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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

EDUC 587

Counseling and Guidance Internship

Experiencia Práctica en Orientación y Consejería

© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2010

Derechos Reservados.

© Ana G. Méndez University System, 2010. All rights reserved.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship 2

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 2008. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.



Prontuario ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Study Guide .................................................................................................................................. 20

Workshop One .............................................................................................................................. 34

Workshop Three............................................................................................................................ 42

Taller Cuatro ................................................................................................................................. 45

Workshop Five/Taller Cinco ......................................................................................................... 49

Anejo A / Appendix A .................................................................................................................. 53

Anejo B / Appendix B................................................................................................................... 74

Anejo C / Appendix C................................................................................................................... 77

Anejo D / Apendix D .................................................................................................................... 78

Anejo E / Appendix E ................................................................................................................... 79

Anejo F/ Appendix F .................................................................................................................... 80

Anejo G/Appendix G .................................................................................................................... 86

Anejo H / Appendix H .................................................................................................................. 92

Anejo H 1/ Appendix H1 .............................................................................................................. 96

Anejo I / Appendix I ..................................................................................................................... 97

Anejo J / Appendix J ..................................................................................................................... 98

Anejo K / Appendix K ................................................................................................................ 102

Anejo L / Appendix L ................................................................................................................. 103

Anejo M / Appendix M ............................................................................................................... 104

Anejo N / Appendix N ................................................................................................................ 106

Anejo O / Appendix O ................................................................................................................ 108

Anejo P / Appendix P ................................................................................................................. 109

Anejo Q / Appendix Q ................................................................................................................ 111

Anejo R/Appendix R................................................................................................................... 112

Anejo S/ Appendix S .................................................................................................................. 115

Anejo SA/Appendix S-A ............................................................................................................ 116

Anejo S B/Appendix S-B ............................................................................................................ 118

Anejo S C/Appendix S-C ............................................................................................................ 119

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo T/Appendix T ................................................................................................................... 121

Anejo U/Appendix U .................................................................................................................. 123

Anejo V/Appendix V .................................................................................................................. 124

Anejo W/Appendix W ................................................................................................................ 125

Anejo X/Appendix X .................................................................................................................. 126

Anejo Y/Appendix Y .................................................................................................................. 128

Anejo Z/Appendix Z ................................................................................................................... 129

Anejo AA/Appendix AA ............................................................................................................ 130

Anejo BB/Appendix BB ............................................................................................................. 131

Anejo CC/Appendix CC ............................................................................................................. 132

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.



Título del Curso Experiencia Práctica en Orientación y Consejera

Codificación EDUC 587

Duración Componente Práctico, duración de 8 semanas

Componente Académico (Seminario), 5 sesiones

Prerrequisitos Todos los cursos


La Experiencia Práctica en Orientación y Consejería recoge en sus dos componentes;

Práctica Profesional Supervisada en un centro de práctica (Componente Práctico) y

Seminario de Práctica (Componente Académico), una oportunidad para el estudiante de

aplicar en un escenario real los conocimientos, destrezas, teorías y competencias

profesionales desarrolladas durante su periodo educativo en cursos previos. Como parte del

componente Práctico de esta experiencia, se requiere que el estudiante obtenga un mínimo

de 300 horas de práctica profesional bajo supervisión en un Centro de Práctica que ofrezca

servicios profesionales en Orientación y Consejería. En su Componente Académico se

complementará la experiencia práctica en un centro con la discusión grupal de casos,

análisis de procedimientos y técnicas utilizadas, estudio de temas complementarios que

faciliten la ejecución del estudiante, la presentación de temas de actualidad en las áreas

problemáticas encontrados por el estudiante en el manejo de casos y actualización de

documentos relativos a su práctica.

Objetivos Generales

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Mediante el Componente Práctico y Académico de esta experiencia, se espera que el


1. Demuestre dominio de los conocimientos, destrezas y competencias necesarias para

ejercer de manera profesional, efectiva y ética sus funciones como consejero.

2. Logre una perspectiva real y auto-conocimiento sobre sus habilidades, destrezas,

capacidades, fortalezas y debilidades dentro del ejercicio de la profesión, como

profesional y como ser humano.

3. Demuestre comprensión de los procesos de ayuda y su meta principal en el bienestar del


4. Obtenga clara compresión de su rol y la importancia social de este.

5. Comprenda la importancia de la ampliación, actualización, fortalecimiento,

profundización y exploración de nuevas técnicas y métodos en su preparación como


Objetivos del Práctica

A través del componente Práctico de esta experiencia se espera que:

1. El estudiante demuestre destrezas efectivas de comunicación, manejo de conflictos,

negociación, aplicación de técnicas de entrevista, técnicas de evaluación, resolución de

problemas, estrategias de intervención, planificación de terapia, establecimiento de

relaciones terapéuticas con cliente, construcción de relaciones con pares y supervisores,

trabajo en equipo y el manejo de historiales de clientes, todo esto, dentro de un marco

ético de práctica.

2. Identifique y use efectivamente recursos de consultoría, referido y agencias comunitarias

para unirse en el esfuerzo colaborativo en la prestación de servicios de ayuda.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


3. Utilice la investigación y conocimientos adquiridos mediante su inmersión en los cursos

preparatorios de consejería para proveer asistencia efectiva en las relaciones de ayuda con


4. Asuma responsablemente roles de liderazgo en la comunidad.

Texto y Recursos

Boylan, J. C., Malley, P. B. & Reilly, E. P. (2008). Practicum and internship textbook:

Resource guide for counseling and Psychotherapy (4th ed.). NY: Taylor and

Francis Publishers. ISBN: 0415990696

Baird, B. N. (2007). Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook: A guide

for helping professions (5th

ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN:


Cormier, S., Nurius, P.S., & Osborn, C. J. (2008). Interviewing and Change Strategies for

Helpers: Fundamental Skills and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (6th ed.).

Brooks Cole. ISBN: 0495410535.

Smaby, M. H., & Maddux, C.D. (2010). Basic and Advanced Counseling Skills: Skilled

Counselor Training Model. Wadsworth Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 0618832335.


Referencias y material suplementario

Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica de la Asociación Americana de Consejería


Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica de la Asociación Americana de Consejeros

Escolares (ASCA).

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica del Consejo Nacional de Consejeros

certificados (NBCC).

Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica de la Asociación Americana de Psicología


Manual de Supervisión de Práctica, Consejería en Educación, Universidad del Sur de

Florida (SFL), Florida.

Manual de Práctica e Internado en Consejería, Escuela de Psicología y Consejería,

Universidad de Regent (RU), Virginia.

Manual de Práctica, Programa de Consejería en Rehabilitación, Universidad del Estado

de Michigan (MSU), Michigan.


Criterio de Contenido Puntuación Porciento

300 horas

de Internado

100 20

Evaluaciones Satisfactorias 50 10

Asistencia al Seminario 50 10

Participación en

el seminario

50 10

Portafolio 50 10

Tareas 24 5

Grabación de Entrevista 50 10

Diseño, creación y desarrollo de un

proyecto especial.

50 10

Ensayos 50 10

Investigación de

Material suplementario

26 5

Total 500 100

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


El estudiante inscrito en la Práctica de Orientación y Consejería será evaluado en ambos

componentes de este curso. Para completar satisfactoriamente los requisitos del curso, el

estudiante deberá aprobar ambos componentes con un puntaje mayor o igual al 70%.

a. Componente Práctico

Cumplimiento exitoso de 300 horas de Práctica supervisada: No se considerará aprobada la

práctica si no se cumple a cabalidad con este requisito. Con el propósito de mantener

evidencia de la asistencia a la Práctica, se requerirá que cada estudiante llene un

documento de Acumulación de Horas que deberá ser firmado y revisado por su

supervisor colaborador (Ver Apéndice C). Se le pedirá además al estudiante que llene

semanalmente un documento con su horario de Trabajo asignado en el centro, firmado

por su supervisor colaborador (Ver Apéndice I). El estudiante acumulará un total de 100

puntos de sunota final al completar satisfactoriamente las 300 horas.

Evaluación satisfactoria del supervisor: el estudiante será evaluado en 3 visitas de supervisión

al centro de práctica por un supervisor asignado por la facultad: dos evaluaciones

parciales y una evaluación final que se realizará en conjunto con el supervisor

colaborador del centro de práctica. Para aprobar este requisito el estudiante deberá

obtener un porcentaje mayor o igual al 70% en las tres evaluaciones. Dichas

puntuaciones se sacarán en base a la fórmula ofrecida en el instrumento de evaluación en

el Anejo F. La evaluación tiene una puntuación máxima de 420 puntos. Para cada

evaluación parcial, el supervisor deberá calcular un porcentaje usando la fórmula. Para la

evaluación final este puntaje tiene un valor de 50 puntos de la nota final. Estas

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


evaluaciones se coordinarán entre el supervisor de la facultad y el consejero colaborador,

y se discutirán luego de calificadas con el estudiante.

Diseño, creación y desarrollo de un proyecto especial: Individualmente los estudiantes tienen

la tarea de diseñar un proyecto especial para el centro de práctica o en su lugar, una

actividad o taller de adiestramiento para padres, estudiantes o población atendida en el

centro. Este proyecto se estará desarrollando en conjunción con el Seminario de Práctica.

El estudiante debe seguir el formato que aparece en el Anejo H para la preparación del

proyecto. Asesorado por el supervisor de práctica de la facultad y su supervisor de

práctica del centro, el estudiante realizará una investigación bibliográfica y de otros

recursos relacionados con servicios con la población que atiende y sus necesidades.

Determinará un área de intervención, diseñará y coordinará la entrega de dicho proyecto

especial para el centro. Este proyecto puede ser una intervención grupal, actividad de

orientación para la población que atiende o sus pares (maestros, padres, colaboradores de

trabajo, etc.). El diseño deberá estar acorde a las necesidades y competencias de la

población a la que sirve, se deberán tomar en cuenta las etapas de desarrollo. Si la

actividad o proyecto determinado es una actividad grupal de orientación, el estudiante

puede utilizar el modelo que aparece en el Anejo H del Manual de Práctica e incluir una

descripción de las competencias y necesidades de la población que atiende según su etapa

de desarrollo. Los estudiantes harán dos copias de este proyecto. Una copia será incluida

en el Portafolio de Práctica y contará para nota (50 puntos); la segunda copia será

entregada al facilitador de manera separada. En la carátula de la segunda copia escribirán

su número de identificación de estudiante en lugar de su nombre. El diseño del proyecto

va a ser evaluado según los criterios de las rubricas que aparecen en los Anejos S, S-A,

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


S-B y S-C. . La presentación oral del proyecto especial se llevará a cabo durante el taller

cinco. Además, se espera que cada estudiante trabaje de forma individual en el diseño,

creación y desarrollo del proyecto especial. Bajo ninguna circunstancia se va a permitir

que se lleve, complete y administre el proyecto en trabajo grupal con otros estudiantes

del internado. Además, el estudiante tiene que completar semanalmente la hoja del

desarrollo del proyecto final que aparece en el Anejo H1.

Portafolio de Práctica: Los estudiantes tienen la tarea de crear un portafolio que refleje la labor

realizada como parte de su experiencia en el centro. El Diario de aprendizaje será escrito

a manera de ensayo y se realizará diariamente. En este diario se espera que el estudiante

reflexione sobre su experiencia en el centro, tareas, desarrollo de competencias,

dificultades, estrategias utilizadas para la resolución de problemas y detalle sus

impresiones sobre la experiencia desde su punto de vista. El Portafolio de Práctica deberá

incluir toda la documentación profesional, personal y académica requerida como parte de

esta experiencia: formas y blancos, acuerdos, resúmenes e informes de casos y horas de

contacto trabajadas, diseño de actividades grupales y proyectos especiales para el centro,

evaluaciones de supervisión, auto evaluaciones, reflexiones sobre alguna búsqueda de

técnicas o temas de utilidad para su práctica con sus respectivas listas de referencias

utilizando el Manual de Estilo y Redacción de la Asociación Americana de Psicología.

Además se deberán incluir todos los siguientes Anejos: T, U, V, W, Y, X y Z.

b. Componente Académico

Asistencia al Seminario de Práctica: La asistencia a los talleres del seminario es compulsoria.

Durante estos talleres se coordinarán evaluaciones en el centro de Práctica, se llevarán a

cabo clases e investigación y se complementará la experiencia práctica del centro. La

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


asistencia del estudiante formará parte de la nota final del taller, por un valor final de 50

puntos, y por tanto de la nota final del estudiante en su práctica. Se le recuerda al

estudiante que para aprobar su práctica necesita aprobar ambos componentes de este

curso con un 70% o más.

Participación: La participación en clase sobre discusión de casos, análisis de técnicas,

retroalimentación e investigación de temas de ayuda para el ejercicio efectivo de

consejería en su experiencia práctica. El valor de la participación para este componente

será 50 puntos.

Asignaciones: Es requisito entregar semanalmente toda la documentación de práctica e informes

requeridos por el supervisor (registro actualizado de horas, informes de progreso

semanal, informes de adelantos del proyecto especial de práctica, etc.). Por cada sesión

del seminario se acreditarán un total de 3 puntos por la entrega de toda su documentación

de práctica. El valor total a acumular corresponde a 24 puntos de su nota final.

Investigación y búsqueda de materiales suplementarios: Los estudiantes tienen la tarea de

realizar una búsqueda de materiales suplementarios de apoyo para su proyecto especial

y/o complemento de sus actividades en el centro de práctica. Se evaluará la presentación

y discusión en clase de la búsqueda de materiales suplementarios para el apoyo de su

proyecto especial y temas de apoyo para su ejecución en el centro. Se espera que el

estudiante presente evidencia de sus búsquedas y ofrezca sus reflexiones en la discusión

del seminario. Se acreditará un total de 26 puntos para este criterio.

Grabación en video de una entrevista: Los estudiantes tienen la tarea de grabar una entrevista

para evaluación de técnicas, destrezas y métodos de consejería, revisión y discusión en

clase. El estudiante grabará una sesión de consejería con un cliente en su centro de

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


práctica. Deberá realizar dicho proyecto contando con la autorización de su centro, y

tomando las precauciones de confidencialidad necesarias. Se le provee al estudiante un

modelo con una hoja de consentimiento de grabación en el Anejo E. Para la evaluación

se utilizará el modelo en el Anejo M. La grabación de esta entrevista será discutida y

evaluada en el seminario de clases durante los talleres tres y cuatro. Se ofrecerá

retroalimentación al estudiante sobre sus destrezas de entrevista. El valor de este ejercicio

son 50 puntos. Esta actividad debe estar previamente autorizada por el IRB. El

facilitador deberá hacer las gestiones necesarias.

Ensayos: Durante cada taller el estudiante es responsable de escribir un ensayo en ingles ó en

español (de acuerdo al idioma utilizado en el taller), sobre una de las reglas del Concilio

de Acreditación de Consejería (CACREP) El

ensayo debe seguir las reglas de escritura de la Asociación Americana de Psicología

APA, (Ver Anejo R).

Laboratorio de Lenguaje: Los estudiantes deberán practicar al menos 5 horas por taller

utilizando los recursos de laboratorio de lenguaje.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Descripción de las Normas del Curso

1. Este curso sigue el modelo “Discipline-Based Dual Language Immersion Model®” del

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, el mismo está diseñado para promover el

desarrollo de cada estudiante como un profesional bilingüe. Cada taller será facilitado

en inglés y español, utilizando el modelo 50/50. Esto significa que cada taller deberá ser

conducido enteramente en el lenguaje especificado. Los lenguajes serán alternados en

cada taller para asegurar que el curso se ofrece 50% en inglés y 50% en español. Para

mantener un balance, el módulo debe especificar que se utilizarán ambos idiomas en el

quinto taller, dividiendo el tiempo y las actividades equitativamente entre ambos idiomas.

