SKYN Marketing Plan

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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a marketing plan presented byBriana Brochu, Andrea Chiu, Brianna Gammons, Adam Levine and Grace Zhu

agenda1. Who we are 2. SKYN is… 3. Objectives 4. Persona 5. Audience Overview 6. The Big Idea 7. Creative 8. Media 9. Measured Results 10. Appendix

a. Surveys b. Interviews c. Observations d. Secondary Research

who we areIndividually we have our own strengths and specialties:

Creative De Jour, International Experience, Business Acumen Skewered together, we create delectable results.

SKYN is…

• a condom brand launched in 2008.• a soft, sensitive, and non-latex condom.• made of natural polyisoprene material, which provides ultimate

sensitivity.• the fastest growing global brand in the condom category with a

compound annual growth rate of 35% in the last three years.• now present in over 30 countries.

SKYN is…

You tasked us with!these objectives…


Develop a marketing strategy and plan to achieve awareness, trial and growth for SKYN condoms among

WOMENBudget: $1,000,000

We got our research on.

Primary Research • Two online surveys• Three in-depth interviews• Observations


Secondary Research • Mintel• MRI+• Industry analysis• Social media analysis

We got our research on.

Promotional offer with BU’s Condom Fairy

Through our research, we found

Brand is an important consideration in the condom category.

Through our research, we foundWomen feel awkward purchasing condoms.

Awkwardembarrassed normal

judged reluctantcalm


I don’t know

Through our research, we found

Women are not primary purchasers of condoms, but will buy them for “just-in-case” circumstances.

Through our research, we found

Women who tried SKYN enjoyed the experience.

Through our research, we found

Women don’t enjoy purchasing condoms in stores, so many purchase them online.

Who are these women?

who are they?

Females age 18-34 who purchased condoms in the past six months mostly: !

• Attended college• They make $40,000-$49,999 per year• Read Essence and Cosmo !


Let’s meet them.

Persona #1: Meet Britney

Age: 25Occupation: SalespersonHousehold Income: $40,000Annual Condom Spend: $200Relationship Status: In a fairly new committed relationshipMedia Usage: Social Media and magazines

Meet Britney

Persona #2: Meet Annie

Age: 32Occupation: TeacherHousehold Income: $50K-$70KAnnual condom spend: $150Relationship Status: Married, has one childMedia Usage: Magazine, Internet !

Meet Annie

“I really wish buying condoms could be as easy as buying toothpaste.”


Women are not comfortable purchasing condoms because: !

1. Women don’t think it’s their responsibility to be purchasing condoms2. It is an overall awkward experience

The Big Idea

• Speakeasy style (classy, swanky, yet secret.)!• It doesn’t feel like it’s there, but it is.!• Strong online presence.!• Girls want a sense of belonging - enter SKYN Society.

The Big Idea



Traditional• print ads

• Microsite!• Magazine website takeover!• Snapchat

magazine website takeover

magazine website takeover

snapchat strategy

• 400 million snapchats are sent everyday• 71% of users are under 25-years-old

print ads

print ads

print ads

print ads




Ladies Welcome to The SKYN Society - your new

go-to site for buying condoms. A place where you can ask those embarrassing questions to our sexperts, and give your own advice too.



media plan• Full year campaign!

• Mainly online!• Capitalize on valentines day/late summer in print! !

!• Magazines: 9,600,000 Impressions!

• ! Cosmo 6,000,000!• ! Women’s Health 1,500,000!• ! Essence 2,100,000!

!• Online: 13,900,000 Impressions!


!• Snapchat!!

• Totals:!• $961,449 Media!• 23,500,000 Total Impressions

media plan

Total Total January February March April May June July August September October November December Insertions Cost

Magazines Cosmopolitan 3,000,000 $84.36 $253,088 Monthly P4C SecretStash SecretStash 2 $506,175

Women's Health 1,500,000 110.959 $166,439 10/year P4C 1 $166,439

Essence 1,050,000 92.531 $97,158 Monthly P4C SecretStash SecretStash 2 $194,315 23,000,000 $13.60 Billboard 500K 1M 500K 100K 6,950,000 $94,520.00 7,000,000 $13.60 Billboard 500K 1M 500K 100K 6,950,000 $94,520.00



Agency Discounted (15%)Do a separate plan for fall, one for spring- rationale when people are having sex












Category Publication Circ Rate Issuance

How will we measure?

measured results• Unique visitors!• Unique page views to the “Buy SKYN” section!• Time on microsite!• Snapchat ad opens !

This will lead to:!• Increased awareness !• Increased online purchases!

Thank you!


Primary Research


general survey

We asked women about condom usage:!!

• 58 women responded, ages 18-34 • 57% said they do not buy condoms personally (24) • 8/14 said they specifically purchase condoms solely for that purpose • 9/14 said they purchase condoms at a drug store • 7 people said that they read the condom box when doing research

while 7 said that they just walk up and buy it (most common answers)

general survey

“In one word, please describe how you feel when purchasing condoms…”

Awkwardembarrassed normal

judged reluctantcalm


I don’t know

general survey

Ranking factors when purchasing condoms:!!

1. Brand 2. Price 3. Feeling of Nothingness 4. Material 5. Size 6. Special Features 7. Promotion


general survey

Respondents did not think it was a woman’s responsibility to purchase condoms.!!

• Women should purchase condoms for “just-in-case” circumstances.


• They disagreed with the notion that women should not be purchasing condoms.



general survey

How does purchasing condoms make you feel? !!

• An overwhelming response of embarrassed and uncomfortable. !

• People tend to buy other things to hide the condom purchase or hide the condoms when purchasing.


general survey

“What would make you more confident in purchasing condoms?”!!

• Discrete packaging • If it were less shameful • If it were more acceptable for women to purchase them • If the guy buys them



general survey

“What is your immediate opinion of seeing the previous photo?” (shown SKYN packaging)!


• Appears high quality • Sophisticated • Masculine • Nice color scheme

condom fairy survey

condom fairy survey!

Condom Fairy!!

• Discrete, free sexual health packages sent to students • Two SKYN condoms given in 100+ bags, instructions to take survey • 23 women responded, ages 18-24

packaging >>>!

condom fairy survey

18/24 used the condoms!!

• “Felt better and thinner than Trojan’s.” • “They don't smell like latex, which is good.” • “I love them! I wish they had longer lasting lube though.” • “Better feeling than Trojan for both me and my partner. It lives up to its

reputation.” • “It was wonderful.” !

condom fairy survey

“How do SKYN condoms compare to others you have used before?”!!

• 53% said favorable • Only one person responded less than favorable. !


condom fairy survey

Describe in a few words how the condom made you feel.!!

• “Like it wasn't even there. My partner said its better than other brands but still can restrict his pleasure.”

• “Sensitivity was heightened.” • “Like we weren’t using a condom.” • “Better than Trojan, but not as good as condomless.” • “My partner had to check a few times whether the condom was still

there because it felt so bare.” !



condom fairy survey

“What are your thoughts on SKYN condoms?”!!

• “They are much like regular condoms, but thinner, which heightens sensitivity.”

• “I am nervous about switching brands.” • “Love it. They're great. Condom Fairy should promote these!” • “They feel good and work great.” • “Worth the price.” • “They are better than Trojan.”


Interview #1!

• Personality traits: blunt, outgoing, fun, confident !

• “I usually feel neutral, kinda proud that I'm a responsible adult and taking contraception into my own hands so I don't end up on "Teen Mom 3.”


• “In a monogamous relationship, I feel like it's both party's responsibility to make sure that you guys are taken care of. I don't feel like it's solely his responsibility. No way. It's my body, and since I'd end up getting preggers, I like to protect myself and ensure my own sexual safety.”



Interview #2!

• Personality traits: reserved, self-conscious, traditional in beliefs !

• “Yes I do think it's the man’s job [to buy condoms.] I think it's easier and society is more forgiving when a male purchases condoms over a female. Although I realize I should buy condoms because it's MY body, I do think men should because it's their responsibility to take care of the female if that makes sense?”


• “It does give the brand a little more credibility when branded that way so I would buy them because they seem more high class.”



Interview #3!• Personality traits: kind, calm, laid-back !

• “If I was going to buy condoms, I would consider the SKYN brand because they are making an effort to position themselves as [the right] choice for women, and that makes me feel like they understand women too.”


• “I feel like generally I would trust latex over non-latex, but that is just because I know that most condoms are made of latex and I'm not sure what the other materials would be.” !






• Male • College student • Stared at condoms at CVS !

• Female • Aged 30-35 • Bought condoms at Star Market !

Secondary Research

market share

Brand 52 weeks ending April 21, 2013 ( $ million)

Share of Segment (%)

Trojan ENZ 36 8.5Trojan Magnen 34.8 8.2Trojan Stimulations 26.8 6.3Trojan Pleasure 26.7 6.3Trojan Stimulations Ecstasy 21.5 5.1LifeStyles SKYN 20.1 4.8Trojan Sensitive Ultra Thin 18.9 4.5Durex Extra Sensitive 18.8 4.4Trojan Sensitive 18 4.3

Source: Mintel - Contraceptives-US-July 2013

SWOT analysis

Strength !1.The only polyisoprene condom.2. High praise from users.3. LifeStyles is the #2 brand in the U.S.

Weaknesses !1.Low brand awareness 2. Low purchase intent 3. Advertising restrictions.

Opportunity !1.Users are willing to try new brands.2.Women feel that buying condoms is a man’s responsibility.3.Women are an untapped market.4.Customers long for soft/natural feelings in condoms.

Threat !1.Other brands have higher brand loyalty and brand awareness2.Competitors continue to outspend. 3.Consumers often choose to have intercourse without condoms.

Source: SKYN Fall Campaign Baseline Survey, October 2013; SKYN Sexual Satisfaction Survey, September 2013

social media strategiesFacebook: 1,342,901 likes, 120 timeline photos Shares knowledge about sex with statistics, pictures, and videos.

Facebook: 658,457 likes, 245 timeline photos-Online campaigns with hashtags and voting. (eg: #TurnOffToTurnOn to take part in #EarthHour 2014).-Post Durex users around the world.

Facebook (LifeStyles): 169,095 likes, 525 timeline photosFacebook page is filled with sexualized images, and the images are more visual and appeal to men.

overviewFemales age 18-34 Among women who purchased condoms in the past 6 months… !

- Attended college Index: 114- 18-34 Index: 225- HHI: $40,000-$49,999 Index: 136- Never Married Index: 209- Black/African American Index: 194- Essence Magazine Index: 234- Cosmo Mag Index: 154!

Source: MRI+