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Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine


A magical spot in any garden is the nurserywhere seeds are planted and seedlings nurturedwith care. New life erupts and flourishes! Thegarden is expanded! The world is enriched!

The nursery of Good Works for the Sisters ofCharity of St. Augustine is the CSA MinistriesCorporations. The one who tends the nursery isMr. Don Davies, Vice President for MinistriesDevelopment of the Sisters of Charity of St.Augustine Health System, a man of commitmentand faith. Formerly CEO for Quest Services, atreatment program for the chemically dependent,Don names God as the major resource in his pastand present ministries. Having been introduced tothe community of CSA as a young child he feelshe's come full circle with thisappointment.

The CSA Ministries Corporationsare not-for-profit organizations thatwere developed as a result of theHealthcare Partnerships in Canton andCleveland, Ohio and in Columbia,South Carolina. These CSA MinistriesCorporations continue to provide chari-table works to their respective commu-nities through a variety of direct serviceprograms and continueto address the assets andliabilities from theformer not-for-profithospitals. Part of thevision of the Sisters ofCharity of St. Augustineis to further developthese CSA MinistriesCorporations to provideadditional direct health,education and humanservice programs which

will continue their mission and ministry.Don's work with CSA Ministries is to oversee

the development of New Ministries in eachcommunity served by CSA. Already he is deeplyinvolved with the newest ministries - Joseph'sHome in Cleveland, Early Childhood ResourceCenter in Canton and Health Reach in SouthCarolina. He also serves as liaison betweenthe ministries and the administration andhealth management for ministries both newand old.

New ministries are identified through the CSAcongregation, the hospitals and the foundations.At this time there are potentially a half-dozenpossibilities that have been identified. The next

step in the process is to assess theneeds and determine the best re-sponses to these needs. Don findshimself very sensitive to the needs ofthe "materially poor" and says themost satisfying parts of his job areworking in a system where there is areal commitment to the poor, seeingtheir needs addressed, and knowingthere is a pure motivation to addressthese needs by this community.

Though Don seesserious challenges inthis ministry - so manyneeds and a serious lackof resources - he verymuch enjoys his re-sponsibility, collaborat-ing with the sisters, andworking in a faith basedorganization. As thegarden grows and

Mr. Don Davies with Sr. Christine Rody, VCS and flourishes, SO too theSr. Judith Ann Karam, CSA caretaker.

Mr. Don Davies

Oft raitSister Joan Gallagher

Energy as defined by Webster is "the capacityFor vigorous action, inherent power, potentialforce." Spirit is "the life principle, vivacity,courage, enthusiasm." "Spirit-energy," optimism,a hearty laugh and one who loves a challenge arewords that describe Sr. Joan Gallagher, CSA.

Joan was born to Charles and EugeniaGallagher the second oldest of four children. Hermother and grandmother filled her childhoodhome with deep faith and prayer. In 1950 Joanbecame a Sister of Charity of St. Augustine andhas since used her spirit-energy in a variety ofleadership roles.

As a CSA Councilor for eight years beginningin 1973 Sr. Joan was active in helping thecommunity negotiate changes inspired by VaticanCouncil II. She then moved to Epiphany Conventto live in an inter-community, inner-city setting.Her position at Famicos Foundation as familyadvocate sparked a desire in her to providehousing for people in need.

In 1993 Sr. Joan was again called to communityleadership. Two terms as Major Superior providedher with many stimulating opportunities forcommunity planning and development. Sr. Joaninitiated a major visioning and planning projectthat led to a community decision to convert theaging motherhouse into a nursing facility. Thisdecision correlated with the diocesan desire for aplace to provide for religious sisters and brothersof other communi-ties who needed as-sistance to care fortheir elderly. Asplans for ReginaHealth Center de-veloped, Sr. Joanlearned the art offund raising.

This fund raisingskill served her ingood stead when shereturned to the in-ner-city after a shortsabbatical. As Asso-

Sr. Joan Gallagher

From left: Sr. Joan Gallagher,


ciate Director of Famicos, Sr.Joan's first major project wasthe renovation of the buildingat 1850 Superior Avenue as ahaven for homeless persons.She also spear-headed therenovation of the formerNotre Dame Motherhousewhich is referred to as "TheCastle on Ansel" and which has created a newstability in that area.

Since change and challenge are by-wordsfor Sr. Joan, she now brings fresh energy asthe Director of Joseph's Home. Asked "Whatnext?" she enthusiastically responds: "Anotherhome. Everyone is asking when." Where does thisenergy come from? Sister Joan says: "It's just inme." She is basically a learner, likes new ideas andcan't stay too long at the same thing. Sr. Joan sumsit up: "Change is a challenge. I like change and Ilike challenge. It creates energy for me."

