SJI NPCC Newsletter 2010

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SJI NPCC Newsletter 2010


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Adventure and Survival Training Camps

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1. Foreword from OC of Unit (Page 3) 2. SJI NPCC ARTICLE 2010 (Page 4) 3. NPCC Article (Page 5-6) 4. STC Article (Page 7-8) 5. AP Article (Page 9-10) 6. Sec 4 POP (Page 11-12) 7. Donovan's Speech Batch 37 POP (Page 13-14) 8. SJI Frisbee Competition (Page 15-16) 9. Josephian Annual Report (Page 17-21)

Muster Parade

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Foreword from OC of Unit


With a blink of an eye, 2010 is almost past us and yet as we at SJI NPCC look back at the year that has been, it has been a year full of challenges and accomplishments. A quick look through the articles in this newsletter will give the reader an idea of what has transpired this year and it certainly makes for impressive reading and we have captured some of the important highlights in the articles of this newsletter.

In a year of change, we have welcomed 4 new teacher officers, Ms Linda Goon, Mr Ng Yew Hong, Mr Winston Chew and myself along with a new Cadet Inspector, CI Sim Guo Chen. After a hectic year, the Cadet Leaders from Batch 37 have stood down alongside CI Darrell Leong and HO Muhammad Omar and with Batch 38 stepping up. As SJI NPCC progresses into the future with our unit re-organisation, review of processes and the regular turnover of officers and cadets, one thing remains indelible, and that, is the spirit of SJI NPCC. For someone who epitomizes the spirit of this unit, we should look no further than our resident Mr NPCC, SCI Donovan Ng who continues to serve the unit in spite of his National Service obligations. To inspire all cadets, we have taken the liberty of reprinting his speech at the Batch 37 Passing Out Ceremony.

As we look back on what we have achieved this year in our final article, I urge all cadets from SJI NPCC to reflect on how far we have come, but at the same time, not to rest on the laurels of our effort and achievement but to look forward and to think about the legacy they wish to leave for the batches to come in 2011.

Ora et Labora!

Daryl Tan OC Unit SJI NPCC

High Ropes Course

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A new beginning

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and that step was taken by the

Secondary Ones of Batch 40, SJI NPCC, when they attended their first ever NPCC training

on 5 February 2010. All of the Cadet Leaders had been looking forward to this day and

planned some ice-breakers to kickoff the orientation.

The Secondary Ones were clearly enthusiastic about their first training session and were

brimming with questions about the NPCC such as when they could receive their uniforms

and when they could get promoted. As their deputy squad commander, I was amazed by

their enthusiasm. My team of Cadet Leaders rose to the occasion and answered all queries

to the best of their abilities.

One of the biggest challenges for the orientation was to get the newcomers to mingle with

the existing squads. To ease this initial barrier, we played games such as Helium sticks that

test their sense of coordination and teamwork. We had a lot of fun working together.

At the end of the session, all of us were exhausted. As we sat to reflect on the session, the

Secondary Ones have made new friends in the squad. Though my throat was strained, I

knew the effort was not wasted when I saw that they were all smiles when they left. This first

step marks their induction into the corps and the future looks bright for Batch 40 and SJI


As part of their training, the Secondary Ones learnt the skills of campcraft

An induction rally for the Secondary Ones

Author: SSGT (NPCC) Loh Zhang Wen, St Joseph’s Institution

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NPCC Article

Author: Chan Hui Yang

The future

The day was a beautiful one. It was our unit‟s orientation of the new secondary ones to

NPCC. On 5 February 10, Saint Joseph‟s Institution welcomed batch 40th with gracious

hands. Many of them were new to the prospect of spending the next four years with us, and

were wary towards our advances. As time passes, we began to develop friendship and trust

among each other. The day began with a series of introductions and icebreakers as cadet

leaders introduced themselves to the new cadets. The cadet leaders requested everyone to

introduce each other‟s names and their hobbies. They were split into 2 groups and each

cadet had to learn the name of everyone who introduced himself before the cadet. Anyone

who could not do so would have to perform a forfeit. In the end, even the cadet leaders

themselves were not spared when they failed to remember their cadet‟s names!

