completely independent:

PTE registration:

Metier registration:

An employee can refer to this FAQ document or consult the Manager if he/she has any doubt on which

SCMi to register into.

References ADVANCE Review & G11 Control TeamSpace:

Front Line Manager Training:

G11 Control Portal:

Onboarding Program:

PTE Guide:

Management Essentials I:

Management Essentials II:

Métier Competency Management:

Métier Competency Management FAQs:

Modeling & Simulation Métier:

REMS ADVANCE Training Program Guidelines:


SIS ADVANCE Review Guideline:


Software Métier:

SIS ADVANCE Training Program SIS ADVANCE Training Program is divided into three steps, each of which contains training applicable to

all participants: ADVANCE Common Training, Métier Training and SIS Training.

The program structure is shown below. SIS ADVANCE Engineers are required to fulfill all the training

requirements before moving to a new training step and graduating from the ADVANCE Program.

At the end of Step I and II, an employee needs to pass the technical assessment to demonstrate a good

understanding of the domain knowledge and the software applications he/she works on. Individual’s

manager or technical mentor is responsible for the assessment.

ADVANCE Common Training and Métier Training:

See section 8 ‘Training Progress & Qualification Curriculum Training’ in REMS ADVANCE

Training Program Guidelines

Software Métier Training:

Software Engineer should follow this roadmap: ADVANCE Program for Software


Commercialization Engineer specialize in software engineering should follow this roadmap: ADVANCE

Program for Software Commercialization

SIS Training

This part of training is in addition to the REMS ADVANCE Program. The purpose of it is to bridge the

training gap on the domain elements which are critical to engineers in the SIS Tech Centers.

1) Segment & Soft Skills Training (non-technical training, all mandatory)

The non-technical training covers: SIS Introduction; Presentation Skills, Effective Meeting, Introduction to

Sales & Marketing.

In Step I:

SIS Introduction (1 day): this course covers overviews of the SIS segment, SIS products and services,

market share, SIS clients and competitors. Presentations on selected portfolio(s) to target the audience are

included. SIS vision, strategy and quality management systems are addressed in this course too. SIS

segment representatives are invited to present in this course.

In Step II:

Presentation Skills Training (2 days): depending on individual’s skill level, an employee may choose a

Basic Presentation Skills Training or an Advanced Presentation Skills Training. These courses are usually

organized by various organizations in SLB and open for employee to register in iLearn.

Effective Meeting (1 day class or WBT): this course covers identifying the roles and responsibilities of

those involved in a meeting, explaining the ingredients of an effective meeting, demonstrating the skills of

chairing a meeting effectively and making a constructive contribution at meetings. The course is provided

by an external training company.

Classroom training on Effective Meeting is recommended. If it is not available, an employee can also

choose to take this web-based training in iLearn:

- Participating Effectively in a Business Meeting (iLearn#: 36703)

In Step III:

Introduction to Sales and Marketing (2 days): this course covers basic marketing concepts and

marketing development process. Portfolio Management and Opportunity Management in the Oil & Gas

industry are introduced. Participants will also learn and practice the customer communication skills in this

course. This is an elective course.

2) Domain & Technical Skills Training:

Domain and Technical Skills Training are structured into ‘Training Roadmap’ under a certain domain.

Based on the domain nature of the SIS products, existing active SIS software development projects are

categorized into five domains, they are: Geology & Geophysics & Petrophysics, Reservoir Engineering,

Production, Information Management, Economics (Merak).

Both domain and software application training are introduced into each ADVANCE step, with progressive

depth into the knowledge area: general domain introduction and software application training are provided

in Step I; specific domain and software application training are in Step II; further specific domain topics

involving workflow and software application suite are in Step III.

Training items in each roadmap are correlated with the project domain in which an individual is working. For

instance, an ECLIPSE product development engineer will need to follow the Reservoir Engineering Training


Training roadmaps of all the domains and their applicability are listed on the SIS Technology Center

Training website: They were

prepared by consulting the SIS domain experts and product development groups.

Depending on the scale of a training demand, SIS Training Group will organize technical classes for the

Technology Centers. Class schedules will be available on the SIS Technology Center Training page:

To take Training Roadmap – Production Engineering as an example:

This training roadmap is for these product groups: PIPESIM, AVOCET (Stingray, Pisces), OFM, DECIDE!,

AVOCET IAM, Gas Lift Optimizer, AVOCET Volumes Manager, RRT Production. A Software Engineer

working on any one of these projects needs to follow this roadmap.


NExT Petroleum Exploration & Production is a fundamental course which provides basic knowledge of the

oil & gas industry. An employee needs to complete this course before starting the training in the roadmap.

This course is currently included in the ADVANCE Common IntroREMS course. If there an employee has

any problem on getting this course from the ADVANCE Common training, please discuss the manager to

arrange separately.

