Skills Development Journal - Front Cover

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Skills Development Journal

Music Magazine - Front Cover

Replace text with texture

Original Outcome

I added an image of what I wanted to change the text colour to.

I then selected and deleted the area I wanted using colour range.

Finally I added an outer glow to make it stand out more and look more effective.

Process• Image – Drop In – Size it – Place – Hide all but name –

Colour range• Image – Invert – Delete• Added Outer glow

MastheadI created a simple effective masthead with the font ‘Optimus Princeps’. To improve it I added a drop shadow as I think it gives more shape and looks more interesting

To make the underline in this bolder I added an outer glow therefore looking more effective as it stands out more.

I then finished of with adding a drop shadow to the lower title and the underline as I felt it would match better.

This is an example to show when I have a lead image for the magazine I can match the colour so it works well with the magazine if I find I need to.

Final Masthead

Cropped/Edited image for Front Cover

Original Image Cropped the image to fit the Front Cover better and to reduce the large black space at the top. I also used a spot healing tool to get rid of imperfections.

BannerI started by creating a basic rectangle with a darker outer glow.

I then began to add text in ‘coolvetica’ font from da font.

However I thought the straight banner didn’t seem interesting enough and didn’t fill the cover enough. I therefore free transformed the rectangle to an angle.

I then added further information in the same font as before however in lower case.


To finish the banner off I added some photo’s of what is featured in the magazine. I added bright outer glows to the images to make them stand out a lot more.

Lead Line

I used the font ‘coolvetica’ from da font in white.

I then duplicated the layer and changed the colour. I placed this underneath and slightly to the edge to make it look a bit 3D

I then duplicated it again and changed it to a different colour and moved it to the other side to make it look more suited to pop and stand out more.


I took some images of items to win and set them in the right place I wanted them.

I then used the ‘coolvetica’ font from da font to create the word win

I then used small rectangles and a triangle to create a curvy arrow which look quite pop.

I finally added short text about the win in the font Ariel


I used a barcode creator to create a unique barcode and put it onto a larger white background to leave space for the price and date etc.

I then added the Issue number with bold Ariel font in black.

I then added a web address down the side of the barcode in bold ariel font in black.

I then added the date and price with the font Ariel.

The prices are both in bold font.

Text in Boxes

Text on WhiteI used the font ‘coolvetica’ to create the text on top of a white rectangle. I then coloured one of the words to make it stand out and match the magazine better.

Text in the BoxI used the font Ariel in Photoshop in bold to fill simple boxes and rectangles created by using an outer glow to make it stand out.

Small editing


I changed the sort text so it was straight and lightly smaller.

I then added a circle to the background of the win to help it stand out more.

So the word win stood out still I made it bright pink and added a small outer glow.