Slips, trips and spills - stay safe in the kitchen with our top tips for hygiene, health & safety

Post on 24-Apr-2015

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People working in catering and front of front of house are more likely to be injured through slips and trips than by anything else. A few simple measures can help prevent accidents, injuries and trauma - read our top tips for staying safe.


Stay safe in the kitchenOur top tips for hygiene, health & safety



People working in catering and front of house are

more likely to be injured through slips and trips than

by anything else. A few simple measures can help prevent

accidents, injuries and trauma.

Preventing accidents will help keep staff

and customers safe – and reduce risks

to your business too.

Organise the kitchen so everything has a place, and ensure there’s enough storage space for

ingredients and equipment.

Most slips happen on wet or dirty floors so

clean up liquid or food spills straight away.

Dry floors after cleaning – if this isn’t possible

use wet floor warning signs to make people aware.

Wear sensible footwear and remember employers should pay for ‘anti-slip’ footwear’ if it’s required.

Maintain your catering equipment to prevent leaks of oil, water and other liquids – and

replace when necessary.

Ensure the workplace is adequately lit and well ventilated – visibility is vital to

minimise slips and trips.

Use specialist kitchen cleaners to remove all traces of oil or food residue from floors and surfaces.

Make sure first aid kits are regularly checked and restocked.

Never allow cables or pipes to trail across the floor in the kitchen or customer areas.

Don’t forget to display your health & safety poster

and relevant safety signs.

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