Slatted Louis XVI Chair

Post on 12-Mar-2016

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This publication contains the instructions for building this chair for less than $25! You can build with a slatted seat bottom or an upholstered seat bottom, and instructions for both are included


The Design Confidential

Slatted Louis xvi chair

1" Pocket Hole Screws 2 1/2" pocket hole screws

Wood Glue, wood filler


Finishing Supplies If upholstering seat** Staples Batting (chair padding) 1/2 yard fabric - upholstery weight preferable


1/4 sheet - 1;2” plyxood

(if upholstering seat, can be low grade)

2 - 2x2 at 8'

1 - 2x4 at 8'

1 - 1w4 at 8’

1 - 1;2” w 3;4” square trim at 8’

(xon’t need the 1w4 if upholstering seat)

slatted Louis xvi chair

Tape Measure




Saw - jig or circular Kreg Jig Staple gun - if upholstering seat

Inspired by: restoration hardware and ballard designs Louis xvi chair Approximate Building Cost: $25 will vary by region

The Design Confidential

1 - 1/2" Ply at 19" x 19" (chair seat if upholstering)

2 - 2w4 at 4:” (Back legs)

2 - 2w2 at 17 1;4” (front legs) 7 - 2w2 at 16” (chair aprons and rails) 5 - 1w4 at 19” (chair seat) 1 - 1w2 at 16” (chair seat) 5 - 1;2” w 3;4” at 17” (slats)

**if you plan to upholster the seat, It will be much easier for you to complete this project if you sand and finish the chair, prior to attaching the seat. **If you own a router, feel free to create decorative edges for the legs and rails. Fluting down the legs would be fabulous! You will be using your pocket hole system for every connection in this project ex-cept for fastening the seat in place. Always Pre-Drill to make your fasteners easy to fasten. using wood glue and clamps will help you keep your boards together while fastening. be sure to place your pocket holes out of site, when possible, because they will leave quite a hole to fill. Check that your pieces are level and Square after EACH step, xe don’t need any xiggle in our xobble here. It xill drive you crazy. Adhere to all safety standards and guidelines, and be sure you follow safety protocol throughout your build. If you are unsure about whether you are building safely, run a quick online search for the tool or technique you are using, or contact me via email or post to the forum before you move ahead. My contact info can be found on the main page of my site.

The Design Confidential

Cut your 2w4’s in the shape and dimensions indicated belox. To begin, draw out the cut lines as you see them here, go slow, and be accurate. You will have the most success cutting this, with either a circular saw or jig saw. A jig saw can cut right along the lines you draw, whereas with a circular saw, you will need to stop at each change of direction and angle, and carve out the triangular piece you began with, before moving on in another direction. You want to be sure both legs match and that the bottom of the legs, and the 3” vertical center (xhere the seat xill connect), line up as perfectly as possible. To ensure matching dimen-sions and angles, clamp the legs together after you cut them out, and sand the matching faces of both at the same time for all 4 sides. Once they are matching and sanded, connect them with the rail as indicated belox. It xill sit at the bottom of the 3” vertical space on the legs.. You can sand and finish this section or wait until you attach it to the chair front, but be sure to finish it prior to attaching the seat xith it’s upholstery.

Step 1:

Build the front: cut all pieces to size, then place your pocket holes in the areas indicated belox. Use your 1 1;2” setting and your 2 1;2” pocket hole screxs.

Step 2:

If upholstering seat, follow steps below, if not simply attach front to back,

after securing slats for seat bottom from underneath. Be sure to include the 1x2 at the very back above the back leg apron.

Cut your corner supports and place your pocket holes in an L-shape as in-dicated below, drill a hole in the center of each support. This hole will be used to attach your seat in a later step. Then attach the chair front to the chair back. Use the back aprons to

For upholstery:

For slatted seat:

Step 3:

If upholstering seat bottom:

Cut out and then notch your seat bottom. **Do not attach yet, as we will be upholstering it newt step. The dimensions are shoxn belox xith 1 1;2” squares notched out of the back corners.