Si un estudiante tiene dificultad en hacer una pregunta en el idioma especificado, bien

puede escoger el idioma de preferencia para hacer la pregunta. Sin embargo, el facilitador

deberá contestar la misma en el idioma designado para ese taller. Esto deberá ser una

excepción a las reglas pues es importante que los estudiantes utilicen el idioma

designado. Esto no aplica a los cursos de lenguaje que deben ser desarrollados en el

idioma propio todo en inglés o todo en español según aplique.

2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado, eso requiere que los estudiantes se preparen

antes de cada taller de acuerdo al módulo. Cada taller requiere un promedio de diez (10)

horas de preparación y en ocasiones requiere más.

3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se ausente al taller

deberá presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El facilitador evaluará si la

ausencia es justificada y decidirá como el estudiante repondrá el trabajo perdido, de ser

necesario. El facilitador decidirá uno de los siguientes: permitirle al estudiante reponer el

trabajo o asignarle trabajo adicional en adición al trabajo a ser repuesto.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Toda tarea a ser completada antes del taller deberá ser entregada en la fecha asignada. El

facilitador ajustará la nota de las tareas repuestas.

4. Si un estudiante se ausenta a más de un taller el facilitador tendrá las siguientes


a. Si es a dos talleres, el facilitador reducirá una nota por debajo basado en la

nota existente.

b. Si el estudiante se ausenta a tres talleres, el facilitador reducirá la nota a dos

por debajo de la nota existente.

5. La asistencia y participación en clase de actividades y presentaciones orales es

extremadamente importante pues no se pueden reponer. Si el estudiante provee una

excusa válida y verificable, el facilitador determinará una actividad equivalente a evaluar

que sustituya la misma. Esta actividad deberá incluir el mismo contenido y componentes

del lenguaje como la presentación oral o actividad a ser repuesta.

6. En actividades de grupo, el grupo será evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin embargo, cada

miembro de grupo deberá participar y cooperar para lograr un trabajo de excelencia, pero

recibirán una calificación individual.

7. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autoría de cada estudiante y no plagiado. Se

debe entender que todo trabajo sometido esta citado apropiadamente o parafraseado y

citado dando atención al autor. Todo estudiante debe ser el autor de su propio trabajo.

Todo trabajo que sea plagiado, copiado o presente trazos de otro será calificado con cero.

El servicio de SafeAssign TM

de Blackboard será utilizado por los facilitadores para

verificar la autoría de los trabajos escritos de los estudiantes. Es responsabilidad del

estudiante el leer la política de plagio de su universidad. Si usted es estudiante de UT,

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


deberá leer la Sección 11.1 del Manual del Estudiante. Si es estudiante de UMET y UT,

refiérase al Capítulo 13, secciones 36 y 36.1 de los respectivos manuales.

Se espera un comportamiento ético en todas las actividades del curso. Esto implica que

TODOS los trabajos tienen que ser originales y que de toda referencia utilizada deberá

indicarse la fuente, bien sea mediante citas o bibliografía. No se tolerará el plagio y, en

caso de que se detecte casos del mismo, el estudiante se expone a recibir cero en el

trabajo y a ser referido al Comité de Disciplina de la institución. Los estudiantes deben

observar aquellas prácticas dirigidas a evitar incurrir en el plagio de documentos y


8. Si el facilitador hace cambios al módulo o guía de estudio, deberá discutirlos y entregar

copia a los estudiantes por escrito al principio del primer taller.

9. El facilitador establecerá los medios para contactar a los estudiantes proveyendo su

correo electrónico, teléfonos, y el horario disponibles.

10. EL uso de celulares está prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de haber una necesidad,

deberá permanecer en vibración o en silencio.

11. La visita de niños y familiares no registrados en el curso no está permitida en el salón de


12. Todo estudiante está sujeto a las políticas y normas de conducta y comportamiento que

rigen al SUAGM y el curso.

Nota: Si por alguna razón no puede acceder las direcciones electrónicas ofrecidas en el módulo,

no se limite a ellas. Existen otros motores de búsqueda y sitios Web que podrá utilizar para la

búsqueda de la información deseada. Entre ellas están:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Para comprar o alquilar libros de texto o referencias nuevas o usadas puede visitar: (alquiler) (alquiler) (compra) (compra)

Estos son sólo algunas de las muchas compañías donde puede comprar o alquilar


El/la facilitador(a) puede realizar cambios a las direcciones electrónicas y/o añadir algunas de ser


Nota: Del facilitador o el estudiante requerir o desear una investigación o la administración de

cuestionarios o entrevistas, deben referirse a las normas y procedimientos de la Oficina de

Cumplimiento y solicitar su autorización. Para acceder a los formularios de la Oficina de

Cumplimiento pueden visitar este enlace y seleccionar los formularios que necesite.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Además de los formularios el estudiante/facilitador puede encontrar las instrucciones para la

certificación en línea. Estas certificaciones incluyen: IRB Institutional Review Board, Health

Information Portability Accounting Act (HIPAA), y Responsibility Conduct for Research Act


De tener alguna duda, favor de comunicarse con la Coordinadoras Institucionales o a la Oficina

de Cumplimiento a los siguientes teléfonos:

Sra. Evelyn Rivera Sobrado, Directora Oficina de Cumplimiento

Tel. (787) 751-0178 Ext. 7196

Srta. Carmen Crespo, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento – UMET

Tel. (787) 766-1717 Ext. 6366

Sra. Josefina Melgar, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento – Turabo

Tel. (787) 743-7979 Ext.4126

Dra. Rebecca Cherry, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento - UNE

Tel. (787) 257-7373 Ext. 3936

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Filosofía y Metodología Educativa

Este curso está basado en la teoría educativa del Constructivismo. Constructivismo es

una filosofía de aprendizaje fundamentada en la premisa, de que, reflexionando a través de

nuestras experiencias, podemos construir nuestro propio conocimiento sobre el mundo en el que


Cada uno de nosotros genera nuestras propias “reglas “y “métodos mentales” que

utilizamos para darle sentido a nuestras experiencias. Aprender, por lo tanto, es simplemente el

proceso de ajustar nuestros modelos mentales para poder acomodar nuevas experiencias. Como

facilitadores, nuestro enfoque es el mantener una conexión entre los hechos y fomentar un nuevo

entendimiento en los estudiantes. También, intentamos adaptar nuestras estrategias de enseñanza

a las respuestas de nuestros estudiantes y motivar a los mismos a analizar, interpretar y predecir


Existen varios principios para el constructivismo, entre los cuales están:

1. El aprendizaje es una búsqueda de significados. Por lo tanto, el aprendizaje debe comenzar

con situaciones en las cuales los estudiantes estén buscando activamente construir un


2. Significado requiere comprender todas las partes. Y, las partes deben entenderse en el

contexto del todo. Por lo tanto, el proceso de aprendizaje se enfoca en los conceptos

primarios, no en hechos aislados.

3. Para enseñar bien, debemos entender los modelos mentales que los estudiantes utilizan para

percibir el mundo y las presunciones que ellos hacen para apoyar dichos modelos.

4. El propósito del aprendizaje, es para un individuo, el construir su propio significado, no sólo

memorizar las contestaciones “correctas” y repetir el significado de otra persona. Como la

educación es intrínsicamente interdisciplinaria, la única forma válida para asegurar el

aprendizaje es hacer del avalúo parte esencial de dicho proceso, asegurando que el mismo

provea a los estudiantes con la información sobre la calidad de su aprendizaje.

5. La evaluación debe servir como una herramienta de auto-análisis.

6. Proveer herramientas y ambientes que ayuden a los estudiantes a interpretar las múltiples

perspectivas que existen en el mundo.

7. El aprendizaje debe ser controlado internamente y analizado por el estudiante.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Study Guide

Course Title Counseling an Guidance Internship

Code EDUC 587

Time Length Supervised Internship, 8 weeks

Internship Academic Seminar, 5 sessions

Prerequisite All Courses


The Internship experience in counseling and guidance gathers within its experiential

supervised component in a counseling center (Internship), and its academic component

(Seminar), an opportunity in which the Prospect Counselor is able to apply within a real

scenario his/her knowledge, skills, theories approaches and professional counseling

competencies developed through the introductory counseling educative period. Through the

experiential and practice component of this Internship, the student is required to complete a

minimum of 300 hours of supervised practice offering professional counseling services to

real clients. Through the Academic component or Internship Seminar, the experiential

internship experience will be complemented with case discussion sessions, procedures

analysis, complementary study of counseling themes that help student performance at

internship, techniques updates and information actualization in themes or issues found by

students in case management. All documentation and Internship informs will be collected

and updated in the Seminar.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


General Objectives

Through the Experiential Supervised Component in a Counseling Center and its Academic

Component (Seminar) the student must be able to:

1. Show domain of knowledge, skills and necessary competencies to effectively,

professionally and ethically perform his/her duties as a counselor.

2. Obtain a real perspective and self-awareness of his/her abilities, skills, capacities,

strengths and weaknesses in counseling professional practice, as a professional and as a

human being.

3. Prove comprehension and understanding of helping processes and primary goal “client


4. Embrace his role as a counselor and its social importance.

5. Understands the importance of widening, updating, strengthening, researching and

exploration of new techniques and methods to improve his/her professional performance.

Internship Objectives

Through the Experiential Internship experience is expected that:

1. The internship student demonstrate effective skills in communication, conflict

management, negotiation, interview, evaluation and assessment, problem solution,

intervention strategies, therapy planning, therapeutic relationship establishment, peer and

supervision relationship, team work and records management and update, keeping his/her

practice within ethical professional standards.

2. Identification, effective use and embracement of consulting, referrals and community

sources in professional helping efforts.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


3. Application of research and knowledge acquired through counseling previous studies in

helping relationship with clients.

Texts and Resources

Boylan, J. C., Malley, P. B. & Reilly, E. P. (2008). Practicum and internship textbook:

Resource guide for counseling and Psychotherapy (4th ed.). NY: Taylor and

Francis Publishers. ISBN: 0415990696

Baird, B. N. (2007). Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook: A guide

for helping professions (5th

ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN:


Cormier, S., Nurius, P.S., & Osborn, C. J. (2008). Interviewing and Change Strategies for

Helpers: Fundamental Skills and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (6th ed.).

Brooks Cole. ISBN: 0495410535.

Smaby, M. H., & Maddux, C.D. (2010). Basic and Advanced Counseling Skills: Skilled

Counselor Training Model. Wadsworth Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 0618832335.


References and Supplementary Materials

Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica de la Asociación Americana de Consejería


Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica de la Asociación Americana de Consejeros

Escolares (ASCA).

Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica del Consejo Nacional de Consejeros

certificados (NBCC).

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Código de Ética y Estándares de Práctica de la Asociación Americana de Psicología


Manual de Supervisión de Práctica, Consejería en Educación, Universidad del Sur de

Florida (SFL), Florida.

Manual de Práctica e Internado en Consejería, Escuela de Psicología y Consejería,

Universidad de Regent (RU), Virginia.

Manual de Práctica, Programa de Consejería en Rehabilitación, Universidad del Estado

de Michigan (MSU), Michigan.




Punctuation Percentage

300 hours


100 20

Supervision Satisfactory


50 10

Attendance Seminar 50 10

Participation Seminar 50 10

Portfolio 50 10

Homework 24 5

Interview Video tape 50 10

Project or

Workshop Design

50 10

Essay 50 10

Research of suplemental


26 5

Total 500 100

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


An Internship student will be evaluated in both components of this course, experiential internship

experience and academic seminar. To successfully complete the requirements of Internship,

student must approve both components with a score of 70 points or more.

Experiential Internship Component: the students must successfully complete 300 hours of

supervised professional practice. This internship will not be considered approved if the hour

requirement is not accurately completed. With the purpose of keep evidence of attendance to

Internship, each student will be required to fill a document of Hours Accumulation that must be

signed and review by the collaborator supervisor (see Appendix C.) The student will be asked to

keep a weekly log with her Internship working schedule, which must be signed by the supervisor

(see Appendix I.).The student will accumulate a total of 100 points of the final grade with the


Satisfactory Supervision Evaluation: the student must receive a satisfactory supervision

evaluation in three faculty supervisor visits to Internship center. It will included two

partial progress evaluations and one final evaluation including the internship site

supervisor. To approve this requirement the student should obtain a total percentage of at

least 70%. Final scores for student evaluation will be based on the Formula contained

within Appendix F. The student’s evaluation will have a maximum possible score of 420

points per worksheet. For each partial evaluation the supervisor should calculate a

percentage using this formula. For the student final evaluation the supervision evaluation

will have a value of 50 points of the final grade.

Project or Workshop Design: Individually students will be in charge of the design, creation and

delivery of a special project for the Internship Center or instead, a special training/guidance

workshop event for peers, students or community served - This project will be developed within

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


the Internship Seminar (see development of workshops 2-5). Guided by the faculty supervisor

and collaborator counselor, the student will make a references research and other resources

related to the population served needs. Will identify an intervention area, will design and

coordinate the delivery of this special project for the center. This project could be a group

intervention or guidance activity for population served and/or peers (teachers, parents, working

mates, etc.). The design must be consistent to population’s needs and developmental

competencies. The student should follow the description in Appendix H and include a

description of population’s needs and developmental competencies. Additionally, the Project

design will be evaluated according to the rubrics in Appendixes S, S-A, S-B and S-C. Every

student will make two copies of this project. One copy will be included as part of Internship

Portfolio and will count for a grade (50 points); the other copy will be handed in to the

facilitator. On the cover page of the second copy, each student will write his/her student

identification number instead of his/her name. Each student must complete the design,

preparation and development of the project individually and group work will not be accepted at

all. Additionally, the students will complete each week the Final Project Developmental Log that

appeared in Appendix H1.

The project or workshop design will be presented in class during workshop five.

Portfolio: creation of internship portfolio showing all activities performed at internship setting.

The Learning diary should be written in essay form on a daily basis. In this diary is

expected that the student write about internship experience, tasks, competencies

development, difficulties, used strategies for problem solving, and detailed impressions

about the experience from his personal view. Practicum Portfolio must include: all

professional, personal, academic documents required as part of this experience: blanks,

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


forms, agreements, summaries of case reports and working hours log, group activities,

special projects, supervisory evaluation, self-evaluation, reflections over research and

completion of the following Appendixes: T, U, V, W, Y, X and Z.

Attendance to Seminar Sessions: Attendance to seminar sessions is compulsory. During this

workshops Practicum internship assessments coordination will be made, classes and research

will complement Internship experience. Student attendance will take part of the final grade for a

total value of 50 points. Student must take in consideration the fact that in order to approve both

components of the course will need to obtain 70% or more.

Participation: the students must participate in group discussion, analysis of Internship cases,

techniques, feedback and consultation, and complementary study of case management skills that

help students through their Internship experience. Participation value for this component is 50


Homework: The students are going to be graded weekly for all the internship related paperwork

updates and submission. (Hours accounting forms, weekly progress logs, case reports,

Special projects reports, etc.). For each section of the seminar a total of 3 points will be

added to student scores. The total value for this criterion is 24 points.