Changes and challenges in Sr. Joan's lifeinclude her ever deepening relationship withGod, reflecting on the beauty of creation andtaking time for praise and thanksgiving. Thededication and involvement of the laity in themission of the Church and in association withCSA delights her. The challenge of the future,especially for Religious Life today, enlivensher zeal. As head of a CSA focus group on

vocations, volunteersand membership, Sr.Joan inspires otherswith hope to look forcreative and spirit-filled ways in whichGod, CSA and thelaity together cancontinue to bring theministry of Jesus toour world. The un-known future is in-deed a challenge andwith Sr. Joan it issure to be energized.

Sr. Maiy Jean Eucker, Sr. Joan

potlightJoseph's Home Shines

Our spotlight beams on Joseph's Home in this issue.More than the sunshine or the string of lights onCommunity College Avenue, God's bright blessingis shining on this new CSA ministry.

This June, 2000, the last obstacle overcome, anexcited and fledgling staff welcomed the firstresident. Located in downtown Cleveland, Joseph'sHome provides temporary housing for homelessadults discharged from the hospital who still needtime to recuperate. During their stay residents enterinto a program that enables them to find permanenthousing and possible employment when they leave.

Sr. Joan Gallagher, CSA is the Director of Joseph'sHome. Other staff positions include Sr. ReginaFierman, CSA, House Monitor/Resident Educator;a staff nurse; nurse's assistant; assistant housemonitor/secretary; and social worker along with amaintenance/housekeeping person. The goal is toprovide an environment consistent with the CSAcharism of charity and hospitality. All who comewill be welcomed with open arms.

Residents have total access to the programs andservices provided including Literacy Training,on-site AA meetings provided by St. Vincent CharityHospital's Rosary Hall, other support groups asneeded, job skills training and studies for GEDprovided by Cuyahoga Community College.Volunteers are currently in training through theCongregation of St. Joseph's Seeds of Literacyprogram to provide the tutoring for the literacytraining. Along with these programs and services,the residents are educated in self-care/personalhygiene and home management activities.

The heart of Joseph's Home is not the serviceprovided, but the call to live the Gospel message:"Jesus said, what you did to the least of my brothers(and sisters), you did to me." (Matthew 25:40) Howblessed we are to carry out this mission.

Joseph's Home was formally blessed and openedon April 30.

Joseph's Home Committee - From left, front row; Ms. Jan Peach, Si:Theresa Bontempo, Si: Regina Fiennan, Sr. Joan Gallagher — backrow; Mrs. Mary James, Sr. Ruth Ann Patrick, Mrs. MaryDeCapite, Si: Colelta McNamee, Si: Evelyn Flowers



Sr. Regina Fiennan watches Si: Maiy Patricia Barrett sprinkle holywater to bless Josiph 's Home

More Blessing of Joseph's Home - From left; Sr. Karen Livingston,Si: Jane Lab, Si: Xavier Gorman, Sr. George Paytas, Sr. MarianDurkin, Si: Ruth Ann Patrick, Ms. Wanda Chojnicki

Called by God in Love...Chosen to Serve

Ten Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine celebrate milestones this year.

On September 24, surrounded by family,friends and community members, SistersAnnella Treber and Gilbert Bradish celebrated70 years of religious life. At the same time,Sisters Mary Mark McCullough, AncillaEllinger, Margaret Mary Casale, Mary JacobYelcho, Karen Livingston, Rosella Holloman,Joan Gallagher, and Cabrini Ferritto cel-ebrated 50 years. Father Ralph Wiatrowskipresided at the liturgy of thanksgiving at Mt.Augustine. Father Clarence Williams, CPPSwas homilist. Afterwards guests enjoyed asimple reception.

The Jubilarians have been "chosen to serve" inmany ways throughout the years of their livesin community.

Sr. Mary Mark, from St. Joseph Parish inCuyahoga Falls, has served mainly in the healthcare field. After office ministry at St.Academy, she worked in medical recordsadmitting in St. John, St. Vwrffcnt Charity ^Providence Hospitaladministration at DeHome and as Councilorine where she^turrently

served inlaternty and Inf

Mt. August-

Sr.Gilbert entered the community fromSt. Agnes Parish in Cleveland. Herassignments included St. AugustineAcademy, St. Joseph School,Parmadale, DePaul Infant Home, St.Ann Hospital and Mt. Augustine.Sister fulfilled numerous roles indietary, housekeeping, and sacristyministry. She is now retiredat Mt. Augustine.

