Small Town, Sustainable Opportunities. Examining How the Transition Movement Supports Positive,...

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I wanted to find out how to change my community for the better. Sustainability-wise, health-wise and economic-wise. I found the concept of "Transition Towns" and researched how that could affect my town.


Examining How the Transition Movement Supports Positive, Local Change

Small Town, Sustainable Opportunities

Shanna RuyleMCAD/Introduction to Sustainable DesignDecember 10, 2012

QuestionWhat can I do locally to make a difference in

the sustainability movement?

QuestionWhat is actionable for my community

of 1600 people?

QuestionWhat do people in my community want?

How can we support each other?

My AnswerTransition Towns

A grassroots-based movement that harnesses the creativity and ingenuity of local citizens to envision and create a more sustainable community. The main idea is for communities to help themselves in practical ways locally, to withstand global issues they may not have

control over in the future, like climate, oil and economic crisis.

The Backstory

The concept of “transition” as it appears in Transition Towns (aka the Transition Movement) was taken from a deep knowledge

of permaculture* and coupled with a community-based, solution-oriented response to challenges and opportunities related

to peak oil, climate changes and economic crisis.

*What is Permaculture?Permaculture is method of living and creating that

works with the land and inhabitants in an efficient, sustainable way

—examining nature and people in a holistic way. Permaculture

combines many disciplines to achieve a synergy for the locale and its inhabitants,

like sustainability, ecology, design, agriculture, forestry, engineering and architecture.

In reality, it is seen through landscapes that take advantage of heat sinks and wind direction

to maximize garden production, rainwater harvesting and community-based social gatherings.

Meet the Transition Support Team

The Transition Network

Source: Hopkins, Rob, and Peter Lipman. Who We Are and What We Do. 43 Fore Street, Totnes TQ9 5HN, UK: Transition Network, Feb. 2009. Pdf.

The Transition Network (est. 2006) is the international organization leading the way. They provide a vast and

comprehensive set of resources to share the process and support those stepping up to the challenge.

Their purpose:“To support community-led responses to peak oil and climate

change, building resilience and happiness”.

Transition United States

Transition US (non-profit, est. 2008), is the United States’ resource for communities looking to join the Transition Movement.

Their mission, roles and goals are similar to the Transition Network.

Guiding both entities are their

Seven Principles:1. Positive Visioning

2. Help People Access Good Information and Trust Them to Make Good Decisions

3. Inclusion and Openness

4. Enable Sharing and Networking

5. Build Resilience

6. Inner and Outer Transition

7. Subsidiary: self‐organization and decision making at the appropriate level

Source: The 7 Guiding Principles of Transition | Transition US." The 7 Guiding Principles of Transition | Transition US. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2012.

What I appreciate most about their


...Its Positive SpinPositive reinforcement, goals and outcomes outshine the underlying motivator (a sudden fuel, economic or climate crisis).

The methodology is tactical and action based.1 2

2...Its Straightforward

Knowledge SharingThe wealth of information available through the Transition Network and

Transition US websites, publication and videos are vast, informative, and

magnificently organized. 3

From gathering information stage, to joining, to envisioned end, all of the information is there.

...Its Step by Step3

But they don’t claim to know the answers.

“We truly don't know if this will work.

Transition is a social experiment on a massive scale.”

1 2 Source: "What Is a Transition Initiative?" Welcome. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2012.

The goal is for each community to discover

their own answers.

The ones that are right for them.

2 3

Genius, right?


You don’t have to become “official”

to use their site or learn from their

experience. It is available to anyone.

In fact, if the application process is too

cumbersome (and it just might be, depending on

where your volunteer base stands), I encourage

using the sites and publications to make progress

on small movements... after all, you know where to

go when you do get enough momentum

to put yourself on THE MAP.

The Map of Initiatives!


This Map shows “where the action” is at. Numbers and

locations represent both interest and official initiatives.

To date there are 441 international

and 129 US official Transition initiatives

on the record.

Source: Welcome | Transition US." Welcome | Transition US. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Examples of Towns in Action

Transition Town Totnes Devon, UK

The very first town to under go this social experiment was Totnes. Since 2006 they have been working towards fulfilling the initiatives as crafted by the founders of the Transition Network. Fast-forward six years, to 2012, and their event calendar is chalk full of events.

They have formed over 28 specialized groups to do work in everything from housing to transportation to energy. And much of their work and ideas are shared on their website for others to access.

Source: "News." Transition Town Totnes. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Sample ProjectFrom Transition Town Totnes

The Atmos Project: “an ambitious project to bring the derelict former Dairy Crest milk-processing plant in the centre of Totnes into community ownership. The vision for the site is that it be owned by the community and developed as the catalyst for a new economy for Totnes. It would be a mixed use development, combining affordable housing, local food processing, brewing, baking, an incubator for new businesses, space for a wide range of enterprises, space for public events and much more. Being next to the station it would become a national icon for low carbon building, putting Totnes on the map as a centre of innovation and sustainability.”

Source: "Atmos Project." Transition Town Totnes. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

Sample EventFrom Transition Town Totnes

December, named “Month of the Mender” hosted a “Winterfest” that brought people together for:

Source: "News." Transition Town Totnes. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

sewing fermenting making mini forest gardens planting nut trees in pots handing out seeds knitting making DIY solar systems wiring plugs mending household items

making creams and medicines from herbs making wooden toys draft-proofing healing massage playing games together conversations with the local Credit Union about mending the local economy

Transition Town AshlandAshland, Oregon

The closest Transition Town in both relative size and location to my own is Ashland, Oregon. Founded in 2008, they have created action groups to address community, food, environment, heart and soul, transportation, youth and education, health and wellness. Their most recent public event was a Local Foods Treasure Hunt, to showcase, field trip style, local food options and choices to children and families and share how to prepare their “treasures”.

My Side Note

One of the criteria for application is

“An understanding of peak oil and climate change as

primary drivers and the intention of writing them

into your constitution or governing documents.”

I understand the criteria,

but don’t feel that it fits within the diversity

and inclusion message the organization brings

If the goal is to bring everyone in a community

together, regardless of their beliefs,

toward a common goal and vision, I would

encourage an elimination of this criteria.

Here’s why...

Sometimes motivating people

to do what is right in the long run,

may not involve changing their

beliefs in the short term.

Many of the activities that will take place

under “Transition” do not require the belief

or understanding of peak oil or climate

changes for participation.

ConsequencesEither the group would have to disclose this

information right away (and take a chance of

scaring off otherwise willing participants) or it

would be discovered later and take the

authenticity and transparency of the group to

an unacceptable level.

No need to stop a project before

it starts. Or freeze it, when it is gaining momentum.

Relinquishing the peak oil and climate

subject matter over to simply making

positive behavioral changes respects

diversity at a very local level—

no scientists or experts needed.

And, ultimately, that is what the

Transition Movement is about—

redefining local community

with its own local community.

Thank You

Mainstream Green: Moving Sustainabilty from Niche to NormalPublished by Ogilvy & Mather, 2011.