It was hilarious as the cadet leaders did forfeits such as the chicken dance in front of the

new cadets. Everyone had a great time, including the cadet leaders. By the time the

icebreakers were done, it was almost 4:45 in the afternoon and cadet leaders decided to

play Dog and Bone. Being a traditional NPCC game, our school has played it every year

when the new secondary ones came to join us. Cadets watched in amusement as the

seniors demonstrated how to play the game. Basically, the cadets will be split into 2 equal

teams. Each team will be equal distance away from the “bone” at the centre, which can be in

the form of any objects such as empty bottles. They will be numbered accordingly and the

seniors will call out any numbers. The cadets whose number corresponds to the number

called will run up and try and get the bone and run back to his team. However, if any cadet

touches the opposing cadet who is holding the bone, he gets the point. Our cadets had a

great time playing dog and bone and we could see the smiles and laughs on their faces as

they played.

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After that, we had a little time for another game. Our cadet leaders chose the game Space

Invaders as it was a fast paced game. Cadets are split into 2 teams, the attacking and

defending team. The defending team would form four lines of defense and had to block

cadets from the attacking team from reaching the end of the four lines. At any one point in

time if a member of the attacking team gets touched, he has to return to the starting point.

Members of the defending team could only stay on their own line. The attacking team wins

by getting all their members across while the defending team wins the attacking team does

not get all their members across. Cadets had a great time playing a game and their laughter

was so infectious that some cadet leaders even joined in the fun. The day concluded with a

debrief and we were all happy at the way our first training with them has turned out. We have

forged new friendships and camaraderie with the secondary one which will last with us for a

long time. I believe that the future shines bright for us with these young and enthusiastic

cadets in our stable.

Photos taken by Goe Meng Hui and Chan Hui Yang

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This year, the Survival Training Camp (STC) for Area 15 was held from 23 July to 25 July. We all knew that STC would be different from the Adventure Training Camp (ATC) that we attended last year. We had to be prepared with many skills beforehand or else we would not have survived the three days two nights. On 23 July, we left for Changi Jetty immediately after school ended. Although it was a bit of a rush, we still managed to reach the jetty on time. After waiting for quite some time, we boarded the bumboat and headed off towards Pulau Ubin. Upon reaching Pulau Ubin, we began our half an hour walk to Camp Resilience, where our STC was going to be held.

Along the way, we kept our spirits up by telling jokes and singing songs. Before we knew it,

the walk was over and we arrived at Camp Resilience. To us, this walk seemed a lot shorter

than last year, when we attended ATC. The camp started with the officers doing a self-

introduction and telling us to pitch our tents. After we finished pitching the tents, we were

subsequently divided into our various groups. Then, lunchtime arrived. We had to carry the

food rations from the canteen to the shelter found opposite the canteen. We had to carry

over the cooking skills we learnt during ATC to then.

After lunch, we participated in the activities organised by the Cadet Inspectors (CI). First up

was group bonding followed by some games to allow us to know one another better. Then,

we had to think of a play for the skit that we were supposed to act during the campfire on the

second day. Soon, it was time for dinner. Again, it was the same procedure as lunchtime.

After dinner finished, we proceeded to the canteen for a song session before it was lights


Enjoying their lunch at STC

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On the second day, it started off with a morning PT (physical training) before we had

breakfast. When breakfast ended, we went off for a hike around Pulau Ubin after decoding

the map given to us. Soon, it was time for lunch. After lunch, we had to proceed to the

intermediate ropes challenge (IRC). Some cadets had to build a shelter while others went on

the IRC. When they had finished, we swapped. Then, it was already midday and we went for

our final activity-- the jetty jump. I‟m sure that many cadets enjoyed the jetty jump apart from

those who were scared of heights.

When night came, we did our final practice for our skit and soon, the campfire began. When

the camp was settled down, the fire was lit. We sang a few songs, did a few cheers before

moving on to the individual skits. After the entire campfire, it was time for a mass debrief

before lights out.

Finally, the last day of STC arrived. Again, we began the day with morning PT before having

breakfast. Then, we had to unpitch all the tents and clean the sheets before they were

suitable to be stored. When all the tent sheets were cleaned, it was time for us to bid farewell

to our newfound friends from other schools and return to our individual schools. Then, we

had to walk back to the jetty for our ride back to the mainland. We spent a really meaningful

three days two nights at Camp Resilience!