Research of supplementary information: the students are going to be conducting weekly

research to identify sources for special projects and complimentary subjects of help in

internship performance. Presentation and discussion in class of supplementary sources

will be evaluated. It is expected that the student presents evidence of his/her research and

offer reflections in seminar discussions for a total of 26 points.

Interview videotape recording: the students will be video taping an interview in English to

evaluate counseling techniques and skills. The student is required to record an interview

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


session with a client in the internship center. This project must be realized with Internship

Center authorization and taking confidentiality necessary measures. Students are

provided with a model of Recording Agreement in Appendix E that will be used for the

assessment. This recording will be discussed and evaluated in the seminar and feedback

over interview skills will be given to the student. The value of this exercise is 50 points

and will be presented in class during workshops three and four. This activity needs to be

approved by the IRB committee. The facilitator will take care of the IRB approval


Essay: the students will write a weekly essay about one of the standards of the Council for

Accreditation of Counseling (CACREP)

stating how you will apply it in your internship experience. The essay will follow the

guideline of the American Psychology Association and all of them will be written in

English or Spanish according to the workshop language. The essays will have a value of

50 points out if the final grade, (See Appendix R).

Language Lab: All students are required to complete a minimum of 5 hours of practice using

the language lab resources.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Description of course policies

1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Discipline-Based Dual

Language Immersion Model® designed to promote each student’s development as a Dual

Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated in English and Spanish, strictly using

the 50/50 model. This means that each workshop will be conducted entirely in the language

specified. The language used in the workshops will alternate to insure that 50% of the course

will be conducted in English and 50% in Spanish. To maintain this balance, the course

module may specify that both languages will be used during the fifth workshop, dividing that

workshop’s time and activities between the two languages. If students have difficulty with

asking a question in the target language in which the activity is being conducted, students

may choose to use their preferred language for that particular question. However, the

facilitator must answer in the language assigned for that particular day. This should only be

an exception as it is important for students to use the assigned language. The 50/50 model

does not apply to language courses where the delivery of instruction must be conducted in

the language taught (Spanish or English only).

2. The course is conducted in an accelerated format and requires that students prepare in

advance for each workshop according to the course module. Each workshop requires an

average ten hours of preparation but could require more.

3. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. A student that is absent to a workshop must

present the facilitator a reasonable excuse. The facilitator will evaluate if the absence is

justified and decide how the student will make up the missing work, if applicable. The

facilitator will decide on the following: allow the student to make up the work, or allow the

student to make up the work and assign extra work to compensate for the missing class time.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in on the assigned

date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for late assignments and make-up


4. If a student is absent to more than one workshop the facilitator will have the following


a. If a student misses two workshops, the facilitator may lower one grade based on

the students existing grade.

b. If the student misses three workshops, the facilitator may lower two grades

based on the students existing grade.

5. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class activities are

extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can be made up. If the student

provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the facilitator may determine a substitute evaluation

activity if he/she understands that an equivalent activity is possible. This activity must

include the same content and language components as the oral presentation or special activity

that was missed.

6. In cooperative activities the group will be assessed for their final work. However, each

member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the group and the assessment will be

done collectively as well as individually.

7. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should not be

plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work submitted. All quoted or

paraphrased material must be properly cited, with credit given to its author or publisher. It

should be noted that plagiarized writings are easily detectable and students should not risk

losing credit for material that is clearly not their own. SafeAssignTM

, a Blackboard

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


plagiarism deterrent service, will be used by the facilitators to verify students’ ownership of

written assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to read the university’s plagiarism

policy. If you are a UT student, read Section 11.1 of the Student Manual, and if you belong

to UMET or UNE, refer to Chapter 13, Sections 36 and 36.1 of the respective manuals.

Ethical behavior is expected from the students in all course related activities. This means

that ALL papers submitted by the student must be original work and that all references used

will be properly cited or mentioned in the bibliography. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and,

in case of detecting an incidence, the student will obtain a zero in the assignment or activity

and could be referred to the Discipline Committee.

8. If the Facilitator makes changes to the study guide, such changes should be discussed with

and given to students in writing at the beginning of the first workshop.

9. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing an email address,

phone number, hours to be contacted and days.

10. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to have one, it must

be on vibrate or silent mode during class session.

11. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not allowed to the


12. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior in the university community

established by the institution and in this course.

Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URL’s presented in the module, do not stop your

investigation. There are many search engines and other links you can use to search for

information. These are some examples:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


To buy or rent new or used textbooks or references you can visit: (rent) (rent) (buy) (buy)

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Teaching Philosophy and Methodology

This course is grounded in the learning theory of Constructivism. Constructivism is a

philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we

construct our own understanding of the world in which we live.

Each of us generates our own “rules” and “mental models,” which we use to make sense of

our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our mental models to

accommodate new experiences. As teachers, our focus is on making connections between facts

and fostering new understanding in students. We will also attempt to tailor our teaching

strategies to student responses and encourage students to analyze, interpret and predict


There are several guiding principles of constructivism:

1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the issues around

which students are actively trying to construct meaning.

2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. And parts must be understood in

the context of wholes. Therefore, the learning process focuses on primary concepts, not

isolated facts.

3. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students use to

perceive the world and the assumptions they make to support those models.

4. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not just

memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone else's meaning. Since education is

inherently interdisciplinary, the only valuable way to measure learning is to make the

assessment part of the learning process, ensuring it provides students with information on

the quality of their learning.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


5. Evaluation should serve as a self-analysis tool.

6. Provide tools and environments that help learners interpret the multiple perspectives of

the world.

7. Learning should be internally controlled and mediated by the learner.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Workshop One

Specific Objectives

After Internship Guidance workshop students are expected to:

1. Understand Internship components: supervised practice and academic seminar.

2. Understand procedures, requirements and evaluation methods.

3. Be familiarized with the Internship Manual and all internship forms included.

4. Start setting placement procedures.

Language Objectives:

1. Read and analyze various types of information to determine reading comprehension.

2. Determine the main idea and identify relevant details in a variety of types of written


3. Express themselves orally using English as the language of communication with correct

pronunciation, grammar, syntax, verb usage and vocabulary.

Electronic Links (URLs)

Counseling Survey




American Psychology Association

American Counseling Association

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.



National Board for certified Counselors

School counselor

Role of the school counselor

Assignments before Workshop One

1. Read the module and completion of necessary forms (See Appendixes: B,H1, I, O and P).

2. The student must identify at least three possible counseling Internship settings. Students can

contact the Internship supervisor for suggestions (See Appendix O).

3. Coordinate a visit to the internship site to collect information: contact person, services,

internship student requirements, operation hours and any other useful details.

4. Interview the Internship guidance counselor and request information about the student

population, student’s academic and social interests and parental involvement.

5. The student must identify three complementary subjects to be discussed at Internship

Seminar. The selection must be made in term of helpful areas to Internship Experience and

submitted to the facilitator at this workshop.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


6. The students must write an essay in English about the first CACREP Standard and how it can

be applied in the internship experience See Appendix R for rubric evaluation.

7. The students will make a list of goals as a counselor that they want to accomplish during the


8. Visit the language lab and complete your 5 hours of practice.


1. The facilitator will start the class with an icebreaking activity: Throwing a ball to a student

and the student will mention one skill that will describe you as a school counselor or private

section counselor.

2. The facilitator will administer a counselor skills pre test to the students.

The students may divide in pairs and discuss the results.

3. Faculty Internship Supervisor will explain Internship Experience and distribute Internship

Handbook. The facilitator will be collecting the Letter of Internship Site (Appendix B).

4. Information about Internship settings and locations will be collected and the students will

provided their counseling internship hour schedules and school supervisor contact to the

facilitator (See Appendix C).

5. 5 The facilitator and the students will discuss the supplemental material brought to class by

the students using conceptual maps.

6. The students will make a diagram stating their internship goals.

7. The students will present to the class their internship setting using mimics.

8. Video: Individual Counseling.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


9. The students will design a poster stating two individual counseling techniques that may be

implemented with elementary, middle or high school students during the internship



Learning diary: explain the importance of following the ethical standards in the internship


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Taller Dos

Objetivos Específicos

Al finalizar el Taller, el estudiante:

1. Incorporará la retroalimentación y sugerencias obtenidas a través del el análisis grupal de

casos a su experiencia práctica.

2. Tendrá una perspectiva más amplia de su ejecución en el centro de práctica.

3. Incorporará información obtenida sobre temas de interés y experiencias de sus pares a su

experiencia práctica.

4. Identificará un área de trabajo para su proyecto especial en el centro de práctica.

Objetivos del Lenguaje:

1. Los estudiantes podrán expresarse de forma escrita utilizando el español como el lenguaje

de comunicación haciendo el uso correcto del vocabulario, la gramática y los verbos.

2. Los estudiantes van a leer diversos textos en español para llevar a cabo el proceso de

análisis y comprensión de la lectura.

3. Los estudiantes son capaces de expresarse de forma oral utilizando la sintaxis correcta y

el uso correcto de los verbos.

Direcciones Electrónicas

Asociación Americana de Consejería

Consejería Grupal

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Deserción Escolar\

Internados de Consejería Escolar

Requisitos del Estado para certificación de Consejeros Escolares

Tareas a realizar antes del Taller Dos

1. Completar los documentos de práctica requeridos: informe de casos atendidos, Informe de

actividades grupales realizadas, evaluaciones, sumario de horas trabajadas y hoja del

desarrollo del proyecto final (Ver Anejos C, D, H1, I, K y L).

2. Informe escrito sobre tema seleccionado para su proyecto especial, incluyendo un listado de

referencias y recursos bibliográficos, utilizando el Manual de Redacción y Estilo de APA

(Ver Anejos H y S).

3. Coordinación de primera visita de supervisión y evaluación parcial.

4. Investigar y traer copias de material suplementario que se pueda compartir con los otros

estudiantes del Internado.

5. Diseñar un diagrama de Venn donde se indique las fortalezas y debilidades enfrentadas

durante la semana en la experiencia del internado de práctica.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


6. Escribir un ensayo en español sobre la segunda regla establecida por el Concilio de

Acreditación de Consejería de CACREP.

7. Visite el laboratorio de lenguaje y complete sus 5 horas de práctica.


1. Actividad de Introducción: Ejercicio de auto-conocimiento y auto-evaluación (Ver Anejo


2. Los estudiantes se van a dividir en grupos para llevar a cabo un análisis grupal de los casos

atendidos y experiencias en el centro de práctica. Cada grupo escoge un caso y lo presenta al

resto de la clase.

3. Análisis y estudio de temas suplementarios y dudas traídas por los estudiantes.

4. Los estudiantes van a llevar a cabo la entrega de documentos, formas e intercambio de firmas

con el facilitador del seminario de práctica.

5. Los estudiantes se van a dividir en parejas y compartir el diagrama de Venn con las áreas de

consejería en que se sintieron fuertes contra las que se sintieron débiles durante sus horas de


6. Utilizando una canción los estudiantes van a presentar de forma oral el ensayo de la regla

establecida por CACREP.

7. Los estudiantes van a diseñar un brochure que provee los servicios de consejería de su centro

de práctica.

8. Video: Multicultural Counseling

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.



1. Diario de aprendizaje: explicar la importancia de tener la experiencia de proveer servicios de

consejería individual en un centro educativo.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Workshop Three

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop, the student:

1. Will have made an Internet search about those areas identified as “challenging” in his/her

Internship Experience.

2. Will be able to incorporate to case management analysis at internship setting, feedback and

suggestions obtained from group analysis.

3. Will obtain a broader perspective of his performance at Internship setting.

4. Will incorporate to his/her experience, peers experiences in Internship settings and updates

information about useful and interesting subjects.

Language Objectives:

1. Read and analyze various types of information to determine reading comprehension.

2. Determine the main idea and identify relevant details in a variety of types of written


3. Express themselves orally using English as the language of communication with correct

pronunciation, grammar, syntax, verb usage and vocabulary.

Electronic Links (URLs)

School Counselor Challenging Areas

School Counselor Intern Handbook

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.



CACREP Standards




Assignments before Workshop Three

1. The student and facilitator will set up and coordinate second partial internship faculty visit

and partial evaluation of the site supervisor.

2. Completion of Internship documents to be submitted to the seminar supervisor (See

Appendixes: C, D, F, H1, I, K and L).

3. Written report over special project organization and advances (See Appendix H).

4. The students will write an English essay about the third counseling standard mentioned by


5. The students will made an Internet search about those areas identified as “challenging” in

his/her Internship Experience. Additionally will be making a presentation about the

challenging areas using a conceptual map.

6. The students need to incorporate case management analysis at the internship setting.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


7. Completion of the Interview videotape recording. The students will be video taping an

interview in English to evaluate counseling techniques and skills

(see Appendix E).

8. Complete your language lab practice.


1. Debate: school counseling internship experience vs. private counseling internship experience.

2. Documents submission of Appendixes C, D, F, H1,I, K and L and signature exchange.

3. Facilitator will direct the case discussion and will follow a group analysis.

4. The student and facilitator will have an individual analysis of partial evaluation.

5. The facilitator will direct the group through discussion and analysis of supplementary


6. Presentation of the CACREP standard using mimics.

7. The students will be presenting the internship challenging areas utilizing a conceptual map.

8. The seminar supervisor will discuss individually with each intern the Site Supervisor student

evaluation form (See Appendix F).

9. The students will start presenting their interviews at the Internship center by video recording.

10. Video: Group Counseling


1. Learning Diary: explain the importance of being multicultural awareness during the

internship experience.

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Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Taller Cuatro

Objetivos Específicos

Al finalizar el Taller, el estudiante:

1. Podrá incorporar a su experiencia práctica retroalimentación y sugerencias obtenidas en el

análisis grupal de una sesión de consejería grabada en video.

2. Tendrá una perspectiva más amplia de su ejecución en el Centro de Práctica.

3. Finalizará la creación y organización de su proyecto especial en el centro de práctica.

4. Se familiarizará con temas relacionados con terminación, resumen de procesos de ayuda y


Objetivos del Lenguaje:

1. Los estudiantes podrán expresarse de forma escrita utilizando el español como el lenguaje de

comunicación haciendo el uso correcto del vocabulario, la gramática y los verbos.

2. Los estudiantes van a leer diversos textos en español para llevar a cabo el proceso de análisis

y comprensión de la lectura.

3. Los estudiantes son capaces de expresarse de forma oral utilizando la sintaxis correcta y el

uso correcto de los verbos.

Direcciones Electrónicas

Consejero de Escuela Elemental


Consejero de Escuela Intermedia

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Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Consejero de Escuela Superior




Tareas a realizar antes del Taller Cuatro

1. Completar los documentos de práctica requeridos: informe semanal de casos atendidos,

informe de actividades grupales realizadas, evaluaciones, sumario de horas trabajadas que

aparecen en los Anejos: C, D, F, H1, I, K y L.

2. Informe final sobre avances y organización del proyecto especial ó taller.

3. Lectura sobre procesos de terminación y auto-evaluación sugeridas.

4. Coordinación de tercera visita del supervisor de la facultad al centro de práctica para

evaluación final.

5. Diseñar un diagrama que explique los procesos de terminación, resumen de procesos de

ayuda y auto-evaluación.

6. Escribir un ensayo sobre una de las reglas establecida por el Concilio de Acreditación de

Consejería (CACREP).

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Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


7. Realice su práctica con el laboratorio de lenguaje.


1. Actividad de Introducción: el facilitador le proveerá a cada estudiante un papel en blanco. El

estudiante tiene que diseñar una grafica visual del tiempo de su vida. En la gráfica va a

incluir un evento significativo desde su nacimiento, un evento en la escuela superior, su

primer trabajo, algo significativo que sucedió hoy y donde te visualizas como consejero en

cinco años. Los estudiantes van a trabajar de forma individual con las graficas y luego las

van a presentar al grupo.

2. Los estudiantes llevarán a cabo un análisis grupal de experiencias en el centro de práctica.

Los estudiantes se dividen en grupos y cada grupo escoge una situación de grupo que fue

trabajada durante el internado para ser analizada.

3. Los estudiantes van a presentar los diagramas que evidencian los procesos de terminación,

resumen de procesos de ayuda y auto-evaluación.

4. Análisis y estudio de temas suplementarios y dudas traídas por los estudiantes.

5. Los estudiantes van a entregar los documentos que aparecen en los Anejos: C, D, F, I, K, L

y Q.

6. Discusión individual de la segunda evaluación parcial.

7. Los estudiantes van a terminar las presentaciones de las entrevistas que han sido grabadas en

el centro de práctica. Los estudiantes en la clase llevaran a cabo un análisis del video en

relación a la teoría de consejería aplicada, las técnicas utilizadas y las metas trabajadas con el


8. Video: Grief Counseling

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1. Diario de Aprendizaje; explicar la diferencia del rol del consejero escolar y el rol del

consejero de una practica privada.

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Workshop Five/Taller Cinco

NOTA: Este taller será bilingüe. Algunas

de las actividades serán en inglés y otras

en español. El facilitador y el estudiante

hablarán español o inglés, dependiendo del

informe que esté ofreciendo el estudiante.

NOTE: This will be a bilingual workshop.

Some of the activities will be in Spanish

and another in English. The facilitator

and the students will use the language of

instruction used in each lesson as well.

Specific Objectives

At the end of this workshop, the student:

1. Will summarize his/her Internship experience.

2. Will analyze, evaluate and share experiences about Internship, site supervision, faculty

supervision experience and give suggestions for future Internship placement.

3. Will inform peers about special project for Internship center.

Language Objectives:

1. Read and analyze various types of information to determine reading comprehension.

2. Determine the main idea and identify relevant details in a variety of types of written


3. Express themselves orally using English as the language of communication with correct

pronunciation, grammar, syntax, verb usage and vocabulary.

Electronic Links (URLs)

School Counseling Internships

Career Counseling Internships

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Counseling Interns

Career In Counseling

State Certification

Florida Counselor Association

Assignments before Workshop Five

1. The students will write an English essay about one counseling standard mentioned by the


2. The students will bring a Spanish magazine.

3. The student will organize and prepare all material to be submitted for final Internship


4. Coordination for Final faculty supervisor evaluation visit, fill self-evaluation form and have

it ready for the appointment. Coordination will include site supervisor and his/her final student

evaluation of the student to be discussed.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


5. Completion of the special project and prepare a report to class about the special project at the

Internship center (English or Spanish).

6. Completion of Internship Portfolio.


1. The students will create a collage in Spanish stating their experience at the Internship Center.

The students will have to choose 10 counseling concepts that they applied at the internship

center. The facilitator will have to provide glue, paper and markers to the students.

2. The facilitator will lead a group discussion and analysis of Internship experience in English.

3. The students will be doing a presentation of Special Projects or workshops in English or


4. The student and facilitator will analyze individually student final evaluation in Spanish.

5. The student will submit the Internship Portfolio to the facilitator.

6. Using a song in English the students will present the CACREP standard.

7. The students will be answering in Spanish the auto evaluation exercise that appeared in

Appendix N and compare the answers with the one that was taken during workshop two.

8. Video: Sorensons Ranch School Counseling


1. Learning Dairy: The students will design a motto that describes their internship experience.

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EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo A / Appendix A

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

Outline for a Student Needs Assessment Survey

Note: the following is a guideline to be use as a student needs assessment survey.

A. First, need to identify the student needs by brainstorming a group of your population for five


B. Ask your target population to write in an index card 3x5 what of the following areas they

consider a need.

C. Ask one or to participants to read out one area of need and the rest of the population will

continue reading.

D. Ask one participant to keep record of the needs that have been listed.

E. The majority of the population will have to come to a consensus in identifying the area of


1. Academic Area

a). Study habits

b). Intellectual interests

c). Verbal confidence

d) Academic classes

e) Desire to go to college

f) Attitude toward school and professors

2. Personal Area

a) Family situations

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


b) Emotional support

c) Relationship with peers and significant others

3. Counseling

a) Personal

b) Social

c) Emotional

4. Financial Area

a. Financial assistance needed

b. Manage budget

c. Scholarships available at school and college

5. Mental Health Area

a. Dealing with divorce, separation and loss

b. Dealing with depression

c. Managing Stress and anxiety

6. Career Planning

a. Colleges available

b. Inventory of interests

c. Inventory of courses

d. Academic majors

7) Social Area

a) Relationship with friends, peers and others

b) Social involvement

c) Social enrichment activities

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Example of Student Needs Assessment Survey

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

School Name:

Student Id # ( SSN)__________________________________________

Next to the academic or personal skills area please identify in which one you are in need.

1) Need a great amount of help in this area.

2) Need a moderate amount of help this area.

3) There is no need in this area.

3 2 1 Area of Need

Need to clarify my academic


Need to develop better study


Need to learn how to use the


Need to learn how to work in

groups effectively.

Need to improve my library

research skills.

Need to identify my career


Need to improve my personal

and leadership skills.

Need to improve my reading


Need to manage my time more



EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Ejemplo de una Encuesta de Evaluación de Necesidades Estudiantiles

Nombre de Escuela:

Número de estudiante # ( SSN)__________________________________________

Al lado de cada área personal ó académica por favor de identificar con cual puedes necesitar


3) Necesito bastante ayuda en esta área.

4) Necesito ayuda de forma moderada en esta área.

5) No tengo necesidades en esta área.

3 2 1 Area de Necesidad

Necesito clarificar mis metas


Necesito desarrollar mejores

hábitos de estudio.

Necesito aprender a utilizar la


Necesito aprende a trabajar en


Necesito mejorar mis destrezas

de investigación en la


Necesito identificar mis valores


Necesito mejorar mis destrezas

de liderato.

Necesito mejorar mis hábito de


Necesito aprender a como

manejar el tiempo.


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Counseling and Guidance Internship Handbook


Counseling and Guidance Master Program at the school for Professional Studies Florida

campuses follows and represent the commitment of Ana G. Mendez University System and

Turabo University to provide quality educational alternatives to qualified Hispanic bilingual

students Following a bilingual and accelerated study methodology, originally adapted,

successfully developed and implemented by Regis University in Denver, Colorado. We have

adapted our program to U.S.A. educational requirements and policies to develop quality

Professionals in Counseling and Guidance.

This Program was established in September, 2004 and accredited by Florida Commission for

Independent Education under Certification # 2928.


Our program’s primary goal is to prepare qualified bilingual counseling professionals able to

provide responsive and competent services to individuals and groups.

We also propose that our students or Prospect Counselors obtain trough these graduate

studies and integral development, the experience and preparation needed to promote an

ethical and professional usage of their knowledge following professional standards

established by Professional Associations in the area (American Counseling Association,

America School Counseling Association, National Board of Certified Counselors and other

specialties in Counseling).

Our Prospect Counselors will be required to learn how to keep their practice under

applicable policies and procedures, go through useful and real cognitive and affective

experiences that will help them in the successful management of positive and assertive

communication, conflict management, personal and professional relationships, rapport

establishment in counseling relationships, empathic interaction with clients and work teams,

workshop planning and group techniques, effective intervention planning and accurate

referrals with community public and private related agencies out of their work scenario,

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


maintaining an ethical and legal conduction as professionals and aware of clients human

rights and nature.

In order to meet these goals, our students or Prospect Counselors will receive and will be

encouraged to master pertinent counseling and guidance competencies and skills to facilitate

clients’ integral development in personal, social, academic and professional areas.

Educational Perspective

Our Educational view is based on Constructivism Theory. This learning philosophy has its

foundations in the basic premise that through reflexive actions over our own experiences we

can construct our own knowledge about the world in which we live. Each one of us generates

our own rules and mental methods that we use to give sense to our experiences. Learn is the

process of adjusting our mental methods to incorporate new experiences. As Facilitators, our

view is to keep a connection between the facts and to promote the new understanding in our

students. We try to adapt our educational methodologies to the student responses and

motivate them to analyze, interpret and predict information.

We see education as an art and as a science. Learning is a reciprocal process. According to

that, we provide a learning environment that stimulates individual creativity, dignity, respect

to all human beings, personal and professional integrity and allows knowledge construction

and application. Our campuses seek to provide students with opportunities to develop the

necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to improve the quality of their life and support their

career development. Our Campuses also adjusts its resources and Programs to its student’s

needs, interests and abilities in order to achieve our educational goals.

The Florida Campuses Graduated Education Program in Counseling and Guidance primary

commitment is with the development of bilingual professionals in this educational area. We

expect that our graduated Counselors make recognizable contributions and positive changes

within their respective working scenarios. We facilitate our Masters Program students with

educational experiences in the counseling area that allow their development into effective

leaders in personal and professional areas.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.



A Prospect Counseling and Guidance Professional graduated from Florida Campuses Masters

Program is expected to:

1. Show effective skills in communication, conflict management, negotiation,

appropriate assessment and problem solving, intervention strategies and case

management planning, client interaction and relationship establishment, teamwork

and records management.

2. Identify and effectively use external professional sources and community programs

toward a collaborative effort in helping services delivery.

3. Use of research and educational immersion in counseling courses to provide effective

problem solving in helping relationships.

4. Assume leadership roles in Community.

Counseling and Guidance Student Profile

Our Program seeks to form a professional that masters the following competencies and


A. Ability to effectively perform within the professional duties:

1. Keep updated information in his/her field of expertise.

2. Show understanding and respect for diversity in views, cultures and ethical


3. Able to maintain basic standards of counseling professions, as respect clients

rights to confidentiality.

4. Participate as member in professional groups and associations related to

counseling and the specific area of their expertise.

5. Participate in Continued Education to broaden their knowledge and

contributions to services and the profession.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


B. Ability to perform leadership:

1. Promote changes in educative processes and counseling services.

2. Evidence the importance of the profession within the community he/she


3. Awareness of laws and regulations in professional practice.

C. Ability to communicate effectively (orally and written, in Spanish and English):

1. Able to define, identify and communicate clients needs.

2. Ensure community and other professionals of their roles.

3. Able to demonstrate good and effective interpersonal relationship skills with

clients, students, parents, colleagues, working peers and community.

4. Effective transmission of their thinking when talking to individual or

managing groups.

5. Show attention or hearing skills with clients.

6. Able to fill, write and design any professional related paperwork.

D. Show ability to contribute in career development of their clients

1. Be aware of career development importance in an individual lifetime.

2. Use and consideration of computerized sources of information and assessment

3. Show skills and mastery in the use of career counseling instruments and career

development techniques, results interpretation and integration of results in

counseling planning.

4. Contribute to the development of effective programs of career counseling and


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


E. Ability to effectively use and manage Individual Counseling Skills:

1. Analysis and assessment of counseling Theories, their views of human beings,

goals of therapy, accurate intervention techniques within a cognitive,

behavioral and affective framework.

2. Capability to select appropriate and relevant techniques according to the case


3. Be able to establish a mutual respect, trust and open communication

relationship with the client.

4. Effective use of verbal and no verbal communication skills that facilitates the

helping process.

5. Appropriate selection and use of standardized assessment tests to identify

client’s needs.

6. Stimulates and encourage clients in participation in counseling goals


7. Accurate evaluation of client progress toward counseling goals.

8. Effectively organize Service Planning to accomplish counseling objectives.

9. Perform constructive self-assessment of counseling skills for professional and

personal development.

F. Ability to effectively use and manage Group Counseling techniques

1. Group work, guidance and counseling activities organization focused in

provide information and/or educative, vocational, social or personal

experiences and help client’s decision making processes.

2. Activities planning of Group Counseling to help client’s adjustment and

developmental processes

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


3. Recognition of the differences between Group Processes and Group


4. Identification and appropriate selection and use of models and techniques

according to established goals.

5. Capability to structure group sessions determining composition, goals, and

roles that help to facilitate discussions and productivity.

6. Proper selection, use and interpretation of assessment methods and evaluation


Internship Objectives

The Internship experience in Counseling and Guidance provide supervised professional practice

for Prospects Counselors in our program. Successful achievement of this experience is required

to obtain the Masters Degree. It is the culminating activity in the academic training program

which gives the students, under skilled supervision, an opportunity for the application of

counseling and guidance theories into practice within an appropriate and relevant setting. It is

expected that the student engage in the full range of counseling functions.

The Internship experience is designed to enable the “practitioner” to take on more progressive

responsibility so by the end of the experience, the student has demonstrated adequate entry level

mastery of all core functions of a Professional Counselor and the successful implementation of

counseling processes relevant to the setting and clients needs.

A. General Objectives

1. Strengthening and Widening of necessary knowledge, competencies and skills to

effectively practice counseling and guidance within its perspective as a process

that facilitates human self-realization in personal, social, academic and career

development areas.

2. Provide prospects counselors with cognitive and affective experiences within the

counseling and guidance professional field that make them capable to effectively

establish and facilitate assertive and positive communication, problem solutions,

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


decision making processes, empathic interactions, life quality, helpful

relationships, and establish team work skills with correspondent administrative

and supervisory personnel in their settings.

3. Offer an opportunity to reflection and modeling over potential development of

their abilities, competencies and skills as professionals and human beings, in

quality of life and services offering.

4. Identify and assume their roles, the importance of their figure and functions in


5. Prepare, implement and analyze research studies related to counseling and

guidance practice, stimulating involvement in critic analysis of scientific

investigation ad its application in the counseling processes developed for diverse

populations to be served (eco-cultural and environmental factors).

6. Develop the capacity to discover their own personal and professional potential in

the assertive solution search and human interactions.

7. Develop the capacity to ethical decision making process and moral principles that

help them in logic reasoning, within professional legal applicable parameters and


8. Identify, evaluate and incorporate new technological sources, new trends and

tendencies in counseling practice that help them in leadership assuming process

and issues dealing in the professional practice.

B. Specific Objectives

1. The integration of “teach to learn” relationships from theoretical-conceptual

perspectives to the supervised Práctical experience.

2. Show interest and responsibility over a continuous professional growth and


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


3. Service excellence in counseling and guidance activities planning to meet

individual and group counseling clients personal, social, academic and career

developmental needs.

4. Prove personal and professional organization skills keeping updated working

calendars, services logs, interview schedules, pertinent paperwork and records.

On time submission and filling of documents, with precision and clarity.

5. Preparation, administration and analysis of necessities studies.

6. Preparation and development of Work Plans.

7. Participation in a systematic, coordinated and supervised training program offered

by the internship setting collaborative supervisor and SUAGM Faculty Internship


8. Show efficacy and effectiveness in counseling interventions from the preventive,

remedial and therapeutic approach.

9. Show ability to effectively communicate, offer consultation and advisory services

to parents, teachers and community in general.

10. Offer and planning of individual and group counseling services in the internship


11. Show effective domain of theoretical approaches and models and pertinent

therapeutic interventions in case management.

12. Administration and results analysis of career counseling assessment instruments

and tests with the client and working team.

13. Development of activities related to life planning and occupational career


14. Client’s record maintenance and files creation.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


15. Show domain over counseling theoretical and conceptual frame toward a

proactive and effective practice.

16. Practice in accordance to ACA, ASCA, NBCC, NCDC professional standards or

other of the specialty in the Internship Center.

17. Preparation and submission of reports upon requests.

18. Show a positive, affirmative attitude over counseling professional challenges.

19. Mastering competencies and skills for team work.

20. Create security and self trust in his or her work and recognize the potential of

make significant changes in his life.

21. Stimulate client’s well-being and growth.


The internship is a planned clinical experience in which prospect counselors serve clients under

professional supervision of a certified and licensed counselor with two

Intern Student years minimum of professional practice experience that exhibits excellent ethical


According to CACREP standards, student will be doing some independent work with clients

under supervision which means that this experience should include co-leading groups and direct

leading, co-guidance and direct guidance, co-academic counseling and direct academic

counseling, co-individual counseling and direct individual counseling, and parent/teacher

consulting. Internship students should also be allowed to attend agency meetings, supervision

sessions, professional development activities, staff meetings and in-services.

Counseling and guidance masters degree Internship consist of 300 hours of supervised Practical

experience in Internship site, plus 5 sessions of academic complementary seminar. A minimum

of 60 hours of those in internship site experience needs to be in direct service to clients. Through

this experience the practitioner or prospect counselor is expected to develop and apply optimum

levels of competencies, skills and academic affective, personal and professional knowledge and

apply in practice with real clients conceptual theoretical skills obtained from Master Degree

courses. Personal and professional skills are expected to be developed in the following areas:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


- Human growth and development

- Cultural and social foundations

- Interview

- Helping process

- Group dynamics

- Career counseling and development

- Human behavior (Individual and Groups)

- Studies case management and problem identification

- Models, theories and techniques in professional counseling

- Research

- Workshop planning


A. Profile

1. School for Professional Studies Masters in Counseling and Guidance Program

students that successfully completed the specialty academic requirements:

EDUC 580,581,582,583,584,585,586 recommended by the Faculty and Masters

Program before Internship Experience.

2. A student who went through the Internship Guidance Workshop to receive

general information and specified information over Internship Components,

Rules, Proceedings, College Requirements, Internship Centers Requirements,

General and Specific Objectives, Evaluation and supervision processes.

3. A student enrolled and committed with Internship Academic Component:

Internship Seminar.

B. Responsibilities

1. The internship student is responsible of identify at least three options of

Internship settings, obtain an appointment and acquire all information contact to

present it to the faculty internship supervisor at Internship Guidance Workshop.

2. Punctually assist to the Internship Center and notify faculty supervisors and site

supervisor of any changes that may affect his/her punctuality.

3. Internship student is responsible of having all required documentation prepared

and assist to seminar meetings (EDUC 587), actively participate in the academic

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


component of the practice, analysis and discussion of Internship center

experiences. Must attend class at scheduled time unless other arrangements have

been mutually agreed with faculty Internship supervisor.

4. The internship student is responsible to notify the Faculty Internship Supervisor

of any conflicts or situations that may cause absences from internship class.

5. Is responsible for turn in by the date and hour of the Seminar (and keep copies of

every document),all documents required to obtain faculty supervisor signature

and a partial grade. After those documents being signed they will be returned to

the student to Keep in Internship site file and later be incorporated in the


6. Upon assigned in a Internship center, ask the site Collaborative Counseling

Supervisor about format, guidelines and procedures used in the center operation,

steps and rules followed by staff and records management policies.

7. Students should meet the stipulated contact hours required for the practice

experience. To do that, they will fill a daily log of their activities and hours

worked in the Internship center. This log has to be signed by the site

collaborative counseling supervisor before returned to the faculty supervisor at

the seminar.

8. In compliance with Section B.8 of ACA Code of Ethics and Ethical Standards,

the student must inform any client that they serve his/her condition as a

Counselor in training. The student is responsible to explain the client that the

time for his/her services is limited in time.

9. Students are responsible for providing clients with quality experiences, keep

appointment with clients and notify any event that can affect services delivery to

collaborative counseling supervisor or faculty supervisor.

10. Students are responsible of inform collaborative counseling supervisor any

clients emergencies and/or faculty supervisor about any problems managing a

case. It is expected that the internship student seeks for supervisory help in cases

that he/she questions his/hers own effectiveness or the situation presented

impacted his ability to be helpful. The student should request supervisory

intervention to address the difficulty. If the help provided is not enough or the

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


student considers that still need help to handle the situation, the student is

responsible to request additional supervisory help.

11. Students are responsible to follow any directive given by Collaborative

Counseling Supervisor or Faculty Supervisor regarding intervention with a

client. The instructor should advise the internship student when intervention is

not optional but must be performed to insure client’s well being. The supervisor

directive must be carried out.

12. If requested by Internship Faculty Supervisor, the student may be expected to

record in video or audiotape counseling sessions to grade, discuss and be

reviewed at the Seminar. These tapes, as any data collected through counseling

relationships must be obtained after Client’s or tutors consent, and must be keep

secure to protect client’s confidentiality as required by Section B.5 of ACA

Code of Ethics and Ethical Standards.

13. The student is responsible for any other legal and ethical issues applicable to

their practice, or to be informed of any other requirement specified by the

Internship center to perform their duties.

14. The student is responsible for researches and generation of self help learning

experiences that may broaden and enrich their practicing phase.

15. The student is responsible of promote and generate innovative activities in the

Internship Site or Center.

16. The student is responsible of meet Internship component requirements as

Academic Seminar requirements to successfully pass this Internship.

17. Student is responsible to develop a special innovative Project for the counseling

site or prepare a Special Counseling Activity in the Internship Center.

18. Student is responsible to learn how to use, fill and submit all evaluation forms

and paperwork, including:

o Internship hour summary logs.

o Mid term and final student evaluation of internship site

o Mid term and final student evaluation of collaborative supervisor

o Mid term and final evaluation of collaborative supervisor to the student

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


o Two mid term Faculty Internship Supervision Evaluations and one Final


o Cases Summaries and group activities planning.

Internship Site Supervisor

The Internship site supervisor is the facilitator and collaborative counselor that represent the site

selected by the student and the faculty supervisor. He/She will advise and offer consultation

services to the student during internship experience. It is the professional in charge to provide

one to one and/or triadic supervision besides faculty Internship supervisor. Will work with the

student one to one, will observe or give live supervision, evaluate student performance and offer

feedback and recommendations in methods, skills, techniques and case management.

A. Profile

1. Must be a Professional or State Certified or Licensed Counselor with at least

two years of experience in professional counseling services, satisfactory or

excellent evaluations and proved morally and ethical professional

qualifications in his/her practice.

B. Duties

1. Will encourage and integrate the student in opportunities to practice and

execute a variety of counseling activities under supervision.

2. Will evaluate student’s performance in those activities.

3. Will complete and sign SUAGM internship student evaluation forms.

4. Will coordinate faculty Internship supervisor site visits and evaluations of the


5. Will discuss with faculty Internship supervisor performance, advances and

concerns about Internship student.

6. Will assure the internship site offers the student with an adequate setting to

conduct individual and group counseling sessions with assured privacy,

enough space to perform, appropriate equipment and relevant materials

(blanks or forms required by the agency) to handle clients records under site


7. Will coordinate with the student to establish weekly schedules in the center in

order to fulfill contact hours requirements.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Faculty Internship Supervisor

It is the person designated by the educational Agency (School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses), to supervise the internship experience. He/she acts as a guide, a leader,

advisor, and consultant that provided academic, affective and educational experiences and serves

as model and stimulus to the prospect counselor to achieve the highest levels of professional

execution and interventions. A professional with experience in the Counseling and Guidance

field with proved domain, knowledge, competencies, skills and experiences developed to the

grade that can be able to facilitate the professional growth of supervisees.

A. Duties and Responsibilities

1. Conduct a Counseling and Guidance Internship Workshop to inform students

about all Internship components and proceedings in advance to the experience.

2. Coordination and execution of three supervisory visits to Internship centers and

attend any technical assistance requested by site collaborative counseling

supervisor or the student.

3. Assist student in the selection of Internship Site identifying centers that meet

Internship requirements.

4. Approve students placement in a center that represents the best option within the

established criteria and confirm schedule for contact hour requirements.

5. Provide site supervisor with all the information necessary to assist the student,

educational evaluation requirements and a copy of this manual. Ensure the site

supervisor understand Internship components before agreement to place the

student in the center.

6. To establish assertive and affirmative communication in continued basis with site

supervisor to offer guidance over Internship phase expectations from the students.

7. Discuss and distribute Internship manual to students.

8. Parallel to the in site supervision of students, will facilitate 5 Seminary sessions to

discuss, analyze, give follow up student experiences at Internship site and provide

the student with feedback and recommendations. Will also facilitate study of

identified back-up subjects to improve student’s experience. Will explain,

illustrate and offer guidance toward latest tendencies in Counseling and Guidance.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


9. Promote and stimulate the internship student to participate in strengthening

professional and personal experiences (forums, conferences, research, etc).

10. Check, evaluate and offer consultation and feedback to the internship students

related to all documents and paperwork to be submitted, including

o Necessities studies

o Consolidated work planning

o Daily, weekly or part term planning

o Daily, weekly or part term log

o Elaboration and creation of any special project for the center

o Case studies

o Individual and group counseling sessions

o Internship Portfolio

o Visits reports and site evaluations

o Students evaluations of site and supervision

11. Keep assertive and affirmative communication with site collaborator counselor to

identify and planning intervention strategies in the strong and weakest areas of

skills presented by the student.

12. Offer pertinent group and individual help to the student according to his/her

particular needs.

13. Serves as a counselor and advisor in activities and projects generated by the


14. Evaluate student Internship work through direct observation, seminar

participation and assistance, all required blanks and forms assigned and related to


Internship Site

Is the place approved by Counseling and Guidance Program Faculty in which the prospect student will be

located to his/her Internship.

A. Selection Process

The selection of internship site is a process that may assure that the students have an

adequate choice of opportunities in areas of prioritized need, special interests and

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


exploration of future employment setting within the field. Sites which are accredited by

national and professional recognized bodies are given priority. These settings will be on

continuous consideration and evaluation in order to maintain or improve our student’s

quality training experiences.

1. After carefully reading and study of this Handbook, the student should begin the

process of identify and consider Internship settings. A list of possible sites will be

added in this Handbook, but the possibility of a center selected by the student is

open. A selection of optional additional settings is highly recommended to avoid

any complications with placements if by any reason your final selection is not an

option. This selection should be done previous to the Internship Guidance


2. The student will make an appointment to visit the centers of selection and will

collect all contact information, supervisor name, Address, telephone and fax

numbers, services offered in the center, operation hours, student under training

policies in the center and any other relevant information.

3. The student will present site options to the Faculty Internship Supervisor and the

final selection will be made between both, considering counseling students skills,

interests, needs, career goals, site hourly availability to fulfill contact hours

requirements and supervisory requirements.

4. The Internship faculty supervisor will contact the center to meet Internship

collaborative supervisor, explain internship process and requirements. If PCS

agreed to it, The School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses (SUAGM),

will be sending an official letter to present the Internship student to the

collaborator. Our student will be given a Internship Agreement Contract to be

signed by the In-site collaborative Counselor. This whole process will be

explained previously to the in site Collaborative counselor.

A. Selection criteria

1. A center with positive and assertive perception of counseling and helping


2. A place offering services in Counseling that follows legal and Professional


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


- Follow ACA, NBCC ASCA and other professional code of ethics and standards

specific to their services.

- Strong and steady belief in Team work.

- That promotes preventive, remediation and therapeutic models.

- That ensures clients rights, counselor’s responsibilities and respect peers in

training processes.

- That respects human diversity, rights and civil laws concerning professional

counseling practice.

3. Willingness to participate in student training.

4. Center with appropriate resources to provide quality supervision.

5. A place that can assure the physical necessary facilities to the student to execute

his/her practice within a maximum criteria of confidentiality.

6. A center with the required human resources to facilitate student’s achievement of

Counseling Internship Goals and opportunities to effectively offer significant

experiences to professional training.

7. A place that can hold and place an Internship student for 300 hours in a period of

12 weeks (app. 25 hours weekly), to receive direct contact hours practicing

counseling and guidance skills with real clients.

8. A place able to provide mentoring in case management, interview skills, problem

identification and solving skills, therapeutic planning and termination processes.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo B / Appendix B


Internship Faculty Supervisor

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses (SUAGM)

PO Box 5774998

Orlando, FL 32857 – 4998

Tel. (407) 207-3363

Fax: (407) 207-3373





Dear Friends at __________________________,

The School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez

(SUAGM) is offering at this time in Florida the first bilingual Counseling and Guidance Master

Degree Program in accelerated format. Considering the population needs, SUAGM and the

University of Turabo have created and adapted this program to form and educate high quality

bilingual professionals in counseling services.

As part of this academic program, our students are required to meet 300 hours of Supervised

Internship experience in a Counseling Center during a period of 8 weeks. This experience is

scheduled to begin by ________________________. An Internship Site Supervisor or

Collaborator Counselor designated to work with the student is required.

SUAGM is interested in your collaboration and help for our students to meet their educational

goals. Our institution invites your Center to collaborate with us in our student Site Internship

Placement. We will need to know your response approximately by _______________________,

in order to start placement arrangements and work with any special requirements of your Center.

With this letter we are sending a description of Site Supervisor and Internship Site Profiles, for

your study and deliberation.

In case of questions you may contact, Professor_________________________ at




Faculty and Curriculum Director

The School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses

South Florida Campus

3520 Enterprise Way

Miramar Park of Commerce

Miramar, FL 33025

Tel. (954) 885-5595

Fax (954) 885-5861


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez

Internship Collaborative Site Supervisor

He/She is the facilitator and collaborative counselor who represent the counseling internship site.

He will advise and offer consultation services to the student during internship experience. Beside

faculty Internship supervisor will also provide one on one and/or triadic supervision. Will work

with the student one on one, will observe or give live supervision, evaluate student performance

and offer feedback and recommendations in methods, skills, techniques and case management.

A. Profile

1. Must be a Professional or State Certified or Licensed Counselor with at least

two years of experience in professional counseling services, satisfactory or

excellent evaluations and proved morally and ethical professional

qualifications in his/her practice.

B. Duties

1. Will encourage and integrate the student in opportunities to practice and

execute a variety of counseling activities under supervision.

2. Will evaluate students’ performance in those activities.

3. Will complete and Sign the Internship Student Evaluation Forms.

4. Will coordinate Faculty Internship Supervisor site visits and Evaluations of

the student.

5. Will discuss with Faculty Internship Supervisor performance, advances and

concerns about Internship Student.

6. Will assure the internship site offers the student with an adequate setting to

conduct individual and group counseling sessions with assured privacy,

enough space to perform, appropriate equipment and relevant materials

(Blanks or forms required by the agency) to handle clients records under site


7. Will coordinate with the student to establish weekly schedules in the center in

order to fulfill contact hour requirements.

Internship Site

It is the place approved by SUAGM Counseling and Guidance Program Faculty in which the

student will be located to his internship.

A. Selection criteria

1. A center with positive and assertive perception of counseling and helping


2. A place offering services in Counseling that follows legal and Professional


-Follow ACA, NBCC ASCA and other Professional Code of Ethics and

Standards, or any other specific to their services.

-Posses authorization and/or Competencies in assessment instruments use with


-Strong and steady belief in Team work.

-That promotes preventive, remedial and therapeutic models.