Many former students remember Sr.Annella. After coming to CSA fromHoly Name Parish, Sister taught at St.Joseph and Immaculate Heart of Mary,Assumption, St. Luke, Parmadale andHoly Family. She directed the choirs atmost of these schools. Sister spentmuch of her retirement as a ProjectLearn tutor for which she won theaward for most volunteer hours. Shelives at Mt. Augustine.

Sr. Ancillaof Good Counselvalued at St. Augus,ine, Parmadale, anprovided cottage relief at Parmad;as sacristan at St. Vincent Chan.where she currently lives.


convent from Our LadyHer sewing skills were

Academy, Mt.Paul Infant He

Sr. M. GilbertBradish, CSA

Sr. M. AnnellaTreber, CSA

From left, back row; Sr. Maiy Jacob Yelcho, Sr. Joan Ga/ljLivingston, Sr. Rosella M. Holloijttlttt£r. Mary,

After entering the community from St.^Patrick Parish in Hubbard, Ohio, Sr. Marga-

lary (Sr. M. Alacoque) spent much offer active ministry teaching primary gradesat Parmadale, S

fFanrUy and Ifols.

Hospitalresides no

Le, Assumption, HolyHeart of Mary

ped at St. Johnugustine whejre shement.

ojmuchfaming to thein Cl eve-

South Carolina has beenof Sr. Mary Jacob's m

jyent from St. Jerome• first few years as a*fiurse were

Hospital and Mercy-. Moving to Columbia, SC

in 1967 s f l c ^ a surgical nurse until

>£ Margaret Mary Casale, Sr. Ancilla Ellinger -front row; Sr. KarenIK M. Cabrini Feiritf^^

becoming part of the administration at ProvidenceHospital. Since retiring as Hospital President,Sister serves the Sisters of Charity of St. August-ine South Carolina Foundation. She lives withtwo CSA's in Columbia.

Sr. Karen joined CSA from St. Christopher Parishin Rocky River. St. Vincent Charity, Mercy andProvidence Hospitals enjoyed her ministry asnurse, nursing supervisor and in related roles.Sister served in CSA Administration as MajorSuperior and several years as Director of Novices.Mt. Augustine is her home in retirement.

Entering CSA from Blessed Sacrament Parish inCleveland, Sister Rosella supervised nursing atMercy, St. Vincent and St. John Hospitals andMt. Augustine. Presently she helps in parishministry at St. Cecilia and is assistant local leaderat Mt. Augustine. She lives with two other CSA'sin Cleveland Heights.

Sr. Joan (Sr. M. Marlene) came from St. StephenParish in Cleveland. She first served as teacher atSt. Joseph School and as science teacher andprincipal at St. Augustine Academy. Much of herlater ministry was in leadership for CSA asCouncil and Major Superior. She also served as amember of several Institutional Boards and withFamicos. Sister is currently Project Director atJoseph's Home. She lives with two other CSA'sin Lakewood.

Teaching students in elementary grades beganSr. Cabrini's ministry. Sister entered from OurLady of Mt. Carmel Parish and served in schoolsat Assumption, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St.Joseph and St. Luke as teacher or principal.Sister is a member of several Boards andcurrently serves her fourth term as a Councilorfor the CSA Community. She resides at Mt.Augustine.

howtime CSA

From left - .front row; Sr. Lillian Fries, Sr. Elizabeth Schur, Sr. Ancilla Ellingerback row - Sr. Mary Dorothy Tecca, Sr. Ruth Kerrigan, Ms. Jeanne Burrige

From left - Sr. Assumpta Kneier, Sr. Mary Grace Betzler, Sr. Lois Stricklin,Sr. Xavier Gorman, Sr. Karen Livingston

On May 18CSA Sisters andAssociates weretreated to aparticipativedemonstration ofthe CSA MinistriesCorporations.

A gala time washeld by all!