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AP Article

SJI Anniversary Parade: Reflections of Outgoing Secondary 4 Cadet Leaders

On 9 July 2010, Saint Joseph's Institution (SJI) concluded its 158th anniversary parade. This

parade is meant to commemorate the achievements of the various uniformed groups in SJI

and the handing over by the outgoing Secondary 4 cadet leaders and the taking over by the

incoming generation of cadet leaders. The parade was commanded by SJI NPCC‟s SI Tan

Ci Kang and involved all the different uniformed groups in SJI. The first part of the parade

saw the presentation of the various UG awards to the school and the recognition of the best

cadets of each squad.

For us, the last part of the parade after the march past was particularly poignant. As the

strains of the Last Post echoed across the SJI campus, our outgoing Station Inspector (SI)

(Unit) Tan Ci Kang handed over the reins of the unit to the incoming SI (Unit), Sai Surya

Yarlagada. With that, the outgoing cadet leaders marched off the parade square, marking

the end of our four-year journey as cadets of the National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC). As

we watched the handing over and March off, we began to realize how much the NPCC had

been part our lives over the last four years. These are some of our thoughts of our time in

the NPCC:

“I feel a sense of achievement, having been part of SJI NPCC. I can safely say that NPCC

has imbued in me many important values in life, such as discipline. The skills I learnt during

my time in NPCC will help me in future, as a National Service man and in my career. The

endless hours of tiring drills helped build up a high level of discipline among us, and will help

us when we go for national service. Discipline has also helped me in my own life. I can now

discipline myself enough to know when to play computer games and when to study. In the

past, I only thought about fun and neglected much of my studies in favor of computer games.

I have now learnt to strike a balance in my academic work and my leisure, disciplining myself

to know when to stop. In this aspect, I have much to thank NPCC for.”

SGT Chan Hui Yang, Deputy Head, Promotions, Examinations and Tests

“The NPCC has helped me in developing a greater understanding about crime and our

individual responsibility in helping prevent crimes. Through listening to lectures and reading

the booklets, I learnt several ways to prevent crime in the neighborhood. We have overcome

many trials and tribulations and NPCC has also helped me make many new friends and

foster unity and bonds of friendship among batch 37 members. We have endured and

suffered much during our time in NPCC. The memories of NPCC and of my fellow cadets will

forever remain in my heart as I begin the next chapter of my life. Thank You NPCC for all

that you have given me. In my heart, I will always be a member of NPCC, always.”

-SSGT (NPCC) Loh Zhang Wen, Secondary One Squad Commander

“As the anniversary parade started to approach, I started to realise how attached I am to the

NPCC. I start to realise how close I had been with my fellow cadets in NPCC and Cadet

Inspectors (CIs). With a few weeks left, I am going to treasure these moments and hope to

pass on valuable lessons to the Sec 1.”

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-SSGT (NPCC) Tan Hao Han, Deputy Head of Training Department

“NPCC is a really enriching CCA that helped me develop my leadership capabilities and to

do my part to serve the unit. As a Station Inspector, I have learnt that being a leader is to

serve. It is an extremely fulfilling job as I have to oversee all aspects of the running of the SJI

NPCC unit. As a result of this job, I learnt to realise my leadership potential and a chance to

work well with my fellow cadets. As time passes by, I feel that NPCC is really an important

part of my life as I have spent so much time and effort in NPCC that it has become a part of

my life.

Thank you, NPCC, for being such a meaningful and important part of my life. Even though

it‟s the end of my journey in NPCC, these will be the memories that I will always hold close

to me. „To lead is to serve‟ will be a motto that I will abide by as I move on in the next phase

of my life.”

-Station Inspector (NPCC) Tan CI Kang, Station Inspector (Unit)

Through the course of our four years in NPCC, we have learnt to work together as a team.

Despite the pain and tears, we have so much more fond memories to remember by. We will

continue to hold on to the values of NPCC and contribute to our nation in the future.

Reported by:

SGT (NPCC) Chan Hui Yang

St Joseph‟s Institution

The GOH contingent at the SJI AP with Tan Ci Kang, the SI of the unit, being the parade commander

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Sec 4 POP

SJI NPCC POP Ceremony (Batch 37)

30 July 2010

Finally, it was time for our dear Secondary 4s to „‟pass out‟‟ and concentrate on their studies.

They have put in a lot of effort in improving our unit and cared for us meticulously. For all

they have put in, the juniors would like to express our appreciation and gratitude for them.

Together, we organized a passing out parade ceremony for the Sec 4s, held in SJI‟s Lecture

Theatre 1.