-That ensures clients rights, counselor’s responsibilities and respect in peers

training processes

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


-That respects human diversity rights and civil laws concerning professional

counseling practice.

3. Willingness to participate in student training.

4. Center with appropriate resources to provide quality supervision.

5. A place that can assure the physical necessary facilities to the student to execute

his/her practice within a maximum criteria of confidentiality.

6. A center with the required human resources to facilitate students’ achievement of

Counseling Internship Goals and opportunities to effectively offer significant

experiences to professional training.

7. A place that can hold and place an Internship student for 300 hours in a period of

12 weeks (App. 25 hours weekly), to receive direct contact hours practicing

counseling and Guidance skills with real clients.

8. A place able to provide mentoring in case management, interview skills, problem

identification and solving skills, therapeutic planning and termination processes.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo C / Appendix C

Internship Hours Accounting Log

As School for Professional Studies, Florida Campuses for this Internship experience, students are required

to complete a minimum of 300 hours in counseling skills practice. Seminar hours should not be included

in this log. Please keep this document updated with all the information required in it. Submit a copy of

this document to Faculty Internship Supervisor at every session of the Internship Seminar or Evaluation


Student Name:__________________________

Internship Site:__________________________

Site Supervisor:_________________________

DS: Direct Service OO: one to one counseling GC: Group Counseling SS:

Site supervision

TS: Triadic Supervision

IS: Professional development, Staff Meetings, In-services, etc.

Date Time
























___________________________ ______________________

Faculty Internship Supervisor Internship Student

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo D / Apendix D

Internship Hours Summary

Student Name:___________________ Internship Site:____________________

Site Supervisor:__________________ Faculty Supervisor.:_____________________

Activity Hours

Direct Service (Minimum 50 hours)

One to One Counseling

Group Counseling or Guidance

Indirect Service (Professional Development, Staff Meetings,

In-Services, etc.)

Supervision (One to One, Triadic)



_________________________ Date:__________________

Internship Student Signature

_________________________ Date:__________________

Site Supervisor

_________________________ Date:__________________

Internship Faculty Supervisor

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo E / Appendix E

Video Recording and Tape Reviewing Client Consent

I,___________________________, give my permission to videotape, audiotape reviewing and

observation in class of this counseling session to ________________________, School for

Professional Studies/ Florida Campuses Counseling and Guidance student in Practice.

I understand that this procedure is just for educational and training purposes. This tape review,

observation and discussions are important part of his/her education and will give a chance to

improve his/her counseling skills.

I also understand that tapes are used for educational and supervisory purposes only, and that any

information within this interview will be treated with respect and confidentiality.

_____________________ __________________

Client Signature Intern Student

________________________ __________________

Date Date

*If client is under 18, parental signature is required.

________________________ _____________________

Parent/Tutor Signature Date

**Important Note to Internship student:

If Videotaping Person is not a part of Site staff, you should create a document similar to this one in which this third

party agree to keep confidentiality and should inform the client about the particular. Attach the document to this

consent and keep it in file.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo F/ Appendix F

Site Supervisor Student Evaluation Form

Maximum Score: 420 Pts

Students Score________


Intern Name:_________________________


Site Supervisor:_______________________




Using the following Criteria, evaluate student performance in Internship experience. Circle the

number that better describe students work.

*At the end of each section, a space is provided for any observation not listed. Please note that if

you offer extra comments, you need to rank the student performance and add those points as part

of the evaluation.

*If NA is used for any of the items in a section, please do not add the value of the item in the

subtotal of the section, and make sure to indicate that discount on the final score.

*Student grade will be calculated adding all subtotals of all sections (subtracting all NA and

adding extra points on comments section before subtotals), and dividing the calculated final

score by the maximum amount of points assessed.

1 Poor

(No knowledge or


2 Below

Average (Extensive training

and ongoing



3 Average

(Adequate skills,

Training and



4 Above

Average (High levels of



5 Excellent

(Mastery levels)


(No opportunity

to assess)

I. Professional Behavior

1. Show personal commitment to develop professional


1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Time and Energy investment in becoming a counselor 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Exhibit ethical and professional behavior 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Accepts and use criticism to enhance self development and

counseling skills

1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Demonstrate ability to accurately assess own skills and


1 2 3 4 5 NA

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


6. Engages in open, comfortable and clear communication with

peers and supervisors

1 2 3 4 5 NA

7. Recognizes own deficiencies and actively works to overcome

them with help of peers and supervisors

1 2 3 4 5 NA

8. Completes case reports and records punctually and


1 2 3 4 5 NA

9. Professional appearance to counseling setting 1 2 3 4 5 NA

10. Regular attendance, justified absences. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

11. Prompt attendance to appointments with clients, staff and


1 2 3 4 5 NA

12. Contact de Internship supervisor if delayed or absent. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

13. Respect for clients and coworkers regardless of race, color,

religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs,

marital status, handicapping condition, sexual orientation or

social and family background.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

14. Honesty in professional dealings. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

15. Demonstration of respect for clients, colleagues and

supervisory staff.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

16. Take reasonable precautions to distinguish personal views

from institutional or supervisor’s views.

1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


II. Assessment Skills

1. Demonstrate ability to use assessment techniques 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Demonstrate ability to interpret assessment results 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Demonstrate ability to assess clients problematic 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Demonstrate ability to assess clients needs 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Chooses effective and appropriate evaluation tools

and techniques

1 2 3 4 5 NA

6. Through the collected data analysis is able to identify

his/her counseling limitations

1 2 3 4 5 NA

7. Is able to self-assess the results of his interventions 1 2 3 4 5 NA

8. Integrate results and consideration of assessments into

intervention planning

1 2 3 4 5 NA

9. Capability to interpret tests and results to clients 1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


III. Case Management Skills

1. Review and document clients information 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Maintains accurate and current records 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Compiles case information, summaries and reports in a way

that can be easily understood when reviewing the case

1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Coordinate, demonstrate skills or know how to find appropriate

services with community offices or other agencies relevant to the


1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Make appropriate consultation if needed 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6. Make appropriate referrals 1 2 3 4 5 NA

7. Collaborate with colleagues and coordinate services 1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


IV. Counseling Skills 1. Research referrals prior to first interviews. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Demonstrate skills in establishing a counseling relationship

with a child or adult client.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Communicate effectively with clients 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Develop a therapeutic relationship characterized by empathy

and positive regard for the client

1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Counsel client consistently with his/her skills. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6. Demonstrate confrontation skills. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

7. Uses silence effectively. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

8. Demonstrate reflection skills 1 2 3 4 5 NA

9. Involve clients and establishes realistic counseling goals. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

10. Adjusts counseling style or approaches according to client’s

cognitive and personal characteristics.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

11. Select appropriate assessment techniques. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

12. Able to conceptualize and implement a treatment plan


1 2 3 4 5 NA

13. Appropriate use of counseling techniques and intervention


1 2 3 4 5 NA

14. Able to self disclose when appropriate. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

15. Focuses in identification and clarification of client’s concerns

and problematic.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

16. Able to conceptualize and implement a treatment plan actively 1 2 3 4 5 NA

17. Periodic evaluation of counseling goals and intervention 1 2 3 4 5 NA

18. Identifies social, economic and environmental forces that may 1 2 3 4 5 NA

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


adversely affect client recovery process

19. Makes appropriate use of referral sources appropriate

preparation of client and himself for termination

1 2 3 4 5 NA

20. Integration of technology sources 1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


V. Group Counseling, Group Guidance and group presentations 1. Makes accurate assessment of group members. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Recognizes group dynamics and use appropriate strategies. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Facilitates group dynamics. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Protects Groups members from emotional or physical harm. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Organize materials logically and sequentially. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6. Shows appropriate presentation skills Includes all classroom

members in discussions.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

7. Manages group behavior properly. 1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


VI. Diversity Issues 1. Identifies issues of diversity that may impact understanding and

intervention in the counseling relationship.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Uses appropriate intervention according multicultural


1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Familiar with resources for diverse populations and appropriate

referral processes.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Awareness of empirical and theoretical bases for treatment and

diverse clientele.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Demonstrates awareness of own cultural identity and how that

may impact counseling processes.

1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


VII. Assessment

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


1. Conducts effectively assessment techniques. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Displays skills and knowledge in selecting tests. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Explains test procedures and uses to clients. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Interprets test results. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Recognizes impact of gender, socio-cultural and ethnic

influences on assessment.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

6. Develops treatment plans according to assessment results. 1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


VIII. Ethics 1. Shows evidence of understanding and practicing of ethics

outlined by the profession.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

2. Assumes responsibility for cases and seeks for supervision as


1 2 3 4 5 NA

3. Maintains confidentiality. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4. Show respect when discussing cases. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5. Provides critical feedback in respectful manner. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6. Accepts and utilizes critical feedback from supervisors and


1 2 3 4 5 NA

7. Uses supervision in a developmentally appropriate way and

shows an increasingly collaborative approach to supervision.

1 2 3 4 5 NA


1 2 3 4 5 NA


IX. In narrative form, address achievement of the Internship student objectives observed during

these experiences. Include areas of strengths and areas of further development.







EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Calculus Table

Section Assessed Maximum



Total amount for items

assessed (including points for

additional comments and

excluding NAs)




I. Professional Behavior 85

II. Assessment Skills 50

III. Case Management



IV. Counseling Skills 105

V. Group Skills 40

VI. Diversity Issues 30

VII. Assessment 35

VIII. Ethics 40

Totals 420 TIA = FSS =

Formula to Calculate Final Grade:

FG = Final grade

FSS = Final student’ score

TIA = Total amount of items assessed



_____________________ _____________________ Site Supervisor Date

______________________ _____________________ Intern Student Date

______________________ _____________________ Faculty Internship Supervisor Date

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo G/Appendix G

Internship Setting Evaluation Form

Maximum Value: 130 pts


Student Name:__________________

Date: _________________________

Period in Internship setting:________

Hours Completed:_______________

Internship Site:_____________________________________

Internship Collaborative Supervisor:____________________

Internship Faculty Supervisor:_________________________

I. Overall Internship Experience:

Using the following criteria, evaluate the general quality of your Internship Experience. Circle

the number in the right column.

1 2 3 4 5 Deficient Adequate Excellent

a. Overall quality of your experience


2 3 4 5

b. Overall quality of Supervision


2 3 4 5

c. Breadth of the experience


2 3 4 5

d. Depth of the experience


2 3 4 5

e. Overall Professional atmosphere


2 3 4 5

f. Overall training atmosphere


2 3 4 5

II. Educative Internship Experience

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Considering all details within your Internship Site, evaluate according the following criteria and

write respective numbers in the right column.

1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

a. The primary supervision received was of good quality

b. I received enough amount of supervision

c. I received enough opportunity for professional development

d. Adequate role models were available

e. Professional legal and ethic practices were allways observed

f. I had opportunities to develop counseling skills with individuals

g. I had opportunities to develop counseling skills with groups

h. Internship environment was generally supportive

i. I received peer support during the experience

j. The experience provide me with professional challenges

k. My peers and supervisor treated me with respect

l. My professional growth was encouraged

m. My personal growth was encouraged

n. Emotional and training support was available

o. Training was not all about service delivery

p. The setting was supportive with my professional activities

q. Site counseling goals were thoroughly explained to me

r. Site policies and procedures were thoroughly explained to me

t. I was involved in setting operational dynamic

u. I had the chance to learn and use related community services Subtotal

III. Briefly describe some of the experiences within this Internship site that helped you in skills








IV. Briefly describe and identify the most beneficial experience of your Internship at this center

and why.







EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


V. Briefly describe and identify the least beneficial experience of your Internship at this center

and why.







VI. What are your suggestions to improve the experience in this Internship Center?







VII. Would you recommend this Internship Site for future Internship students?

Yes____ No____ Why?







VIII. Check all activities in which you were involved in this Internship Site

□ Individual counseling

□ Personal/Social □


□Occupational/Career Development □ Crisis

□ Group counseling

□ Co-leading □Leading □ Planning

□ Guidance Reports

□ Record Keeping

□ Educational activities

□ Referrals/Community Resources

□ Center Wide Guidance Activities

□ Assessment Instruments use

□ Necessities Studies

□ Special Projects Planning

□ Setting activities participation

□ Individual Supervision

□ Parent/ tutors meetings

□ Parents/tutors/ teachers advisory services

□ Administrative/Work team and Staff meetings

□ Follow-up programs

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


□ Student Orientations

□ Child study team meetings

□ Technologic assisted experiences

□ Other:___________________________________________________

_____________________________ _____________

Internship Student Signature Date

i. I received peer support during the experience

j. The experience provide me with professional challenges

k. My peers and supervisor treated me with respect

l. My professional growth was encouraged

m. My personal growth was encouraged

n. Emotional and training support was available

o. Training was not all about service delivery

p. The setting was supportive with my professional activities

q. Site counseling goals were thoroughly explained to me

r. Site policies and procedures were thoroughly explained to me

t. I was involved in setting operational dynamic

u. I had the chance to learn and use related community services Subtotal

III. Briefly describe some of the experiences within this Internship site that helped you in skills








IV. Briefly describe and identify the most beneficial experience of your Internship at this center

and why.







EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


V. Briefly describe and identify the least beneficial experience of your Internship at this center

and why.







VI. What are your suggestions to improve the experience in this Internship Center?







VII. Would you recommend this Internship Site for future Internship students?

Yes____ No____ Why?







VIII. Check all activities in which you were involved in this Internship Site

□ Individual counseling

□ Personal/Social

□ Academic

□Occupational/Career Development □ Crisis

□ Group counseling

□ Co-leading □Leading □ Planning

□ Guidance Reports

□ Record Keeping

□ Educational activities

□ Referrals/Community Resources

□ Center Wide Guidance Activities

□ Assessment Instruments use

□ Necessities Studies

□ Special Projects Planning

□ Setting activities participation

□ Individual Supervision

□ Parent/ tutors meetings

□ Parents/tutors/ teachers advisory services

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


□ Administrative/Work team and Staff meetings

□ Follow-up programs

□ Student Orientations

□ Child study team meetings

□ Technologic assisted experiences

□ Other:___________________________________________________

_______________________ ______________

Intern Student Signature Date

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo H / Appendix H

Project Design

I. Identificación de un área de necesidad en el centro de práctica – Español

Los estudiantes deberán:

a. Diseñar un Inventario de Evaluación de Necesidades para la población a servir en el

centro de práctica y administre el instrumento. Este instrumento se redactará en el

idioma(s) hablado(s) por la población a servir (Inglés y/o Español). Para una muestra

de Inventario de Evaluación de Necesidades refiérase al Anejo A.

b. Analizar la información recopilada y compárela con otras fuentes de información

disponibles (expedientes, información del consejero y evaluaciones de maestros).

c. Identificar un área de necesidad de la población a servir.

d. Realizar una exploración de la literatura de investigación referente al tema (área de

necesidad) seleccionada para trabajar. Ud. puede usar libros de texto, documentos

científicos y artículos para su exploración.

e. Redactar un ensayo analítico del tema (área de necesidad) para justificar el diseño y la

planificación del proyecto especial. Este ensayo no deberá ser menor de tres páginas y

deberá incluir un mínimo de tres referencias de base científica obtenidas de su

exploración de la literatura de investigación existente. Este ensayo deberá escribirse en

Español. Use el estilo APA.

II. Design, Planning and implementation of the Special Project (e. g. Workshop, Peer

Training, Seminar, Group Orientation, Guidance Classroom Lesson) – English

The student will complete the following format to design the special project.

a. Objectives:

• Purpose(s) of the special project.

