Small Business Fish Story

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Slide show based on a story published on Duct Tape Marketing Blog


Small Business

like a fish in a bowl?

Goldfish grow to the

size of bowl they live in.

If you want to grow, you need to change what

you are currently doing. 

You must grow your definition

of what's possible.

Willing to charge much more

than you do currently.

Raise your sites

on what makes an ideal client.

Developstrategic partnerships

with larger organizations.

Re-evaluate how you

go to work each day.

Find vendors that help you get

where you are going.

Receiving a referral from every client

is the goal of customer service.

Enjoy swimming in open water,

trusting the other side of the tank will appear!

But the question you must ask yourself is..

Do you need help?

Or do you want to go

at it ALONE?

Duct Tape Marketing

is the small business

Marketing System.