First of all, we got to hear the

inspiring speeches from every single

“VIP”. Some came prepared with a

lengthy speech while others made

one on the spot. CI Daryl, CI

Donovan, SI Ci Kang and DYSI

Timothy expressed their hopes for

the unit. The new Secondary 3 SI Sai

Surya and DYSI Kishorwaran also

made an inspiring speech which

would spur us on to do more for SJI


Next up was the skit by the Sec 2 squad. They depict the lives of our dear seniors as Cadet

Leaders but with their roles switched.

One of the main highlight was Toby

acting out Richard Sng as the SI. There

were moments of laughter and humour

among us as the Sec2s cooked up funny

scenes. It was very original and indeed it

amused the Sec4s and all of us.

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The skit by the Sec 3s was about the transition of typical cadets at Sec 1 to aspiring leaders

in Sec 3. The tinge of humour added within the short scenes made the skit interesting and

amusing, yet meaningful.

As our Secondary 4s move on to the next stage in life, we would like to wish them success

and good luck. They would continue to lead, excel and overcome not only in academics, but

all aspects of life. May they come to remember the fond memories spent in SJI NPCC and

treasure these wonderful times they had with each other. NPCC brought us together and we

shall uphold the name of NPCC.

Outgoing cadets from Batch 37

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Donovan's Speech Batch 37 POP

Donovan’s Speech

The end of one journey marks the start of another. I wonder how many of us, when we leave

this lecture theatre, will look back in the past and wish for more time to enjoy the moments

together again. But I can be certain that in less than one year from now, at least 3-quarter of

Batch 37 will miss the unit. Batch 37 is a squad that I have watched grown since Sec 1.

They are quite a batch I must say! The batch that never listens and always creating trouble.

The first batch that makes me lose my sanity. And also the first batch that brought me to the

brink of tears. However, despite all the disappointments they ever gave me, I still doted on

them like my younger brothers. This is probably the part where many will not understand


To be honest, having them around these 4 years made my life very meaningful. There‟s a

saying “the meaning of life is to lead a life of meaning”. And this was something I‟m very

grateful for. They may be a pain in the neck most of the time but at the end of the day, they

are the ones that gave me

so much to remember. At

the end of the day, what we

remember are always the

nicest things that ever

happened, even if we do

remember getting scolded,

we will not be able to

remember why we got


I remember giving Batch 37

an assignment. It was their

first assignment. I told them

to take out a piece of

foolscap paper and write

down all the names of those in their Batch and arrange them in alphabetical order. Then I

told them to write all the good points of that individual and submit to me the following

training. When all handed in their assignment, I compiled all the good points for each

individual into a slip of paper and gave to that individual. In other words, each one has a

piece of paper with all the good points others think they have in it. What was the rationale

behind this? Probably at that time, they won‟t be able to figure out why Don Sir asks them to

do such ridiculous things. But if I ask any of them now, I‟m sure they will be able to answer.

Many a time when we meet new faces we rush. We don‟t stop to observe what good points

that person has that deserves to be appreciated. That‟s why I had this activity. I wanted them

to start bonding.

Today, this bond is going to be tested. After we leave tonight, when we walk our separate

ways, we will not know when we will meet again. This bond that is forged over the past 4

years will be the key to bringing us back together again. If you ask me whether I will return

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as a HO 2 years later, I will not be able to give you a sure answer. What will happen 2 years

from now is a mystery; I may have a change in mindset or a change for a different life.

Sec 1s, we did not get much opportunities to spend time together, but I‟m glad that the 2-day

Malacca trip gave me sufficient chances to at least know your name and a little bit about

your lifestyle. I wish you guys all the best in your next 3 years, remember, and don‟t give up

no matter how tough NPCC trainings are.

Sec 2s, like every Sec 2 batches, never fail to give us headaches. But I‟m glad that these

headaches are ending very soon. When you guys step up as leaders next year, be proud of

yourself and influence your juniors positively. Remember, the most important thing is not

how you choose to live your life but rather how others choose to live theirs because of you.

Whatever you decide to do in life, you won‟t be the only one affected. The people around get

affected too.

Sec 3s, just when I‟m beginning to like your batch even more, I don‟t have the luxury of time

to work with you any longer. But nevertheless, I believe that with your dreams and ambitions,

this unit will become one that every other batches before will be proud of. But more

importantly, remember the reason why Cadet Leaders exist. If you do not know why, keep

pondering about it. When you figure it out, it will be a very strong asset to you this one year.