• Your objectives should be written considering human development


b. Process Description and Activities:

• In detail, explain the process, activities, strategies and techniques to be used

in the implementation of the Special Project (e.g. workshop peer training,

seminar, group orientation, guidance classroom lesson).

c. Time and Activities distribution:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


• Accurately describe time distribution and order of activities. Were the

activities carried out within the planned timeframe? Did the activities follow

a logical sequence?

d. Implementation of the Special Project

e. Observations: (*)

• Using a paragraph format, write your reaction about the following key

points: special project delivery, difficulties observed, your role as

facilitators, and audience reactions.

f. Diagnostic Impressions: (*) Using a paragraph format:

• Explain in detail how areas of need were attended through the special


• Identify and explain possible future interventions for the counselor,

additional to the interventions implemented so far (include at least two

possible interventions). Additional interventions should not be implemented

this time.

*(Last two criteria will be completed once the student has delivered the special project

at the practicum site).

III. Assessment instrument or Evaluation sheet construction for the special project (e. g.

Workshop, Peer Training, Seminar, Group Orientation, Guidance Classroom Lesson) –


The student should consider the following six categories, but not limited to the following

questions/ statements in the design of an assessment instrument. The questions listed below

are just guidelines; therefore, students will need to elaborate real questions and/or statements

for the assessment instrument.

a. Content

• Ask if the content of the assessment instrument match the special project

objectives and content.

• Ask if the content of items cover all features of the special project.

• Ask if the information received in the special project was relevant to the

participants’ needs.

• Make sure that directions are clear and accurate.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


• Make sure that the content of items is clear and easy to follow.

b. Organization

• Ask if the organization of the activities of the special project helped achieve

the intervention’s goals.

c. Effectiveness (meet the purpose of the intervention)

• Ask if the content, activities and organization of the special project

contributed with participants’ learning process.

• Ask how well the intervention’s goals were achieved.

• Ask if time, resources, and language were used effectively to achieve the

intervention’s goals.

d. Time management

• Ask if activities were appropriate and feasible within the timeframe


e. Resources used to deliver

• Ask if technology was integrated in the special project.

• Ask if the use of technology helped with participants’ learning process.

• Ask how well participants work with technology in the special project.

f. Language management

• Ask if the message was delivered clearly to audience.

• Ask if the presenter(s) used English/or Spanish clearly during the special


After designing, administering, and tabulating results of the assessment instrument, the

student should submit a written report in English. The report will include the following


• Front page

• Population served in the special project

• Brief background information of the special project

• Quantitative Information:

o Chart, percentages, and graphs of tabulated results of the assessment


• Qualitative Information:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


o Analysis and interpretation of tabulated results of the assessment instrument.

• Conclusions

• Recommendations

• An empty copy of the elaborated assessment instrument should be included as an

appendix of this report.

IV. Análisis crítico y resumen de la experiencia – Español

Considerando las siguientes preguntas, el estudiante deberá escribir un ensayo crítico no

menor de dos páginas, analizando la experiencia en la implementación del proyecto especial

siguiendo la última edición del Manual APA.

1. Explique si Ud. hace un uso apropiado de la información obtenida a través de la

evaluación de necesidades administrada en el centro de práctica.

2. ¿Cómo la búsqueda de la literatura y de la información le ayudaron con la selección

de las técnicas y estrategias para el diseño del proyecto especial?

3. ¿Fueron las actividades y estrategias/metodologías seleccionadas efectivas al ayudar

con las necesidades de la población, con los asuntos de la diversidad cultural y con

los objetivos del proyecto? ¿Cambiaría algo? ¿Por qué?

4. ¿Qué tan adecuadamente aplicó Ud. las técnicas individuales y grupales de

Orientación y Consejería?

5. Explique los aspectos éticos y legales de la profesión de Consejería considerados en

el diseño.

6. ¿Cómo Ud. evalúa su dominio oral y escrito de ambos idiomas en el diseño e

implementación de este proyecto?

7. Después de diseñar e implementar el proyecto especial, explique cómo Ud. podría

mejorar o crear un plan de desarrollo profesional.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo H1/ Appendix H1

Final Project Developmental Log

Student name:

Week Project Task Completed Not




One Design of

Inventory needs for

student population

Two Analyze compiled


Three Administer

inventory of need

& identify area of


Four Make research

literature review

Five Write analytical

theme paper

Six Implementation of

the project at


Seven Do Observations

Eight Project

presentation in


Student signature:____________________________________

Supervisor signature:_________________________________

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo I / Appendix I


Intern Student Name:__________________________________

Internship Site:_______________________________________

Site Address:________________________________________


Week from:_______________To:_______________














_______________________ Internship Student Signature

_______________________ Site Supervisor Signature

_______________________ Date

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo J / Appendix J


Intern Name:__________________





Maximum Value: 250 Points

Obtained Score:__________


According to the following criteria, circle the number that best evaluate your own performance

in this Internship Experience.

1 2 3 4 5

Poor Satisfactory Good

NA= No opportunity to execute, non apply

I. Overall Experience:

1 Personal commitment in developing professional


1 2 3 4 5 NA

2 Time and Energy investment in becoming a counselor 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3 Accepts and use criticism to enhance self development

and counseling skills

1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 Engages in open, comfortable and clear communication

with peers and supervisors

1 2 3 4 5 NA

5 Recognizes own deficiencies and actively works to

overcome them with help of peers and supervisors

1 2 3 4 5 NA

6 Recognizes own deficiencies and actively works to

overcome them with help of peers and supervisors

1 2 3 4 5 NA

7 Completes case reports and records punctually and


1 2 3 4 5 NA

8 Subtotal

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


II. Counseling Skills

1 Research referrals prior to first interviews 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2 Effective in personal and group counseling 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3 Able to facilitate and manage groups 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 Demonstrate skills in establishing a counseling

relationship witha child or adult client.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

5 Communicate effectively with clients 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6 Demonstrate reflection skills 1 2 3 4 5 NA

7 Demonstrate confrontation skills 1 2 3 4 5 NA

8 Uses silence effectively 1 2 3 4 5 NA

9 Focuses in identification and clarification of client’s

concerns and problematic

1 2 3 4 5 NA

10 Assists client’s in self concept exploration and Self

esteem building.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

11 Select appropriate assessment techniques 1 2 3 4 5 NA

12 Able to self disclose when appropriate 1 2 3 4 5 NA

13 Able to conceptualize and implement a treatment plan 1 2 3 4 5 NA

14 Actively involve clients and establishes realistic

counseling goals

1 2 3 4 5 NA

15 Appropriate use of counseling techniques and

intervention skills

1 2 3 4 5 NA

16 Periodic evaluation of counseling goals and


1 2 3 4 5 NA

17 Makes appropriate use of referral sources 1 2 3 4 5 NA

18 Appropriate preparation of client and himself for


1 2 3 4 5 NA

13 Integration of technology sources 1 2 3 4 5 NA

14 Subtotal

III. Group Counseling, Group Guidance and group presentations

1 Accurate assessment of group members 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2 Facilitates group dynamics 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3 Recognizes group dynamics and use appropriate


1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 Protects Groups members from emotional or physical


1 2 3 4 5 NA

5 Organize materials logically and sequentially 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6 Shows appropriate presentation skills 1 2 3 4 5 NA

7 Includes all classroom members in discussions 1 2 3 4 5 NA

8 Manages group behavior properly 1 2 3 4 5 NA

9 Subtotal

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


IV. Diversity Issues

1 Identifies issues of diversity that may impact

understanding and intervention in the counseling


1 2 3 4 5 NA

2 Uses appropriate intervention according multicultural


1 2 3 4 5 NA

3 Familiar with resources for diverse populations and

appropriate referral processes.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 Awareness of empirical and theoretical bases for

treatment and diverse clientele.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

5 Demonstrates awareness of own cultural identity and

how that may impact counseling processes.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

6 Subtotal 1 2 3 4 5 NA

V. Assessment

1 Conducts effectively assessment techniques 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2 Displays skills and knowledge in selecting tests 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3 Explains test procedures and uses to clients 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 Interprets test results 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5 Recognizes impact of gender, socio-cultural and ethnic

influences on assessment.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

6 Develops treatment plans according to assessment


1 2 3 4 5 NA

7 Subtotal

VI. Ethics

1 Shows evidence of understanding and practicing of

ethics outlined by the profession.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

2 Assumes responsibility for cases and seek supervision

as needed.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

3 Maintains confidentiality 1 2 3 4 5 NA

4 Show respect when discussing cases 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5 Provides critical feedback in respectful manner 1 2 3 4 5 NA

6 Accepts and utilizes critical feedback from supervisors

and peers

1 2 3 4 5 NA

7 Uses supervision in a developmentally appropriate way

and shows an increasingly collaborative approach to


1 2 3 4 5 NA

8 Subtotal

VI. Professionalism

1 Professional appearance to counseling setting 1 2 3 4 5 NA

2 Regular attendance, justified absences 1 2 3 4 5 NA

3 Prompt attendance to appointments with clients, staff

and supervision

1 2 3 4 5 NA

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


4 Contact de Internship supervisor if delayed or absent. 1 2 3 4 5 NA

5 Respect for clients and coworkers regardless of race,

color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin,

political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition,

sexual orientation or social and family background

1 2 3 4 5 NA

6 Honesty in professional dealings 1 2 3 4 5 NA

7 Demonstration of respect for clients, colleagues and

supervisory staff

1 2 3 4 5 NA

8 Take reasonable precautions to distinguish personal

views from institutional or supervisor’s views.

1 2 3 4 5 NA

8 Subtotal

VII. Additional Comments:







Internship Student Signature



EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo K / Appendix K


Intern Student Name:_____________________________

Faculty Supervisor Name:_________________________

Site supervisor Name:____________________________

Please answer the following questions about your Internship Site Supervision:

1. Do you have an assigned site supervisor? ___Yes___No

2. Who is your Main Supervisor?______________________________________

3. Approximately, How much time do you receive weekly in Supervision?


4. Do you receive supervision individually or in group with other Internship


5. Briefly describe how you are supervised:




6. Are you satisfied with your supervision? _____Yes_____No

7. How would you qualify it? _____Excellent _____Fair _____Poor

If Fair or Poor, Explain your answer




8. At any point of your Internship, did you discuss with your Site Supervisor or

Faculty Supervisor about your level of satisfaction regarding your site

Supervision? ____Yes ____No. Briefly explain.




9. Provide, if any, reasonable recommendations and suggestions to Site




______________________ _________________ Intern Student Signature Date

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo L / Appendix L


Student Name:________________________



Relevant Client


***Not Include Names or use Alias***

Age:_________ Sex:________



Session, Date and


(Session #, Date of meeting, Meeting extension)

Session Objective

(Problem Identified, mean situation discussed)


(Brief description of worked and explored areas and any techniques


Action Plan

(Counseling goals and how are you going to address them, objectives

for new interventions, how many interventions would yo be working

with the client, assignments, exercises, contracts, other)


(Any advances over counseling goals or counseling relationship)


(New Issues discovered through counseling sessions, observations over

Client behaviors, Client missed a session, lateness or absence reasons,


_______________________ ______________________ ____________________ Student Signature Site Supervisor Signature Faculty Supervisor

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo M / Appendix M

Assessment of Counseling and Feedback skills

For video or audio tape recorded Interviews

Student Name: ______________________ Date:______________

Assessed by: _______________________ Grade:_____________

Skills observed Competent

(6 Pts)



(3 Pts)

Needs more


(2 -0 Pts)

Accurate paraphrasing

Accurate reflection of


Accurate summarizing

Wide Vocabulary

Uses Metaphors

Sub totals

Non- verbal attending skills

Body (10 Pts)

Facial Expression


Voice Tone (10 Pts)

Pacing (10 Pts)

Sub totals

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Demonstrated Very much

(10 Pts)


(7 Pts)


(5 Pts)

Not Sure

(4 or less)













Evaluation Chart


Non Verbal Skills



________________________________________________________________ Skills of giving feedback

Comments in this feedback and assessment form should include:

Specifics: remembering actual words, phrases, actions. Give feedback constructively: clearly, directly, diffidently,

obscured, with care, too general, could be more direct. Avoids giving negative feedback. Observes non-verbal, body

language, tone, pace, relaxed, too relaxed, tense, fidgets, immobile, matches, warm, cool, impassive, matching, etc...

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo N / Appendix N

Ejercicio de auto evaluación y auto conocimiento para consejeros

Objetivo: Resulta de utilidad para un consejero identificar actitudes y comportamientos que

pudieran facilitar o intervenir en una relación de ayuda positiva. Mediante esta lista

identificarás las problemáticas y las áreas que necesitas respaldar o trabajar.

Lee cuidadosamente y marca aquellas que mejor te describan.


_____ La retroalimentación negativa y constructiva sobre mi no me

hace sentir incompetente o dudoso de mi mismo.

_____ Me decepciono con frecuencia.

_____ Me siento plenamente confiado sobre mi mismo como consejero.

_____ Siempre estoy preocupado pensando que no seré un buen


_____ Cuando recibo comentarios positivos sobre mi trabajo no los creo.

_____ Me trazo metas realistas y realizables

_____ Creo que un cliente hostil puede hacerme sentir incómoda e


_____ Siempre me encuentro disculpándome por mi propio comportamiento.

_____ Estoy poco confiado que seré un consejero exitoso

_____ Me preocupo mucho de no estar “haciéndola” como consejero.

_____ Me asustan un poco los clientes que me idealizan.

_____ Muchas veces me trazo metas muy difíciles de conseguir.

_____ Tiendo a evitar retroalimentación negativa cuando puedo.

_____ Hacerlo bien o ser exitoso no me hace sentir incomodo.


_____ Soy realmente honesto, pienso que mis métodos de consejera son un

poco superiores a los de otros.

_____Trato que siempre hagan lo que yo digo y me enojo si un cliente me lleva

la contrario a o sigue mi dirección en la entrevista.

_____Creo que existe un balance en la participación de mis clientes y la mía

en las entrevistas.

_____ Me llego a sentir molesto cuando trabajo con un cliente que se resiste o

tiene mal genio.

_____ A veces me tiento de pasar lo que pienso al cliente.

_____ Predicar para mi no es problema.

_____ Me incomoda un cliente con una visión diferente a la mía.

_____ Se que hay veces que me molestaría referir a otro profesional un cliente

mío, en especial si este tiene un estilo diferente.

_____ Algunas veces me encuentro rechazando o intolerante a valores y estilos

de vida de los clientes que no son los míos.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


_____ A veces me es muy difícil evitar luchas de poder con algunos clientes.


_____ Hay veces en que actúo mas rudo de lo que en realidad soy.

_____ Es difícil para mi expresar sentimientos positivos a un cliente.

_____ Hay clientes que me gustarían mas como amigos que como clientes.

_____ Me hace sentir mal no gustarle o caerle bien a un cliente.

_____ Cuando siento que un cliente tiene algo en mi contra, trato de hablarlo

mejor que evitarlo.

_____ Muchas veces me salgo de mi línea para evitar ofender a un cliente.

_____ Me siento más cómodo manteniendo distancia profesional con mi cliente.

_____ Estar cerca de las personas no me hace sentir incómodo.

_____ Me siento más cómodo cuando estoy más relajado y suelto.

_____ Soy muy sensitivo en cuanto a como se sienten los clientes hacia mi,

en especial si es negativo.

