Skillshare - Introduction to Data Scraping

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Intro to Data ScrapingPRESENTED BY



13 July 2015

Outline1. Target audience

2. What is and Why Data Scraping?

3. Use cases

4. Basic steps & Best practices

5. Tools

6. Reference Resources

Target Audience

This should be useful to ...

● Non-tech-savvy data journalists

● Advanced data journalists

● Web developers & data publishers

● School of Data fellows

● Open Data enthusiasts

What is & Why Data Scraping ?

Data Scraping: what is it ?scrape [ verb \ˈskrāp\ ]

: to remove from a surface by usually repeated strokes of an edged instrument

: to collect by or as if by scraping —often used with up or together <scrape up the

price of a ticket>

- Merriam Webster

“The transformation of unstructured data on the web, typically in HTML format, into

structured data that can be stored and analyzed in a central local database or


- Wikipedia (web scraping)

When should you scrape data ?

● PDF Data

● HTML data

Machine-readable data

Example Use Cases

Cases when you can scrape● Create a dataset for a data workshop

● Create a database for a data -driven app

● Create a data visualisation for a story

Best Practices

Best Practices For Scrapers

1. Scraping is not scary!

a. Use existing tools

2. Use a modern and friendly browser

a. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

b. Avoid Internet Explorer

3. Map out the process

a. Where does scraping fit in?

Best Practices For Data Publishers

1. Have a consistent structure

a. Websites

b. PDFs

2. Always think about your data end users

a. Before, during & after publishing


1. Map out the process/pipeline for your data project

2. Identify your data source (website, PDF, API?)

3. Decide on storage format for your scraped dataa. CSV file, Spreadsheet, Google docsb. Database

4. Select scraping tool

5. Verify and Clean data


Tools: Web Browsers

Tools: Scraping Apps1. Point and click

a. Scraper Google Chrome extension

b. ScraperWiki (Classic version)

c., Kimono Labs,

d. Tabula (PDF)

2. Programming (Python libraries)

a. Beautiful Soup

b. Pattern (PDF and HTML)

c. Scrapy

Tools: Storage & Sharing1. Google Spreadsheets

2. Github