CIs, it was very nice working with you. Guo Chen, it is indeed our pleasure to have you

around to teach outdoor skills and settling most of the unit admin. I‟m sure with you around

for the next one year, you will strengthen the unit with all the skills you have especially

improving the English standard of the cadets. Darrell, my deepest apologies for not being

around throughout ATC because of my high fever. I‟m aware that the ATC planning stage

has cost you your midyear grades. But nevertheless, based on the feedbacks I‟ve seen, the

ATC was indeed quite memorable. It was very nice working with you these 2 years. Thanks

for everything and all the best for your A‟ Levels.

Last but not least, the sirs and ma‟ams. Thank you so much for all the patience and

guidance you have given me. Mr Sim and Mr Tang, thanks for the guidance since my cadet

years. Mr Tan thanks for being such a supportive OC and patient with the unit happenings.

Ms Goon, thanks for the care and concern you showed me when I was down with high fever

during ATC. Omar Sir, thanks for being an inspiration!

And Mr Ghazali, this is the same student who you‟ve taught 7 years ago. As you can see I‟m

no longer that quiet and reserved little boy that always has difficulty during oral. I

remembered you talking about the “Sense of Achievement” when you tried to convince me to

join NPCC Annual Parade in Sec 2. I‟ve finally understood what it means. This feeling I have

now is the “Sense of Achievement”! Thank you, sir!

In conclusion, I want to tell this to Batch 37: I have never love a batch so much as you guys.

I wish you guys the best of success in all future endeavours and become men that everyone

can be proud of. Remember: Be the best you can!

Happy Graduation!

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Saint Joseph Institution (SJI) Frisbee Competition

SJI NPCC Ultimate Frisbee Competition 2010

On 30 October 2010, SJI NPCC organised its first competition ever since probably a long

time ago. The cadet leaders of SJI NPCC came energised and were ready to host their first

ever competition. As new leaders, we have just taken up leadership and barely settled into

our new responsibilities and positions. Thus, this competition would have been a milestone

in our journey as a leader in


In total, 8 teams participated in SJI

NPCC Ultimate Frisbee

Competition. They came from Hwa

Chong Institution, Yishun Town

Secondary, Maris Stella High, Nan

Hua High and New Town

Secondary and lastly Victoria

School. The teams began to

strategise and organised their

teams. It was long after that they

would face their opponents in an

all-out clash.

As the teams anxiously await

their matches, the head referee

blew the starting whistle which

signalled the start of the

competition. As the organising

unit, we had to bear the heat of

the blazing sun and host the

matches. The referees

especially, were expected to

concentrate on the game and

deal out fair decisions at every


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While we work arduously to ensure that the competition goes on smoothly, the participating

teams went all out to defeat their opponents. Although the Hwa Chong teams were

dominating, the other teams did not lose hope and faith. Instead, they stood against those

teams and displayed true team spirit. One of NPCC‟s objectives is to develop cadets

capable of leadership so that they would be able to serve the community and country. As

such, we have witnessed great leadership in these NPCC cadets through this competition.

Nevertheless, regardless of the outcome, we would strive to lead, excel and overcome all

odds. The highlight of the competition is definitely not winning but gaining the experience

and facing the challenges bravely.

The two Hwa Chong Teams claimed both champions and runner-ups while Yishun Town

Secondary came in 2nd runner-ups in this year‟s competition. However, this competition is

not centred on winning but most importantly, the learning experience. Even as an organising

unit, the cadet leaders from SJI NPCC benefited from the experience. It is definitely a rare

opportunity to organise a competition. Also, as cadet leaders, we learned how to work well

and communicate better as we faced the uphill tasks in ensuring that the competition is

smooth-sailing. Finally, as the Frisbee competition came to a close, we realised that the

competition was worthwhile and the experience was memorable. From here, we set an

example for our developing juniors who would take up leadership next year and hoped that

they would learn well from us.

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Josephian Annual Report

National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC)

In the year 2010, SJI NPCC was

awarded the Silver Award in the

annual Unit Overall Proficiency

Award Competition. This award

recognizes the unit‟s outstanding

achievements and efforts in the year

2009. In addition, Station Inspector

(SI) Unit, SI Tan Ci Kang was

awarded the SPF-NPCC Badge, the

pinnacle badge for NPCC cadets and

SSGT Teh Kiok Yew finished national

6th in the 0.22 revolver shooting

competition. SI Tan Ci Kang was also

the parade commander for SJI‟s 158th

Anniversary Parade.

Everyone‟s commitment was

important in determining our success.

However, the greater achievement

lies in being able to instil discipline in

the cadet and bring out their

leadership qualities through activities

like drill and camp craft.

Key Roles

The unit welcomed to arrival of four

new officers, Mr Daryl Tan, Mr Ng

Yew Hong, Ms Linda Goon and Mr

Winston Chew. The unit also

welcomes Cadet Inspector (CI) Sim

Guo Chen from Hwa Chong

Institution, who will help spearhead

our unit to greater heights.

This year saw the passing out of CI

Donovan Ng, CI Darrell Leong and

honorary officer, Insp Muhammad

Omar Sharif, former Josephians who

have come back to serve as officers. They served as role models for the cadets and played

an important role in mentoring the cadet leaders and helping out with unit activities. Their

contributions to the unit have been immense and they will be sorely missed.

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Many events have concluded in this year

but it is just the beginning. We cherish the

moments spent together in camps and

training and we hope for more.

Unit Re-organisation

The unit saw a re-organisation in order to

facilitate more leadership opportunities for

the cadets as well to encourage greater

accountability through the updating and

the clear definition of job scopes.

Welcoming of the Secondary

One Cadets

The year 2010 saw the intake of 25 new

Secondary One cadets. To foster the

bonding between the cadets, the

Secondary One cadets went for an

overseas trip to Malacca. They were also

accompanied by the Secondary Three

cadets and CI Donovan. The trip was a

fruitful one and helped strengthen and

build the friendship among them and the


Ice breaking games for the Sec 1s

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Unit Training Camp

From 10 to 12 March 2010, the annual Unit Training camp was led for the Secondary Two

and Three cadets. The Secondary Ones joined in for a fun camp so as to introduce them to

the activities of NPCC. The purpose of the camp was to build the sense of belonging in

cadets and to develop skills in them.

The Secondary Three cadets were trained intensively so as to prepare them for the

leadership roles that they were going to assume. They were given opportunities to apply

what they have learnt by teaching the juniors various skills such as drills and camp craft. The

camp was both physically and mentally demanding and cadets were taken out of their

comfort zones so that they would realise their full potential and become capable leaders.

SI Ci Kang AP 2010 Parade Commander

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Adventure/Survival Training Camp

Our Secondary Two and Three cadets participated in the annual Adventure/Survival Training

Camp organised by NPCC HQ. Every year, SJI NPCC joins the Area 15 units in the grueling

three-day-two-night camp. The camp was held from 23 to 25 July at the NPCC‟s Pulau Ubin

Camp Resilience. The camp provided opportunities for our cadets to interact with cadets

from Hwa Chong Institution and Raffles Girls‟ Secondary School and other schools. Over the

camp, the cadets managed to forge friendships and learn from each other as they

participated in the activities.

Cadets were also exposed to nature in the process. They had to pitch their own tents and

challenge themselves to take part in a myriad of activities which included immediate ropes

challenge, jetty jump and kayaking. Throughout the camp, cadets had to rely on the ration

packs issued to them to replenish their energy. Ration packs may sound a bit unfulfilling but

the cadets enjoyed their meals.

Sec 2 and 3s at Camp Resilience

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External Courses

As part of their journey in NPCC, the cadets have to attend various external courses that

NPCC had to offer. The Secondary Twos were involved in activities such as road

marshalling at Road Safety Park, and courses such as Civil Defence and the Singapore Anti-

Narcotics Association course. They were also given the chance to participate in the .22

revolver Practice Shoot. Before they can start firing, they had to go through training

sessions, teaching them the correct shooting technique. On the other hand, the Secondary

Threes had a two-day course at Home Team Academy on Police Knowledge and Homefront

Security. They also went for the Leadership Mentoring Course to be equipped with

leadership skills before they take over the unit. Another significant activity was the

compulsory classification shoot, a continuation of the practice shoot in Secondary Two. In

this shoot, they were ranked according to their scores and outstanding shoots were awarded

with the marksmanship badge.


SJI NPCC performed credibly in the National Competitions, with both campcraft teams

finishing in the top one-third of the competition and with the revolver teams finishing in the

top thirty.