_____ Pueda aceptar retroalimentación o comentarios negativos sobre mi de los

sin mayor problema.

_____ Es difícil para mi confrontar a un cliente.

¿Qué conflictos de valores identificaste?

¿Qué conflictos de estereotipos identificaste?

¿Qué conflictos éticos encontraste?

¿Qué conflictos sobre diversidad encontraste?

¿Cuáles son las áreas en que debo trabajar para mejorar mi práctica?

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo O / Appendix O

Posibles Centros de Práctica

Practicum must be completed in a Public School setting.

La práctica debe ser completada en una escuela pública.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo P / Appendix P

Internship Training Agreement

This agreement is made to provide the Counseling graduate student with a field based

professional supervised experience.

Student in practice must complete 300 hours of Internship in this setting. The length and time for

this Internship will be 12 weeks (app 25 hours per week).

The School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses agrees:

- Assign a faculty internship supervisor to facilitate communication between the

University and the field site.

- To provide orientation, assistance, consultation and professional development

opportunities to site supervisors.

- To have the faculty supervisor make three evaluation visits and work coordinately

with site supervisor and internship student over any concerns related to this


- To ensure that the faculty supervisor is responsible for assigning a grade upon

student successful completion of this Internship.

Internship Site agrees: - Assign a supervisor who is a licensed or certificated counselor with a minimum of

two years of experience in the field.

- Assign a supervisor with interest in the Internship student supervision.

- To provide opportunities for the student to engage in a variety of counseling activities

under supervision and to evaluate the student’s performance.

- To provide the students with necessary and appropriate sources to practice and


- To provide one to one supervision of Internship students

- To participate in the student partial and final evaluations, and complete and sign

Internship related forms.

Internship student agrees:

- To submit and sign any require document of internship site.

- To adhere to Internship setting administrative policies, rules, standards, schedules and

clinical practices of the site.

- To be punctual and present at Internship scheduled time.

- To complete the necessary evaluations, including two partial and one final evaluation,

a self evaluation, supervisor evaluation, Internship site evaluation.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


This agreement is made on ____________________ by_____________________ Date Internship Site Name

The School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez

Counseling and Guidance Masters Degree Program. This

agreement will be effective from__________________ to___________________, Date Date

for _____________hours per week and ___ Credits Hours in Master Degree in

Counseling and Guidance of__________________________________________. Student Name

___________________________ ___________________________

Internship Site Supervisor Date

___________________________ ___________________________

Faculty Internship Supervisor Date

___________________________ __________________________

Intern Student Date

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo Q / Appendix Q

Faculty Supervisor Site Visit Report

Faculty Supervisor:____________________ Date:_________________

Internship Site:_______________________ Visit # ________________

Site Supervisor:______________________

Student Visited:______________________

___ Progress Evaluation ___ Partial evaluation ___Final Evaluation


Site Supervisor



Recommendations to

Internship Student

__________________________ __________________________ Site Supervisor Faculty Supervisor


Intern Student

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo R/Appendix R


Student Name:_______________ Date:___________________

Criteria Value Points Student Score


Introductory content is clear & well

stated. 10

Major or relevant details are exposed

in essay. 10

Present a thesis, supporting it in a

persuasive way, providing precise



Sentences are cohesive and ideas flow

as the essay is read. 10

Establish a writer’s relationship with

the subject, providing a clear

perspective on the subject manner and

engaging the audience attention.


Draw conclusions that reflect the

relationships or significant outcomes

of the discussion.


Demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of

significant ideas to reach a higher level

of understanding in an organizational




Demonstrate a command of standard

English (vocabulary, syntax and flow

of ideas)


Uses grammar appropriately and

correctly. 10

Manages and uses verbs correctly. 10

Total Points 100 ( 70%content

and 30%


Total score:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.



NOMBRE: ____________________________________NOTA FINAL _________

TITULO________________________________________FECHA _______________

0-No Cumplió 1-








5-Excelente N/A-No


CRITERIOS 0 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

1. El escrito es claro, enfocado e interesante,

identifica el propósito, los objetivos e ideas

principales que se incluyen en el escrito.

2. Se cumplieron los objetivos o propósitos

anunciados en la introducción.

3. La presentación de las ideas es organizada y

coherente y puede seguirse con facilidad.

4. El escrito incluye todas las partes o

elementos del tema o tarea asignada de

manera directa y apropiada.

5. El autor demuestra dominio del tema o

materia de la presentación al explicar con

propiedad el contenido y no incurrir en


6. Las ideas y argumentos de la presentación

están bien fundamentadas en los recursos

presentados, consultados o discutidos en


7. El resumen de los puntos principales y/o la

presentación de las conclusiones es claro y


Criterios de Lenguaje

8. Se utiliza un lenguaje apropiado con

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


corrección sintáctica y gramatical.

9. Utiliza vocabulario preciso, correcto y

apropiado, contiene oraciones y párrafos

bien construidos que facilitan la lectura y

comprensión del escrito.

10. El escrito está bien editado y presentado.

Comentarios: _______________________________________________________

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo S/ Appendix S

Matriz para el Inventario de necesidades

Criterio de Contenido Excelente




Necesita Mejorar


El inventario fue pre -administrado a

la población escogida.

El inventario le ofrece a la población

un área para escribir comentarios

El inventario ofrece a la población

diversas áreas de necesidad para


El diseño del instrumento de

necesidad fue adecuado

El número de aseveraciones del

instrumento de necesidad es adecuado

La población escogida puede llegar a

un acuerdo en relación a una


El inventario ha sido administrado a

la población correcta.

Criterio de Lenguaje

Las aseveraciones del inventario

están libres de errores gramaticales

Todas las aseveraciones del

inventario se pueden leer con


Las aseveraciones del inventario de

necesidad están escritas en el idioma


( español).

Total 100

( 70% contenido y 30% lenguaje)

Firma del estudiante;

Firma del facilitador

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo SA/Appendix S-A

Rubric to Evaluate Special Project

Content Criteria Excelent




Need Improvement


The purpose(s) of

the special project

was clearly


The objectives are

written considering

human development


There is space

provided for

population reactions

to the Special


The implementation

of the activities of

the Special Project

followed logical


The time

management of the

Special Project was

extremely adequate.

There is a detail

description of the

activities of the

special project to be


The counseling

strategies to be used

are explained


Language criteria

Proper use of

written language.

The special project

material is free of

grammatical errors.

When administering

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


the activities the

speech and language

intonation was


Total 100

( 70%content and

30% language)

Student Signature:

Facilitator Signature:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo S B/Appendix S-B

Rubric to evaluate Assessment instrument

Content Criteria Excelent







The content of the assessment instrument

match The special project objectives and


The content of the items cover all features

of the special project.

The content of the directions are clear and

easy to follow.

The organization of the activities helped

achieved the goals.

Technology was integrated in the special


The participants were able to work well

with technology.

The assessment instrument was

administered in properly time.

Language criteria

Language was used effectively to achieve

the intervention’s goals.

The assessment instrument is free of

grammatical errors.

When administering the activities the

speech and language intonation was


Total 100

( 70% content and 30% language)

Student Signature:

Facilitator Signature:

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo S C/Appendix S C

Matriz para Evaluar Análisis Crítico y Resumen de Experiencia

Criterio de






Necesita Mejorar


La data colectada

fue utilizada para

llegar a una


Se llevó a cabo una

revisión adecuada

de la literatura.

Las estrategias

utilizadas fueron

adecuadas para la


La metodología

utilizada fue

efectiva para

identificar las

necesidades de la


Los aspectos

culturales y de

minorías fueron


Se llevó a cabo la

aplicación de

actividades de


individuales y de


Los aspectos éticos

y legales fueron


Criterio de


El lenguaje utilizado

oralmente fue el

más adecuado.

El lenguaje escrito

no posee errores


Dominio de dos

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


idiomas (ingles Y

español) en el

diseño e

implementación del



100 ( 70%

contenido y 30%


Firma del estudiante;

Firma del facilitador :

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo T/Appendix T


Guidelines to prepare the portfolio

1. Determination of sources of content

2. The following, but not limited to, documentation will be included:

a. Projects, surveys, and reports.

b. Oral presentations

c. Essays: dated writing samples to show progress

d. Research papers: dated unedited and edited first drafts to show progress

e. Written pieces that illustrate critical thinking about readings: response or reaction


f. Class notes, interesting thoughts to remember, etc.

g. Learning journals, reflexive diaries.

h. Self assessments, peer assessments, facilitator assessments.

i. Notes from student-facilitator conferences.

3. Organization of documentation

Documentation will be organized by workshop, and by type of assignment within workshops.

Workshops will be separated from one another using construction paper or paper of different

colors, with tabs indicating the workshop number.

4. Presentation of the portfolio

Documentation will be posted in a binder or in a digital version (e-portfolio).

The cover page will follow exactly APA guidelines applied to a cover page of

research papers submitted at your Campus. This cover page will be placed at the

beginning of the portfolio.

The entire portfolio will follow APA style: Courier or Times New Roman font, size

12, double space, and 1-inch margins. See a “Publication Manual of the APA, Fifth


A log of entries that can be expanded with each new entry properly numbered. The

table, which should be located at the beginning, should include a brief description,

date produced, date submitted, and date evaluated (Appendix V).

Introduction and conclusion of the income and outcome of the portfolio.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


A list of references and appendixes of all assignments included will be added to the

end of the portfolio.

The Portfolio Informational Sheet will be placed in the transparent front pocket of the

binder for identification purposes (Appendix U).

5. Student-Facilitator Feedback Template: Progression follow-up

The final step in implementing portfolios, before returning them to the student or school life,

is sharing feedback with each student to review the contents, student reflections, and your

evaluations of individual items and all of the work together as related to learning targets

(Banks, 2005).

Facilitators will e-mail a feedback template to all students. This template will contain

information pertaining to weaknesses and strengths found in students’ portfolios (Appendix

Y). Facilitators will focus their attention on showing students what is possible and their

progress rather than what is wrong; however, this does not mean that facilitators will not

cover weaknesses and areas for improvement during the conference. Facilitators will send

this feedback template upon completion of workshop one.

Students will also have the opportunity to respond to the facilitator’s feedback and write their

own comments and/or ideas of how to improve the quality of their portfolios, and how to

become better metacognitive learners on the feedback template. Students will e-mail the

template with their comments back to the facilitator after every workshop.

6. Portfolio storage:

Portfolio samples will be safely stored for a six-month term on campus.

Students will sign an official document empowering Ana G. Mendez University

System with rights to use their portfolios with educational or accreditation purposes

during this term (Appendix Z).

After this term, and if their authors authorize Ana G. Mendez University System to discard

their portfolios by signing an official document, portfolio samples will be destroyed;

otherwise, they will be returned to their original authors (Appendix AA).

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo U/Appendix U


Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

Check one:

Universidad del Este

Universidad Metropolitana

Universidad del Turabo

Check one:




Student’s Name

Facilitator’s Name


Portfolio rated as

Reason of this rate

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo V/Appendix V

Log of Entries

Entry Description

Date of Entry





Page #











EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo W/Appendix W

Checklist for Portfolio Assessment

Has the student set academic goals?

Does the portfolio include enough entries in each area to make valid


Does the portfolio include evidence of complex learning in realistic


Does the portfolio provide evidence of various types of student learning?

Does the portfolio include students’ self-evaluations and reflections on

what was learned?

Does the portfolio enable one to determine learning progress and current

level of learning?

Does the portfolio provide clear evidence of learning to users of the


Does the portfolio provide for student participation and responsibility?

Does the portfolio present entries in a well-organized and useful manner?

Does the portfolio include assessments based on clearly stated criteria of

successful performance?

Does the portfolio provide for greater interaction between instruction and


Adapted from:

Gronlund, N. E. (2003). Assessment of student achievement. 7th

ed. Boston: Pearson

Education, Inc.

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo X/Appendix X

Portfolio Rubric

4 3 2 1


Readable: Are entries typed in an appropriate font and size? Are entries

free of errors? Do ideas expressed in entries follow a logical sequence

with appropriate transitions among paragraphs and topics?

Professionalism: Is the appearance of the portfolio professional? Are

graphics, colors and portfolio language consistent with professional

workplace expectations? Is the portfolio presented in a neat and orderly


Organization: Is the portfolio organized in a manner that makes it easy

to follow and easy to quickly locate information?


Content: Are all required entries included in the portfolio? Are entries

relevant to the content of the portfolio? Do all entries contain the

student’s reaction or reflection on the selected topics? Do entries

provide thorough understanding of content? Resume, Activities List,

Varied Samples of Written Work, Evidence of Problem Solving, and

Evidence of Decision Making.

Authenticity: Are the samples and illustrations a true reflection of the

student’s efforts and abilities?

Growth/Development: Do samples provide thorough understanding of

growth and development related to their field of concentration? Do

items show what the student has learned?

Collaboration: Do items show examples of both individual and group

work? Does the student provide clear understanding of collaboration,

and use collaboration to support his/her learning?

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Reflection and Personal growth: Do items show exceptional

understanding of how to be a reflective thinker and how to seek

opportunities for professional growth? Does the student include self-

reflective comments? Does the student reflect enthusiasm for learning?

Professional Conduct: Do items show clear understanding of ethical

behavior and professional conduct? Do items display the pride the

student has in his or her work?

Overall Portfolio Impact

Is this portfolio an asset in demonstrating the student’s value (skills,

abilities, knowledge) to a potential employer or college representative?

Rating Scale

4 = Outstanding 3 = Very good 2 = Good 1 = Needs improvement

Source: Retrieved from on February 10th, 2007. Adapted

02/10/2007 by Fidel R. Távara, M.Ed. Coordinator of Assessment and Placement – Metro

Orlando Campus

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo Y/Appendix Y

Portfolio Assessment Feedback Template

Strengths Weaknesses Improvement Ideas




response and


EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo Z/Appendix Z

Use and Return of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of Assessment and

Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System, to keep in their records a copy of my

portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be used for accreditation or educational

purposes only, and that is not going to be disclosed without my consent.

By signing this document I authorize the office of Assessment and Placement to keep a copy of

my portfolio for six months and return it to me at the end of this period of time.

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Name (print) Date

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Signature Date

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo AA/Appendix AA

Use and Discard of Portfolio

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

I, ____________________________________, grant permission to the office of Assessment and

Placement of the Ana G. Méndez University System to keep in their records a copy of my

portfolio. I understand that the portfolio is going to be used for accreditation or educational

purposes only, and that is not going to be disclosed without my consent.

By signing this document I authorize the Office of Placement and Assessment to keep a copy of

my portfolio for six months and discard it at the end of this period of time.

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Name (print) Date

_______________________________ ___________

Student’s Signature Date

EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009. Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.


Anejo BB/Appendix BB: Reflection Process

Directions: Please complete the following blanks:

This entry is an example of my strengths:





This entry is an example of an area I really need to improve:





This entry is an example of an area I have improved:





I think this exercise has been very helpful for my learning because:







EDUC 587 Counseling and Guidance Internship 132

Prep. 2005. Lorna M. Gardón, M. Ed. Rev. 10-2009 Magaly Pacheco, Ed. D., EPM.

Anejo CC/Appendix CC: Proceso de Reflexión

Direcciones: Por favor de completarlos siguientes espacios en blanco.

Esto es un ejemplo de mis fortalezas:





Esto es un ejemplo de mis áreas en las que necesito mejorar.





Esto es un ejemplo de una de las áreas que he podido superar:





Entiendo que este ejercicio me ha sido de gran beneficio porque en mí proceso de aprendizaje





