Small Business Automation, More Than a CRM

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Small Business Automation

It’s More Than a CRM

Automating Your Business

Your business can be made more efficient and effective with the automation. This is simply achieved using the increase in productivity given by the tool or tools you use to automate your business processes. Therefore, it is very important that you carefully analyze all the solutions available in the market and chose a one which gives you,• The capability to automate most of your business processes (less

tools means less hassle, your employees only need to work on fewer tools which reduces learning curve and resistance)

• Value for your hard-earned money• The pleasure to work with

BuzzFlow: One Inbox, many roles

Create and track Sales, Projects, Support, Recruitment and many more with different work flows







Ad-hoc Projects

Business Automation in ONE Screen

User intuitive small business automation tool that is directly baked into Gmail Inbox. It

supports multiple workflows which will automate your business processes such as

CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Projects, Help Desk, To-do Lists, Debt

Collection, Recruitment, Procurement, Event Planning, Petty Cash, Etc.

It's a user configurable, all in one solution that will save you a lot of money. Since

BuzzFlow is inside Gmail inbox, tagging and tracking emails is made easy.

Some more features of BuzzFlow,

Support for Teams, Story and Comments for Collaboration, Custom Fields, Attachments

including Google Drive Files, Dashboard, Export Data, Notes for Emails and Files

Inside Gmail Inbox

Managing your Workflows

Your business processes can be modeled and automated into different Workflows. BuzzFlow comes with different Workflow templates to make it easier. CRM, Project tracking, Recruitment, Help desk and Debt Collection are some of the Workflow templates available. You may create your own Workflow from scratch or edit an existing template.

Dossiers are created inside Workflows. A Dossier may represent a Sales lead in a CRM Workflow or Support Ticket in a Help desk Workflow.

Workflows have different stages represented by colors. You can decide how many stages you need in a Workflow.

Summary of each Dossier is shown in this pane

AssigneeA Dossier getting

dragged and dropped

Deal Size

Dossier name and customer

Creating and Managing Dossiers

In CRM terminology, Dossier is a Lead or an Opportunity, however, since BuzzFlow is more than a CRM which handles many workflows such as Helpdesk or Procurement, Dossiers represent an Item in each Workflow. It could be a an order in Procurement or a ticket in Help desk.

If something related to the business is initiated through an email(e.g a lead in CRM, an order in Procurement or a ticket in Help desk), the best way to add it to BuzzFlow is by right clicking the email and adding it to the Dossier. The same procedure can be followed to add emails to existing Dossiers.

Alternatively, a new Dossier can be created by clicking the ‘New Dossier’ button located at the top of the menu.

A Dossier is assigned to a team. Only members of that team will have access to the Dossier. This way, BuzzFlow ensures that the visibility of information is controlled.

Create a New Dossier from Email

Add to an existing

Automatic Dossier Creation With New Emails

Be it a sales enquiry or a support ticket via an Email, BuzzFlow supports creating Dossiers automatically triggered by new Emails. You can create multiple Email automation rules to create Dossiers based on the From, To and Subject lines of an Email. The newly created Dossier will have the corresponding Email tagged.

For each new mail arriving to BuzzFlow, automation rules support the following configurations upon the creation of a new Dossier.

Define a,-Destination Workflow-Responsible Team-Assignee

Collaborate with Story and Comments

‘Story’ in BuzzFlow builds up the knowledge base of a Dossier. Based on the type of Dossier, the ‘Story’ section can be used to keep a log of vital information. The following are a few examples,• Maintain a journal for different business

activities(Sales leads, support tickets, etc.)• Record details of interviews and other

important meetings.• Other collaborative information with the team.• List of reminder items.• Competitor/customer information.‘Story’ is an editor that supports images, tables and rich text.Unlike other traditional CRMs in the market, BuzzFlow’s ‘Comments’ together with ‘Story’, enhances team collaboration. Multiple comments from different members can be made in a Dossier.

Take More Control With Teams

You can group your team members into different ‘Teams’ with BuzzFlow.

A Dossier is made accessible only to one Team. However, a person can be present in more than one. This way, she may get access to different Dossiers handled by different teams.