Step 4:

Cut your batting and fabric to size, and using your staple gun secure to the backside of the seat bottom. Staple them both at the same time, together. Start by stapling in each corner including the corners of your carve

outs. Then you will work in a clockwise manner, stapling once per side (in the center of a remaining space) as you go around, continuing on in this manner until the fabric is completely secured. This pattern of stapling ensures that your fabric is not skewed or pulled more tightly on one side and helps you avoid wrinkling and pleating that you didn’t intend for. You xill likely have a tiny bit of overlapping fabric in corners, but if you work in this manner, by stapling the corner then folding over the remaining corner fabric and stapling it, you can control the folding and make it appear nice looking.

Step 5:

Cut your rails and slats to size, and note the slats are actually 1” longer than the dimension xhich xill shox. create your pocket holes on the rails and drill your holes in both the top and bottom rails to house your slats. To create slat holes, use a 1;2” drill bit xith a collar stop at 1;2”. This can be even a piece of masking tape marking the spot on your drill for 1;2”. This xill keep you from drill farther than 1;2” into the rails. Attach the bottom rail to the chair back, then insert your slats after you place a small amount f glue in your holes. Place glue in holes for top rail and then slide onto slats and attach to the chair back. The slats are actually housed inside the rails by a 1;2” on the top and bottom and only need a bit of glue to be held in place, however if you prefer to also fasten with a pocket hole, you may. Mark out your drill hole locations by finding your middle, then dividing the remaining space in thirds. You should be placing the remaining holes approximately 2 2;3” apart.

Step 6:

Fill any screws holes or pocket holes, sand, and touch up as needed!

The Design Confidential

slatted Louis xvi chair


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Disclaimer: Some rights reserved. The information provided herein is intended for PERSONAL AND PRIVATE use only. Plans from this publication are not to be used for commercial purposes, REPREINTED, or republished without the express written consent of the publisher, Rayan Turner. All plans, materials lists, processes and graphics are considered to be the sole property of rayan turner, and is FOR THE GENERAL PURPOSE OF DOCUMENTING AND SHARING her PERSONAL EXPERIENCES, CREATIVE ENDEAVORS, AND INSPIRATION WITH THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHO SHARE this COMMON INTEREST AND ARE OF A LIKE-MIND, Any information is OFFERED SOLEY FOR THE ENJOYMENT AND ENTERTAINMENT OF SAID INDIIVIDUALS, Please be advised that any persons electing to build a plan shared by the publisher, do so at their own risk, and are thereby assuming full and complete responsibility for their safety and the integrity or stability of the piece. Prior to building, all individuals should understand basic carpentry concepts, procedures, and techniques to the extent they have the knowledge and foresight to recognize a possible inaccuracy, that may compromise the integrity or stability of a project, Accordingly they should have the ability to troubleshoot and modify plans as needed, and according to best building practices, to ensure the finished product is safe, stable, and well made. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN should NOT TO BE construed as indicating a claim of expertise, or advise-ment, and that any information is subject to change or be modified at any point, for any reason. Changes made to a publication may include, but not be limited to, a change in readily available materials, new technologies, or any other factor that may alter the method of construction, the publisher wishes to feature. The publisher’s intent is to provide consistently accurate plans, depicting one possible building process, for a particular project, and for which there may be many alternative methods of construction. The publisher strives to provide well detailed descriptions, that are properly outlined, with accompanying graphics, and helpful personal insights throughout. however, there can be no guarantee of accuracy for any plan as Not every plan published, has been built and tested, Please contact the publisher immediately, if you should come across an error or inaccuracy so that It can remedied. you are building at your own risk, and the commencement of a project shall constitute and imply your express acceptance and agreement to indemnify and hold harmless, rayan turner and the design confidential, in the unfortunate event that you experience any form of loss, injury, or inconvenience, relating to any of the publisher’s content.

The Design Confidential

Slatted Louis xvi chair