Some courses in the roadmap have ‘pre-requisite eLearnings’. An employee must study these pre-

requisites and complete the online assessment/quiz before taking the related classroom training.


‘M’ means ‘mandatory’: these are the courses an employee must to take in order to complete each


‘E (select 1)’ means ‘select one course from the group’. Depending on the specific project an employee is

working on, he/she must complete one course from the given options. For example, in Step III, an

employee must select and complete either Production Optimization Workflow Course or Production Asset

Management Course.

‘E’ (with no specific number remarked), means ‘Elective’, the course is additional and does not count

towards the enhancement training requirements for completing a certain training Step. The listed training is

available to take to support individual’s learning, if chosen.

The selection of the elective training should be discussed and agreed between the employee and the

Manager. If appropriate, the Manager can select more items than it is required in the roadmap.

ADVANCE Personal Project:

see Guidelines on Personal Project


see SIS ADVANCE Review Guideline

ADVANCE Training implementation in iLearn:

Job code: 82140213-Software Engineer:

Software Engineer is in ‘REMS-Software Engineer’ role in iLearn, with defined fixed-step training of OFS

COMMON Training and REMS-Software Engineer (Step 1, 2, 3).

The learning items of ‘SIS Training’ are added under ‘Additional Training’. An employee can add them by

him/herself, the Manager can also add it for the employee.

To complete an ADVANCE training step, an employee needs to show that all the required ADVANCE

Common, Métier and Additional Training have been ‘completed’. The Manager and Personnel Manager

should check the employee’s record in iLearn to support a decision on pay raise or promotion.

Job Code: 82140235- Commercialization Engineer (specialize in Software Engineering)

Currently, there is no default ‘Training Roadmap’ assigned to Commercialization Engineer in iLearn. All the

learning items have to be manually added under ‘Additional Training’.

Training Manager set up the training program for an employee in iLearn. Commercialization Engineer will

follow the roadmap and complete the learning items accordingly.

Responsibilities in iLearn:


o (Software Engineer) add ‘SIS Training’ items under ‘Additional Training’, with the Training

Manager’s assistance if necessary

o Sign up for training courses

o Complete required Web-based Training (WBT) and On the Job Training (OJT). Present the

OJT deliverables to the Manager or Mentor for assessment


o Approve or reject an employee’s training enrollment

o If applicable, delegate a Mentor for the employee in iLearn

o Update or confirm OJT training completion after an assessment. For example, mark

completions on Field Task or ADVANCE Review Local Screening. This can also be done

by a Mentor if there is a delegation by the Manager in iLearn.

SIS Commercialization Engineer Training Program

(SIS CMZ Training Program)

We associate this training program closely with the SIS BUILDIT program. BUILDIT is an equivalent Fixed

Step Training Program for SIS field engineers. A participant in SIS CMZ Training Program takes most of

the training courses in the TECHEDGE Schools (as illustrated below under ‘Technical School’ section),

however he/she should follow the SIS Commercialization Engineer Training Roadmap (SIS CMZ

Training Roadmap), not the ‘BUILDIT Roadmap’.

The SIS CMZ Roadmap has many learning elements and the technical part differs from domain to domain.

It is difficult to show a complete roadmap in this document. Below is the main structure of the roadmap, with

examples of some learning items in Step 1:

The complete SIS CMZ Training Roadmaps are available at: SIS Commercialization Engineer Training

Roadmap Teamspace.

The Training Program is divided into three steps, each of which is approximately 12 months. It contains

SLB Skills Training, Domain Technical Training, Software Testing Skills and Functional Skills Training.

Engineers are required to fulfill all the training requirements before moving to a new training step and

graduating from this Training Program.

The learning objects in each step are grouped in these categories (columns titles in the roadmap):


This is only applicable to Domain Technical Training in Step 1. The learning items in this group are mainly

Web-Based Training (WBT) or On the Job Training (OJT*). A student must complete all these items before

registering into the Step 1 School, which is the BUILDIT 1 School.

*OJTs are not only in the ‘Pre-school’ in the training roadmap, they are also under ‘Technical Curriculum’,

’Qualifications’ and ‘Manager Review’. Each ‘OJT’ has a ’Task Sheet’, which often lists series of learning

steps and evaluation criteria. A learner needs to follow the steps in the Task Sheet to complete all the

requirements and show the task completion evidence to the Manager or Mentor for evaluation (if it is

required). The Manager or Mentor can mark the OJT as ‘completed’ in iLearn with solid evidence or

successful assessment on the learner.

An example: the OJT of ‘Introduction to Petroleum Exploration & Production’ is defined by Task Sheet ‘SIS-

RES-025’ with Title: Introduction to E&P. It defines the ‘Objective’, ‘Prerequisite’, ‘Tasks’ and ‘Reference’ of

this task.

Technical Curriculum:

Items in this column define ‘what to learn’. In another word, they are the knowledge and skills to master

within a Step.

Most of the OJTs under ‘Technical Curriculum’ are to be completed after a learner taking the courses under

‘Technical School’. They are to ensure the learner can actually master the knowledge and skills taught in

the ‘School’ and acquire them as ‘competencies’’.

For example, in ‘Software Testing Skills’: after taking the ‘Software Tester – Foundation’ course, a student

should follow an OJT Task Sheet - ‘Fundamental Black Box Testing Techniques’, to show that he/she is

able to identify various testing activities and has participated various testing activities.

Technical School:

This lists the classes or WBTs to take within a Step. In the SIS CMZ Training Program, a participant should

take these courses:

SLB Skills: e.g. Introduction to REMS in Step 1, OFS2 in Step 2, OFS3 in Step 3. These courses

should be taken at the beginning of each Step, prior taking other courses.

Domain Technical Skills: Commercialization Engineer participates the SIS BUILDIT Schools for

most of the domain and software application courses. An engineer should choose a school which is

related to his/her domain. For example, an engineer working in Reservoir Engineering should to

take TECHEDGE Reservoir Simulation Schools; one working in Geology & Geophysics should

take TECHEDGE Geology, Geophysics & Petrophysics schools, etc.

Several technical and functional courses which are specific for SIS field engineers are NOT

mandatory for a Commercialization Engineer to take:

o In TECHEDGE 1: SSPA Training: Customer Support and Troubleshooting, Presentation

Skills/ Demo Skills

o In TECHEDGE 2 and 3: if choose to take Software Project Management course, a

Commercialization Engineer can exempt the ‘Effective Project Team Member’ course in

TECHEDGE 2 and the ‘Project Management’ course in TECHEDGE 3

o Certain BUILDIT technical courses which are approved by the Curriculum Director to

exempt for the Commercialization Engineers. For example, ‘Production Operations

Fundamentals’ course in TECHEDGE ProdEng.1.

Software Testing Skills: these courses are mostly organized by the Software Métier, or are

available to take externally, e.g. SQE Training.

Functional Skills: these courses are self-learning (WBTs) or classes arranged in an employee’s



Some qualifications are required before finishing a training step. There are two types of qualifications to


Domain Technical Qualifications: these can be acquired by completing the series of OJT tasks

defined in a Qualification requirement;

Software Testing Qualifications: these are acquired by passing external exams. For example, at or

after the completion of the 3-day SQE ‘Software Tester Foundation’ course in Step 1, a

Commercialization Engineer can take an exam to obtain the qualification of ISTQB™ Certified

Tester - Foundation Level.

Manager Review:

These are listed as OJTs. A Manager needs to meet the employee at the end of a Step to review his/her

training progress to make sure that all the required learning objects, including classes, WBTs and OJTs are

completed. If the review at the end of Step 1 or 2 is satisfactory, the Manager will propose a pay

raise/promotion by following the matrix in 3.2 Training & Reward.

A promotion at the end of Step 3 will be granted after the employee completes all the learning objects in

Step 3 and passes the G11 Control successfully.

G11 Project:

see SIS Grade 11 Project Definition Guidelines

G11 Control:

see G11 Control

Note: a Commercialization Engineer might be at G11 already (if with an MSc or PhD degree) when working

on the ‘G11 Project’ and attending the ‘G11 Control’. Here ‘G11 xxx’ is used by following the G11 Control

process defined by the OFS. A Commercialization Engineer will need to go through the same Control as

other Geomarket G11 candidates at the end of the Step 3. However the Commercialization Engineer’s

grade and salary progression will follow the matrix in 3.2 Training & Reward.

SIS CMZ Training Program implementation in iLearn:

Job Code: 82140235- Commercialization Engineer

(specialize in Petroleum or Geoscience Engineering)

Currently, there is no default ‘Training Roadmap’ assigned to Commercialization Engineer in iLearn. All the

learning items have to be manually added under ‘Additional Training’.

Training Manager set up the training program for a Commercialization Engineer in iLearn. The engineer

needs to follow the roadmap and complete the learning items accordingly. OJTs items are also included in

Commercialization Engineer Training Program in iLearn, linking to the corresponding Task Sheets.

Responsibilities in iLearn:


o Sign up for training courses

o Complete required WBTs and OJTs. Present the OJT deliverables to the Manager or

Mentor for assessment


o Approve or reject an employee’s training enrollment

o If applicable, delegate a Mentor for the employee in iLearn

o Update or confirm OJT training completion after an assessment. This can also be done by

a Mentor if there is a delegation by the Manager in iLearn.