Sr. Regina Fierman

impses150 Years of Loving Service

The Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine arecommemorating 150 years of God's graciousgoodness! The theme "Remember, Rejoice,Renew" echoes throughout the activities thatmark this year of celebration. CSA Sesquicenten-nial Events and Activities (all held at Mt.Augustine unless otherwise noted):

October 1-16,2000Exhibit: "The Many Faces of Poverty"

October 15,2000Sesquicentennial Liturgy and Reception

October 28,2000Presentation for diocesan religious by

Sr. Ruth Rosenbaum, TC"Eco-Spirituality"December 2000

Christmas Give-a-Gift for the homelessat Joseph's Home, Cleveland

February 11,2001CSA Community Day: Celebration with

members of the congregation and AssociatesMarch 18,2001

Celebration of Joseph's HomeSt. VincentCharity Hospital/Joseph's Home

April 2001Earth Day Observance: Planting ofhardwood seedlings and saplings

April 27,2001Presentation for diocesan religious by Sr. Nancy

Schreck, OSF: "Religious Life in a NewMillennium: Biblical Roots"

April 28,2001Congregational Day of Prayer and Reflection

with Sr. Nancy Schreck, OSFMay 27,2001

Blessing of new CSA sectional marker atCalvary Cemetery, Cleveland

June 24,2001CSA Family PicnicAugust 26,2001

Liturgy of Thanksgiving, followed by GuidedTours of Regina Health Center, Dinner and theinaugural Caritas Service Award presentation

October 10,2001Congregational Anniversary Supper

Former members of CSA are encouraged tocome to the Family Picnic in June. If you areaware of a former member not on our mailinglist, please inform her of the invitation.

Sr. Judith Ann Karam, the featured speaker at the City Club of Clevelandluncheon in April, spoke on the topic of Access to Health Care especially to theuninsured and poor. The presentation was televised on the local PBS station. OnJune 13 Sister was recognized at the Distinguished Women in Healthcare awardsdinner hosted by the Visiting Nurse Association.

In March Sr. Joan Gallagher was named to the Board of Cornerstone HousingFund, an interfaith corporation that supports low income housing projects in thediocese of Cleveland. At the University Club in June Sister spoke at a diocesansponsored seminar on housing. Her topic was Affordable Housing.

After 25 years in health care ministry Sr. Mary Grace Betzler has concluded herposition in pastoral care at St. Vincent Charity Hospital. She will begin a Sabbaticalat Berakah in Pittsfield, NH in January 2001.

In July Sr. Christopher Vozobule retired from her position as Coordinator ofVolunteers at Providence Hospital. She continues to volunteer there.

Sr. Mary Lois Phillipp graduated with an Associate of Applied Business inBusiness Management Technology degree from Stark State College of Technologyin December.

Sr. M. Corinne Baker entered two oil paintings in the Cuyahoga County Fair andwas awarded a blue ribbon for a seascape and third place for a still life.

Sr. Sharon Anne Yanak is volunteering at Providence House and Joseph's Home

Sisters Loretta Spotila and Mary Jean Eucker joined a Jubilee year pilgrimagegroup to tour the Vatican and Rome.

St. Augustine Academy is celebrating its 75th Anniversary, 50 years under CSAsponsorship and 25 years under sponsorship of the Sisters of the Holy Family ofNazareth.

At the celebration of their 75th Anniversary this year Parmadale recognized theministry and dedication of the Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine who served there.

RequiescatIn Pacem

Please remember

in your prayers

Sr. M. Anne Myslevic

who died in January.

Images is a bi-annualnewsletter published by:

Sisters of Charity of St.Augustine5232 Broadview Rd.Richfield, Ohio 44286

Staff for this issue:Sr. Miriam ErbMrs. Caryn KishSr. Denise StilesMrs. Joan WeistEditor: Sr. Carol KandikoDesign and Production:ScripType PublishingReminder: visit our web page -

Sistersof Charityof Saint

AugustineMount Augustine, 5232 Broadview Road, Richfield. OH 442S6


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5;: Nancy He/idershot, CSA

"Our charism of charity - namely- love of God, particularly as wefind God incarnate in our neigh-bor, motivates us. We seek to loveone another and each person weencounter. We minister througha variety of means but

always with the same purpose, toshare the love of God with thosearound us"

CSA Constitution

"One day a long, long time ago" - isthe beginning of many a fairy taleand the tale usually ends "they livedhappily ever after." It is not a fairytale that one day long ago Jesuscame to earth and lived among us toshare divine love with us all. Godchose to send Jesus to show us howto love and live with each other. Oneday in our past each Sister of Charityof St. Augustine and each Associatecame to know Jesus and to fall inlove with him. Our passion ignited

us and drew us together to becomepart of this community. The love ofGod we share does motivate us torespond to the needs of peoplearound us... the needy, the poor, theoppressed. This is our mission.Because the world is not yet livinghappily ever after we address abroad range of issues, including:spirituality, justice, peace, AIDS,wellness and environment. Throughministry we strive to improve thequality of life "to make theKingdom more a reality in ourworld." (CSA Constitution) Manyof you share our mission and ourministry. Thank you for being partof our lives and our ministries.