For example, the Sales Manager can be present in all the Sales Teams. She therefore, will get access to all the sales Dossiers (CRM Leads/Opportunities) or a CEO can be present in all the Teams (such as CRM, Projects, Help desk, Finance, etc.) to instantly observe the current situation of the business.

Add/Edit/Delete Teams and team members

Custom Fields With BuzzFlow

In BuzzFlow, you can add new fields to Workflows as per your needs. These fields will be available to all members who use that Workflow. Given below are a list of fields that are supported,

* Number* Text* Dropdown* Date

You can edit, delete, hide and rearrange the position of custom fields so that you can customize the existing templates.

For example, you can use the BuzzFlow CRM template and customize it with custom fields to make it more relevant to your business.

Attachments - Make Dossiers Richer

The BuzzFlow Dossier is a collection of a number of resources such as emails, numeric fields (deal size, etc.), story and comments.

You may also have the need to store other digital content such as proposals, quotations, brochures, reports, screenshots, etc. The attachments section allows you to add such content as files to a Dossier. These files are visually displayed in the same Dossier pane and are shared with the team members.

BuzzFlow also supports attaching files from the computer or Google Drive. This way, BuzzFlow allows users to access typical Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functions and many other rich features in a single Dossier page.

Use Google Contacts with BuzzFlow

BuzzFlow is designed to be a part of the Google

environment. Therefore, it is complemented by

Google features such as Contacts, Calendar, etc.

Once you create a Dossier, the contact details can be

added first to Google Contacts. Thereafter, the

contact details related to the Dossier can be

referenced in the relevant fields including the ‘Story’


Analytics with Dashboard and Data Export

Dashboard gives you at a glance view of the workflows from different perspectives and criteria such as stages, teams and assignee. In the CRM workflow you will get a snapshot of the sales pipeline of the business. For the other workflows, dashboard gives you an analysis based on the number of Dossiers available.

We believe in Data Liberation. As a SaaS provider, we would like to give our customers better access to their data. Hence, we allow users to export data into a files. This could be for further analysis or migrate the data out of BuzzFlow. If it’s for analysis, you can load the exported CSV (and Excel supported) files into spreadsheet or imported into a BI(Business Intelligence) tool.

We will be behind you every step along the way…

We have an amazing support team, who are available 24x7 at your service. Please feel free to get in touch with

them if you have a query regarding BuzzFlow

Use the following contact to reach our awesome support team at any time,



Living inside Gmail Inbox

If your day to day work involves working extensively with emails, then BuzzFlow is right for you. Since Buzz is inside

Gmail, your emails relevant to opportunities can naturally be made part of BuzzFlow. Making an email part of an

opportunity is just one click away.

Hosted by us for YOU

BuzzFlow is hosted in the cloud. It follows the popular SaaS (Software as a Service) model. Since, it’s a SaaS

service and it’s in the cloud, a user never has to worry about operational matters such as implementation,

redundancy, back-up and Scalability. Number of users in the system can be increased without affecting the

system performance. Spending on the Internal IT for an organization can greatly be reduced with the use of

maintenance free BuzzFlow.

Save money by paying only for what you use

BuzzFlow brings you the advantages of Software as a Service (SaaS) model. Users do not need to pay heavily on

licenses for unused capacities and expensive hardware resources. They only need to pay for what is being used.

This is really advantages for small to medium businesses because, BuzzFlow provides access to innovative, high-

powered, and quality software that might have been otherwise unapproachable through traditional software

license purchase models.

BuzzFlow’s subscription model gives you the power to discontinue the service at any moment should you feel

to do so. This eliminates the risk of unnecessary financial exposure of investing in expensive CRM software.

Clear subscription pricing also helps you with the predictable costs even in the case of growing numbers.

Affordability at it’s best!

BuzzFlow’s pricing has been structured to make it approachable to majority of the SMBs in the market. According to the industry experts, Price of BuzzFlow is unmatchable to any other similar product in the market. Please refer to our pricing page ( for more information.

We will be behind you every step along the way…

We have an amazing support team, who are available 24x7 at your service. Please feel free to get in touch with

them if you have a query regarding BuzzFlow

Use the following contact to reach our awesome support,


Contact us: