Slides used for Q/A with Robert Geraci, SEptember 2016

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Welcome to Robert Geraci

Western futurists and transhumanists have absorbed the apocalyptic eschatology of the religions through which they emerged. Indian religious eschatology is different, but it also has parallels with transhumanist thinking. Moreover, Indian futurists tend to embrace the tradition, appropriating science and technology in their affirmation of the past, more than their Western counterparts.

“As machines grow to superhuman intelligence, humanity will upload consciousness into machine bodies and join the artificial intelligences in what Moravec calls the Mind Fire, a cosmic expansion of intelligence throughout the universe…

Thanks to vast computation, even the dead shall rise and walk again in this digital wonderland, resurrected through historical analysis.”

“Minds intermediate between Sherlock Holmes and God will process clues in solar-system quantities to deduce and recreate the most microscopic details of preceding eras: Entire world histories, with all their living, feeling inhabitants, will be resurrected in cyberspace.”

- Hans Moravec, Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind

“A permanency of records in the Akâsa, and the potential capacity of man to read the same when he has evoluted to the stage of true individual enlightenment.”- A.P. Sinnett, Esoteric Buddhism (1885)

“A universal information and memory field could exist in nature, associated with the fundamental element of physical reality physicists call the unified field… Honoring an ancient insight, this is the aspect or dimension of the unified field that I have called the Akashic Field.”

- Ervin Laszlo, The Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field

A possible theoretical foundation for Akashic Physics with a cosmic memory field that stores permanent records of everything that ever happens in the universe...

A dynamic cellular network - a graph with a huge number of nodes and internal dynamics similar to cellular automata - beyond space and time, from which the geometry of space-time is derived.

Resurrection physics: micro-wormholes linking all pixels of space-time



Resurrection physics: Frank Tipler’s Omega Point

Resurrection physics: Quantum Archaeology

A much needed cultural fusion of East and West: Eastern ethereal spirituality and openness to holistic models of reality on the one hand, and the can-do engineering spirit of Western technology on the other hand.

Akashic Engineering: Future technologies able to exploit the deep structure of physical reality to do “magic” in the sense of Clarke’s Third Law and even resurrect the dead.

Religion 2.0 based on the prospect of Akashic Engineering: A fusion of East and West, science and technology.

Is the East, and in particular India, a more fertile ground than the West?

What is the natural target audience?

How to overcome the aversion of spiritual seekers to science and engineering? How to overcome the aversion of scientists and engineers to spirituality, including imaginative scientific ideas that “sound like religion”?

How to present our ideas to the mainstream religion and science communities? How to position our ideas politically in academy and society?

What are the more suitable organizational structures? What do you think of my open source religion idea?

What are the most suitable outreach formats? Are virtual worlds still a good option?
