Slide Chapter 1 - Rdi

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Slide Chapter 1 - Rdi


English II

BC 132

First Meeting

English II

Scoring system:- Presence has no score- Presence is an absolute requirement for

joining the examination

English II

Scoring system:- Presence has no score- Presence is an absolute requirement for

joining the examination- Presence shouldn’t be less than 80%

English II

Scoring system:- Quiz = 20%

English II

Scoring system:- Quiz = 20%- Assignment = 20%

English II

Scoring system:- Quiz = 20%- Assignment = 20%- Mid semester examination = 25%

English II

Scoring system:- Quiz = 20%- Assignment = 20%- Mid semester examination = 25%- Final semester examination = 35%

English II

Goals for the students:- To be able to comprehend reading passages.- To be able to produce some good writing.- To be able to acquire the important skills

needed for TOEFL.- To be able to speak English fluently.- To be able to get good scores.

English II

English in your majoring

Unit 1

Computerized Accounting for Your Company

Unit 1

Reading PassageComputerized Accounting for Your Company

Accounting is the core of any business. It is a process which gives you the information about the financial stability of your business. Each and every transaction that takes place within your organization has to be recorded properly. Without a proper Accounting system, no business can survive in this data oriented world. Accounts data helps to analyze the financial position of the organization, and plan well for future activities. It helps its investors to understand more about the company's financial objectives.

Unit 1

Reading Passage Accounting is based on some standards and these are

known Accounting Standards. Every Organization must adhere to these Accounting Standards. If one organization fails to adhere to these well-defined Accounting Standards, then it will result in complete chaos within the organization and will spoil the reputation of the company.

Unit 1

Reading Passage With the arrival of Computerized Accounting Software,

adhering to Accounting Standards has become easy. Accounting Software is built upon Accounting Standards and this makes all the entries made to it follow these standards to some extent. But due care has to be taken while entering transactions, as wrong Account Heads selected can again make problems. In Accounting software, each Account Head is defined under different main groups. When you define these Account Heads proper care has to be taken to ensure that these Account Heads falls under the right group. If this is not the case, then your financial results will show unexpected losses or profits, which is far beyond the reality.

Article Source:

Unit 1


Core Properly Oriented Objective Adhere Chaos Spoil Extent Due care Ensure

Unit 1

Post-Reading Activity

Discussion about what have been written in the text.

Unit 1

Reading comprehensionDecide whether the statements below true or false.

1. Accounting hides the information about the financial condition of someone’s business.

2. It is necessarily to record each and every transaction that takes place within an organization.

3. In order to comprehend the financial goals of an organization the shareholders analyze the accounts data.

4. Accounting Standards are not something that an organization should pay attention to.

Unit 1

Reading comprehension5. Disorder will happen within an organization if it doesn’t ignore to

the accounting Standards.6. Adhering to Accounting Standards is no longer a big problem after

the creation of Computerized Accounting Software.7. Accounting Software is constructed based on Accounting

Standards to make the entries to follow these standards.8. Choosing perfect Account Head while entering transactions can

cause troubles.9. In Accounting software, every Account Head is classified under

general main groups.10. We inaccurately define the Account Heads falls under the right

group properly to avoid unexpected financial result.

Unit 1Grammar point-warming up

Accidentally miscalculated the final report to the board.

My best friend always helpful with problems. Each day practiced the piano for hours. The new students in the class very talkative and


Do you think the “sentences” above are correct?

Unit 1Grammar point-warming up

My niece accidentally miscalculated the final report to the board.

My best friend is always helpful with problems. Each day Beethoven practiced the piano for hours. The new students in the class are very talkative and

friendly.They are now sentences because each of them has a

subject and a verb.

Unit 1Grammar point

Subject and Predicate

A sentence in English should at least has a subject and a predicate (a verb).

The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate (verb) tells something about the subject.

Unit 1Subject

The subject tells who or what the sentence is about.For example:- David practices speaking English every day.- The employer interviewed all the candidates.- She is a really nice person.- Scissors are used to cut the jeans.

Unit 1

To determine the subject of a sentence, first isolate the predicate and then make a question by placing "who?" or "what?" before it.

- Who practices speaking English every day?=> David

- What is used to cut the jeans?=> Scissors

Unit 1The subject of a sentence is the part of a

sentence (Noun, Pronoun, or Noun Phrase) that performs an action or which is associated with the action.

A subject is a word function in a sentence. (The chief (Subject) is bald.)

A noun is a word class, a part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection). (The chief (Noun) is bald.)

Unit 1The word class or the part of speech of Subject:

- Economics is an interesting subject. Noun- She was given an award by the committee. Pronoun- Japanese people enjoy a high standard of living. Noun Phrase

Unit 1Forms of Subject

A determinerless noun phrase, also called a bare noun phrase (usually mass noun).Builders are at work.

