Skin Tones

Post on 07-Dec-2014

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Skin Tones

• Lucien Freud

• The area under the nose - the jaw, has the most neutral color. In men, that neutralized color is made prominent by the beard area. But even in women, that area has a bit less color than the other areas of the face. When painting women be very careful to avoid neutralizing that area too much or the sitter will appear to need a shave. The neutral tones of raw umber and ivory black are mixed with the mass tone.The neck should be slightly neutralized. Visual greys made from alizarin crimson and viridian can be mixed with the masstone to produce a convincing area under the chin. Alizarin and grey can be mixed with the mass tone to render a convincing transition between the forehead and the hair.

• Caucasian flesh tones are composed of yellows and reds with greys added to neutralize certain areas. Caucasian flesh tones have the widest variation within the individual face. There is wide variation in brown flesh tones, ranging from cool to warm but less variation within the individual face.

• What we think of as Asian flesh tones tend toward less variation than brown flesh tones and considerably less variation in tone within the individual face.

• The flesh tones of males of all races are usually depicted as somewhat darker and more richly colored than the flesh tones of corresponding females.

• Children are always depicted as having lighter flesh tones, on the order of the females of the race but with higher color in the cheeks, nose and ears.