A noun phrase introduced by a determiner. This “determiner + noun phrase” is usually called a determiner phrase.The fancy car stopped outside our house.

Unit 1 A gerund.

Eating is a pleasure.Flying makes me nervous.

An infinitive.To read is easier than to write.

A full clause which contains a subject and a predicate, introduced by the complementizer that.That he had travelled around the world was known by everyone.

Unit 1

A direct quotation.I love you is often heard these days.

An expletive. These are words like it or there when they don't refer to any thing or place. For example in the following sentence "it" doesn't refer to anything.It rains.

Unit 1

A cataphoric it. This is the use of it when it is co-referent with a subordinate clause that comes after it.It was known by everyone that he had travelled around the world.

The subject can also be implied. In the following command, the subject is the implied "you" that is the recipient of the imperative mood.Take out the trash! (You take out the trash!)

Unit 1Predicate

The predicate tells an action, an occurrence, or a state of being of a subject. The predicate is always the verb or verbs that links up with the subject.

For example:We continue to shape our personality all our life.A piece of chocolate candy would taste great.He is a hard-worker.The students seem happy.

Unit 1Predicate/Verb

The predicate is the part of the sentence that contains a verb or verb phrase.

English verbs fall into two main types:- Main verbs/action verbs (also full verbs)

calculate, give, build, invent, dig, explore- Linking verbs (also auxiliary verbs, helping verbs)

am, are, is, was, were, look, become, seem

Unit 1

- Main verbs/action verbs (also full verbs)Local government only employ certified IT practitioners.

- Linking verbs (also auxiliary verbs, helping verbs)The certified IT practitioners’ work is satisfying.

Unit 1Grammar Point exercises

Read the article “Computerized Accounting for Your Company” once again. After that determine all the subjects and all the predicates (verbs) in that passage. Underline each subjects once and the predicates (verbs) twice in each of the sentences!

Unit 1Subject and Predicate Exercises

Underline the subjects and the predicates (verbs) in each of the following sentences. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)!

1. The development of information technology impacts significantly on accounting practice.

2. Computer-based information systems extremely important.3. To cope with the world changes, the accounting profession and

the world of education need to be re-actualized.4. Corporations conducting business in a world of commerce that is

global, technological, instantaneous, and increasingly virtual.

Unit 1Subject and Predicate Exercises

5. In the future, are predicted to be required to work not only in conventionally traditional roles but also as systems analysts or as evaluators (quality assurance) of accounting information systems.

6. Accountants must have the capacity to assume the role of consultant or create computer-based accounting systems based on a user requirement definition and internal controls structure.

7. In financial auditing of computer based accounting systems, who does not have a thorough understanding of accounting and computerization will experience many difficulties.

Unit 1Subject and Predicate Exercises

8. Accounting helps you to record transactions to a computer database instead of doing it manually recorded into books.

9. It very vital that the Accounting software package is from a Reputable company.

10. Master the techniques to analyze, design and apply information systems, especially accounting information systems, in public and business sectors including manufacturing, commerce, finance, insurance, the stock exchange, and the service industry.

Unit 1Answers for Subject and Predicate Exercises

1. The development of information technology impacts significantly on accounting practice.

2. Computer-based information systems are extremely important.3. To cope with the world changes, the accounting profession and

the world of education need to be re-actualized.4. Corporations are conducting business in a world of commerce

that is global, technological, instantaneous, and increasingly virtual.

Unit 1Answers for Subject and Predicate Exercises

5. In the future, accountants are predicted to be required to work not only in conventionally traditional roles but also as systems analysts or as evaluators (quality assurance) of accounting information systems.

6. Accountants must have the capacity to assume the role of consultant or create computer-based accounting systems based on a user requirement definition and internal controls structure.

7. In financial auditing of computer based accounting systems, the auditor who does not have a thorough understanding of accounting and computerization will experience many difficulties.

Unit 1Answers for Subject and Predicate Exercises

8. Accounting helps you to record transactions to a computer database instead of doing it manually recorded into books.

9. It is very vital that the Accounting software package is from a Reputable company.

10. You master the techniques to analyze, design and apply information systems, especially accounting information systems, in public and business sectors including manufacturing, commerce, finance, insurance, the stock exchange, and the service industry.

Unit 1Writing Activity

From the ten new vocabularies in the vocabulary exploration section, produce ten good sentences!

Core Properly Oriented Objective Adhere

Chaos Spoil Extent Due care Ensure

Unit 1Conclusion

Subject and Predicate

A sentence in English should at least has a subject and a predicate (a verb).

The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate (verb) tells something about the subject.

• The dictionary helps me find words.• Ice cream appeared on the table.• The man who is sitting over there told me that he just bought a ticket to

Tahiti.• Nothing else is good enough.• That nothing else is good enough shouldn't come as a surprise.• To eat six different kinds of vegetables a day is healthy.• He sold ten units of sand to us.